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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by abbypoo

  1. Thanks, yeah I've noticed that if I'm busy I don't think about food, otherwise it's like "how many hours until I can EAT again?" Ha ha, I'm normally not one to obsess over food either, but I'm HUNGRY! Good luck with your tests, because I am self-pay all of my blood work is done the morning before surgery for me.

  2. Yay! A supportive hubby is an invaluable asset.

  3. What's not to be positive about? For many of us, this will be the best thing to ever happen to us! I haven't heard much feedback on the proteins, but I'm not that picky... my mom and grandma had me drinking protein shakes for as long as I can remember... I actually like the taste for the most part. My mom is flying up from FL this Thursday, so hopefully she can advise me on a good one to get. Anyhow, I'll let you know what I choose and if it's any good ;)

  4. LL67, I had last suppers too! In fact, I think I've gained weight since I decided to get the surgery... talk about ridiculous! Here are the basic guidelines of my pre-op diet: No more than 800 calories a day Protein drink for Breakfast and lunch Small dinner of lean meat and veggies No caffeine, Pasta, potatoes or red meat So far I'm doing pretty good. I had my first drink a couple hours ago, and I'm already feeling hungry again. I drank a diet, caffeine-free soda, and that seemed to help. I felt the same way as you did last night! Fortunately I wasn't feeling that well so I didn't pig-out too much, though. I am feeling the hunger, so I'll be taking my own crystal light advice! Keep me updated with how you're doing. Stay strong!
  5. abbypoo

    August BANDits weekly weigh-in

    ugust BANDits Group Goal for lost weigh period # 1: 200 lbs Name..................WK1........WK2.......WK3......WK4......WK5...... WK6......WK7......WK8......TOTAL formerfatchick....262 abbypoo............275
  6. abbypoo

    Okay August Peeps, Anyone Else Scared?!?

    Don't be too scared! Anesthesiologists are very good at what they do, and I'm sure the ones who work with bariatric surgeons are even better. My only experience of going under was getting my tonsils out when I was 19... the anesthesia aspect was actually pretty fun! For about an hour after surgery I felt like a million dollars!
  7. Hang in there! I started my pre-op diet today too, so maybe we can be support buddies. I am also really nervous about cheating, but I have to keep reminding myself of the bigger picture: looking slimmer and feeling better. TRY to stick with the diet... it's not only preparing you physically for the surgery, but also mentally. If you cheat now, what happens if you cheat post-op? If you can't help but feel preoccupied with food, try sipping on crystal light all day. That might be just enough to carry you thru. Good luck, and remember if you cheat, at least cheat on healthy foods and reasonable portions. Don't have an "all or nothing" mindset, just move on... trying to justify cheating on your diet or feeling overly guilty can both lead to more eating!
  8. Great! Do you have to do a pre-op diet, or is your doctor happy with the diet you've been doing? I bet your surgery is going to go very well because of all the weight you've lost and the exercise you've been doing. You'll be my inspiration today when I get on the treadmill!

  9. I have to be on the pre-op diet for 7 days, but I am basically going to be on it for 9 because I am trying to kickstart my weight loss. No, it's not all liquid. Here's what I'm doing: 800 calories a day, Atkins Advantage shake for breakfast and lunch, small dinner of protein and vegetables. Obsess all you want, I think that we will do better if we are really focused. I haven't decided what protein to get post-op, and suggestions?

  10. Oh you're so lucky! I just started my pre-op diet this morning, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be very hungry by the end of the day!

  11. abbypoo

    Pre-op Diet?

    I just started my pre-op diet this morning. I have to drink two Atkins Advantage shakes a day and eat a small dinner of protein and veggies. I'm limited to 800 calories a day, so I'm sure I'll be starving by tonight! The good news is, these Atkins shakes are really tasty!
  12. abbypoo

    Wish List!

    Hey nice to see you on this thread Jason! I would love to ride a bicycle again too. I bought a cheap one a couple years ago in an effort to lose weight. It was SO exhausting just to go around my neighborhood... not only because I was out of shape, but because I was too heavy for the bike itself. This was when I was much lighter than I am now, too. When I lose enough weight to ride a bike again I'm going to reward myself with the nicest one I can afford (err... that might not be a very nice one... lol)
  13. Yay! Have you started your pre-op diet yet? i start mine tomorrow. I'm actually starting a couple days early because I want to try to lose ten pounds before my surgery.

  14. I saw that you wrote on Nancy's page about problems with your veins. I feel your pain, when I was a teenager I had to get my blood drawn a lot and I would always end up getting a butterfly needle in my hand after a bunch of botched sticks. I actually went to donate blood one time and they phlebotomist refused to even attempt to draw my blood! Fortunately for me I've got a vein in my right arm that has been working for the last few years. Let me know how it goes!

  15. I'm so excited for you Nancy!!!! <---excitement ;) Good luck on your surgery, and I can't wait to hear from you post-op! I start my pre-op diet tomorrow... it's starting to feel "real" for me now.

  16. abbypoo

    Fat stories

    Carrie: No kidding! It has been a LONG time since I walked without my thighs rubbing together... since elementary I think! That is one of my biggest wishes, no more friction! ha ha ha
  17. Hey, I'm not too nervous about the surgery. I'm just nervous that I will screw up on the pre-op diet! I think I can do it, though. I was able to quit smoking for this!

  18. abbypoo

    Band Dates...... add your name!

    Ha ha ha! I just saw your table! You must have had a mom like mine... I fold my underwear!
  19. abbypoo


    Blogging about our journeys is a great idea. I just started one the other day and it's in my signature as well. I really think the more we stay focused, the better success we shall have!
  20. Sorry about your approval :( What is your name so I can stop calling you triplet? If it makes you feel any better I'm paying almost 11k for my surgery (grr) I noticed you live North of Detroit... where are you getting banded? I'm actually getting banded in Detroit.

  21. abbypoo

    Wish List!

    Triplet, you are so funny! I can touch my toes, but painting them is not that easy! As a matter of fact, I've noticed that in the last year if I wear pants that are too tight I can barely get shoes and socks on! People keep asking me if I'm excited about my surgery... you're damn right I am!
  22. So any updates Jason? I'm waiting at the edge of my seat!

  23. abbypoo

    Wish List!

    Miss J: I too have to agree, #4 is great! I don't really Celebrate Halloween, but I can't wait to go out in a dress that's just barely long enough!
  24. Lol. I'm sorry, but I don't see the point in swallowing. Does this turn guys on or something? Is that what the whole fascination is? My boyfriend doesn't get any extra satisfaction out of it, so I think I'm just going to stick to spitting that crap out!
  25. Ok, so I think this thread might be somewhat controversial, because I know a lot of people on here hate everything about being fat. I respect that, and I'm with you. That being said, I noticed that a lot of the women on here are wonderfully funny, smart and damn interesting! I'm not saying that our personalities are established by our weight, but I think that at least in my case I've had to "make up for" being the "fat girl" in other ways in my life. I don't think it was a conscious thing at all, but I think I purposely developed those aspects of my personality to try to prove my self worth. So what am I getting at? These are all really good qualities that I probably would not have if not for being fat. I often think about what I would be like if I had grown up skinny, and I'm pretty sure that although it would have had its benefits, I would not be the well-rounded (no pun intended.. ha ha) person that I am today. So lucky me for having lap-band! I'm going to have the trifecta: beauty, brains and personality! Did I mention I'll be healthy too? So tell me what you guys think. Do you have anything positive to say about your experience being overweight?

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