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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bettina

  1. Bettina

    Well...I found it finally....

    Yay Emiliee..that is awsome! We have the same color on our toes! I love the tat...did I hurt? I want to get a star on my foot, but I was afraid it might be unbearable...was it?
  2. Have you tried a different "mask"? I was freaking when i first put it on, but i talked myself into because I have to do it for surgery...that and I really don't want to get heart disease if I can possibly prevent it. (it took me a good 20 mins to calm down to put the mask on.....funny thing, when you become aclimated to it, it feels like no air at all....which i find odd..but oh well! LOL For your health's sake, I'd look into other face pieces. Best Wishes!!!
  3. Bettina

    Okay now lets shoot my husband...lol

    Don't get me wrong my DH is a nice guy however, he totally doesn't undertand what sleep apnea is or the fact that I didn't consiously choose to be fat!! He thinks I am tired because I am fat...and if I got up and got moving, fat would go away and I would not be tired. Okay and while I agree to this theory, it's just not that easy. He def doesn't want me banded. Too bad... I don't want to be fat anymore. He totally doesn't believe that sleep apnea makes you stop breathing..it does..hence the fact I am not tired because your body wakes up each time you stop breathing. When I sat down to write this, I was very upset, but now I have decided to fight fire with fire. I am gonna wear the apnea mask (as soon as I get it), I am going to have the lap banding......and I am going to lose all the weight and sleep at night, and then...............................I am gonna run him ragged. OMG I will never sit down and I will drag him with me so I can say "what do you think now?" maybe then, he will believe me!!!
  4. Bettina

    Poll zodiac sign

    November 22, you are a Sagittarius no doubt about it. Oh and today is a good day for you!!! (I am a Leo!!)
  5. Hi Anniemay! Oh boy the doc had a lot to say about wearing the cpap for 2 weeks prior to surgery! Because you stop breathing with sleep apnea...it puts a stress on your heart.....and I would not have believed this myself except for the fact that I had a heart ultrasound last year and everything was fine...and now its not (per the new pre-op ultrasound). My general practicioner says she things the change may just be due to the fact that my blood pressure was up a few times this year. But, it was up because of the apnea, so that is another point toward why you should wear it. The doctors told me (pulmonary and lap band doc's) that 2 weeks will allow my breathing to regulate itself and gives the heart a rest --you know, just so risk of not breathing while still under in recovery is lessened. But how can you sleep if you are not wearing the mask??? I can't wait to get mine to finally get a goods night sleep...I hadn't slept in a few days...so I called the apnea clinic yesterday at 5:20am...to see if I could take Tylenol PM to get to sleep..yay they said yes and I did take it. For the last few months...I couldn't figure out why I was sooo tired all the time...it was awful. I would practically OD on the coffee and soda just to stay awake...but that only lead to chest pains...ugh. I am actually really glad I found out what the problem is and it can be treated. My brother-in-law has it too, so now I have family support. I wish my husband understood, he thinks it just my weight making me tired..ugh!!! August 7th huh? That was the date I wanted...it's my birthday. But since I don't have the mask yet, i have to wait...oh well! Take care, and I'll be thinking about how your doing on that day!!!!
  6. Hi Karen, I didn't say you said they can eat whatever they want...I was asking if that was what you meant. I wasn't sure by your wording..lol....thanks for clearing it up for me. I agree with you....they will never lose if they eat what they want. ....sorry you misunderstood what I was asking
  7. Bettina

    Shoot me now....please!

    I still haven't slept since the fitting!!!! I turned off the tv at 4:00am this morning...then laid there and listened to the neighbors fussing:confused: ...and then hubby came out and turned on the tv again!!! (i was on the couch) So he says "why are you up?" I remind him of the sleep apnea issue. And do you know what that darling man said to me???? "Well, you should get up and do dishes or clean something to expend all that energy you have." At that moment I realized that my husband is an alien:alien from some other galaxy!!! I said "hello...I want to relax so I can sleep." (expend all the extra energy.....my *bleep*!!!! So at 5:20am I decided to call the sleep apnea tech and ask if I can take Tylenol PM to help me sleep:notagree ....I don't really want to take a sleep aid for fear that I will be in a drug induced sleep and not be able to wake up. :cry But tylenol pm has a little sumpin sumpin to take the edge off...lol. She said yes!!! Yay....she said I was just nervous and that is why i couldn't sleep (which i knew). So tonight after I pick up my son from work (Shop-Rite) @9pm I will be taking Tylenol PM....so excited!!.........Whoo-Hoo!!!!:clap2:
  8. Bettina

    Please Help Me, Now I'm Scared!

    You won't die, your surgeon will make sure that everything runs smoothly..you will have a lot of pre-op testing also! You're doing it for the right reasons...your daughter and yourself. You are gonna be awesome!!!! Take care!
  9. Bettina

    Prayer for son afer 4 wheeler wreck

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your son. I am sure he will be fine.....what did the doc say? broken bones or anything? I have an 18 yr old too...so scary having teens.....can't always shield them from harm. Keep us posted!!!
  10. Bettina

    BlueCross BlueShield Nutritional Eval

    I am curious, why isn't your surgeon telling you what is required? They should know what you need and what you don't if they take your insurance. See I checked first to make sure the Doc was covered, then I found out the surgery was covered. So then I went to the doc......and now after all the other stuff I mentioned in my last post...the Doc complies it all and submits everything to the insurance..."This is my patient and this is why I think she needs lap band and here is the test results to prove it" Kinda get it all at once so they can't keep coming back and saying oh by the way one more test. As far as me submitting the receipts for the nutritional evaluation......that is not something usually covered by insurances at all...but my friend told me she just kept submitting it as medically necessary for the surgery and that it should be covered...she told me the third time she submitted it, they paid it in full. So when I get all the receipts they will see it was to my benefit for the education of my post op well being that I did this. I was also told the psych eval wasn't covered either but I guess when they billed me and didn't hear from me, they submitted it themselves...and out of $150 I only owe $30...yay!! In the nutritional eval, they will take your photo, take your measurements, ask you what you eat, what you want to weigh, then they give you info on how to make this work and lastly I have to write down everything I eat all day for 2 weeks...lol I have to fudge it I think because I have been having odd eating habits lately...like only eating once a day. lol. I am in NJ, so things might be different for you...I am sure they are because if you notice from other threads, everyones doc seems to tell them something different. Keep me posted!!
  11. Odd you should mention that, mind has been feeing funny lately! It feels swollen, not really sore, just like its swelling. I went to lay down the other night and freaked because it closed. Sat up, took a few deep breaths...still swollen. So I got a glass of ice cold Water and the swelling went down..............freaky!!!! Son had a sore throat.....maybe its the weather!!
  12. Bettina


    Hey you are still down 60lbs!!! Don't be ashamed....I doubt your doc would judge you...you are going thru some major stress. Look at it this way.....you now take care of your dad and yourself! Take a few moments out and meal plan...you're already exercising...that is awesome!
  13. Bettina

    BlueCross BlueShield Nutritional Eval

    Well, I can tell you from my experience that the letter of medical necessity came from the surgeon doing the lap band. The medical clearance comes from your general practicioner. (cause the lap band doc, if he is a specialist only deals in your weight and co-morbidities, but your GP knows your history so they will be able to tell if the surgery is safe for you. I had one visit with the nutritionist and still have to attend another one called "Boot Camp" then I can have the surgery )each visit is $250...ugh....then I had to agree to 12 more visits.....mandatory...otherwise I will not get my receipts and then I can't submit them to insurance. My doc is huge on this because the Lap Band is only a tool....it doesn't curb your appetite, doesn't keep you from craving, so he wants to make completely sure this lap band is gonna work.....my sis only had a quicky meeting with the nutritionist and she gained some of her weight back (gastric bypass) On the upside the nutritional Evaul is great! When I left, I was thinking if I get denyied, I will continue with the nutritionist cause I think i can lose the weight just with them!!!! --I too am waiting to hear--just gotta get my apnea machine and i can schedule. Yay. Oh and I was wondering, why didn't they tell you about these test up front?? My doc told me on the first day....do this, do that...gave me a packet and told me to get it all finished and then we schedule. To maybe set you at ease, I was just looking at my doctor's website and I stumbled upon all his patients who posted feedback...it gave their date of approval and I would say 98% of them were Blue Cross Blue Shield....not one of them had my insurance...talk about nail biting! Good Luck and let me know how it goes!!!!!
  14. Bettina

    Shoot me now....please!

    I still haven't slept since the fitting!!!! I turned off the tv at 4:00am this morning...then laid there and listened to the neighbors fussing:confused: ...and then hubby came out and turned on the tv again!!!:mad: (i was on the couch) So he says "why are you up?" I remind him of the sleep apnea issue. And do you know what that darling man said to me???? "Well, you should get up and do dishes or clean something to expend all that energy you have." At that moment I realized that my husband is an alien:alien from some other galaxy!!! I said "hello...I want to relax so I can sleep." (expend all the extra energy.....my *bleep*!!!! So at 5:20am I decided to call the sleep apnea tech and ask if I can take Tylenol PM to help me sleep:notagree ....I don't really want to take a sleep aid for fear that I will be in a drug induced sleep and not be able to wake up. :cry But tylenol pm has a little sumpin sumpin to take the edge off...lol. She said yes!!! Yay....she said I was just nervous and that is why i couldn't sleep (which i knew). So tonight after I pick up my son from work (Shop-Rite) @9pm I will be taking Tylenol PM....so excited!!.........Whoo-Hoo!!!!:clap2:
  15. Bettina


    Hello.....MySpace does have a weight loss group...actually they have several! Just go to search...and type in Weight loss surgery...MySpace is how I found out about LBT!!!! I would link it, but I can't log on from my laptop (some dumb error) I will do it later from my desktop!!!
  16. Bettina

    Ordering the vitamins online

    Pebbles....be careful with that ...they get to slap the term "bariatric" on the vitamins and charge extra....I looked up the brand you mentioned and I noticed that some of them require that you take more than one in a day.......that is very expensive...the iron alone was $16.95...so we are talking $203.40 a year just for the iron. There are plenty of brands out there...shop around.
  17. Has anyone heard of Fobi Pouch Gastric Bypass??? I just found out about it tonight. It is supposed to be better than GB (Fobi --shows weight loss up to 4 years out!!!!) According to the website on Dr. Fobi-the inventor--its between the two surgeries....more elaborate than banding but not as elaborate as GB. My doc has apparently done them too--I also found that info on the web! Hmmmm I will be asking him about this!!!
  18. Bettina

    Fobi Pouch Gastric Bypass

    Thanks for the info!!!!!!
  19. Bettina

    Didn't Gain Any Weight

    MoOrLess beat me to it...lol. I would just tell her. It would be nice to have a "buddy" at work.
  20. ha ha where did you find them???
  21. Betty Band...that's funny If I were to name mine, I think it would be Hagatha...my last name begins with an "H" so it flows...lol. The reason for Hagatha is because I was growing my hair out and felt yucky and haggie looking -was growing it out for my cousin's "medieval" wedding. I don't like my hair long while I am overweight-reminds me of a cape. So, naming it Hagatha would keep me in line so I wouldn't become a "Hag" after banding....LOL for the ticker....go to Tickerfactory.com or..i think it says: weightlossticker.com
  22. Yes I have help to get you thru it!!!!! Read the five things you listed above!!!:clap2: I think I will print it and post it on the fridge. (you are an inspiration:D )
  23. Bettina

    I am so pissed!!

    That was way too funny!!!!!:rockon:
  24. Bettina

    Vacation, Lap Band and Flying

    Ah yes, I forgot about the kinked water hose effect....makes sense!!
  25. I wouldn't cheat on my husband.......however if Johnny Depp wanted to take me out to dinner.....:faint:.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
