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Posts posted by Finally!

  1. Did she do a pre-op diet and lose weight? How about before that? Did she ever do Weight Watchers or any other program and lost weight?

    She did do a brief pre-op diet and did drop some initial weight. She's lost about 20 pounds total - but that includes the pre-op diet. She has done Weight Watchers, etc (every diet on the planet) and has lost weight before - but hasn't lost more than 20-30 pounds in quite a few years. If she completely restricts all carbs, she lost weight in the past, but that's unsustainable.

    I feel awful because I talked her into the sleeve - and even though I know that there's no way I could have known it wouldn't work, it makes me so sad to know how excited she was for the surgery and heartbroken that it just isn't working for her. It seems so bizarre. I can't imagine how you can NOT eat and still not lose weight.

  2. Unfortunately, there is a failure rate with this surgery that has nothing to do with patient compliance. When I was reading some of the studies I seem to recall that about 5% of patients have little to no weight loss despite reporting diet and exercise regimens that would normally result in weight loss. Nobody seems to know why some patients have a good result and others don't but it's probably some unknown metabolic pathway. Did your mom ever lose her hunger? I ask only because it might be easier to ignore food if she's not hungry. Small comfort, I know...

    I am really concerned this may be the case. Do you happen to remember where you found those studies that reference the failure cases?

    She doesn't really get hungry - about the same as me.

    Thanks for the reply!

  3. I might respectfully suggest that your mother go to another doctor for a complete physical. If your mom is indeed operating at a calorie deficit, weight loss should be happening. Is she dropping sizes at all, or just nothing? I wouldn't panic, but I would suggest to her that she see another doctor, report all her information, and see what that doctor can help her discover. Low thyroid can, indeed, keep weight loss from occurring as quickly by slowing the body's metabolism (my doctor said my very underactive thyroid would have meant absolutely no weight loss with even bare minimum caloric intake, for example), but after a year, I believe I'd be looking for other answers.

    Best wishes to y'all. A complete physical exam, plus knowing if she's losing sizes but not losing weight, would help in figuring out the mystery, I think.

    She isn't dropping sizes. She isn't gaining weight, which is good - but it's so frustrating to not be eating, to have had surgery, and to not be losing.

    She has had a complete physical recently with her main physician and a full panel of blood tests. I'm hoping to find similar cases to see if I can figure out what is going on and then find a specialist who can help her.

  4. What about getting a hold of YOUR surgeon to see if he could give some suggestions? He might be willing to help....

    Fern, I did get in touch with him. Unfortunately, he's in Mexico and the steps he wants to start with (giving her an eating plan, checking on her sleeve size) are multi-step and would require a few visits. He's so great but I really would love to at least know what to start researching in terms of her condition.

    I'm just trying to find some similar cases and see what they did.

    Thanks for your reply!

  5. Yes, I agree with all of the numbers - but I'm telling you - I know it SEEMS impossible - but that's not the issue with her. She's active and is consuming very few calories. I was just with her for a solid week and saw everything she ate. She's not sneaking in shakes or high-calorie foods or crazy amounts of carbs or anything. She eats Protein, drinks Water - everything.

    She has kept track of her intake and it just doesn't make any sense. In the beginning I assumed that she was probably taking in too many calories or that her sleeve wasn't actually restricting her food intake or that she was grazing all the time.

    She's NOT. Something else is amiss here. Does anyone else have any experience with this - beyond the basics of calories in, calories out?

  6. I had the sleeve 3 years ago and lost all of my weight. My brother, best friend, and uncle also had it and lost most of their weight.

    But my poor mom had it over a year and a half ago and has only lost 20 pounds. (She has about 80 to go.)

    She eats small portions, doesn't make terrible choices, etc. I don't understand.

    Her doctor doesn't seem to care. He just said to get some blood work done (it was all normal). I get the feeling that it's just a mystery to him and he's more interested in getting more patients sleeved than in figuring out what's wrong with my mom.

    She got her thyroid tested and it's on the low/normal side - but nothing that would explain this.

    I haven't found anyone else with this issue on any of the forums.

    If anyone has an idea about what to do, what to research, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know.

    It's heartbreaking.

    If anyone has a doctor to recommend that would be able to figure this out, she's located in Austin, Texas. Her doctor was in Dallas. I honestly wish she had gone to my doctor (Aceves in Mexico) because I know he would never rest until he knew what was wrong with her.

  7. Three times in the last 2 months, I've ended up with HORRIBLY PAINFUL stomach pains that last for hours - that I'm almost 100% sure are the result of trapped air. The other two times, I drank and ate too close together. Last night, I think it was because I had a chug of juice and then a slice of apple about 5 minutes later. I was on the ground with horrific pains all night. I tried all the usual gas remedies - and I could feel air in my gut area that was incredibly tender to push on - but nothing worked to relieve it. Walking made me burp a lot so I'm pretty sure it was trapped air. I tried gas-x but it did nothing. I think it was NOT the result of poor digestion - but literally air somehow moving through my system. Finally at 5 am, it settled down and I could rest. There was no bad-smelling gas or anything.

    I'm over a year out from my surgery, at goal weight (135, down from 212), and haven't had many other problems. I'm just wondering if I should be worried about this or if I just REALLY need to watch my Fluid intake timing against my food intake.

    Please post if you have any ideas about what this might be.


  8. Inside-

    Thanks so much! Do you know how many he's done at this point? The thing I loved about Dr. A was that he had so many years of experience in them.

    Congrats on the weight loss! I had my sleeve done last July 5th and am now a permanent size 6 -8. It just gets easier and easier! I remember that I was still a bit unsure of how to eat 7 weeks out - but now it's a piece of cake. (A very small piece of cake...:blushing:)



  9. Would absolutely do it again. My first two months were hell - but I'd never want to go back to that kind of hopelessness and constant trying of the past. Happy I had it done, and have sent my brother & my best friend to Dr. Aceves.

    I'm down 50 pounds and can focus on something besides my weight!

  10. New whey bullets are pretty good - as someone said. They have 42 grams of Protein in 3 ozs. Forget the way they taste and just drink the measly three ozs. You'll feel better.

    Also in the beginning, I would add 2 scoops of Protein powder to my shakes. It didn't really change the taste and it would give me about 40 grams in one drink. (Just be SURE to get Protein in ALL day and not just in the morning.)

    Here's another trick that I use to make myself feel better in the mornings - I take a few sips of chocolate or vanilla Muscle Milk before I go to bed. Then I don't wake up shaky.

    And I DEFINITELY sympathize with trying to get protein and liquids in. It's not easy.

  11. Hey Jeff-

    Loved reading your story. Congrats on everything you're doing. Tell your mom I think she's amazing for submitting your story - a supportive family is so important. Give her an extra hug for all of us.

    Keep us all posted. Are you taking a laptop with you? I think it would be amazing if you would start a blog or something to document your progress and the emotional journey you're on. You could give hope to a lot of people and you'd probably receive a lot of love & support back from people you share your story with.



  12. Thanks again, everyone.

    Today & yesterday have been better. We had several dr. appointments today so dh picked up Chick-fil-A for supper tonight. I ate 1/4 of a chicken salad sandwich (I took off one of the pieces of bread). I guess I did a good job eating slowly & chewing well because it went down great & I never got that stuck feeling. :thumbup1:

    I've been trying to choose more moist foods as well. I have found that drier foods don't sit well with my new tummy yet. Anyway, I'm feeling more confident today & actually feeling quite normal (whatever normal is! :laugh0:)

    Jenn, hey sleeve sister! I was just about the write to you and tell you to try chicken salad and then I saw this! :)

    I've been having hit or miss days. I've been eating wheat crackers (entertainers go down easily) with sliced turkey - it goes down well, gives me a crunch, some Protein - and not too many calories to really worry about it.

    The other thing that I find helps me enormously is better whey of life yogurt. If I can start my day with a good hit of Protein, I'm much better later in the day. I've tried other things for Breakfast and they just don't work for me. (Believe me, I KEEP trying bacon and it just makes me feel gross.)

    My weight loss is sporadic at this point but seems to be going down. I'm not tracking it too closely - just knowing that I'm not eating enough calories to NOT lose weight.

    Otherwise still trying to get enough Water in. Not great with that.

    I do find more often than not that after I eat just about anything I'm just uncomfortable and really really antsy (kinda vagus nervy feeling) - even if I'm not overeating. I'd be curious to hear what MacMadame thinks about it.

  13. Penny, I'm on mushies - just one more day until solid food - and I'll say this: the hardest days were the earliest. After a while, the food just didn't seem appealing. In the beginning of the clears, EVERYTHING smelled sooo good. But then I adjusted and really didn't care about the food. You've been through a surgery and emotions are bound to come up. Just remember - less than 30 days and you'll be back on normal food. You can do anything for 30 days.


  14. I went alone and honestly wish I had someone with me. I'm by no means a wimp (I work in war zones and travel alone to the far corners of the earth with no problem) but it helps so much just to have someone you know to simply encourage you to take a drink or walk down the hall. When Dr. Aceves put his hand on my arm, I almost cried because I realized I was just craving someone to comfort me after the surgery. It's not hugely painful or anything but it is a fairly major surgery to take a big part of your stomach out - and I think your body and mind knows that. If you can take a girlfriend or a sister or someone else close (if your husband is staying with your little one) - I would recommend it.

    Other people zipped down there alone, had the surgery, went home and started back to work immediately. It's been a longer road for me.

    Still wouldn't change it - I'm VERY grateful I had it.

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