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Status Updates posted by tearnmyhand

  1. Amy, I'm still in the contemplation stage. Of course, this has been a long time coming. My sister had GB done in 2000, but I saw how crazy things got for her (lots of plastic surgery afterward), so I said no way. Well, that was almost 10 years ago and now I'm still the same weight and I want to be a pretty bride for myself and my boyfriend (we have plans to get hitched soon:). I had a friend who just admitted to me that she got it done in December and has lost 40 lbs without ANY exercise. I like exercising, but its so disappointing when the weight goes back up. So here I am, on the site trying to figure out what to do next. Just looked up a bariatric surgeon today and emailed them my specifics so I could attend a seminar next week. I'm PRAYING that my insurance accepts me for part of the surgery and I hope to finance the rest. It's in God's Hands now! Thanks for the quick reply! BTW - I read some of your blog... SO FUNNY!!!!

  2. Hey Amber, my name's Teresa. I'm new to the site and saw your awesome slimdown pics! We're about the same age and it looks like I am at the same weight that you were pre-band. Just wanted some professional advice from a bandster on how to get things rolling. I contacted a surgeon and I'm looking into the insurance thing at the moment. How are things in TX? Thinking about moving there after school.... Talk to you soon!

  3. Hey Amy! Hope your weekend is going well. Like the new swimsuit! You look so confident in it:) Keep the pics coming!

  4. Hey Bama, my name is Teresa and I'm new to the site:) I saw your post on getting banded outside the US and having aftercare with Dr. Wizeman. Could you give me his number? I am considering doing the band in Venezuela and want to make sure he will do my care when I return. Did you have to have a certain band in order for him to take care of you? What are his fees?

  5. Hey Gaby, we chatted today, but I had a question for you. Who was your surgeon?

  6. Hey girl:) Just starting this crazy journey. Contacted a surgeon today and still seeing how insurance will work out. YOU LOOK AWESOME!!! I can't wait to get my band and feel the freedom of NEVER being fat again. I'm currently 240 (BMI=40, right on the edge), and I feel that I've been so successful in life....except for my weight. I can't tell you how much your encouraging words mean to me. Your accomplishment gives me hope that I can do it too! Love, Teresa

  7. Hey Mary Anne:) Thanks for the friend request. No, I'm not banded yet. Still in the informational stages of the game. I contacted a bariatric surgeon's office and they said I'm excluded from my insurance covering it, so I'm looking to do it outside of the country (Venezuela, specifically, because I have family there and I can call some favors in). Plus, if I self-pay, I can forego some of the pre-op hoops. I'm hoping to get banded before the end of the year and start getting my life back! How about you? Where are you at on your journey?

  8. Hey Rachel! How are you feeling? I'm hoping to get banded within 2009 and wanted to ask you to share the process you're going through right now. Hope you're excited to see a new you, because it's happening!!!

  9. Hey there Jordan:) Thanks for the friend request! You must be excited about the surgery date being set! I'm still on my way to trying to get surgery. Hope it works out. I'm headed to a seminar tomorrow to find out more info. Keep me posted!

  10. Hey there, Ms. Mississippi! My name is Teresa and I'm new to the site. I have to say that you look FANTASTIC!!!! I hope I get such amazing results when I get banded. How did your skin react to the weight loss? Did you use exercise and if so, what kind would you recommend. You look so happy! Congrats on your accomplishment!

  11. Hey there! Your weight loss is so inspiring! I am just starting out - trying to find an surgeon and seeing where insurance will come in. I'm just wanting a few bandsters who know the ropes to share their experience with me as I'm going through mine. How has your journey been?

  12. Hey Vanessa. My name is Teresa and I'm a South Floridian too! I am certain I want to do the surgery, but like you, the insurance doesn't pay for it. So I'm also looking into self-pay options. I'm almost 30 and really would like to recapture my physical feeling of youthfulness. I know if I keep going, the health problems will follow. How are you since surgery?

  13. Hi Beth, I'm a new user and noticed that you were asking about BCBS on a thread. Is that in FL? I'm in South Florida and hoping to get approved for banding. I'm looking for more insurance info as I research the process.

  14. Hi Carrie:) Good luck today!! My name is Teresa and I'm hoping to get approved for banding soon. I would love to hear more about surgery day when you recover!

  15. Hi there:) Just wanted to say that you look AMAZING! I'm hoping to get banded soon and can only pray that I have the same results that you've had! -Teresa

  16. Hi there! I was looking over your post about your surgeon and clicked on your profile to find out we are only a day apart in age! Hi, I'm Teresa and I'm in the early stages of finding out about band surgery. Just thought it would be nice to have some friends during this crazy process.

  17. Hi Wynn! Just saw some awesome photos of your accomplishments! You look great:) I'm just beginning the process and hoping that all goes well for getting a band later this year. I'm ready for a new beginning too...

  18. I just contacted them via web today and there was an automated email that said they would contact me back soon. I have a school friend with the same insurance who said they weren't suppose to pay for the surgery, but that when they tried to bill that BCBS paid partially anyway. We'll see! Otherwise, I'll have to find a way to finance. Did you do that, or was there a walking angel that helped you pay it in full? I'm so worried that when I get a surgeon and get excited about actually DOING this thing, they'll tell me there's no way to pay. I'm praying to God that this site will help me get past the hurdles so I can do my part while God's doing the rest.

  19. I'm at the beginning stages and still figuring things out. I just got a call back from a local office that said that my insurance doesn't cover the band, so I'm thinking of going self-pay. I have family in Venezuela and have started looking for surgeons there, since it will probably be the least expensive method with the same results. I'm SO excited to think that I could finally be rid of the weight. I am willing to do whatever it takes, just as long as the weight stays off. I'm tired of feeling tired!!! lol. How has your experience been? How long has the journey taken? I'm so ready, I wish I could do this thing tomorrow, but I know I need to be patient. Keep me posted on your recovery and how things are. Get better!

  20. Oh, just to let you know, I'm 5'5", 240 (BMI=40) and not sure if a deep vein thrombosis counts as a comorbidity, but had that back in October. We'll see!

  21. Thanks so much Delores!! I will call tomorrow to ask for more information from Dr. Wizman's office. I'm really excited about the thought of being a NEW, IMPROVED me!!!! I have found that this site is such a valuable asset to figuring out my questions and being informed about the band. I can't wait to start feeling healthy. How is your journey going?

  22. Wow, you look AMAZING!!!! Love the new bathing suit pic!!! Did you exercise or do something that made your skin look so good? I'm hoping to get my band some time this year and I'm hoping my results are as good as yours:)

  23. Wow! You look SO GREAT!!!! Way to go! I'm new to the site and am hoping to be banded. I find the successes of others to be such an encouragement. You should take some with the sweater off! You deserve to show off the new you!

  24. You are beautiful! Love that you're so athletic and do Jiu Jitsu!!! I live in South Florida, around a big Brazilian neighborhood. Are you around here too?

  25. You look so awesome! I'm still trying to get things started with surgeons and my insurance, but I have 100 lbs or so to lose and would love to get the same results. Thanks for telling us your secrets!

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