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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mcb2009

  1. Hi everyone,

    I've been struggling and to be honest avoiding this forum because I was in "avoidance" mode. I was banded on July 6th and didn't get a fill until August 24. I have a 14cc band - and I now have had 4 fills. On Monday I was given .5mL and now am up to 7mL and am definately feeling restriction. I'm still on a liquid diet until tomorrow and then soft foods only.

    I had a bit of a scare a couple of weeks ago with really bad chest tightness and pain radiating up my neck. It seemed to come on after eating and so initially I thought it was reflux but I've had bad reflux in the past and the pain wasn't the same. My family doctor thought it was likely paricarditis (swelling of sac around heart - caused by a virus)...who knows. The pain was relieved with lots of advil and losec to protect my stomach from the advil.

    When I saw the surgeon on Monday she read me the riot act because I have been eating bread. Oh god...she ranted on and on about the fact that I should not have been eating bread. I dont' recall getting that message...I was told that it may be difficult to eat bread but the only thing I was told to absolutely avoid is carbonated drinks.

    Anyway...long winded message but I realize I need to pay more attention to "working the band" and not just sit back idly with the hope that the band will magically melt away the pounds. My weight loss has stalled over the past month and I'm hoping that his latest fill will kick start the loss.



  2. Hi everyone,

    I was banded on July 6 with a 14mL band...had to wait about 7 weeks post-op for my first fill of 4 mL. Since then I've had an additional 3 fills...1mL, 1mL and yesterday .5mL. I'm really feeling restriction now which is odd considering she only put in .5mL.

    Has anyone out there experienced something similar? That is, getting a small fill but noticing a big difference in restriction? I'm on liquids for 2 days and tomorrow start soft food. I'm getting liquids down but I feel this constand pressure in my neck/throat area which I'm sure is from the band. I'm now wondering if it is too tight and I need to get a small de-fill? Or stick with it for a few days and wait and see what happens.

    What do you think?


  3. I just had my first fill today! No numbing assistance, she just had me do an ab crunch and hold it while she poked twice and bullseye! No pain at all, really...just discomfort/needle-anxiety. I am 8 weeks post-op. I got 4cc's into my empty band and she just had me drink some Water and hang out to make sure I didn't get nausea. Feeling good but she advised liquids for 3 days just to be "Very Careful" with it...and then mushies. Don't know if I'll wait 3 days, but will be careful. Instant mashed potatoes are my fav! :-)

    Really though...it was so much easier than I thought. This forum can sometimes cloud your brain and heighten your anxiety with stories of worst-case-scenarios. Just take it all in perspective... And good luck! I hope yours is delightfully no-big-deal the way mine was.

    Hey Texas Mommy:

    I had a very similar experience. I was banded on July 6 and had my first fill on Aug. 24. I have a 14cc band and got 4cc. No zylocaine and only one puncture - she too had my lie down flat, put my hands above my head, do a crunch and voila - it was all done. She didn't think I would have any restriction and I didn't. I was instructed to go on a 2 days of liquid followed by one day of pureed food. I had my second fill this Wednesday (Sep 2) and got another 1.5cc - still no restriction. The surgeon and the nutritionist at the clinic said that it may take 3-4 fills before I feel a restriction. The surgeon at our clinic likes to go very slowly and give patients the time to adjust to the new way of eating.

    I think I may have a slight restriction because I am eating less and in less than 2 weeks I've finally started to lose again. I'm down 6 lbs in less than 2 weeks so I'm happy! :)

    I'm scheduled for my next fill in 2 weeks.


  4. Hey Bobbi,

    I was banded the day before you and I also have a noticable lump over the port side. Otherwise swelling has all but gone - just the lump over my right side. I'm feeling OK but not enjoying my mother-in-laws cooking. ahhhh...oh well...I only have 2 more days of mushies before I move on to soft regular food.

    Hope you are well.



  5. Hi there,

    I will be just about 3 weeks post-op when I travel to Ireland (from Toronto) for vacation (8 hr flight). The team at the clinic said no problems at all. Just take my Protein powder with me. The good thing is that when I arrive in Ireland I start the pureed diet for one week and then during the second week I can start on soft food (oh ya!!!). The surgeon at my clinic does not put any saline in the band so I was told that once I've healed there will be no restriction. I was given the 14cc band too...not sure why? Geez...even with band surgery I needed the "plus-size" band! Ahhhhhh! Maybe that's a good thing though - not sure. I don't see the surgeon until late August but I'm going to ask what her criteria is for choosing the 10cc vs the 14cc band. Anyone out there know?

    Good luck on your flight.


  6. Hi Arb,

    I'm nearly 2 weeks post-op and for the first week I was sore and so gasy that I too was only able to drink small amounts. I don't recall that I felt "restricted" but I know that I could only drink 1/4 - 1/2 cup of any liquid at one time. Over the first week when everything started to settle down I was able to drink more at a time - albeit, slowly. You will have some swelling which should begin to decrease with each day. If you are worried, give your clinic/surgeon a call to check. Good luck and a speedy recovery to you.


  7. If I were in your shoes I would have lied. Kindness, compassion, encouragment and motivation by acknowledgin her loss is what may help her to keep going. I also agree with some of the other posters that she may have lost those pounds and it may not be obvious. Even what she was wearing could have had an affect on how she looked.


  8. When were you banded? What are you supposed to be eating now?

    I was banded 2nd July with no fill. Some days I'm not too bad but frequently feel I could eat a horse. I was so hungry last night I ate 2 slices of bread no worries. then an hour later had 2 slices of toast!!!! :crying:Argh!!! I'm sposed to be on fluids for another 2 weeks. Will be phoning Dr. on Mon as I dont want to cause a slip or stretch my pouch. :frown:

    Darlin...go easy! If you are really hungry try a nice rich Soup like lentle or minestrone (put it through a blender first though). You don't want to have gone through all of this and have complications because of a few pieces of bread...its just not worth it. Be creative with the fluids...nice juice...do a blended smoothie with some fresh strawberries and low-fat yogurt. Hang in there.

    Mary...post-op day 5

  9. Of course people have different opinions and are given different plans from their doctors. But in my opinion, if you were satisfied then it is fine. I don't obsess over how much. I concentrate on eating the right foods the right way and stopping when I am no longer hungry. If I am not losing weight and not staying satisfied until my next meal then I get a fill. Through the whole process I have averaged 3/4 to 1 cup per meal and have done well with that.

    Jodi...wow...gotta say, your stats are very impressive! Way to go!:frown:

  10. Hi gang,

    Well, its day 5 post-op for me and I'm now starting to feel almost normal again. :-) For the past nights I have slept quite well on both sides, although my left side is probably a bit more comfortable. Today I started the full liquid diet which means I can have real Soup...yippee...I'm off the broths. For lunch today I'm going to have cream of chicken soup...who knew I could get so excited over cream of chicken Soup. Oh...am I'm down 5 lbs since Monday morning...not bad since I was up 5 lbs the day after surgery because of all of the Fluid during the surgery. I'm now officially down 20 lbs and all of this in less than one month. So, I'm off to a good start and am looking forward to getting back to work next week.

    How is everyone else doing this fine Saturday morning? Actually...not to fine in Ontario...we have a rip roaring thunder storm coming in...I love these big storms!

    Take it easy all...



  11. Yes!! I felt the same way. Hang in there!!

    Hi guys,

    I was banded on July 6 and yes, its been a rough week. But, this morning I woke up and am feeling much better.

    I haven't noticed either of you in the July 2009 bandster forum? Check it out and you will be connected to all of us who have had the surgery so far and those whose surgeries are coming up.

    You are not alone. Everyday gets better.



  12. Hi all,

    I'm probably posting a bit early here since my surgery was on Monday...but I thought I'd chime in with my experience to date.

    I had my surgery first thing Monday morning and was home by 1:30pm. I've been able to sleep in my bed but until last night had a very restless sleep and had some difficulty turning around. Last night I slept so much better - much easier on my right side than my left. Getting up this morning was much easier too.

    I've been on a clear liquid diet only this week and now I can honestly say that I'm very hungry. My stomach has started growling and I'm extremely anxious for my "full liquid" diet to start tomorrow. Then I get to have Soup...oh ya! I haven't bothered counting calories because they would be so low that I would be a bit scared.

    I've had quite bad gas pains since Monday - very unpleasant and quite similar to what I experienced after I got my gall bladder out. It seems to be a bit better today but my left shoulder is still aching. Hopefully, it will be better tomorrow.

    I hope everyone is doing OK...hang in there...this too shall pass!


  13. Hey Mary,

    My sister was banded in 2005, lost 85 lbs and is doing great with her band. She still follows the program and stays in touch with her doctor. I truly feel like many many successful bandsters just don't get on the boards anymore. Hope this puts you at ease a little :)

    Thanks slpcat...that's what I was hoping. Glad to hear your sister is still working the band and is successful. That's what I hope for us all.



  14. Hi all,

    Just thought I'd drop in to let my July Bandsters know how I made out yesterday. My surgery was scheduled for 0730 - first up! I think the surgeon was a bit late but nevertheless, I was back in recovery at 0850 and left the clinic at 1215. Not bad eh? I felt OK yesterday afternoon, thanks to a couple of percoset, no doubt. Slept on and off all day and managed to sleep in my bed last night although it was a restless sleep.

    Gotta say that today I'm sore. Wouldn't describe it as pain (gall stones are painful) this is just very sore. Like some else said in this forum, its like you've done a thousand sit-ups or have been punched inthe gut...that kind of sore. I'm trying to walk every few hours - just around the house but I still have quite a bit of pain around my shoulder blades and collorbone.

    I'm not hungry at all and am trying to force myself to get the necessary fluids into me. I had some nausea last night but thankfully only threw up once. That was a bit scary though!

    Anyway my friends - I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for those of you who are getting banded today (Bobbie...let me know how it goes) and for all other July Bandsters.

    Take care all,


  15. Hey mary,

    Don't beat yourself up about the nibbles you had yesterday, it's part of life. If you read the forums every surgeon has a different take on the whole "shrink your liver thing" my surgeon doesn't believe in the liquid diet unless the patient's BMI is over 60. I did the supervised 6 month diet and at the time of my surgical consult I was down 15lbs and asked him about having to do a liquid diet...he thinks that he's patients come into surgery a little dehyrated and he ends up giving them lots of IV fluids...so, I was told to eat light the day before surgery and to have nothing by mouth after midnight.

    The day before surgery I las my last meal at 5pm and drank until midnight and morning of surgery I took my medicine at 8am with a decent sip of Water. I stayed at the hospital for 20 hrs and recieved 2.5 liter of Fluid.

    I said all that to stay...don't fret. Start anew today and the before surgery follow your instructions to the letter. I'll be watching for your posts.

    Good luck and I'm sending you positive thoughts.


    Thanks for the positive note Regina...appreciate it very much. Yes, I'm quite amazed at the different approaches to the pre-op diet. I haven't had to do a liquid pre-op diet but a low carb diet that puts you in ketosis. So, no sugar, bread, fruit, rice etc. My weight was up this morning but its likely Water retention. My goal today is to drink lots of water, get some exercise and prepare myself for tomorrow.

    On another topic...have you guys read through some of the other forum threads about people who have been banded and are NOT happy? Last night I made the mistake of checking out the 2005 Bandsters forum. I'm really hoping that there are thousands out there who have been successful and only the ones who have not are posting there. Geeze...talk about having second thoughts last night. I'm going to have my surgery tomorrow morning but I was reminded, after reading their posts, that this band is only a tool and will not magically melt our pounds away. Its going to take lots of work and determination. As always, its not the losing that I'm concerned with...I know I can lose it, I've done it many, many times. Its the keeping it off part of the equation that I have failed at so many times.

    Anyway...just the musings of someone who is less than 24 hours away from being banded. Hard to concentrate on anything else.

    Take care everyone and have a great day.


  16. Day three...yippeee, I'm down 2.6 lbs. I got all of my Fluid and Protein in which is difficult. I sleep in bed without much discomfort. I'm climbing the walls those...I have to get out today. I think I'll mall walk for a bit. I'll let you know how that does....the whole driving thing. I have a MINI Cooper S which is low to the ground...so, not sure how easy it's going to be getting in and out...but, I'm soon going to find out :)

    Hope everyone is staying hydrated and moving.

    Happy 4th of July


    Hey Regina,

    Let me know how it goes with getting into your mini-cooper...I drive a VW Beetle and its also low to the ground. I was wondering the same thing...hope you are doing well today and congrats on the -2.6lb loss.

    I have 2 more sleeps and then its my turn. I have been soooo good on my pre-op diet but today I fell off the wagon a bit. Was at a Canada Day/Strawberry festival and had some strawberries, a butter tart and about 4 nacho chips with guacamole....oh and 1/2 glass of wine. :smile2: Ahhhh...I hope my liver doesn't balloon in size. Tomorrow I'm going to be a good girl.

    Bye for now,


  17. I am going to buy some really cute new PJs to wear to surgery. I also want to get my hair colored. I really wanted to get a pedi, too. However, my surgery instructions say to remove all nail polish. I know that I'll need to have it off my fingers, but do you think we can leave it on our toes? I hate to pay for a pedi and then have to take the polish off. (I like to get mine done french with a little ladybug painted on each of my big toes...I'll post a picture...too cute!) I suppose I should just call and ask, but I thought I'd see what y'all had been told.

    You'll be fine with polish on your toes. As long as you have at least one finger without polish then that is all that is required. The finger oximiter probes can read/detect oxygen concentration through most nail polish - just not the very dark colours like black and some very dark reds. We generally tell patietns to remove all nail polish from hands to be on the safe side. (I'm a Respiratory Therapist)



  18. Hey Bobbie,

    Yes, our stories are very similar! Gotta say it brings me confort to read everyone's bios...doesn't it make us feel that we aren't some freak of nature? I know we aren't but my God, sometimes I beat myself up because I just can't understand why I have struggled so much. We are in this together and I think the support thru this site is great.

    Keep in touch Bobbie.


    Omg Mary! We're so similar! I did a vit injection diet years ago (Lindora) and lost alot, only to gain back plus. I also had gallbladder surgery following a Nutri System diet years ago....

    Oh, and i have 2 daughters 7 and 13 through the miracle of adoption as well!

    My goal right now is set at 170, which at 5'7" will be good on me - while lower would be good, i am not ever imagining i could go lower than that!

    My band is 7/7 - we'll all do this together - good luck to you!

  19. Hi everyone,

    I couldn't help but think that we're all singing from the same song sheet. I too have done the yo-yo diet thing for most of my adult life. I'm 45 yrs old and call myself the "Oprah" of Toronto! :-) Bless her for making me feel less of a failure because if she struggles with her weight (with her money and support that she can afford) - I don't feel as bad.

    Anyway...I'm 5'9" and in 2002 I was down to 190 after losing 105 lbs with Dr. Bernstein's diet (not sure if he is down in the States or not). Its a very low cal, low carb diet with vit B6 & B12 injections. I lost it fast - in about 7 months. Then my gall bladder freaked out (ouch) and out it came. After that I treated myself for awhile because for about 2 months (while I waited to get it out) I couldn't eat much otherwise I'd have an attack. Anyway...needless to say it all piled back on although it did take about 5 years to do that.

    So, I spiked at over 320lbs (oh God, that hurts to write it) and want to be around 185 (180 - 190), I can live with that and will fit nicely into a size 14-16...good enough. I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter through the magic of adoption and I want to be around to watch her grow up.

    All the best to everyone! My surgery is one week today. I'm excited for it and dreading it at the same time!

    Take care everyone,


  20. Hi Lisa,

    I am feeling the exact same way. My surgery is scheduled for Monday July 6th and so is only one week away. I'm sick of the pre-op diet, which I've been on for nearly 2 weeks already. I'm tried, drained, short-tempered and questionning my decision to have this done. But...like you said, I think I'm more afraid of what I'd do if I decided not to get it. I've been yo-yo dieting for most of my adult life and quite frankly I'm just sick of it. I'm very afraid that I'll do what I've always done and once I've lost weight I'll just begin to gain again. The band isn't the magic bullet.

    Ahhh...and I'm really not looking forward to the post-op shoulder pain. I had my gall bladder out a few years ago and thought I'd be up and about in a couple of days. Alas...the shoulder pain was bad (for me anyway) and it was tough going for a week. The second week post-op I was fine and back to work, but that first week was bad. Oh well, its only a week.

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you are definitely not alone. I'm right with ya!



  21. Hiya,

    I followed a strict low-carb, low-cal diet for about 7 months and lost over 100 lbs...of course over the next few years it all piled back on...but if you are looking for a quick fix diet - here's how to do it:

    - 2 servings of 3oz of Protein per day (skinless, boneless chicken)

    -2 pieces of fruit

    -2 slices of melba toast

    -pretty much as many veggies as you want...except none of the sugary, high starch ones (i.e. no carrots, peas, corn, potatoes etc)

    -at least 8 glasses of Water per day.

    If you follow it, you will lose 5lbs/week - minimum.

    Good luck.

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