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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MissyC

  1. Could be what my doctor calls "1st bite syndrome". I have noticed with my band that it is much tighter when I first wake up and gets looser as the day goes on.

    And sometimes, even when I am very careful, sometimes early in the day, I will take just one lil bite, and it will feel stuck for awhile. It feels like a combo, throat tightness, chest tightness and a feeling of wanting to throw up. Taking a sip of Water makes it much much worse. I have found I just have to stop and let it pass. Sometimes it will take as much as 30 minutes.

    I was having it so much for a while, I thought my band was messed up. My doctor did a barium swallow and found everything was fine.

    He is the one who called my problem 1st bite syndrome. He said just try to be very careful, take a few sips of something warm 1st thing before eating. (warm, not hot). And then try a small bite chewed very thouroughly. It doesnt happen often, but this helps a little.

    ps...its not just "regular food", that does it, it can happen with mushy foods too.

  2. Hello Maura,

    I will just repeat what has already been said. If this doctor won't listen to your wishes, then perhaps he is not the surgeon for you!!

    Search online, find other options in your area. My surgeon is about 1 hour away from my home, but well worth the drive.

    I have a couple of friends who drive from Oklahoma to their drs in the Dallas area.

    When I first started looking.....I rejected a couple of dr who just didn't meet my needs. You spend to much time, money and personal self not to be happy with your doc.

    Be strong and good luck.

  3. May 22, 2006: Starting weight 263lbs. BMI 49.7, I was on (at least 1-2 per day)

    1. antidepressant

    2. anti-reflux medication

    3. diuretic

    4. potassium tabs

    5. daily aspirin

    6. daily allergy med

    today: wt 212 lbs and BMI 40.1 (51 lbs lost and 82 lbs to go at --13 months post op).

    1. daily Vitamin

    2. daily Calcium supp.

    3. allergy meds daily

    GOAL: wt 130lbs with BMI of 24.6

    I don't know how long it will take me. *I am a member of the slow losers club*, but thats ok.

    I AM A LOSER.... <BIG GRIN>. <big grin>

    Hopefully by Jan. 2009 I want to have a tummy tuck/body lift and boob lift.

    Looking forward to my fabulous fit fifties!!!


  4. Denise, have you gotten any personal inquiries from POF? I'm not sure if i'm "looking" or not, but decided if someone spoke with me...it would be nice.

    I gave my self two weeks on the site. surfed around, even put myself "outthere" by posting my avatar picture.

    I posted on several threads, filled out the personal section. and....nothing.

    So I quit going. I have to confess, I was a tiny bit discouraged.

    Of course, I didn't say hello to anyone else either. But I was kind of hoping.

    Have you gotten any personal hello's?

    What does everyone think it takes to be of interest to the opposite sex?

  5. I have frequent problems with "first bite syndrome". I have to really careful of any food the first few hours i'm awake. On the average, its always much much more difficult for me to get DRY meats, most raw vegetables, and ANY type of bread to go down, these will always get stuck, no matter how tiny the bite or how many times I chew.

    I have to moisten most of my Proteins with mayo, salad dressings or bbq sauces or I wll choke, cough, gag and pb every time.

    If its moist, I really try to eat my Protein first.

    Evening Snacks continue to be a weakness for me...

    UNFORTUNATELY....... I've never met a bowl of ice cream or a pringle potato chip that my band didn't like.

    I have wondered why these "bad" foods go down just fine.

    (my 2 secret weaknesses). I try to stay away from them as much as possible.

  6. Question regarding vigorous exercise and port complications!!

    I recently started bellydancing classes! They are a blast, I'm having a great time. 4 weeks into the class last week, and we learned a new move.

    Its basically standing straight with butt tucked in.....keeping head and shoulders very stiff/still and "twisting hips" (not shaking...twisting), hips very vigourously from side to side.

    Keeping top part of body still.

    This really twists my waist....right about where the port/tubing are placed.

    I am wondering if doing this movment continuously and increasingly fast (which is the goal), will cause my port to move/flip or the tubing to kink or tangle or come loose.

    I called the dr offices twice. One time the office nurse told me it was fine. The second time I called...(still worrying)...the nurse was supposed to ask the dr and call me back. I never got a return call.

    Now my class is tomorrow morning, and I am wondering.

    Anyone have any knowledge or experience with this type question?

    I don't want to stop the classes....they are soooo fun.



  7. Hey everyone,

    I haven't been on in a while. Nothing new to post in my life. I think as far as my weight loss journey goes, I've been discouraged and a "slow loser" the past few months. Since January, I've had 2 fills and still have only lost 10 lbs. I am scheduled to go back in mid june again. I have struggled with proper restriction.

    But I'm not totally discouraged, tomorrow is my "bandiversary" and I have lost a total of 46 lbs my first year. On the whole, thats not too bad. Its just hard when I compare my self to my 2 girlfriends who are both also 12 months post and who have lost 123 and 97 lbs each. (we all started at about the same wt. )

    And I AM thankful, considering that in the past 10 years, I had gained steadily every year. I just tell everyone..."i'm on the 3 year plan"....:cheeky :laugh :becky: .

    sO ANY wAY..... just thought i'd give all my fellow single bandsters a shout out. Good luck and good journey.

  8. I live in Texas also, so this is a common topic of conversation at the workplace, in the lunchroom, and around the dinner table.

    I work in a for-profit hospital that cuts corners at every turn because in the county where I live, we don't have a county hospital, therefore the two local hospitals have to absorb the RAPIDLY rising, ASTRONOMICAL costs of caring for illegals. In my neck of the woods, according to an annonymous comment by a friend of mine who works in the business office of the hospital, 97% of the latino patients we admit have no health insurance and never pay a cent of their bills.

    I attend a local church that has been told by the church offices to have bilingual services to accommadate the spanish speaking population. As a christian, this has been hard to for me not to be bitter about.

    I think....if I went to church in France....the service would be in French........If I went to church in Poland....the service would be in Polish..........

    so why can't I understand half the stuff being spoken in my very own church, right here in Texas? IN the United States of America??? Even familiar hymns are now translated into spanish.

    Why do I have to press 1 for english??

    I have been to foreign countries before. The expection is that if you don't speak the language....you carry around one of those handy dandy little English to _______ (fill in language) translation /phrase books.

    My heart is in conflict because I want to be gracious and welcoming. But its hard when faced with ungracious attitude by persons who, by their own actions, are breaking the law.

  9. Missy - My doc is not associated with Dr Jay but he did the plastic surgery on one of Dr Jay's patients who was part of the FDA trial for the band. That's how I found him. Her name is Cynthia and she knits in Dr Jay's waiting roomif that rings a bell. She looks great and has had the band about 7 years. Can't wait until i have that kind of time under my belt.

    Thanks Spydr. Yes! I do know Cynthia, I have talked with her several times. I just knew here as the "knitting lady in the waiting room"

    She is very helpful and informative.


  10. I guess several of those choices apply to me too.

    1. I don't always follow the "bandster" rules. I try but have struggled.

    2. I don't exercise regularly. I do, but its sporadic.

    3. I occasionally drink with meals, but not that often, my problem is the waiting 30minutes post meal. I have a hard time with that one.

    4. I do great with sweets/carbs for awhile, then I go on a "carb/sweet" binge. There are times when chocolate or pastries are my downfall.

    Also gourmet coffee "ala starbucks". A huge weakness for me.

    5. Meal planning is a problem for me. If I could just be more disciplined with meal planning I would do better.

    6. Another one not on the list. Portion Control. I am still looking for good restriction. I am still able to eat an almost "normal" size portion.

    I have had 4 fills so far, with a total of 10.5cc of saline in my 13cc band. I have another fill appt in April. It was the soonest I could get in, working around my crazy upside down work schedule.

    I am and continue to be a work in progress, I haven't and don't plan of giving up. I want to eventually make goal. I feel like I can do it within 2 years and I'll be happy as long as my weight is going down and not up.

    Cause for the past 10 years, I steadily gained wt every month. a pound here...a 1/2 lbs there.

    If I can do the same thing in reverse...only maybe a little faster... :)

    .....that would be great!!!

  11. Can't eat much of anything when I first wake up, everything gets stuck. I have bad epigastric pain and pb. But by midday, I can eat all the junk food I can suck down. But high Protein foods like white meat chicken, fish filet's and vegetables or salad's still get stuck, even with the tiniest bites and chewing as best I can til its mush.

    Oh how I wish I could just eat 6-8 oz....be full as a tick and be done!!

  12. Sounds like everyone is taking the plunge in the ole dating pool. Good job guys. Thinking about plenty of fish.

    Joan, have you met your Dallas guy yet? I know you said you'd be in Dallas/sherman area 1st of the month. keep us posted.

    Kris...I did put that book on my Amazon wish list but haven't ordered it yet.

  13. Omg...kill me now. I too battled a nasty flu bug for nearly a week. I got sick very suddenly at work, had to leave in the middle of work. I can't even remember the last time that happened to me.

    My mom was my resucuer. She delivered my Phenergan to my door step.

    This same bug must be sweeping the country. At my job we have had lots and lots of people missing work from this.

    Eewwww. My tummy felt like I had gone 10 rounds in the ring. I am finally feeling better.

    Hope everyone feels better soon.

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