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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bkwalling

  1. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey all Boo hope court went okay va- congrats on the workout it is hard to do anything when you are sick I am down 4 lbs in 3 days but refuse to change my ticker because last time I screwed it up and it would not work for days Oh I have to go clean our house is for sale and we have some return vistors so maybe we will have a offer wish us luck oh and I have to work tonight but I will try to get back on here be4 then
  2. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Nat Have a ball in florida brandi you are awesome I am trying to encourage my gym to start a yoga class we have a ball class that I love I worked out again last night and lost another 2 ounces this morning my scales measures ounces I have to know that I am losing something excerise has helped alot
  3. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    va- yum your meals makes my mouth water yummy steph - I can not believe the lady lost 80lbs since Nov. she had the band not gastric bypass Okay some of yall may remember my local gym having a get fit in 07 competion. It is where you can win cash for ever 5 lbs you lose until April. Well I am a honest person and told them about my band and they said I could not be in the competion,and some of you will remember it bumming me out. Nat suggested starting my own competion,and I have little by little setting short goals and rewarding myself with a pedicure or facial or clothes anyhow last night at the gym my mom and I go together.anyways she was weighing in for the competion and had lost 2 more lbs go mom anyways she has been on diet pills because she is trying to get approved for the surgery and has to lost a lot of weight in about a month. anyhow I metioned to the owner while mom was weighing in that I did not think it was fair that I could not weigh in. I explained that it would really help me to be accountable to someone,and I was waiting on her to say well life is not fair but she didn't she said "why do you think it would be fair to others if you could weigh in after having surgery and will lose massive amounts of weight and have your name in the drawing a lot more" I responded well people can take diet pills and be in the competion she was like well yeah but weight loss is slower with diet pills I said not always. I said with the band all my calories absorb unlike gastric bypass and I am only expected to lose 1-2 lbs a wk. If I work really hard I could lose more but It is me working hard that would make me lose more than 1-2 lbs not my band she totally apolgized and said I understand she said I figured weight fell off without effort I was like no way. She thought it was the same as gastric bypass not at all Anyways I am offically in the competion and ready to kick some ass... I can not help but wonder in the back of my mind will everyone say if my name is drawn oh well she had surgery that is why she won I hope they dont but who knows sorry for the long post w/o correct grammer but in a hurry had to tell my lady friends
  4. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    claudia _ I totally get what your are saying one of those friends where you are not sure whether they are complimenting you or not steph - your welcome The kids situation is put on hold the court wanted to wait a couple months not sure why thanks for asking also I have decided to take this semester off school and start taking less classes this fall as well as opening a daycare this summer My town has a need for a awesome daycare my children really had no where to go when I had to work alot of the daycare here have bad reps for being mean I want a place where kids love to go and I can teach them in the process I do agree about education to fall back on I hope it all works out I also understand what you mean about not being able to tell on yourself about the weight loss I am totally like that
  5. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    claudia you have done so well I did not realize you weighed under 200 way to go brandi thanks I will try yoga steph I only throw up once every couple days i think It is because I am adjusting to what I can eat not real sure steph you look like you have lost more than 30 you keep up the awesome work
  6. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Va- congrats on your weight loss you are doing so well almost under 100 lbs to lose boo- clothing sizes make me mad I never know what size I am Brandi so how is yoga is it okay for fat people like me I am scared to try it nat - so how did last night go I need my soap opera for the wk just kiddin steph u are looking awesome you go girl I am very proud of you
  7. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Nat I would be scared to fly wish you luck I think today I threw up because I ate rice which I could before the fill but not now I will see I am calling him tommorrow it does worry me because the risk of slipping congrats on the nsv i love them
  8. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Nat-yep I am fine just a little upset with not losing weight I throw up twice yesterday. I am not sure why but I am only eating like 1000 calories on a good day and not losing I actually gained a couple lbs. I am hitting the gym hard next wk because I want to see if it will help. I am about to go look at your pics can't wait to see them . I am so happy for you going to Fl.Are you going to fly are make that long drive. I am scared of planes so we drive but we are alot closer than you are. Congrats on the new mattress. I too am debating going to church we got 3 inches of snow last night and too us that is a lot and the roads are real icy so I am not sure. Sounds like your man is awesome. Kirsten _ i hear I am tired of the snow boo- no prob I am confused a lot myself he he
  9. I agree with the blood test thing have your doctor test you before you have surgery
  10. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Boo Brandi Is beversman and my real name is Khristina hope that helps
  11. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    I fixed my ticker hip hip hooray
  12. bkwalling

    I'm new

    welcome hope you find it welcoming
  13. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    is mine working
  14. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Nat- I am so proud of you for your on going weight loss you go gurl and knock um dead in that sexy outfit brandi - you are a weight loss machine and so dedicated to the gym boo your pics are awesome no about the decision now but sometime before fall I will have to decide what to do I am off to work on my ticker and then off to work
  15. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Kay glad to hear your fill went awesome good luck with it brandi good luck with your 3rd fill nat how is things going with the big man ha ha annie - i like your new name anyways I am back on solids as of yesterday and I can eat a lot more now I am thinking of taking this semester off school and re think my life this custody battle is really getting to me and working all weekend and all wk is too I have a stupid dream that I am scared to do I have always wanted to be a teacher and like I said my husband and I are in college 2 gether to be teachers but last night I realized that I am not sure if I want to be a teacher or open a preschool my husband wants to do the preschool thing we are both really into helping children that is why we are foster parents but I feel I could still help more children with a good preschool which our town needs also if we open a preschool we could still foster but if we are teachers prob would not have the time what do yall think
  16. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Oh guys my ticker is not working have yall noticed that let me know if yall can see it I have changed it several times
  17. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Oh I am happy for the yall who did the secret cupid that is sweet sorry I learned about it too late to join nat you are funny here is hoping u get a phone call from a 6'5 man steph u are a ski machine hope yall all had a great day oh and annie next yr and prob this yr you will have to take numbers ha ha they will need to wait in line
  18. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Happy Valentine's Day all we are snowed in which is like one inch in tn ha ha my hubby bought me flowers which are cute and candy I ate a little candy it was awesome oh I am doing much better now no throwing up my cookies b man glad u have power
  19. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Awesome about the mattress you deserve a good nights sleep after all sorry about the little one mine is getting a little better and i have not thrown up since this morning go me my dh is so funny my son said mom why don't u ever eat supper much this is his words by the way I was trying to think of a answer when my husband said oh mom is on the bulmic/anerxoic diet (mispelled I am sure) anyhow my son was like oh it was funny chubbygurl I have wondered the same about sweethot
  20. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Thanks ladies for the advice nat hope your little man gets better mine is home sick today with the tummy virus steph - sorry about the leak that must be painful I am glad u got a good nights sleep well anyways I called my doc he won;t do a unfill until I do liquids for a few days he said that he hates to unfill when he is not sure it is not the way i am chewing or whatever I am trying liquids then mushies then soft then food I will let yall know oh and I am about to post those pics on yahoo
  21. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Brandi - you look awesome major difference in the face I can not post my pics on here yet I am wondering whether to do it on yahoo My mom says wait a few wks because she admits that she can barely tell I am just so wanting to show yall steph love the hardwood I love hardwood floors they are awesome nat- sorry about the church deal maybe next wk sassy my first fill was 1 cc Okay - guys I am having a very hard time with my band the fill has about killed me I have been on reg food since saturday and throw up everything I have eaten I can not eat over two bites of anything then I am over the toliet throwing up I did keep some cereal down but that is because of drinking the milk with the cereal... what is yall take on this help me and the scale has not moved in over two wks I am eating less than 500 calories scale stuck help me
  22. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    sassy_ it wasn't that 1cc made me not be able to eat I think it is where I had no restriction left that now that I do have it it hurts to eat anything over 1/2 cup not sure still getting used to being a filled bandster maurden- I can not believe u got 2.5 cc I would not be able to swallow welcome and keep posting
  23. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    va- I don't have pains anymore around my port sassy lady I had my fill on tuesday my first one 1cc and I can barely eat I hope this gets better a little of my hair came out in the shower hope it is just normal shedding nat- omigod I am so happy your date went awesome that makes me happy for you also I am also upset with ans death I am like you I was not a fan but I can relate to her because of weight struggles and god bless that baby little heart steph _ I am happy to hear u love your house can't wait to see pics also guys sometime this next wk I am posting on yahoo thread some pics I have yet to post there but will ... Have a Happy Friday off to school
  24. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    okay ladies nevermind I found the group I was typing something wrong sorry okay approve me for the group already ha ha oh I am going shopping today wish me luck maybe down one size or two
  25. bkwalling

    Steady losers ;-)

    Can someone pm me the yahoo group plz when I try to go to the one I thought was yahoo group it said it does not exist so if u can pm me the group I would appreciate it I have some bra panties pics before and progress and do not won't to post them here since anyone can see them

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