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Posts posted by Cherishthepast

  1. For the first year I avoided going out to lunch with people at the office. Many were aware that I was losing weight and assumed that I was not eating out as I was bringing lunch in to suit my dietary needs...

    Anyway, I'm almost there and it seems more and more I'm at lunch both business and social and feel a bit odd being the one who never finishes the meal, plus the fact that I eat R-E-A-L-L-Y slow. Initially, I limited foods to Soups, crabcakes... from the appetizer menu. However, I get the looks.. followed by, that's all you're eating?

    I've given every excuse in the book from I ate a late Breakfast or I'm just getting over a bug and want to eat light.

    No, these people are NOT my friends and it's none of their business that I have a LAP-BAND®®. Eating out w/friends is fine as they are all aware and know why I'm pacing myself. The last thing I want is to get stuck while at a restaurant and yes, it's happened twice in the last year - not a pleasant experience - once with a co-worker and once w/my family.

    Any advise is greatly appreciated.

  2. I've been banded for 15 months. Lost 80 pounds but have noticed something strange. Generally my band stays pretty tight and I'm never hungry, nor can I eat more than about 1/2 cup of food without typical band issues. Which works well for me.

    I exercise off and on but I have noticed one thing, when I exercise, no matter if it's just walking a couple of miles or a vigorous treadmill jog I am ravenous afterwards and I can pretty much eat whatever I want and in large quantities. No typical band issues. I can just eat and eat and eat and the scariest part is... I want to just keep eating, just like the old days. This may explain alot about my past history. I used to exercise a lot and was ALWAYS hungry.

    Anyone else experience this? Should I go back to not working out? I really love not being hungry and not caring about food anymore.

    Just wondering if anyone else had this problem.

    If this continues I may have to have a tighten. I've put on 5 pounds in the last week and I've exercised more than I have in months. I've also struggled more in this past week than I have in over a year.

    I experience the same, especially on days that I have boxing (Tuesday & Thursday mornings). The nutritionist and instructor says that the body needs fuel after a vigorous workout, which I tend to agree. I just eat extra Protein on those days - usually I increase my Protein to 80-100 grams from the usual 60 or so and that does the trick.

    Lately, I haven't experience any weight loss; however, I've lost inches (as mentioned in a previous post I've gone from a size 14 pant to a size 10 since June w/o losing a pound) building lots of muscle and losing fat. My dear husband calls me thunder thighs now since they're no longer shaking like Jello :(

    We're burning fat and building muscle and need the increased protein to fuel our bodies.

  3. Hello everyone!

    This is my first post. I am still pre-approval, but had a plastic surgery constult yesterday and dont know what to think? The surgeon suggested I have a breast reduction and breast lift BEFORE the LAP-BAND®®. That just didnt sound very sensible to me. I am thinking I am going to lose alot of breast volume post LAP-BAND®® and weight loss. So I dont know what size I am going to end up.

    What has been your post weight loss breast experiences?

    I'd suggest that you wait unless you're experiencing GREAT discomfort - back pain...

    My breast have gone from a full C to less than a B cup - thank goodness for padded bras. The girls now look like tube socks w/ a golf ball - not a pretty sight.

    I'm scheduled for a TT w/lipo, Dec 22. I'm considering implants and lift but will wait until after the tummy is done to get the full picture as some docs think that I only need a lift, while others agree that implants and lift would work best.

    Best of luck w/ your journey.

  4. I lost 8 pounds the first month after my TT. Unfortunately, I had to have an unfill 2 weeks before my surgery, due to being OVER filled a month earlier, and now I've gained back 7 of those 8 pounds.

    My PS told me I would not be hungry for the first couple of weeks and he was right. So, my advice would be at your "sweet spot" or close to it at surgery time, and use the lack of hunger to your advantage!

    Thanks for the advise. Initially I thought I'd need to get an unfill prior to surgery; my LAP-BAND® doc said no, it's not necessary - this was music to my ears especially now that I'm at a perfect place with my fill.

  5. Why do they (lapbandtalk) allow banners that promote eating crap? Everytime I login to the site I see ads for cupcakes, ice cream... - WHY?

    The sad thing is I never really think about eating this crap until I see it thrown in my face. This is the last place this stuff should be advertised on.

    Yes, I'm venting :). Ready to scream:mad2:

    I'm thankful for ability not to act on the cravings these ads bring about - not always easy. However, what about folk that aren't able to block this nonsense out or am I the only one getting these?

  6. Are you hoping/expecting to be at goal by then (your TT) or is it ok to be, say, 10 pounds to go and hope they take that off? I want to get one too and I hope to be at goal by spring but I really dont know too much about it!

    This all started in August when I went to see the LAP-BAND®®® surgeon; he told me I could start the process. Every plastic surgeon I consulted (total of 5) agreed that I'd get the results I was looking for. The general consensus was that I needed to be wthin 20 pounds of goal.

    I was then (Aug) a size 14 and the same weight I am now; however, I'm now a size 10 no pounds lost but I'm losing inches...

    I'd hoped to loose the last 15-20 pounds during this time (between Aug and Dec 22 my surgery date). Doesn't look like it's going to happen. I'm happy with my size and the last appt with the LAP-BAND®®® doc (last week) went really well as he was like what size are you aiming for? He went on to say I looked fine as is and to stop beating myself up re: scale...

    I'm rambling...

    Anyway, I'm trying to change my way of thinking. I continue to exercise like a crazed woman and though pounds aren't melting away anymore my shape and pant sizes are changing tremendously.

    Good luck with your journey...

  7. I have BCBS/MA, they didn't require the 6 mos diet. I had to do the psych, sleep study and meet w/ nutritionist - I did all w/n a 2-wk period and was approved the following week.

    The doc asked me to loose 10 pounds prior to surgery, which was accomplished w/ the 2-wk liquid diet.

    BCBS just recently received approved my TT w/lipo, which I've scheduled for Dec - I've read that most insurances won't pick up the cost of anything but the panni. I'm not sure how it works, whether the employer opts for certain coverages or what the deal is.

  8. hello folks! my husband and i will be traveling to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia soon to meet the baby girl we are adopting. my doctor and i are considering unfilling my band for the trip for a couple of reasons...1.) the high possibility of getting sick and throwing up, which could cause a slip. 2.) medical professionals there have no idea what to do with the band, so if i were to having problems, i'd be out of luck with getting help.

    has anyone else done this while traveling? does the hunger come of fast? i have 6 cc in a 10 cc band and have lost just over 80 lbs. i'm scared of gaining weight, but near as scared as what could happen in Ethiopia with my band if i got sick.

    any advice is greatly appreciated!

    First of all, congratulations on your new addition.

    In your case, I would opt for an unfill. Just watch what you're eating while away and get your fill as soon as you return to the states.

    I've seen many posts of people wanting an unfill simply to overindulge, doesn't sound like that the case for you. The last thing you need is to have an episode involving your band along with the emotions of adopting.

    Wishing you much success...

  9. I was instructed to walk immediately. I walked approx 20-30 minutes a day initially (just around the yard) and wasn't cleared for additional activity (not even sex) until 6 weeks after surgery.

    The walking is VERY important as it aids in relieving the horrible gas pains. By week 2, I was walking an hour a day; I continued to walk and increase my time and pace as the weeks went by.

    Talk w/ you doc. Seems that everyone is given different orders.

  10. I've given away some and donated everything else. I've kept a pair of jeans from every other size down and will take pics once I reach my goal. Yes, I'll get rid of them once I've taken a picture.

    I've also had to get rid of shoes as my feet are now a size smaller.

    To save $$$ - Accessories are the key (for me) as I buy 2 pairs of pants ($16 or less @ TJ Maxx) in my new size and layer tops and wear necklaces, scarves... to change things up. My co-workers seem to pay more attention to my accessories than the fact that I've worn a pair of pants twice w/n a week along with my single basic black skirt.

  11. I'm working on the last bit of weight, too--around 10 pounds from a normal BMI, and the going's slow.

    I, too, am losing inches--but the scale is far less cooperative.

    Are you more active than you were earlier in your weight loss? I ask, because you may be losing fat. The scale won't register that loss if you're displacing it with muscle tissue.

    The muscle is a great addition; it's metabolically active (fat is not), and will help you when you actually want to maintain.

    Thanks Betsy, I have been more active. For the past 3 months I've added additional weight and cardio training and have added a boxing classes 2 mornings a week along with swimming 2 evenings a week. I'm at the gym 5 days per week and go twice on Tuesdays 6-7:00a boxing and 8-9p swimming. I increased and changed my exercise regime in order to break through the darn plateau. As a result, I went from losing nothing (inches nor pounds); now I'm losing inches. I hope to turn the corner soon and see pounds drop too. Okay, perhaps I'm being greedy...

  12. You know what frustrated me so much is that there is that horrible height/weight chart that insurance companies first stared years ago and we are all supposed to fit into the weight range based on height.I'm 5'5 and I should be 125-145. How the hell am I to know what I really will be able to get down to and maintain. I think instead there should be an ass jiggle chart. If you ass jiggles like a 6.7 earthquake then your ass is fat. If it jiggles like a little 4.0 trembler, your getting better. If it moves like corpse, then your ass is just perfect and you are at an ideal weight.

    Too funny:lol:

    Okay, so what happens when you didn't have much ass to begin with and it's now flat as a pancake - no jiggle, tremble :wink2:...?

  13. I get it; understand I'm happy but that doesn't eliminate my frustration. My knees tell me that I need more pounds off as they hurt like hell still from carrying too much weight. Granted not as bad as before but the pain is still there.

    Phran - thanks for the link, the page had some very useful info.

    honk - you could be right

    Mdhannant - absolutely love the term " scale of Doom". I also wish the docs would use something else to gauge us by other than pounds. If it were up to my surgeon, I'd be 125lbs before he'd be satisfied. I'm a little more realistic and think that 145-150 would look best on me. At 125 I'd look sick.

    I'll continue crossing my fingers and working my ass off at the gym to get these last pounds off and give my knees some relief...

    Wishing you all continued success.

  14. I have been banded for almost 4 months now and havent lost much AT ALL. A few pounds since surgery which was all at the beginning on the all liquid diet.

    Im just gonna put myself out there because I am failing and frustrated. Here is my situation. I had my band placed with a small fill in it already and since then I have had one fill. I have no idea how much is in my band because my doctor did not tell me and was stressing that the cc's are not what matters, its the feeling etc. Well, before the fill I really had no restriction. Now, i do but after about 3 or maybe 4 bites of food, I get this feeling like a lump in my throat and it HURTS. I have to drink something to get it to pass.. If i dont drink anything, I either sit in pain and cant eat anymore or I have to throw it up. Its so frustrating. Obviously my drinking while I eat prevents the band from being able to work, but I dont know what I am suppose to do. If I stop eating, I am literally only eating about 3 bites of food, and I dont feel "full", I just feel a pain. Is that what full is suppose to feel like?

    If anyone has advice I am so appreciative. And if anyone is reading this thinking Im so dumb and Im just doing it wrong, I really am not sure what I am suppose to do differently. I went into this with so much excitement and Im feeling really deflated. My husband is paying money every month to pay off the loan we got in order for me to get the surgery and I feel so guilty that I am not losing anything.

    Are you chewing well? I mean really chewing your food and taking small bites? If you are, it could be that you need to have a little taken out of your band.

    You should be able to eat more, your body probably thinks it's being starved. Also, whenever I have a stuck episode, I walk around a bit. Sometimes just standing will help. Hang in there, give the doc a call and see what he/she says.

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