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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Sandyjean

  1. :thumbdown: I have tried this thing all kinds of ways....here was the easiest to me:

    1. Go to Edit Signature page under CP....minimize it

    2. then go to www.tickerfactory.com and set up your ticker

    3. When your setup is complete and you are where it says "Done!"....dont worry about all the codes and stuff...just highlight the ticker itself and right click on copy.

    4. Maximize your edit signature page and in the small box where it has edit signature click your curser where you want your ticker and paste it.

    5. At the bottom of the page make sure you click on save in the orange box.

    The great thing about doing it like this is you can edit your ticker from this website without having to go back to www.tickerfactory.com..... just click on your ticker and it will take you right to edit, but  make sure you remember your pin!!!!:blushing:

  2. The very best advice I can give is that we all need to stay away from those junky foods:thumbdown:

    I can eat as much as I want too. But you are right about filling easily on the RIGHT foods. I think I do much better when I go back to the thoughts I was having before I had my WLS. I could not help but think about all the days I walked around thinking about how fat I was and how ready I was to get thin. I have been overweight all of my life and I am tired of being FAT! I want to succeed! I am determined to get to my goal weight no matter how much I know I can eat and just stick to how much I shouldn't eat. I feel everyone's pain here....I am there in the same boat with all of you. I avoided my Doc too....I can eat alot too....I haven't lost much either....BUT I WON'T GIVE UP!!!


  3. Ok so I was banded in June 2009. I have not lost much either, but I do not intend on giving up. At one time I avoided the Doc too. My suggestion to you would be to have your band checked. You may have a leak in it or something causing it to not work.

    You may not be getting that "full" feeling for several reasons. One of which could be that you have stretched your pouch. When you eat...do you measure out your foods? Do you eat your Proteins first? Are you drinking fluids with your food?

    All of these things play a big part in feeling full and stop eating when you get there.

    I found a website www.5daypouchtest.com you should try the advice that is given to you on this website...That is how I got back on track with my eating. Please don't continue to neglect going to see your Doctor. You have been given a tool to help you. Do you remember how you were so excited about getting the band to begin with? Well you need to try to find that same excitment once again. Forget about how much weight you HAVEN"T lost and start trying to think about how much you WANT to lose. Work at it and smile along the way. I am here for you if you want to talk. Please do not take me the wrong way...I do not "sugar Coat" everything, because I can't. If I do...I find myself slipping too! I want to be successful and I want you to be also! Keep your chin up....(and GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!!) LOL!:redface:

  4. I went last week to have my Thyroid checked....Um well, Hypothyroid! :blink:Back on meds for that. Great News though...I have lost 6 lbs. in 6 days. I have been more faithful at taking my Vitamins and eating better. Finding time to exercise is still certainly a big challenge. I have been doing about 10-15 minutes everynight before bed. Small steps lead to big steps. Mid June school will be out...So I will have more time during the day to devote to exercise. I will not know what to do with myself when I have some extra time on my hands!!!:scared2:

  5. So I went to the doc yesterday. I have gained a few pounds since my last visit. Overall my labs came back good and I have not stretched my pouch or anything:thumbup:!!

    Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to go talk to the Doctor. He did not fuss at me but instead was very concerned as to why the band was not working for me. All-in-all, I have not been working for the band. I know what I've been doing wrong and I know what to change.


  6. I have been doing alot of looking around on unanswered posts. I just have been kinda concerned about the people who use this website as an outside support system. It is not right that they should have to title their posts in such a way that it has to be so attractive in order for someone to answer them. We all know that EVERYBODY NEEDS SOMEBODY! Remember when we were looking for answers to our questions pre and post op? Aren't you glad that someone was there for you? I am glad that everyone here was so helpful to me!!!


  7. I understand all of your frustration! :Banane20:

    My advice to you is to measure out all of your foods. For example for lunch yesterday, I ate 1 cup of fresh veggies with alittle bit of butter and salt and pepper. For Breakfast this morning I had 2 boiled eggs (cut up b/c I get stuck on eggs sometimes). I guess the best thing to remember is to stay away from slider foods. Eat something that will stay with you for a while. Also chew, chew, chew! I'd say small portions more frequently. Drink plenty of Water to kinda curve your hunger. Sometimes I will have a glass of milk instead of eating. Drink it slow though. If you like chocolate milk get yourself some sugar free Syrup and some skim milk or 2% milk. You are still new at this and still learning to cope with having a band. You may not reach your sweet spot for a while or you may reach it on your next fill. Who knows....but you will get there! Hang in there and try to always keep in mind why you got the band to start with....Treat your band GOOD!:Banane20:

  8. :confused: I have tried this thing all kinds of ways....here was the easiest to me:

    1. Go to Edit Signature page under CP....minimize it

    2. then go to www.tickerfactory.com and set up your ticker

    3. When your setup is complete and you are where it says "Done!"....dont worry about all the codes and stuff...just highlight the ticker itself and right click on copy.

    4. Maximize your edit signature page and in the small box where it has edit signature click your curser where you want your ticker and paste it.

    5. At the bottom of the page make sure you click on save in the orange box.

    The great thing about doing it like this is you can edit your ticker from this website without having to go back to www.tickerfactory.com..... just click on your ticker and it will take you right to edit, but make sure you remember your pin!!!!:redface:

  9. I too have struggled for several months now. I have even avoided my doc b/c I know I will hear him fuss and complain about "what I'm doing wrong". I know I am doing some things right but there are some things I need to work on. I am in for this challenge!

    I teach at the local High School and Summer is almost here. Since I do work 2 jobs, when Summer comes around....it's really gonna be on!!! I try to get to the gym 3-4 times a week now, but hopefully when I don't have to worry about job#1, I will have everyday to devote to working out more. My eating habits are getting better as well. Being so busy, I have a hard time eating slow and eating healthy foods. I eat on the go and I know that is something I need to try not to do.

    So like I said....I am in!

    My short term goal is to loose 50 more pounds before August 15, 2010!!!!! That is about 10 lbs a month.

    My long term goal is to loose 115-120 more.:eek:

    WE CAN DO IT!!:redface: :confused: :thumbup:

  10. Well in the last week or so I have been trying to push myself alittle more. Since it is starting to get nice outside, I started going for a bike ride when I get home from work at 9:45pm. I try to ride for at least 30-45 minutes depending on the endurance I have left from working all day. I have also started to do more lifting and stretching on job #2. I work at the Dollar General at night so lifting boxes and such are easy to get away with without looking like I am exercising on the job. LOL

    I have also started buying Protein Bars and cheese sticks for quick healthy Snacks during the day. As far as meals are concerned...my kids get free lunches at school so I don't pack for them. I am not home at night and my husband tries to cook good foods, 75% success (LOL). I pick out the healthy stuff for lunch the next day and put everything else away or throw it away (shhh, dont tell him that!:tt1:)

    I could really use some quick workout ideas for break times at work. I get 2, 15 minute breaks during job #1 and 1 thirty minute break on job #2. Like I said, I get home around 9:45 at night and by then I am just soooo tired, but I still try to push myself along in doing something.

    A few quick meal ideas would be great too.:o

  11. 270 days---8 months & 25 days---38 weeks

    That is how long it has been since my surgery. I have only lost 32.5lbs. I have fallen off the bandwagon for sure. I have been so depressed about it that I have not even been to see my doctor since December B/C I know he will be fussing at me.

    I work 2 jobs and I have 4 kids at home. I can barely find time to go to the Gym. I find myself eating on the go, not eating the right things, and eating way too much. I have a 9cc band and I am at 7.5 ccs. Even after my fills, I still felt hungry. I have just became very frustrated and angry over the whole thing.:o

    I need some help but not interested in going to see the doctor until I know what to say. My doctor is nice, don't get me wrong. He is just the kind of doc that doesn't accept any excuses.

  12. I forgot to mention that this particular incident was recorded by my son. I had all 4 of my kids there with me because they were all interested in how the adjustments were made. My 13 year old son decided he would record the fill so that I could actually watch it too. We never expected it to be such a long video! If anyone can tell me how to post that video here or anywhere else....I will try to get it up

  13. I had my 4th fill about 2 weeks ago....OMG....it was horrible! Let me start by saying that the previous fills were easy and I had no pain associated with it, but this one was BAD>>>>REAL BAD!:scared2: My doc and I decided it was time for another fill so he had the nurse prep everything for 1 more cc. He felt around for the port and inserted the needle. You know when your doc finds the port you hear and feel it "POP" when the needle goes in. Well, he kept jabbing me without hitting the port. Finally he said he had it and drew the saline out. He then proceeded to tell me that the Fluid was somewhat discolored but it should be okay and went ahead and put it back in with the 1 more cc.

    Now 2 weeks later my stomach feels like I have been in a boxing match! :boxing_smiley:For the last 2 days I have been hurting at the port site mostly after I eat. Has this happened to anyone else?

    My doc has me coming back on the 20th to do an x-ray to make sure everything is okay but I can't understand why he has me waiting so dag-on long?!?!?:drool:

  14. Hey...just aggravate the crap out of um' until you find out.:) I guess I was one of the fortunate ones. I got an approval about a week after all of my appointments were complete. But even in that week, I felt just like you do. I couldn't stay off of this site. All I could do was look at everyone's pics and I became even more impatient! Hang in there...keep the phone calls goin' and don't feel bad about calling too much...it'll prob. will make you feel better! LOL

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