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Posts posted by Cherishthepast

  1. I just started my 7-day pre-op diet today. I have been instructed to have at least 100 grams of Protein and NO MORE than 75 grams of carbs each day.

    I'm allowed to have creamy Soups, yogurt, broths... and as many calorie free beverages (water, crystal lite, other sugar free beverages) as I want.

    I started my day w/ Isopure (grape frost) 40g Protein no carbs. I have V8 Garden Broccoli Soup planned for lunch.

    I have unjury unflavored protein, that I plan to add to smoothies, and my soup at dinner. Then end each day with another 40g protein Isopure.

    At least this is the plan, I'm sure I'll grow tired of this. However, I'll try to remember what I tell my kids "nothing worth having is easy":wink:.

  2. Hello,

    I haven't had surgery yet and can't supply first hand knowledge; but, thought you may find this useful.

    My Dr. has told me to take pepsid AC and mylanta everyday after surgery (scheduled for 8/10). The pepsid AC he instructed me to take each and everyday - forever...

    Hang in there, I'm counting the days until I'm where you are.

  3. LL67 - I'm also scheduled for the 10th. I've tried a number of Protein drinks as I didn't want to wait until that was all I could have to try taste testing.

    I tend to like drinks that aren't milk based, I've tried and like Isopure (grape frost, fruit punch and orange), which contains 40g of Protein w/zero carbs. I've ordered samples of unjury vanilla, chicken Soup and unflavored - the unflavored mixes well w/yogurt...

    I can tolerate the GNC 100% whey (Vanilla), it has a strange aftertaste.

    Also, I've ordered samples from vitalady.com of nectar products, I understand that the Roadside Lemonade is wonderful. I've ordered samples of all flavors, which I haven't received yet. I plan to order larger quantities once I decide what I like best. Some of the individuals here have recommended adding frozen fruit, crystal light and Peanut Butter to various milk based drinks to add a little zest. I understand that adding orange flavored crystal light to the vanilla Protein Drink, results in a dreamsicle flavor - haven't tried it yet.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Hiding from the camera. I can't wait to feel comfortable enough to stand proudly in front of a camera. I take the occassional pic, but do my very best to stay behind the camera.

    I swear the camera puts 30 additonal pounds on you. Is it my imagination (probably) that we often feel and perceive ourselves differently from the image the camera projects?

    People often gasp when I tell them how much I weigh (currently 222) - I hear "you look great!" "why are you trying to lose weight?". I actually heard these very comments from my General Practioners receptionist. She pulled me aside and said that she saw the letter my dr was sending to the surgeon and really didn't know why I would do such a thing (weight loss surgery) when I looked so good.

    Perhaps I should share some of my photos with her since she appears to see the person I sometimes perceive : o }

    At any rate, I'm waiting impatiently for insurance approval and can't wait to meet the person that's hiding behind the 90 plus extra pounds.

  5. Whatever the saying, I'm anxiously waiting to hear back from my insurance BCBS MA. Can't sleep, eat or think straight; I guess the can't eat is a good thing. I've jumped through all the hoops and would be crushed if this didn't happened. Okay, I know - I'm doing my best to think along the lines that the glass is half full and this will be fine.

    I know there shouldn't be any issues as a co-worker was approved and had bypass surgery in February 09; she says that they received approval w/n 2 business days. It's only been 3 days and I'm losing my mind.

    How in the heck did you guys make it through the wait?

  6. I enjoy gardening, reading and cooking. After an afternoon of gardening there's nothing I enjoy more than relaxing with a good book (murder mystery, historic/paranormal (vampire, fae, highlander) romance...).

    In lieu of days and days of working out at the gym, I've decided to take belly dance and salsa lessons (salsa w/hubby). As my surgeon strongly suggests that the key is to keep active. Find something you enjoy (swimming, hiking, badmitton, dance....) and go for it. He says that most people stop working out due to bordom - his words, "spice it up". Can't get much spicier than belly dancing - can't wait. Yep, I've signed up and am ready to shake my "BIG" soon to be smaller belly.:eek:

  7. Hello,

    You may find the following recipe worth trying. You can substitute the chicken for ground lean beef, lean pork loin, turkey....

    chicken Lettuce Wraps

    1 head of iceburg lettuce

    1 cup mushrooms sliced

    1 1/2 to 2 LBs thin cut chicken breast

    3 garlic cloves chopped

    1 red bell pepper diced

    1 can bamboo shoots drained

    3 scallions chopped

    3 TBSP Hoisin sauce (in the grocery isle with asian noodles) This is what makes it have the great flavor, it is also the highest carb count

    1 TBSP low sodium soy sauce( you could use only soy but I love the flavor of Hoisin sauce, just use it sparingly)

    Cut Chilled lettuce head into 4 wedges. Take one wedge and seperate the leaves in a neat stack of wedges.

    Preheat a large skillet to high and add the oil to the pan ( I used seaseme oil but olive oil or veg will work too). Add chicken to the pan and cook until the pink is mostly gone. Add the garlic and scallions. Cook for one minute.

    Add the chopped pepper, bamboo, and mushrooms. Cook for another minute. (If you want to add any bean sprouts now is the time)

    Add the hoisin and soy sauce, tossing to coat the mixture evenly. Transfer the hot chicken to a platter next to the lettuce. To eat place the mixture in a piece of the lettuce and wrap loosely. AND ENJOY- you'll have plenty for leftovers.

    By the way, 2000 calories defeats your goal. Please check w/your doctor.

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