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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bashful1269

  1. I lost 20lbs on the 2 week pre-op diet and so far post op I average 10lbsa month, I don't cheat and stay around 750 calories a day (my nutritionist says between 600-850 is fine). Losing in the pre op really got me motivated. I got banded april 13th and am down 60lbs since my surgeon's appt. 2 weeks before surgery and feel great.

    P.S. my ticker isn't updating correctly

    OMG!!! WOW, that's fast, I bet you look amazing! I'm so excited hearing your success! Congratulations.

  2. I'm well stocked with Protein shakes. They help, but not significantly. I'm taking prednisone, which really ratchets the appetite up. But thank you for your suggestion and your good wishes.


    OH~I totally understand!!! Prednisone turned me into an EATING MONSTER!!! My doctor had me on that to treat a foot injury and I ate EVERYTHING in sight! I gained twenty five of my hundred pounds in the two months that I was on it.

    I wish you the best that's a tough situation, I hope you don't have to be on the prednisone long term.

  3. As I've been reading through the forums, I've noticed a lot of people with the weight loss tickers that have had their surgery only a few weeks ago and many have already lost over 30 pounds! Is that NORMAL? My doctor told me that the average is one to two pounds a week.

    Please share your first month's weight loss, stories and amounts.

  4. Many reasons why I am fat

    #1 I LOVE food, I love to cook with lots of different flavors and textures

    #2 I am member of the clean your plate club, yes eight years of a catholic school with nuns telling you there are thousands of starving children out there, will do that to you

    #3 My daddy always said "You aren't poor as long as you have food in the house" He was raised during the great depression

    #4 I eat when, I'm happy, sad, confused, frustrated, and mainly when I'm stressed out.

    #5 I eat to be social, family functions always include food.

    #6 I eat when I am lonely...Been divorced for three years and haven't dated in over a year.

    Yup, lots of reasons...LOL

    I pray the band helps most of those reasons

  5. I am so sorry you are having such a terrible time with things. Doctors can be very frustrating when you know there is something not right and they don't listen. Keep your chin up it's going to get better.

    I haven't had the band placed yet, my doctor told me Monday to start replacing one meal a day with my Protein shake, I am using a 100% whey Protein, I have to tell you I've been really surprised at the fact that I can have the Protein Shake in the morning and go for four to five hours without being hungry. Perhaps if you try to supplement with a Protein Shake it may take the edge off of your hunger.

    Again, I haven't had the band, do I don't know 100% that it would work, but it may be worth a try.

    You can do this, have faith in yourself, feel free to message me if you just need someone to talk to.

    Good luck,


  6. I have a question for everyone out there...

    I have a friend that is very overweight and really wants to have the lap band done, problem is she just got laid off and doesn't have the money or the insurance to do it, how do I help her?

    So far, I have explained to her that she could lose weight by starting to give up soda, since she drinks about six a day, which translates into around 900 calories per day or two pounds a week weight loss.

    Right now many of our social functions are centered around food, what kinds of activities have you replaced the eating with? Any suggestions????????

    Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated,



  7. Cool, that's good to know. I'm signed up for the fall league and my biggest fear was it twisting or something like that since it would be so soon after surgery. Fall league starts in September.

    We have a game the night after my surgery, do you think I'll be able to coach it? Or do you think I'll be too sore?

    Not sure what to expect. I went to a support group meeting and one of the people there had just had it done the day before and said he felt fine.

  8. Are there any bandsters out there that play softball? If so, do you have problems with the port? I love to play and can't wait to play when I'm 100 pounds lighter, I'm just scared that I will hurt myself. Anyone have any experiences they could share?



  9. I am being banded July 22nd! I'm so excited, and nervous and all of the emotions that go along with it. I told my boss today, I was so scared he was going to be mad at me for having to miss work, I just got my hand out of a cast and I was a little worried that he would be mad, but he was really supportive and excited for me. He's is by far the best and most understanding boss I've ever had, simply amazing.

    I have preop appointments on the 8th and 14th, I only have a 10 day diet, I did medifast for three months last year so, I'm sure I can handle it. One of my biggest fears like many on this post is sugar, I'm addicted to the stuff. I keep telling myself I'm allergic, but still having problems. I've heard the craving goes away after being away from it for a while...I PRAY this is true!

    Good luck to all of you!! If anyone is having it done around the Columbia MO area send me a message maybe we can be support buddies.

  10. I have my preop appointment with the dietitian on July 8th, then the pass appointment and surgeons appointment on the 14th and then I will be banded on July 22nd!!! I'm so excited and nervous. I can't believe my insurance actually approved me without a big hassle. Greatest thing about it is they are paying 90% of the bill!!! Whewww, that takes a load off of my mind and my pocket book. Surgery will cost out of pocket 234.00, life is good.


  11. Hey that's awesome! I'll be calling them in the morning, I can always fax them a copy of my letter right, lol

    I hope that I can be a July freedom fighter, maybe we can be buddies through this process and help cheer each other on.

    Congrats on having your surgery date!

  12. I just go the letter from the insurance stating that I was approved for the surgery. My question is this, do I call them and tell them? I was surprised at how quickly my insurance approved it, I sent in all of my stuff before my vacation, I was gone a week and had the letter waiting in the mailbox when I returned. I am scared, excited, and have tons of questions running through my head. I'm going to read post and hope to find answers.

    I guess this is one step closer to living a happier, healthier life.

  13. No, actually I called it quits. I guess in a way I am regretting my decision, but I know that it is the right one. I figured out that I was starting to have serious feelings for him and knew that they were not reciprocated. I decided that it was better to walk away before getting really hurt...more so than I am now that is...

    It will all work out. I was just really stressed out yesterday.

  14. I'm feeling really stressed out and all I've done is EAT. I haven't had the surgery done and this is one of those day that I really would probably suffer if I had.

    I ended a relationship with the man that I have been in love with for over two years, two weeks ago. He was a PLAYER from the beginning and told me that he was and STUPID me, let my emotions get involved. Now, it hurts every time I think about him. I can't get away from him, he works with me, fortunately on different shifts. He's constantly emailing me work related questions that I have to answer, so I can't ignore him. He wants to remain friends, but it's just too hard for me. I know that I'll cave if I have to spend anytime with him. I even skipped my softball game tonight because I knew he was going to be there and I'm the coach, I let my team down by having someone else coach. Now I feel really bad.

    I just want to be with him and know it's WRONG! How do I get over him and how do I make the right food choices when I'm stressed out???? :smile2::)

  15. It sounds like we are in the same spot. The waiting for me is the hardest part. I just want to go in, have it done and be on my way to a healthier me. The people on these forums are amazing. Definitely, come back for support and the answers to your questions.

    Good luck to you.


  16. Well, I had my visit with the surgeon today. That was pretty easy, he just reviewed all of my information and then listened to my lungs and heart.

    My question is how long does it usually take for the insurance to get back to you to let you know if you've been approved or not?

    I think I'll be crushed if they deny me.

    Here's hoping I hear something soon.:wub:

  17. I have done the pre op appointments and my visit to the surgeon is on Tuesday. I am nervous. Not sure what to expect. I hope that they are able to get the surgery approved through my insurance as I know there's no way that I can pay for it out of my pocket right now.

    Anyway, hello to everyone out there. I look forward to posting pictures as time goes by.

    Talk soon,


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