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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bettina

  1. Bettina

    colon cleanse?

    Okay I know the topic is foul but how weird is this. I woke up at 5:30am and turned on the tv and they are talking about cleansing your colon! Eww...now more than ever I am doing this (gonna clean out) They showed the "tar" in your colon on the program..pretty yucky! Your colon is only about 2 1/2 inches in diameter, but with the yucky stuff some get to 9 inces in diameter. They said that when John Wayne died, he had 40 lbs of tar in his colon and Elvis had 60. They said the pressure from the ballooned colon can cause back pain, puts pressure on our internal organs and is really bad for us. Yeah and they mentioned cancer eventually too. So they say cleansing gets rid of the tar on the walls of our colon and cleans out blockages too. At first when i turned the tv on and saw what the topic was I kind of snickered because we were just talking about it, now that I watched it, I am not snickering anymore. Oh and they did say that you would lose weight from having a clean colon and having regular bowel movements every day. Lol this must be a health channel because "Turbo Jam" is on now....with the skinnies in spandex jumping all over the screen...lol. (not ready for that just yet:think )
  2. Bettina

    colon cleanse?

    Becky -you should be able to find it in the regular stores (walmart-kmart etc) Don't you have any pharmacies though? It would be in the vitamin section.
  3. Bettina

    colon cleanse?

    Me?, no not yet. I find out tomorrow what time frame I am getting it done though. Either right away, or ....if I have sleep apnea, then i have to get fitted for a c-pac and be on it for 2 weeks before i can have surgery. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
  4. Bettina

    colon cleanse?

    Yes I know, this was for a pre-banding weight loss.
  5. Bettina

    colon cleanse?

    You don't have to do it. It gets rid of the yucky stuff in your colon. Sort of like what Drain-o does to the pipes in the sink. I like it because I like the fact that it gets ride of the crud in your colon that otherwise would not come out on its own. It gives me more energy too.:hippie:
  6. Bettina

    colon cleanse?

    that is the one i have but i use capsule form....and yes, just like you said, it doesn't give you gas.:clap2:
  7. Hi how do you change the weight on the ticker thingy? I lost weight and want to post it, but I don't know how. LOL.
  8. Bettina

    dumb question......

    Kat, Thank you thank you!!! Hmmm how I lost the weight. Oddly, I am just not hungry anymore -I only eat when I need to. Somehow (and its even strange to me---I don't feel like snacking either!) I also gave up soda...down to only one cup of coffee a day (if I even drink the whole cup!) and have been hitting the water bottles. All those changes = 4 lb weight loss this week. I am curious now to see how long I can keep it up...trying to set a personal goal to keep doing this until I get my surgery. Oh yeah I am also a couch potato, but decided that everytime I get tired to force myself to go outside...i rake or weed the garden...anything to keep me from napping. I decided napping = weight gain. Oh and I joined fitday.com and sparkpeople.com.
  9. Hi Thanks for all your responses! I am back on the "yes this is good" attitude. My sis had gastric 4 yrs ago...not for me thanks. Too permanent. My surgeon, who also did my sister's surgery, said that you can only really lose weight the first year. Of course its not for nothing because the new small stomach helps you eat less. He told me banding---you lose weight as far as 4 years out. Tomorrow I find out that either I have sleep apnea and i have to be fitted for a cpac (takes a month--damn) and then have to wear it for 2 weeks before i can have surgery......or, I don't have it, and can schedule my surgery right away. Which is what I am hoping for because I have three weeks between my current semester and the fall semester and if I have to wait till fall I can't have it done because I will be taking 6 classes and I just can't miss any of them -I'll get too far behind...ugh. Wish me luck...and thanks again for everyone's response.
  10. Bettina

    Eat more!!!

    Hi Linda, Thanks for the info I joined them too now!!!! LOL.
  11. Bettina

    Eat more!!!

    Stephanie, Thanks for the info on Fit Day! I just joined...what a cool tool! Reminds me of the one they had for Weight Watchers....but this is better because its free!!!!
  12. Whew...I am so glad to hear that! I have really researched this and thought it through thoroughly. And then my hubby put this tiny reasonable doubt in my mind (I think he is afraid i will die) and then it went whammy into a bigger doubt. My sis still "dumps" as she calls it (gastric bypass 4 yrs ago) but said she would do it again in a heartbeat. But I really needed an opinion from someone else. Thanks so much for your input!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Bettina

    colon cleanse?

    You can have it professionally done. But I went to Rite Aid and bought a bottle of "Super Colon Cleanse" it works really good...hmmm i should start it myself again tomorrow! It does exactly what it says, cleans your colon out. I actually feel better afterward, feel healthier. And you don't have to be chained to the toilet to do it! (yay) Its all natural has herbs in it....cleans the walls of the whole colon. hmmm i see my supply has expired..def gonna go to Rite Aid tomorrow! here is a link for you: Health Plus Inc. colon cleanse and super colon cleanse and other psyllium based products | Home Best Wishes and happy cleaning
  14. Bettina


    YAY Sylvie!!!!!!!
  15. Bettina

    Very Upset. I was Denied Today

    I am sorry if I stirred things up. I just meant that i can't believe they would deny you without your pre-op testing done yet. I too have not been this heavy for more than two months also. Good luck!
  16. Funny the education the kids get huh? I have a question, do you panic when things get stuck? Its my husbands biggest fear, that food will get stuck and I will choke and die. Apparently he hasn't ever looked at my plate and saw how little i have always cut my meat, you could give it to a one yr old...lol.
  17. Its been 4 years since my sisters bypass and she is still PB-ing almost every day.....so sad.
  18. Bettina

    Very Upset. I was Denied Today

    Hmmm...I don't know how they can deny you without even have had your pre-ops yet....they don't know your medical condition until you have that done! That is why I don't know if i am approved by insurance yet because the doc is waiting for the last test result (apnea) and then gonna throw all the tests at insurance at once.....but along the way, the hospital submitted my ekg, apt, etc....and they are going to pay it as soon as the doc submits a letter of medical necessity to them. Insurance already paid for my blood work, they already paid for my psych eval (which that stunned me!!) the only thing they may not pay is for the nutritionist, and that I will submit once its all said and done...but I have been talking to my insurance regularly and they are telling me everything is covered as long as the doc deems it necessary. My friend had gastric done and her insurance denied the nutritionist and the psych eval...she just kept submitting it telling them it WAS necessary for the procedure that they approved of!!! She said after the 3rd time, they paid it! LOL Oh and the doc called me yesterday to discuss my apnea (which makes me think i dont' have it if he is gonna tell me over the phone) so then, I will call the surgeon and schedule the banding...I have to go to banding boot camp first 2 weeks prior and then I am set...(keeping fingers crossed that insurance is gonna come thru too...lol)
  19. Bettina

    Very Upset. I was Denied Today

    Hi Em, Yes my tests are pre-op...the doc gets all the facts, then sends them to my insurance at once so they can get the whole pic. my bmi is 41....with no co-morbidities. Doc says I am perfect candidate (esp without the co-morbities)! I called insurance and they were like yeah we cover it. My doc calls the insurance and my sis told me that the woman in his office never gets denied...lol she must be something huh? my insurance is New Jersey Carpenters Health Fund. It is a private insurance thru hubby's work. but hey they cover Lasik eye surgery so i am keeping my fingers crossed. I even got the approval letter from my general practicioner to get banded. hmmm ...getting nervous now.
  20. Bettina

    Very Upset. I was Denied Today

    Okay reading these posts is starting to scare me.....does you insurance not cover it, or it is covered but not you specifically. So far my insurance has paid for all my tests, and they do cover the surgery...if they turn me down at this point i will go insane. (hubby will be relieved, but i won't!!)
  21. Bettina


    Okay the Pulmonary Doc called today to discuss the outcome of my sleep apnea test 10 MINUTES BEFORE I GOT HOME TODAY....do you think any of my family members told me!!! No, I found out at 5:45pm......he called at 3:30pm...now ya know had they told me, I could have actually spoke to him and then called my surgeon to discuss my surgery date!!!!!! Agghhh they are all fired at my house.....no more message takers, they are slacking on me!:help: So now i have to wait till Monday and ya know I am gonna have to talk to nurse-zilla..........ugh shoot me now please:laser: :Cry: ....lol. :eek: To get even with my family i made sad "poopy" face for the rest of the day...lol :Banane20: Okay that was enough whining :faint: for now ......gonna go do my spanish homework. :ranger:
  22. Bettina


    Okay the Pulmonary Doc called today to discuss the outcome of my sleep apnea test 10 MINUTES BEFORE I GOT HOME TODAY....do you think any of my family members told me!!! No, I found out at 5:45pm......he called at 3:30pm...now ya know had they told me, I could have actually spoke to him and then called my surgeon to discuss my surgery date!!!!!! Agghhh they are all fired at my house.....no more message takers, they are slacking on me!:help: So now i have to wait till Monday and ya know I am gonna have to talk to nurse-zilla..........ugh shoot me now please:laser: :Cry: ....lol. To get even with my family i made sad "poopy" face for the rest of the day...lol :Dancing_biggrin: :confused_smile: Okay that was enough whining :faint: for now ......gonna go do my spanish homework. :ranger:
  23. Bettina

    The Decision

    Okay so as previously stated, I decided in April (2006) to do something about it (the dreaded pounds). I called my sister and asked her about her surgeon. She told me how to look him up online. I did:paranoid . I found his webinar. I tried to register online but they were having problems so I called him. I decided to at least go see the doc and see what he had to say :paranoid. Oh did I mention that I watched that webinar four times!!!:success1: ?? Yeah I wanted to know exactly what I was getting into :eek: . I decided on lapband surgery, it seems safer...just better all around. Plus recovery time is faster which is for me as I cannot miss too much school! And the weight loss is slower which is great for me also because I cannot afford to have surgery to remove excess skin :Banane20: . I called my husbands insurance to see if the doc and the procedure was covered...OMG it is:clap2: !!!! My first appt was April 24th... I was so excited! The doc said I was the perfect candidate...not too too heavy, no co-morbidities, and my age. so excited!! Gotta do the tests...no problem I'd do what ever they wanted to get this done. (the doc was impressed that I watched his webinar 4 times...lol)
  24. Bettina

    The Decision

    LOL.......that is too funny. Bi Polar -no ...multiple ---lol perhaps....but if that is the case, we are all in agreement on this decision...LOL

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