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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by abbypoo

  1. Thanks, yeah I've noticed that if I'm busy I don't think about food, otherwise it's like "how many hours until I can EAT again?" Ha ha, I'm normally not one to obsess over food either, but I'm HUNGRY! Good luck with your tests, because I am self-pay all of my blood work is done the morning before surgery for me.

  2. Yay! A supportive hubby is an invaluable asset.

  3. What's not to be positive about? For many of us, this will be the best thing to ever happen to us! I haven't heard much feedback on the proteins, but I'm not that picky... my mom and grandma had me drinking protein shakes for as long as I can remember... I actually like the taste for the most part. My mom is flying up from FL this Thursday, so hopefully she can advise me on a good one to get. Anyhow, I'll let you know what I choose and if it's any good ;)

  4. Great! Do you have to do a pre-op diet, or is your doctor happy with the diet you've been doing? I bet your surgery is going to go very well because of all the weight you've lost and the exercise you've been doing. You'll be my inspiration today when I get on the treadmill!

  5. I have to be on the pre-op diet for 7 days, but I am basically going to be on it for 9 because I am trying to kickstart my weight loss. No, it's not all liquid. Here's what I'm doing: 800 calories a day, Atkins Advantage shake for breakfast and lunch, small dinner of protein and vegetables. Obsess all you want, I think that we will do better if we are really focused. I haven't decided what protein to get post-op, and suggestions?

  6. Oh you're so lucky! I just started my pre-op diet this morning, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be very hungry by the end of the day!

  7. Yay! Have you started your pre-op diet yet? i start mine tomorrow. I'm actually starting a couple days early because I want to try to lose ten pounds before my surgery.

  8. I saw that you wrote on Nancy's page about problems with your veins. I feel your pain, when I was a teenager I had to get my blood drawn a lot and I would always end up getting a butterfly needle in my hand after a bunch of botched sticks. I actually went to donate blood one time and they phlebotomist refused to even attempt to draw my blood! Fortunately for me I've got a vein in my right arm that has been working for the last few years. Let me know how it goes!

  9. I'm so excited for you Nancy!!!! <---excitement ;) Good luck on your surgery, and I can't wait to hear from you post-op! I start my pre-op diet tomorrow... it's starting to feel "real" for me now.

  10. Hey, I'm not too nervous about the surgery. I'm just nervous that I will screw up on the pre-op diet! I think I can do it, though. I was able to quit smoking for this!

  11. Sorry about your approval :( What is your name so I can stop calling you triplet? If it makes you feel any better I'm paying almost 11k for my surgery (grr) I noticed you live North of Detroit... where are you getting banded? I'm actually getting banded in Detroit.

  12. So any updates Jason? I'm waiting at the edge of my seat!

  13. Yes ma'am, we're buddies! Getting nervous?

  14. I'm so happy to hear that you are doing well on your pre-op diet! Don't take this the wrong way, but you are the same age as my mom, and she always says "if I can do it at my age then you can!"

  15. I'm getting banded two days after you! So I'll be following your footsteps ;) I am all of the above! I'm nervous that I won't be able to follow my pre and post-op diets. I'm excited to start losing wait and I'm scared about complications or not losing weight. But hell yes, I'm ready to go! I live in Southern WI, surgery is in Detroit. Do you live in NJ?

  16. Hey you're getting banded two days before me! Congrats!

  17. Hey, I'm just about to have my surgery with Dr. Webber. Can you tell me who you went to in the Chicagoland area? I live just north of IL, and don't really want to keep traveling to Detroit either.

  18. Hey Colleen! I'm having my surgery done at Harper on Aug. 12th, just wanted to let you know if you have any questions!

  19. You only have a few more days! I'm so jealous, but I know my time will come. Are you getting nervous at all?

  20. Hey Nancy! Oh well, our dates are still very close together! So it's great to meet a new friend who can relate. I haven't started my pre-op diet, only need to start it a week before the surgery. How are you handling it? I'm a bit worried I won't stick to it.

  21. Great! Do you have to do a pre-op diet?

  22. Well consider me a friend! We'll go through this together! I'd add you as a friend, but I still haven't figured that part out yet... lol So add me ;)

  23. Hey! I'm getting banded on the 12th too! I think you're about my size and close in age, so let's be friends and go through this together!

  24. Hey! We're both being banded on the same day, thought we could become friends and watch each other progress!

  25. Hey! I just wanted to say that I read your posts about your weight-loss journey so far and you are truly an inspiration! Keep up the good work, and I hope everything goes smoothly for you and you get your band next month! You deserve it!

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