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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by isaviolinist

  1. isaviolinist

    One week after surgery

    Hey Bucky! Congrats on your surgery and your weight loss!! Make sure, even if you feel like you could eat foods that you're not eating right now, to stick to your doctor's post op diet. This is so you can heal properly and it will reduce any risk of slippage, erosion, etc. I had my first fill about 6 weeks after surgery (but this is different for every doctor...your doctor should let you know when he wants to do the first fill). I have heard that some people feel restriction without a fill, but I think its unusual. I definitely didn't, and actually I didn't have any restriction after my first fill. I just got my second one yesterday, but I'm on liquids so I don't know if I have any restriction yet. As far as 200 being a reasonable goal, it depends on your height (and also if you are male or female I think). 200 pounds is a normal BMI for a person that is about 6'4. You can input your weight and height into a BMI calculator (just google it and you'll find one) so you can find out what weight is good for your height. But also check-in with your doctor and ask what he/she thinks is the best weight for you specifically. Good luck and welcome!
  2. isaviolinist

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    I didn't have any restriction after surgery. I think that is the experience of the majority of people (although a few do experience restriction with no fill). If you don't feel restriction in the few weeks after surgery, that will be pretty normal (that is why its called 'bandster hell'). I had my second fill yesterday, but after my first fill I also didn't have much restriction either. I think on average, most people report restriction after 3-4 fills (but its different for every person, and also different based on whether or not your doctor is more aggressive or conservative with fill levels).
  3. isaviolinist

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    Hey Scout, When I said I kind of did it myself, I just meant that I exerted as much self control over my eating and portion sizes as I could, and maybe even more importantly than that, I did (and am doing) my best to choose the right foods. So if I felt like I was going to eat more than a cup of food (which is often) I eat Protein, or green veggies and VERY rarely have carbs with the meal (i.e. bread, Pasta, rice...I DO have carbs but good carbs like skim milk, tofu, Beans, etc.). Also, when I had a slip-up, or had something that I knew wasn't best for me, I tried REALLY hard to not dwell on it and beat myself up (that was partly the source of my weigh gain before..guilt). I also go to the gym for 30 minutes almost everyday and try to be as active as possible for the rest of the day (walking to places when possible, etc.). I've kept my calories between 800-1200 a day. And I burn a lot of that off during the day and at the gym (you'd be surprised how many calories during the day we burn!). I had my second fill yesterday and I now have 7ccs in my Realize band. I'm on Clear liquids for the next few days then full liquids, then mushies, so I don't know if I have restriction right now (since clear liquids go down pretty easily), but I'm certainly hoping for some restriction with this fill. Excited for the band to start helping me out!
  4. isaviolinist

    Bandsters in Their 20's

    Hi Hillmama - I was just wondering what a concentric dilation is? Do you know what leads to it or how it can be prevented? Also, what do you have to do now for it? Does it require another surgery or do you need to have your band removed? We are almost the same as far as stats - I started at 286 and my goal is 130 (CONGRATS on reaching your goal!!). I have lost about 50 pounds since my preop diet in June and am hoping to reach my goal within a year from now or so (although I'm not going to get crazy about it, because I truly want to change my lifestyle...not just be on another diet). But I do hope that by next summer I can be at least withing 15-20 pounds of my goal. We'll see. How did you do it so fast? Any tips?
  5. I don't recall them doing any tests to check if I had a fatty liver. I just stuck to my pre-op diet (which actually ended up being 3 weeks long) and everything was fine with my liver at the time of surgery. I would suggest just following your surgeon's orders to a T in order to avoid a fatty liver or any other complications at surgery (especially if you are self-pay...I couldn't imagine paying for a surgery and then not being able to have it). Your doctor will know whats best based on his experience.
  6. isaviolinist

    How Many cc's in your band and how is

    Just wanted to update. I had my 2nd fill today of 2cc. In total, I have 7cc in my Realize C Band. I'm on liquids for 3 days, so I don't know if I'll have restriction but I'm certainly hoping for it when I can start on regular foods in a few days.
  7. isaviolinist

    Best protein powder?

    I LOVE Unjury! I drink the chocolate (mixed with fat free milk and 1/2 a serving of peanut butter) and the chicken soup. I use the vanilla now and a again too. I personally think its SO good that it feels like cheating when I have my shakes. I honestly haven't really tried any other protein powder. I feel very happy with the Unjury. And if you feel like its something you'll drink every month, you can put it on auto-order and they'll automatically ship to you every month, plus they reduce the cost if you do that program. I haven't signed up for it, but I think I may! Good luck with your decision!!
  8. isaviolinist

    Final stretch..I hope

    Firstly, congrats on your new, healthy baby! That is great :biggrin: I can't wait to have kids, and am hoping that when the time comes (probably in 4-5 years and when I am, of course healthy and thin!) I will be able to do it with no complications (including fertility issues or band issues). Having said that, just keep plugging along in your Quest to complete all of the pre-op requirements and don't let anything deter you! You'll have your surgery date before you know it! For me, seeing the pre-op weightloss was a big motivation not to snuggle up on the couch with those chips :ohmy: I'm sure you'll do great and will be on your way to a happier, healthier you before you know it! Good luck and keep us posted!
  9. isaviolinist

    this is gonna be miserable

    I also had a 3 week pre-op diet and it wasn't as bad as I imagined. I had a kind of similar diet to yours - I had to do slim fast shakes, plus I had sodium-free clear broth, fat-free sugar-free pudding etc. The first few days were difficult. I stayed inside a lot because I was afraid if I went out I'd want to eat (I live in the middle of a city and when I walk out the door there is food calling to me EVERYWHERE lol). After the first 3-4 days, it wasn't a problem and it was SO encouraging to see the weight coming off so fast. That was my motivation. I also really didn't want any complications at all with my surgery (including waking up just to find out I wasn't able to get the band). I am glad I stuck with it, because my surgery went well, and I'm feeling great now! Good luck, you will do great!!
  10. isaviolinist

    Who eats Carbs and is banded

    I generally don't eat bad carbs, but I do eat good carbs (skim milk, beans, lentils, etc.). Additionally, I eat a lot of tofu (I don't eat poultry or red meat...just seafood and tofu), and there are some carbs in that. I would say my carb intake is between 50-60 carbs a day. I am still torn between doing REALLY low carb or incorporating good carbs into my diet. I am thinking I will make an appointment with the nutritionist to talk about this. So far however, whatever I have been doing has been working pretty well so I'll just continue that.
  11. isaviolinist

    Late periods, anyone?

    I actually have NEVER been regular in my life and the only time I've gotten a period is when I've been on birth control. However, 2 days ago I got my first period in months (because I went off my birth control a few months before surgery) WITHOUT birth control! I am SO happy about this. One of the (many) reasons I got lapband was because I was concerned that my weight would contribute to possible infertility issues in the future. I am hoping this trend of natural, at least semi-regular periods continues!!
  12. isaviolinist

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    I was just banded this past June (the 3rd week of June), but so far I have NO regrets whatsoever. I am almost 50 pounds down (1/3 of my excess weight!!) and will go for my second fill tomorrow. I have little to no restriction now, so the first 50 pounds I kind of did myself. I'm hoping the next 50 will come off as quickly as the first 50! I have no regrets and am feeling better than I ever have, and am SO looking forward to being thin and healthy. I already have stacks of catalogues that I'm going to order from when I get to my goal haha! Clothes that I've always wanted to buy but never could because of my weight. Very excited! Good luck with your decision!
  13. isaviolinist

    This Freakin band is working

    Thats awesome!! I have one fill, and I'm going for my second on Tuesday. I don't have any restriction now, so I'm hoping I'll get some with my second fill. I have lost almost 50 pounds since beginning of June (I was banded 3rd week of June), but it has been really all will-power. But I feel my appetite starting to come back. Anyways, congrats and thanks for the inspiration!
  14. isaviolinist

    Im eating more then a half cup

    When were you banded? And have you had a fill yet? I was banded in June, Ive had one fill so far, but I have no restriction and I can easily eat 2-3 cups. The only thing that I can only eat about 3/4's of a cup is salmon if its pretty dry (if its really flaky, moist salmon, I can eat as much as I want). I don't know why its just that food, but thats the only food that makes me feel any kind of restriction. I'm going for my second fill on Tuesday and I'm hoping I get some restriction then.
  15. I was the same as you for the first week - I didn't really leave my apartment unless it was REALLY necessary. I live right in the middle of the city, so when I come out of the apartment there is food EVERYWHERE beckoning to me lol. I think what motivated me most was the amount of weight I lost. I lost 20 pounds on my pre-op liquid diet, and at about 2 months out from surgery, I've lost almost 50 pounds in total. I feel good that I didn't really cheat on my pre-op and I definitely felt great when I woke up in recovery and the doc said my liver looked really good and the surgery was successful. Just hang in there - it will be all worth it! Good luck!
  16. isaviolinist

    Hi! I'm new here.

    Hello! Congrats on your decision to take control of your weight and your life! There is so much knowledge and experience on these boards, take advantage of it!!
  17. Hi Erin - I also had some anxiety issues after I got banded. They really didn't go away until my first fill under fluoro at which point the doc was able to see that everything was okay and where it should be in there. I still have anxiety issues, but I try to talk about them with doctor when they come up. So far, hes been able to appease me with every issue and there hasn't been any complications. So just get in touch with your doc. Also, maybe request to have your first fill under fluoro just for your own piece of mind. Good luck!
  18. isaviolinist


    This sounds really interesting!! I'm still over 100 pounds away from my goal, but I'm still thinking to the future, and if I have to have some kind of PS I'd like to do whatever is least invasive but with good results.
  19. isaviolinist

    Filled Friday - Question

    Hm. I'm getting my second fill on Tuesday. Right now I have no restriction (and can't even imagine what restriction feels like) but I guess I know what to watch out for now with too MUCH restriction. We'll see what happens!
  20. isaviolinist

    vitamins post-op

    I take the flinstone chewables (I take 2 a day) but I just use the generic CVS brand. Although, admittedly, I haven't been taking my vitamins every day I should get on that. I love the chewables because they taste like my vitamins from when I was little
  21. isaviolinist

    Set Back

    Hi Diana - I am very sorry to hear of the complications with your liver. :biggrin: I can relate - I had gall bladder surgery when I was 18 or 19 and they cut my common bile duct. They had to convert from lap to open. I was in the hospital for over a week and in so much pain, not to mention I had a huge incision (which is now a huge scar) where there was only supposed to be a few tiny hidden ones. It sounds like you are back home and doing okay. Just remember to get your nutrients. Are you taking a multi-Vitamin? That can help as well. Good luck with your healing, and even though you are feeling so tired, congrats on your weight loss!
  22. isaviolinist

    take out or eating out...

    Do you like tofu? I just ordered Chinese the other day and everything on the menu they could make with tofu (and since I don't eat red meat or chicken this was helpful). I ended up getting sesame tofu (like sesame chicken but with tofu instead) and I asked for it steamed (or fresh...also means the same thing) instead of fried. Delicious. And I don't eat the rice. I just ask them not to include it or I give it to someone else. If you're on mushies, tofu is a great, healthy, protein-rich thing to eat. Good luck!
  23. isaviolinist

    236 lbs to 140 lbs in 8 months

    You look great!! I started at 286 at the beginning of June and am now down to around 237 (close to where you were when you started). I'd like to get down to 130, hopefully I can do it within one year or so. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I do as well as you!!
  24. isaviolinist


    Thats interesting. I've never heard of a doctor not suggesting Protein shakes of some kind. How are you supposed to get protein when you're doing liquids only? Also, there is a way for the dietician to calculate the amount of protein you should be eating (based on height and weight, and even gender I believe). My nutritionist suggested around 70-75 grams per day for me, based on those factors.
  25. isaviolinist

    Nervous and can't sleep!

    How did everything go? I hope you are doing well and recovering nicely! Good luck on your new life!

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