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Froggie D

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Froggie D

  1. Froggie D

    psychological consult

    I had a one hour interview. We focused on why I wanted the surgery, my wieght history, what kind of support I would have from family and friends, how important spirituality is in my life, what I have been successful with in my life, my attitudes toward medical care, following doctor's orders, what I already knew about the surgery, etc. Then I did an MMPI (about 350 questions) that gives a personality profile that tells about your thought processes, coping skills, anxiety and depression, energy level, self esteem, ect. Then I did a test created for bariatric patients that seems to focus on whether I felt my life was out of my control or that I was able to make decisions that affected my life and health and gave me some control, would I be a good patient, etc. It was interesting. I thought it was pretty non-threatening.
  2. Froggie D

    Tomorrow's the big day!

    Best of luck and it will be over before you know it - then onward to a new life!
  3. Mine is supposed to be submitted this week. I am waiting too. My surgeon said that since I had everything in order, It should only take BC/BS about 48 to 72 hours. I hope that is true. I am ready to move forward. I hope you get approval right away. It is so hard waiting! Deb
  4. I agree, it is not about them, it is about you. You are doing this for you! Think how much 30 pounds really is. Visualize going into the grocery store and buying 30 one pound packages of hamburger and carrying them around all day. Think how much better your heart and joints are. Knowing you are doing good things for you will help keep you motivated and one day soon, it will begin to show and everyone will be making comments. Give yourself a big pat on the back for what you are doing! Deb
  5. Froggie D

    Just a Week away...July 20th

    Best of luck - let us know how you do!!!! Deb
  6. I saw my surgeon today and he said I have everything in order for getting approved. Said I should know in a week or so and be set for surgery within 3 weeks. I am excited.:scared2: I only have to do two days of liquid and lose 3 pounds before surgery. However, I am ready to get started. I need some ideas of things others did that helped get prepared. I stopped drinking pop 10 days ago - not a bad as I thought it might be. I have a Protein powder I like (I am allergic to dairy so I have found a soy product with no carbs, one gram of fat and 24 grams of protein). I have found I like it ok with just Water and Crystal Light. I plan to start having Protein Powder drink for Breakfast and lunch and do a Lean Cuisine for dinner. I want to have my protein stores built up and my liver leaner by losing weight before I face the surgery. I have started on liquid Vitamins, Calcium, etc. I plan on seeing my docotr to find out what meds he wants me to continue and how to get liquid or can I crush them. I would welcome any other suggests of things that helped other people get prepared and do well in surgery and after. Thanks for your help in this. Debra:thumbup:
  7. Thanks for the great ideas. I think I will go get a calendar and a journal and start tracking. I will tak my measurements today and track those. I have decided not to weigh myself at home - I want to wait and get weighed again at the surgeon's office when I do my pre-op. I did have my husband take some "before" pix of me that I hope I never look like again! Deb
  8. I use the store brand that I get at Whole Foods. It is in a blue can and just says Soy Protein Powder on it. A scoop has 110 calories, 1 gram of fat, no sauturated fat, no transfat, and no carbs or sugars. I like the flavor fine, but then I am not very picky. It does have a gritty texture with water. It would probably mix better with soy milk. It comes in Vanilla and Chocolate. I hope it works for you. I have not been able to find a ready to drink shake with soy and not a lot of carbs.
  9. I had mine done a week before the new laparoscopy started at the hospital I was at. I was so sick I was not willing to wait four days until the new surgery started!
  10. My surgeon said it makes it a bit harder if you have the old style and might have some scar tissue around the big incision. He said the surgery takes about 10 minutes longer but it doesn't prevent it.
  11. I have BC/BS and have been working with a health advocate nurse. She is supposed to help you get all your ducks in a row before the info goes to the company for approval. It has been a long slow process. I went to my first seminar in October last year, found out I could not start the process until January. In Jan I started working with her and found out the surgeon I chose did not go to the right hospital so I had to find a surgeon that met all the requirements. She walked me through everything necessary to get approved. I finally have jumped through all the hoops and am seeing my surgeon this week. His nurse said I should be approved and scheduled for surgery within 3 weeks. What I learned is you can't rush the process. Just work with them and you will eventually get there. Debra
  12. Froggie D

    Sleep Apnea test?

    I had the sleep study done last summer. I did not think I had apnea, but I do. Using a C-Pap has been very helpful. I feel so much better. I did not sleep well, but around 3:00 I finally fell asleep and they saw the apnea. I hope that being banded and losing weight will result in not needing the c-pap any more. Go ahead and do it. If it is required, just go for it.
  13. I got a C-pap lat summer. I tried a mask first, but had the same problem. I got a mask that is a strap around the head at the fore head and a tub that runs down the front , away from my face and turns under. It has nasal pillows that slip into your nose a short way. It is called a Respironics Comfort Lite II. I was a mouth breather too, but if you open your mouth, it makes a big sucking sound and feels weird. It would wake me up and in just a short time, I learned to sleep with my mouth closed. it has no cheek straps and I can sleep on either side. It also doens't leave pressure marks on my face with no straps. It looked like it would be hard to keep in place, but it actually is easier than the mask I had. One secret I learned is to use moisturizer, not petroleum products like Vasoline, and the plastic adhears better. If you truly have apnea and get a mask you can be comfortable with, you will be anazed how much better you will feel. I never take even a nap without it now! Good luck!
  14. I finally have my preop appointment with the surgeon scheduled for July 16. I am really excited. I have read how losing weight effects diabetes, high blood pressure, and many other things (I have them all), but I also have asthma. I have not seen anyone write about that. Has anyone experienced improvement in their asthma after banding? Deb:confused:
  15. Froggie D

    lap band and asthma

    Sounds painful. If you lose a lot of weight and feel like getting more active, you will probably want to have it taken care of. I can see why you would not want to be on crutches. I could never lug my weight on crutches - I have enough trouble just on normal stairs LOL. Deb
  16. Froggie D

    lap band and asthma

    I have bone spurs in both heels. My doctor said the bone spurs are not the problem, but a symptom of the problem. The problem is the ligament in the bottom of your foot that loses stretch over time. (Look up plantar fasciitis). It pulls away from the bone and the bone lays down new bone tissue (the bone spur) to try and protect it. I got custom orthotics from a podiatrist and all my pain went away. I did not have the bone spurs removed. I would look further before I had surgery on bone spurs. My asthma started after I gained a lot of weight. I am not expecting to be "cured" but using less meds would be wonderful and breathing easier would be fabulous! Deb
  17. Froggie D

    lap band and asthma

    Thanks. I have seen several things on the internet saying it probably will help. I was unaware of that, but one more great reason to go for it!!!
  18. I am hoping to be approved for my lap band surgery soon. I met with the dietician today and we discussed my Metformin. I take 1500 mg per day and have for two years. I had a bad reaction to the regular Metformin (violent vomiting) and they switched me to extended release. I have had not problems with it. I know I cannot crush the extended release pills, but she said she does not think there is a liquid. Evenif there is, I may not tolerate it. At a seminar I went to, a person who was taking Metformin told me that her doctor just took her off it because she was controlled as soon as she started the liquid diet and taking in lots of Protein. Anybody have experience with this? Debra:huh2:
  19. I need some insights from someone who has been through this. I have been planning and working toward my surgery since last October. I have jumped through all the hoops and I think I should be approved within the next month. I have been required to work with a dietician for 8 weeks who is asking me to start practicing not drinking diet pop, drinking lots of Water, eating slower, eating healthier, more fruit and vegs, etc. The more I think about this, the worse I seem to eat. Did anyone else experience this? I have not gained weight, but I am not reaching the goals she has set for me like not drinking diet pop. It feels like if I have to give it up, I don't want to do it until I have to. I don't drink much caffeine but I love caffeine free Diet Coke. Does this mean I will fail at my weight loss? I have done all the required things - 3 visits with a psychologist, psych testing, going to Weight Watchers, but not losing much, 8 weeks with a dietician counselor. Still have to get my doctor's letter, see a dietaician for an eval, and go to two behavior management classes before my surgery. I think I can do it, but I am really feeling some anxiety. Any advice? Debra:ohmy:
  20. Wow, that is really reassuring. It seems like the closer I get, the more nervous I get. The more nervous I get, the more I eat. Viscious cycle. I have dieted in the past and lost 50 pounds several times so I know I can do it for a while. I just want to do it for the last time! Good luck to you! It will be great being thinner and healthier. Hang in there and go for the new life! Debra
  21. Froggie D

    Help with Protein shakes

    I am allergic to dairy but can do soy. Anyone know of good soy protein products? Debra
  22. Wow! Thanks for all the great support. I feel much better now. I know once I get banded I can do it. I know I can give up pop if and when I need to. I just can't do it yet. I am allergic to dairy products and get ear and sinus infections and asthma when I consume them but I am able to stay away from them. I like Water, so that won't be a problem. It is just that everytime I eat something, I think this may be the last time I ever taste this. But then people say you can eat most things just is very small quantities. One thing I do not even like very much is white bread, so that won't be a problem. I can't even imagine not being hungry. I can't wait to see what it is like. I am glad to hear others think the idea of practicing before the surgery is kind of ridiculous. It is so great to hear from every one. Debra

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