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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bkwalling

  1. Nat I am so happy your son is okay and I am glad you got the are you trying to blow away comment that is the best

    my neice asked me the same thing she said how much more weight u wanna lose I said well I don't know 80 lbs she about passed out

    I think people sometimes don't realize how much we weigh to begin with

  2. Nat I hope your son is okay keep us updated

    Brandi I hope you have a blast with Eric I will miss you here hurry back

    Ladies I have some exciting news no the damn scale did not budge but I have found a fun quick workout dvd

    It is not like most workout dvds because this one is with dance and it is awesome I feel like Britney Spears shaking my groove thing okay Britney before the breakdown

    the dvd is called 10 min solution fat blasting dance mix it has 5 ten min dance routines which gradually get harder

    today I did the easy one and it was easy but I have not worked out in like 2 wks so I wanted to start back slow

    it was 10 bucks at Walmart gurls it is worth your money plus it is a quick workout and some days that is what us women need

    I should also metion u can do a custom workout and pick the ones that are you fav and do those any ways had to share that with my ladies

    ck in later bye bye

  3. Nat and Steph yall are right I need to kick myself in the rear and lose the ten lbs. I was nervous about even calling my doc for a unfill because he has been less than pleasing in giving me fills. I ate good yesterday did eat once like a married woman with kids and that was dinner and I let my little men get to me they wanted their mom to eat with them and the same food

    but it wasn't bad I had couple bites of corn, macaroni and hamburger helper carb overload I know but was just a couple bites today I am making a healthy dinner of taco Soup with turkery meat

    Nat your whips sound awesome I love the buffalo chicken one it was awesome only prob was I wanted a drink

    I need a kick in the butt to excerise I lost my gym membership because of a fight I had with another skinny lady at my gym over kids of all things but oh well I stood my ground.

    My husband has a gym in our garage but it is very manly and hard for me to do.

    boo I am so happy all is well in boob land I know that is a ton of worry of your back

  4. Nat you can do it you can be under 200 by your birthday

    my goal is to be under 230 by my birthday

    I weigh 251 right now and my birthday is 6/27

    I know the goal is conservative but I think it will be easy to achieve

    oh the party was power rangers with ninja turtle gifts

    it was a blast

    I slimed all weekend everyone on everything from a bit of pizza to a piece of toast

    I think I am a little tight so I call the doctor he says well I really don;t want to unfill you any will you try and lose about ten lbs this wk and then you will be fine

    I said sure no prob since I can't eat that should be easy are u freaking kiddin me

    I wanted to explain what happens to me to all yall so you can make sure I am sliming not pbing

    I will take a couple bites of food and then spit for about 3 hours and have this pain in my chest that before I would have gotton checked out

    I think that is sliming and my doc said well if you are just sliming then your not hurting your band so try and lose the weight for me

    I could barely believe my ears it all breaks down to he is a lazy ass

    brandi I can hardley get over you being a size 10 my cousin at the party yesterday is a sz 10 and she is so skinny we need updated pics of you in your new clothes

    I am so so proud of your success

    I have decided that I am going to start eating like a single woman because I have found I break bandster rules because of dh and kids wanting bad food so I am making myself a different shopping list this wk and see how that goes

    steph you had some good party Ideas

    I did not use them because I haven't been on here since you last posted boo hoo

  5. Sassy looking awesome girl

    B man I too have had hair loss and I have lost slow but I think alot of mine came from a perm I should not have gotton

    nat you are doing so good I am happy your fill is working that feels great right

    steph I love nsv they are awesome

    jill I feel your pain honey with the no weightloss I have lost in almost two wks

    sweethot - my doc is not a big fan of fills either I believe he has helped my weightloss being slow by being diffcult because brandi doc gives her fills alot she is lucky

    I am losing lots of inches ladies and at my family thing the other day everyone noticed

  6. Sweet hot welcome back you and me in the same boat I eat a little bit of food then in two hours eat the rest my weightloss has been slow as well but picked up in april as I lost about 8 lbs. I think I need a bit more of a fill like brandi said good luck and feel free to pm me cause I know how it feels to lose slow.

    steph sorry about the pbing I hate that I can not drink with meals or I slime as well good to know i am in the same boat

    nat don;t u miss piggin out sometimes me too I am embrassed how little I eat at parties and I feel like I have made the host mad but oh well

  7. Nat My tummy is better. I am not working right now trying to take it easy and work on my green thumb. I did have a promising job interview and will know something in about 2 wks. I am enjoying not working. My son wanting a power ranger party.. I need a little girl it is so hard having boys parties when I know nothing about the power ranger besides they sure think alot of their party supplies they don't come cheap. Can't wait to read on yahoo

    claudia sorry to hear about your friend how is the weight loss coming

    sassy glad u have restriction go girl

    brandi good job with working out I need to get back to it

    I miss it

  8. Brandi you poor poor girl you need to go on Dr. Phil and put this jerk pic out there to save poor women and to get much needed counseling

    I am praying for you

    sassy glad to hear u are doing good

    you too nat you will meet your may goal you can do it

    steph that is awesome double takes are always nice

    yesterday was my little man bday he is six we are having evil birthday party this weekend wish us luck

  9. Ladies I am trying to get over the worst stomach virus that I have ever had.

    I was vomitting alot and dry heaving the nasty runny stuff all combined.

    I wish I could say I felt better but I don't./

    the interview went really well they won;t be hiring until middle of may so maybe I will get a call.

    claud good for you for no junk food in your house that is hard to do

    steph sorry you binge ate things will get better when it is time for my monthly I always eat like a moose

    bevers good luck at work alot of hours is hard to do keep up the good work

    my weight loss is going good keep your fingers crossed for me

  10. Brandi Congrats on the promotion that is awesome

    claudia you are a wise woman

    how is that weight loss coming

    annie you are losing weight so good girlfriend u go

    steph how was that fill

    I forgot to tell yall about mine I could not update my signature I will keep trying it says to many words when I add one line of updates crazy lapbandtalk

    anyways I got .2 cc on tuesday he was going to do my fill in office because he was on call but said my port was to deep so we had to go over to fluro

    my doc said he could really tell I am losing inches

    which I would like to believe he can but he has so many people he has done surgery on

    okay ladies as yall may know I teach the class called path that makes people a foster parent

    I am teaching a class now it is rewarding to see all the people who are willing to help and I love my job but I have been wanting a job more coventional like when I worked at the bank

    I had a schedule with this job it is like tuesdays sometimes saturday

    never the same

    so I applied for a spa office job working at the front desk well I have a interview today wish me luck I will be sure to let yall know how it went

  11. Claudia I am so sorry to hear about the guy on your vacation and all the problems u will get through this

    you are a strong woman

    steph I am with you I wasn;t sure I needed the fill yesterday so he only gave .2 cc I am now at 1.7cc and I can not eat reg food again till friday

    kirsten sorry about your man drama

    brandi is right most men are lower than dogs

    I love dogs

    I have a awesome husband who is my best friend but in highschool I was in an abusive relationship it was awful so I know how mean men can be

    on the other hand I lost another lb I need to update my ticker more

    well see yall later

  12. Kirsten we seem to be on the same plateau mine will last a few days then I will lose and then stall then gain a lb or two I prob have lost over 40 lbs at one point and keep gaining and losing the same ten lbs

    sassy no numb cream or shot here my fills really don;t hurt all that bad today is the 1st day I will go in without someone with me so I am a little nervous

    steph congrats on the nsv I love those

    kay i am a big Soup eater but only thick Soups

  13. brandi that is awesome someone did not even know I love it sounds like a nsv to me

    sassy I agree with the others about your band

    kay I know how u feel to not want to order or buy the size u are that is me totally

    ladies tommorrow I am getting a fill at my docs office I will just pay for it last night I ate 3 slices of pizza

    I had barely ate all day and was starving but I have never ate that much since being banded

    I need a fill in a bad way I know i didn't stretch my pouch from overeating once but I need a fill still

    I got my doc just to charge 250 and that covers a whole month incase i need more fills or unfills that month

    pretty awesome I am happy

  14. Ladies yall have been chatting it up.

    I am so proud of each of you.

    Nat you make them IT men want you. you go gurl

    Brandi - you are my role model my husband laughs at me cause I am always like well Brandi said this and Brandi said that he is like who is brandi It is funny.

    you are so right about the food mushy way to often in my diet.

    kay- I really need to track my calories better. I will work on that :faint:

    annie you have lost weight really quick too

    you go gurl

    sassy I am happy to have u back

    steph you have more nsv you lucky gurl you :clap2:

    well I am off to play soccer with my little men

  15. Oh Man what have they done to lapband talk crazy huh

    I kind of like it and I usually don;t like change

    Brandi thanks so much for your help yesterday. I think my prob is eating too many carbs I think I am going to hold off on a fill and follow low carb for a wk or so. you are right anything over one cup is alot of food. I think i can eat more because I choose soft foods alot.

    Steph - everything went fine last night but I did lock my classroom door I am a panic attack person.

    claudia hope your day is going well check in when u can

  16. Okay ladies today is a little better so far but it has just started

    Nat I am excited to hear from you again good job on checking in

    well I think I need a fill because I can now eat about 2 cups of food when before I was eating 1/2 of a cup. I am still not sure how much I should be able to eat my old doc said 2 cups was really not that much and I don;t need a fill I am just not sure

    I agree it is so sad that children have to worry about being shot while learning. My heart breaks for the families

    steph thanks for your words they helped

    you are alot like me I am a scardy cat too if I am alone and yesterday was a uneasy day any ways

    I am a little nervous because today I am off to MTSU a large college in TN

    I always worry about copy cat crimes

    anywho I wanted to let you know this month issue of Cosmo with carrie underwood on the cover has a whole article on Lap band or they call it gastric banding it was a pretty good article talked about the struggles of becoming a thin person and all the new attention it brings check it out

    Oh I am not weighing anymore than once a wk I am putting my scales in the garage

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