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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bettina

  1. Bettina

    Hypochondriac alert

    I feel the same way. I am thinking i should leave LBT until after my banding. Reading too much scary stuff here....I was so set on having this done but yikes its getting scary. There are a few people who have experienced problems but they also put it in such a way that lets me know its not the end of the world, but then there are others...yikes. And I think to myself that I hope the bad ones are the drama queen type (i know a few drama queens personally) who are just moaning over stuff that is not as total drama as they put out. (somebody else actually gave me that idea from another thread) I think the thing to do is talk to your surgeon to get the scoop on how his patients have fared since surgery. Best Wishes to you!!!
  2. No its not just you. This is "life saving" surgery...cosmetic would be teeth whitening, boob enhancement, nose job....LOL
  3. It doesn't seem that he died of the surgery...it would seem that he died because of the other issues he had and the surgery accelerated it. How could they not know where the top of the stomach is?????? You know what else doesn't jive here...they claim that they couldn't find the top of his stomach, yet they claim the band slipped??? Hmmmm how do they know it slipped if they don't know where his stomach is? Sounds like the knife cut his stomach....and stomach wounds are very very hard to fix. Okay maybe not hard to fix, but they can be hard to detect. I am with Aussie Chick...sounds like the doc messed this one up!! Actual deaths due to WLS.... I haven't heard of any....death from surgical neglegence yes but i never heard of death by band alergy or band tighness, or band rejection.
  4. Bettina

    Maybe a little TMI (toot toot)

    OMG are you kidding there is farting and burping with banding???!!!Ugh. I will have to move!! (oh no I am so not kidding!) I live in a house with three gassy people...they do it all the time! I did it once on vacation my daughter was in the bathroom with me...(I had been drinking a beer) I let one out and omg she went out and told the whole table of people we were with...mind you this was 13 years ago and they still won't let me live it down! I can understand if I did it in the dining room, but I was in the bathroom. Okay so now last year we are in London and in the bathroom (same daughter) and I let one, and apologize while in the stall, and i hear this womans very snooty british voice say to my daughter "I thought that was what the loo was for" OMG I wanted to flush myself down the toilet. Yeah she thought it was awful i was apologizing..ugh can't win! LOL M
  5. Bettina


    That isn't true about being put out only for a crash emergency..When I had my son, I was put completely out..both daughers I was awake..so it went..daughter..son..daughter. Two days after having my son, I went home. It is so much easier healing and feeling like yourself after being knocked out for a C!!! There was no emergency in my case, I just asked to be out and they said fine, its perfectly safe. I chose to be awake for my third because they gave me "amnesiatic" drugs for the first one so even though i was awake I don't remember anything, with the last one I wanted to be sure I didn't miss a thing. But again, general was way better than epidural ...even the doc said it after seeing me running up and down the hall...lol. And if you go into a stressful situation (ex. heart problems), being totally out is safer for the mom to keep her out of any real trouble during surgery.
  6. Bettina

    Does anyone know?...insurance ??

    I would call your insurance and ask them their policy. If you are a self pay--they certainly can't drop you. But if they don't cover the procedure at all you could be considered an insurance risk. But dont' go by what I said, for peace of mind, call them, it can't hurt. Okay this is strickly food for thought and not in anyway to insult or make anyone feel bad but after reading the above post it validates my personal feelings: ugh here goes: 3,000 is a high number....how many a day, how many a week, is this too many? Is it like get them done and get them out? I don't know all the statistics but I'd question that number. Maybe Doctor #50 has had perfect out comes? Like I said just something to think about. My doc has done several hundred, but no rebandings, no slippage...no infections ....nothing but success. (of course these are the ramblings of someone who has been reading these posts like crazy and has been reading some pretty horrible stuff... and I now think...yikes.....do I want this?) (yeah I still do, but I have more concerns...which I will pass on to the doc!) Best Wishes to you!
  7. Bettina


    My opinion, could this really happen...yes...here in the U.S.....no! Sounds like some assembly like surgery..how could he not know she was awake??? I know that a lot of people have gone to other countries to have surgery....but they just don't have the same requirements as we do here. On the flip side of that.....maybe she picked a doc who really doesn't have his license...sounds like someone out to do a lot of surgery...get his money in a hurry and go in hiding...its happened in the US before...there was a plastic surgeon in Cali, I think it was Maryland who had the General Surgeon....I am dying to know who did her surgery!!! Lack of detail to her surgery ...yeah I find that odd...lol her post was shorter than this one is! Hmmmm.....can't wait to hear the "rest of the story"
  8. Bettina

    Does anyone know?...insurance ??

    Insurances are funny that way...you just never know. Personally I would not have surgery out of the country. Especially all the horrors you hear on this board, I wouldn't risk having something wrong and not having the doc who did the banding looking into the problem. Even if it were self pay and i had to pay the extra, its worth my life.. is it worth yours? I am extremely lucky that I found a doc 25 mins away. All the best in whatever you decide.
  9. I was thinking the same thing Dody...I miscarried and that is what it sounds like...mucus though? I don't remember if she said clear or bloody...sounds like lining of her uterus. That is a lot of blood, and red instead of dark, I'd get myself to the ER.....they will make payment arrangements!
  10. Ex is in love with being in love huh? I know someone like that. (old friend of mine..sad) Psychology....General Psychology...but I am going for a duel degree so the other one is Elementary Education/Special Education (mandatory in NJ to have Special Ed too). I also have an area of concentration in History. (all I do is study!!!!!) Oh yeah and its for my Bachelor's degree...I will go back for my masters in about 2 years. I was supposed to be high school but the college screwed me over and I got elementary ed, the duel degree was supposed to be Biology....but I had so much Psych under my belt, that I got stuck. But I do love psych that is why I had so many classes! I can't decided on High School Guidance councelling or on the elementary level--Child Study Team...Both are an option at this point. I already work -on call- at the elementary school K-2 and 3-6 in my town, and I have personal friends on all the school boards, so I am not too worried at this point! What are you doing with your degree?? Industrial--isn't that when you can go to job sites and tell the people how to behave with each other? I thought about doing that. Take care
  11. Bettina

    Who Did You Tell?

    I told my mother that she was the only one who knew and if she told I'd find out. Of course it wasn't true, but I had to make sure...she tells the oddest things and the things she can talk about she doesn't...ugh. Sometimes you have to tell people things to throw them off the trail...sad.
  12. 1st appt April 28th and still waiting for my surgery date! Nurse-zilla in the pulmonary doc's office is dragging her butt -and the doc promised me an August date...wait till i go for my follow up....gonna tell him he hired nurse-zilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. so you are only getting like 3 shakes a day? Two designer whey and an Unjury ? Oh what did you mean by broth??
  14. Hi Kelli, What kind of protein are you getting???
  15. Bettina

    so upset and pissed

    You lost 20 lbs!!!!!!! That is awesome!! :clap2: I know you don't want to be disrespectful, but sometimes you gotta bark back to get your point across. :scared: (ya know, she could also be jealous..just a thought!)
  16. Bettina

    bad breath

    Hi...Mint and lots of water....sadly brushing and flossing won't do it. It will get better once you start adding carbs. Its an internal issue so drink lots of water and it should lighten up a bit.
  17. Bettina

    Ugh!! BCBS says experimental!!!

    OMG that is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be soooo excited:clap2: !
  18. GB patients still "burp" up or "puke" up some foods just like bandsters do. It gets into the pouch and comes back up.
  19. Thanks for sharing your personal story...sorry to hear it didn't work...but Yay to you for turning your life around!!!! (I am also a psych major! 3 semesters to go!) I bet your kids are so proud of you!!! Makes me wonder however, how did he possibly think that after one month -that he would want to be with her over you?? (duh) (oh well chalk it up to getting married young I guess.) All the best to you!!!!!!!!!:clap2: he he i just noticed that "marriage" is mispelled in the polls...lol:rolleyes
  20. Yay finally i slept for about 2 1/2 hours !! :notagree I decided to get a jump start on my Spanish homework...good thing too it took me 4 hrs to do it!! I had a quiz thursday night...and one 2 weeks prior...both I fear I bombed. :cry So I decided to get the homework done and out of the way so I can start studying for the final (next thursday)..I need to do a good job so I have a fighting chance to pass this class. :nervous Oh yeah and I also am supposed to do a 2-page paper on some "spanish" experience...watch a movie, read a book, visit an art museam, or eat at a Spanish restaurant. I was going to just research it (we can do that too) but he is really into the restaurant thing so the only way to bag an A is to go to the restaurant and write about it..oh well. So, while I was looking at the restaurants online, I decided to finally try a Mojito, the Prof had given us the recipe last semester....I had the ingredients so i looked up the measurements online and made 2 -1 for me, 1 for hubby...ugh he didn't want one:( ...so I had to drink them both...lol. Wow goes down smooth but hits ya like a brick wall. No headache either...yay. Now all I need to do is get to the restaurant and write my report! (I can do this!):clap2:
  21. Yay finally i slept for about 2 1/2 hours !! :notagree I decided to get a jump start on my Spanish homework...good thing too it took me 4 hrs to do it!! I had a quiz thursday night...and one 2 weeks prior...both I fear I bombed. :cry So I decided to get the homework done and out of the way so I can start studying for the final (next thursday)..I need to do a good job so I have a fighting chance to pass this class. :nervous Oh yeah and I also am supposed to do a 2-page paper on some "spanish" experience...watch a movie, read a book, visit an art museam, or eat at a Spanish restaurant. I was going to just research it (we can do that too) but he is really into the restaurant thing so the only way to bag an A is to go to the restaurant and write about it..oh well. So, while I was looking at the restaurants online, I decided to finally try a Mojito, the Prof had given us the recipe last semester....I had the ingredients so i looked up the measurements online and made 2 -1 for me, 1 for hubby...ugh he didn't want one:( ...so I had to drink them both...lol. Wow goes down smooth but hits ya like a brick wall. No headache either...yay. Now all I need to do is get to the restaurant and write my report! (I can do this!):clap2:
  22. Bettina

    Midnight Snack Anyone???/

    I am not sure if this is what the Mexican doc meant but I do know that sometime around 8 or 9ish at night your body automatically starts to break down the food you have consumed...so if you still have food in your stomach then...it messes you up. I did not believe this when i was first told and questioned it...because I said well, what if you work the grave shift and your meal schedule is different than others...I was told it didn't matter...it went according to the moon...you know like how the tides affect us and Water...odd but true. (I became certified in Personal Training, Holistic Health and Sports Nutrition all in my Quest to be a better me. That is where I learned all this.) I know barametric pressure can play havoc on people ...so I guess it would make sense that the moons pull can do the same. Just food for thought.
  23. Bettina

    LAP band to bypass....?

    Hi yeah, I do not go to the memorials as a regular thing...i stumbled upon them one night. The band was always the only way to go for me. My sis has GB and I know that is not for me. I don't really have that much to lose.....for me......and I know some people will not like what I am about to say.....this is the easy way out for me. I know that deep down I could lose the weight without WLS. I am not a snacker. I don't load up my plate. My problems is that hubby is an awsome cook and I am at his mercy because I am in school full time....5 or 6 classes a semester....all i do is study! The band for me is my golden ticket.....what i mean by this once the band is in, I can finally say....no, I don't feel like eating meat ....or no, I only want to eat just a little.... now i get "i cooked all this and you won't eat it!!" This man makes everything from scratch...omg even sticky buns and caramel corn...he whips them up at the drop of a hat! And elaborate dinners....yikes!! I will be able to walk for exercise without feeling guilty for leaving the house ...it will be a must after banding. (see now I feel bad because I am in school all day or night and then when I really could walk--i think--ugh I should really be doing dishes or some other form of house work. Going to school to be a teacher will make our family life so much better, I will be happy at my job, and bill paying will be a breeze again...see I don't work while I am in school..so its been tough. So you see me being banded is my way of publicly being allowed (without guilt) to take care of me for a change. I can't tell you when I have done anything for me...really me. (I am not saying I made the wrong choice or regret having my family...its not like that..its just I am consiencious on how my family views me) Did any of that make sense? LOL I want to make sure I am conveying my point appropriately. And please anyone that reads this and thinks that I am in any way knocking getting banded or taking it lightly...that is not what I think at all.
  24. Bettina

    Poll zodiac sign

    Too funny, you said exactly what I was too chicken to say...LOL
  25. Bettina

    Poll zodiac sign

    Thats funny..so when I can't understand my hubby I can write to you and ask you what he means by what he says....lol. And you can ask me about Leo's. We get along pretty good actually. When we have differences, we don't yell, but we are solid on what we each believe to be right!

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