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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bashful1269

  1. Many of mine have already been taken, I'll add just a few.

    * To have guys actually look at me and not past me.

    * To not have to listen to my guy friends make comments on how hot the skinny girls are.

    *To be able to enjoy having a picture taken.

    *To walk and not have my thighs rub together.

    *To believe someone when they tell me I am pretty.

    That's it for now... Love this thread too fun!

  2. I was banded Wednesday morning and haven't really been hungry since then. I've been eating like my Nut told me to, but not nearly as much. Should I be eating when I'm not hungry, just to follow the nuts eating schedule? Since I'm not hungry I've been mixing my Protein in with pudding or skim milk as part of my meal instead of a snack...is this ok?

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.



  3. I know the feeling of the yo yo dieting, much like you that's why I decided to get the band. I was banded on Wednesday morning and have felt pretty good over all. What they say about feeling like you've done a couple thousand situps is true. It's not bad pain just soreness. I've been up walking a lot trying to keep the gas pains at bay and so far haven't really had any.

    I'm happy for you for making this choice it's not easy, from what I've read on here and as long as you are committed you'll do amazing.

    Good luck!!!:D

  4. Thank you so much for that idea. I did sleep with a pillow on top last night in case the cat decided to walk on me.

    I'll take that advice!! I was just banded this morning. Doing well. Prolly over doing it a bit because the pain meds have me HYPER. They said to walk so I've been doing lots of that.

    Congrats to everyone newly banded and good luck to those who are about to be banded. Oh and congrats to my niece who got married today...I won't forget her wedding anniversary that's for sure~

  5. well, I made it out of surgery and so far really not feeling too terrible. I know what it's like to feel like I'm stuck. They gave me a pain med and it got stuck going down and it was only a quarter of a pill. Ever since then I have had this horrible pain in my mid section.

    I was super impressed with the staff of Boone County hospital everyone was super nice and helpful.

    Thanks for all the well wishes and good luck to all who are making this journey

  6. HI Sig,

    There is a minimum of a 35 BMI, he charges self pay $12500 or somewhere around that number. You can find more information about his services at columbia bariatrics.

    He is a great Dr. and runs a very good practice IMHO, he is banded, I think that makes a huge difference in the way that he prepares his patients.

    They give you REALISTIC information. I've read many post where people are complaining because they don't feel restriction right after surgery. He tells you straight up that it may take 2 to 5 fills before you are at your sweet spot. For me the insurance pays for my first three fills and after that they told me it would be $75.00 per fill. Not sure what it will be for self pay.

    Hope this information helps, good luck in your journey.


  7. Just three words to say here... "I AM STARVING!!!!!"

    Day four of the pre op liquid diet that consists of two Protein Shakes and up to 2 cups of milk or juice. I somewhat cheated today and went to starbucks and had a fruit smoothie with Protein Powder. It was made with naked 100% juice and it had whey Protein so that's not really cheating, is it???

    Only 7 more days to go! Can't wait not to be hungry.

    Good luck everybody!

  8. I bought thermacare Patches, take or toss baby spoons and sippy cups that way I could leave one at all of my friends houses and not have to worry about not having what I needed when out. I bought some way cool little plates and individual sized stoneware from pier one! I'm so excited I'm ready to start using them now...darn liquids just won't stay on the plate...LOL oh well only five more days of liquids!!!!!! I'm ready to eat a TRUCK!!! Surgery is coming so fast I'm running around trying to get everything done.:)

  9. I'm trying to figure out which band to have placed. My doctor told me either is good. Not a lot of help there Doc! I thought I would start this thread and see if based on your answers I could get a more accurate decision.

    What I would like to know is Which band you had placed and how much weight have you lost in what amount of time. I have until Wednesday to figure this out, everyone's help is GREATLY appreciated.



  10. Hi everyone, I'm Stacy from Jefferson City, Missouri

    I'm 38, divorced with no kids unless you want to count my two fat cats and my labradork dog. I love to travel, always up for adventure or a challenge. My biggest challenge was a few years back when my family and I built my house.

    If anyone wants to be friends feel free to PM me.

  11. January 23, 2010 That will be my six month bandiversary and my work holiday party. I'm the coordinator, it's the one time that all eyes are on me and I want to be able to look good for once and not feel like I need to be hiding in the shadows... What do you think, should I wait to reveal any loss I've had until then??? Just wear baggy clothes for a while? I think that would be kind of fun? Has anyone else done something similar or want to do something similar??? Am I just being silly?? LOL

  12. Bashful,

    And I bet in a year I'll at least be able to say that I'm exercising regularly WITHOUT the pain I have now. :biggrin:

    That's the most important thing! I'm proud of you for making this decision, I'm sure like me it's been one that you have thought about for a while. Congrats and we can do this!!!!

  13. Being able to play softball without feeling like I'm the fattest one to ever play the sport...

    Being able to walk without foot pain...

    Being able to tell my sister that she finally has to buy me that out fit she promised to buy me when I was 18 and trying to get under 200 pounds...twenty years later I still have yet to make it under, I'M GOING TO DO IT NOW!!

    Being able to not spend so much money at the grocery store!

    And many many other things

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
