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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MissyC

  1. Can plastic surgery really get completely rid of surgery scars? Thats what I wonder about with celebrities, because even after nearly a year, my abdominal scars are very obvious.
  2. MissyC

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Hey Kristi, a big whopping hi-five on the milestone. keep it going. Dreamer, nice to meet you. Where are you in Ok? I live in Denton but I'm actually in Durant this week visiting some friends. Joan, How did your appt go?? Did you have any trouble finding the office? I am still hoping for us to be able to get together for lunch or something. I will PM you when I get back to Texas. (am visiting friends for a few days, will be home next week). Big news....I had my 3rd fill yesterday afternoon. 1.5cc. That brings my total to 10.5cc in my VG band. So several days of liquid diet, then we'll see.........I am hoping and praying for the perfect restriction......lookin for the sweet spot!!!
  3. MissyC


    I love this forum. I visit every day, it really kind of helps keep me in touch with the reality of living with the band. It is a great resource for questions and other little facts about being a bandster that months of pre-research didn't give me. The warmth and friendliness of the other posters is just so wonderful and encouraging. Its just a nice feeling to connect with others who face the same daily challenges and choices.
  4. MissyC

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    LOL Carlene, You and me both. [. Brad Pitt's bare butt was the best thing about Troy! And I also think Leo is a little weird looking, but a great actor, nonetheless. Orlando Bloom looks like my son-in-law's brother, so that creeps me out too much to think sexy thoughts about him. And he's kind of scruffy looking. I like those smooth baby cheeks! I'd better get off this thread before someone locks me up for being a dirty old lady!
  5. MissyC

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Ok all you single bandsters? Where are you?? This is a great thread, don't let it die off. I don't know about ya'll but this single gal needs all the kindred spirits support she can get!!!!! :faint: maybe everyone is out on a date!!!
  6. MissyC

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    DrewsLou I am cheering for you, good luck in your effort to quit. I know how hard it is!!! Go DL!!!!! I smoked for about 25 years, I was hard core, got up to 2 packs a day. I started trying to quit, it literally took me 5 years but I finally did it!!! Next month (Feb) will be 6 years smoke free.
  7. MissyC

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    I guess I'm strange, I don't think Leonardo Dicaprio is cute at all, in fact, he's kinda funny looking to me. Ditto for Orlando Bloom, maybe its cause they are still babies to me. I'm not a huge Brad Pitt fan either....except he was a HOTTIE in Troy. And just about any movie where he has the long hair.
  8. My 18 year old self was already a high school drop out/ married and wild as a march hare. If she cared....because she was a selfish lil wench............. She would be pleasantly surprised that I ended up in the career that I did, happy that I am successful at it. Sad that I never had the white picket fence/happily ever after.
  9. MissyC

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    Colin Firth Mark Walberg Matthew McConnaughey
  10. Did I read that post correctly. Your size 18 pants are too big? And you are having lap band surgery? You are not post-op?
  11. MissyC

    More f*&%#ing SNOW!

    Gosh, I am feeling guilty because I would love to see some snow. I live in Texas...I only stay here because all my family is here and it is "home". But in the summer I HATE THE HEAT with a F%$#ing rabid hating passion. I know I sound crazy and I apologize, I am not usually one to curse. but I hate the heat soo much. I can't go outside because I get sick, faint, dizzy and short of breath. I feel like the heat is stealing my breath. And now that I am sort of pre-menopause....the heat flashes make it that much worse. I am trapped in the house for months. I so look forward to winter, I don't even care if my feet get chilly sometimes....as least I can put on socks. ok...I will shut up my rant. But I do understand hating the weather.
  12. MissyC

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Drew, thanks for starting the new thread. You look great in your pic. congratulations. I love old navy clothes, I can't wait to shop there. I am still in plus sizes at the moment. Can't wait for the day I can buy..."off the rack". Neal...Go stars!!!! I love the Stars. I haven't been to any games this season but I have been to several in the past. Alicia and Kim It was very cool to see your progress in inches. The numbers are amazing. My surgeon didn't measure pre-op. I am wishing I had. I think I will start from now.....lol HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!
  13. MissyC

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Jessica Texas Rose Crispy Keep us posted on your dating goals. I am living vicariously thru you girls....lol. I am interested in how well the online dating thing goes. I have wondered if this might be an option for someone in my age group. I would love to start dating someday...have a relationship but truthfully, if I can't find someone who likes attending church with me (I'm not a fanatic, I just go once a week), ...then I am probably better off alone. After 2 failed marriages in my past...I realize that its important to me personally to have a relationship with someone who shares my faith values. And someone who would like my family, who are very important to me. Thats just my hope. Kristi, I just love a plain ole treadmill. And I like the stationary bike to...I watch the spinners classes and maybe one of these days will have the nerve to join. I did 2 days at the gym this past week. I hope to go for 3 next week.
  14. MissyC

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I am ever grateful that the scales are finally going downward instead of steadily up which they had done for the past several years. I am losing an average of 0.46 lbs per week. (for the past 6 months) That is less than 1/2 lb per week. At that rate it will take me nearly 6 years to reach my goal of 139 lbs. (at 139 lbs I think I wll feel fabulous, but according to bmi charts, I would still be obese...go figure) I have very little restriction right now, am still able to eat a normal size meal. I am hoping with a small fill, my restriction will be good, and a normal meal for me would be the "kiddie" size portion. This means I would feel comfortably full after a smaller meal. Right now, I don't feel full with 4-6 oz meal...it just doesn't do it. I don't think I'm greedy....I really, truly don't want the weight to just "drop off". I am hoping for 1/2 to 1 lb per week of steady weight loss. 4 lbs per month would be so perfect. I am hoping the slower weight loss will battle some of the "saggy skin syndrome".
  15. MissyC

    Whats "in style"?

    I think my style is a mixture of all different styles. I like a mix of things but my basic "child of the 70's" comfy/bohemain hippie look usually wins out. I just like casual comfortable clothes. I dress up when I have to, but I like comfortable, somewhat loose fitting clothes. I have always pretty much liked t-shirts/soft jeans or long flowing skirts and funky shoes (but not heels). I like soft clothes. Touch and feel are important to me. If it is stiff, scratchy or not soft, I WON'T wear it, no matter how nice it looks...period. I look back at older pics, I guess I'm in a rut, no matter what my size, my style is pretty much the same. I have to say, the one fashion trend that I love, love, love, that I am so glad is back is wedge shoes!!! I hate hate high heels, and for a shortie like me....the wedge shoes/sandals are so great, they are comfortable and can still add an inch or two for the terminally short.
  16. MissyC

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I am very nervous, but excited. I go for my 3rd fill next week. I am still able to eat much larger portion than I should be able to. I can pretty much eat a regular size meal. (not super size ) I know I shouldn't, I know its wrong, and I should be able to control my eating better. I do eat much less than I used to as I was ALWAYS a second and third helping person. I don't do this anymore. I am working on all these things....smaller bites, chew more thoroughly, more protein. And compared to seven months ago...I believe I am making a little progress. Short term doesn't really interest me or bother me as much as long term. I am trying to think in long term/life time changes. I hope by the time I am 2 years out, I will be into a completely different lifestyle of eating and the way I view food.
  17. MissyC

    Success Stories

    I think most of the ppl who frequent this website on a regular basis are like us....less than one year out. IMO, this can't be included in the "sucess story" catagory. I would love to hear about folks who are doing great 2-4+ years out. We don't see many of them here.
  18. MissyC

    May Bandsters~December Chat!

    I'll second that Marz.!!! I swear at least 150 lbs of chocolate candies/ cakes/ brownies and stuff have gone thru the break room at my job this holiday season.
  19. MissyC

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Kristi....you go girl! Good luck on the Elliptical < aka evil torture machine>. Chrispy, I don't know what has happened with your neighbor, but your post kind of had a scary feel to it. I wish a safe and speedy move to your new place. Susan, congratulations on getting the band. Keep up posted.
  20. I have been banded 7 months. I never had a PB episode til about 4 months ago. Most of the time, mine is more the golf-ball with slime, which I do 2-6 times per month). I THINK I have only had true PB 3 times in the past 4 months. I am always terrified of band slippage. I had a terrible, terrible episode of sliming, gagging, pb'ing about a week ago. It lasted for 30 minutes. I have never had that happed before. It was on wheat toast. I don't feel any different but I go to the doctor next week and I am worried. ??? Did anyone know before going to be checked that band had slipped??? What did it feel like????
  21. MissyC

    Any Bookworms out there??

    :nerd: Books I've read in the past 4 weeks. <me....reading when I should be doing laundry...cleaning house....etc> 1. Saints Behaving Badly. by Thomas Craughwell. non-fiction. very good. 2. The Becoming. by Jeanne C. Stein. paranormal/fantasy fiction. so-so. 3. Dark Protector by Alexis Morgan. paranormal romance. really liked it. 4. Dark Defender by Alexis Morgan. it was good. liked the 1st one better. 5. Slave to Sensation. by Nalini Singh. I loved this book! Can't wait for the next one. (paranoramal romance) 6. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. Really like it. I have ordered the next odd thomas book. 7. sleeping With the Fishes. It was ok. I loved MJD at first, but her latest books haven't been as good. I still like the Undead books tho. 8. The Smoke Thief. by Shana Abe. I loved this book!! 5 stars. 9. Fundamentals of the Faith. by Peter Kreeft. non-fiction. It was OK. 10. Ancient Angkor by Michael Freeman. Excellent book about Angkor Wat 11. Full Moon Rising by Keri Arthur. 1st in a new paranormal/fantasy series. It was ok...but not as captivating as I had hoped. Hope ya'll don't mind. I just love to share my love affair with books. :biggrin1:
  22. MissyC

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Ok, so far I have done very poorly at consistantly exercising. I know, its a cliche but beginning with the new year.....I am starting over. I have had a gym membership for over a year, pay for it every month and had not been for over 4 months. Yesterday, I went back, and walked for about 10 minutes on the treadmill, and about 5 minutes on the elliptical. I thought I was dying!! But I am going back today. Wish me luck. ......goal 30 solid minutes on the treadmill, at a very brisk run/walk....3-5 times per week by Valentines day. I don't think thats too unrealistic. Maybe even a bit under what I should make as goal. Gonna try........
  23. MissyC

    Magic Bullet

    I have a magic bullet that I purchased in Sept 05. Used it very rarely til my surg May 06. Since then, I have used it often. I used it daily for the first 4 months post op and still pretty often. I have not had any mechanical problems or anything. I found it quick and easy to clean and I like the "blend and Go" feature of blending and then capping. I still use it to take chicken salad to work or other one cup dishes. Now...I didn't like the juicer feature on it....could never get it to work right.
  24. MissyC

    May Bandsters~December Chat!

    :clap2: :cheer2: Myra, a great big congrats on sitting in that Dental chair for so long...wtg. Oh, and congrats on the teeth also. Marz, where are you located that you are having to dig out of the snow? I know its crazy....but I'm just a little bit jealous of that winter weather. Missy

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
