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Posts posted by bashful1269

  1. Congrats and welcome to bandland. Sounds like you're doing well. I was banded six days ago and haven't had many problems...just tired and the hunger did come back. Drink the Protein it helps....WALK WALK AND WALK to keep the gas pains away. I walked a lot the first three days and didn't have any problems with the gas except a little soreness in my back which I used a heating pad for.

    You'll do fine you have a great attitude.

    Good luck and keep us posted~!!

  2. Oh, I am so with ya sista!!! I've been on liquids since ten days pre op and still have another week and a half to go before I get to the mushies stage...I'm HUNGRY and TOTALLY GROUCHY!! Thankfully, I live alone except for the pets...My dog he just looks at me like "Hey lady what are you yelling about...it's not my fault you're hungry...Watch me chew on this bone for a while...haha you can't have any lady"...

    <----Goes to kick the dog...

    Good luck on your surgery!

  3. I know that this journey is about living a healthier life and we shouldn't dwell in the past but...

    I'm just wondering what or if you have had a Ha! In your face moment...You know the moment where you see someone that you haven't seen in a while; that was particularly mean to you because of your weight and you show up looking all HOT and you can see the astonishment in their eyes...

    I'd love to hear some stories if anyone would like to share.

  4. I've been off for five days, but the doc took me off for ten because of the hiatal hernia repair. He wanted to make sure I had time to heal properly. I have 100% disability and didn't have to use vacation time.

    I have a desk job of sorts but still probably spend 60% of my time on my feet walking. I'm ready for the desk part just not the walking part. I love the people that I work with, it's amazing to be able to say "I love my job" and mean it after sixteen years.

    Good luck at work. Won't it be fun to see and hear peoples reactions as we travel this journey??? I stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down twenty one pounds this month! I go to my pcp today for the first time since starting this journey. I'm axious to see his reaction!!

  5. I have BCBS Alliance administered by wellmark. When I started looking into this I pulled the insurance coverage book and it stated for me that I had to have a BMI of 40 for at least three years or a BMI of 35 with at least to comorbidities. Oh and I had to prove previous attempts at loss...

    I'd say that is the first place that you want to start. Look and see first if they cover it and what the conditions are.

    They will give you a book with TONS of information in it.

    I was approved within a week of having all of my paperwork in. I gave them tons of supporting documentation. Everything from my EKG report to my personal training records, to letters from my three docs and physical therapist and health coach.

    Dr. Pitts staff and the staff at Boone county are AMAZING! I have been so impressed with them.

    I wish you the best, and hope you can join the bandsters soon.

    Feel free to PM me.

    Good luck,


  6. Hey Sheri,

    You can have a chunk of the cow too...I'll let you. ROFLMAO

    I need to do a better job with the Protein. I like the shake but have been out of skim milk and haven't felt much like getting out to the store. I have to go to the Dr. tomorrow, so I will pick some up then.

    I figured out that if I eat a little bit of oatmeal square Cereal crunched up and soggy in my yogurt I don't get hungry as fast and it's pretty good.

    So far this hasn't been too terrible, it's had it's moments. I'm ready to go back to work. I miss it.

  7. I was banded on 7/23 and today was the first day that I have felt hunger...:thumbup::cursing::skep: I don't like it!

    Anyone have any ideas on how to get through the next week of full liquids without biting a big chunk out of some poor unsuspecting cow out in a field?? I'm starvin...and nothing I have eaten seems to satisfy me. I looked through the recipe section but most of the things on there I was told not to eat.

    Any ideas would be appreciated



  8. Of course there's hope for you! You can do this and you don't even need to know your way around the kitchen.

    This is what the nutritionist told me

    Pre op


    4oz Protein shake

    1/2 c juice (no sugar added)

    16 oz Water

    broth or sugar free popsicle or Jello if hungry between Breakfast and lunch


    4oz Protein Shake

    1/2 C skim milk

    broth or sugar free popsicle or Jello if hungry


    4oz Protein Shake

    1/2 C gatorade or sf juice

    16 oz Water

    broth or sugar free popsicle or jello if hungry


    4 oz Protein shake

    1/2 C skim milk

    16 oz water

    Having the Protein shakes every four hours or so will help keep you from being hungry.

    Post op

    The day of was clear liquid.< /p>

    Water, broth, sugar free jello, sf popsicles

    For two weeks after:

    Thined or blended Soups with no solid pieces, skim milk, vegetable or tomatoe juice, no sugar added low fat yogart, low fat sugar free pudding, Cereal with milk let it get soggy, or thinned cooked oatmeal or cream of wheat or grits...4 oz of any of the above at a time three times a day only!! As a snack in between meals 4 oz of your protein shake.

    sample menu

    Brkfast 4 oz No sugar low fat yogart

    snack 4 oz protein shake

    Lunch 2 oz blended Soup and 2 oz sugar free pudding

    snack 4 oz protein shake

    dinner 4 oz Cereal with milk (let it get soggy)

    Hope this helps and YES YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!

    I would advice having a serious discussion with your health team and make sure they are going to be there for you throughout this whole process. It's not something you can have done, take your money and then they forget about you.

  9. Have you met with the nutritionist? For my liquid diet phase I was instructed to find a Protein supplement that I liked and have two servings per day. Then as much broth, sugar free Jello and sugar free popsicles as I wanted. So you don't have to cook at all really.

    I also used medifast (Take Shape For Life - The Breakthrough Approach to Fast Weight Loss and Long-Term Health) as part of my preop and thinking about using it for post op to help me reach my goal.

    As far as post op, my doc has me on semi soft basically Sugarfree pudding, sugarfree yogart and blended Soups as long as they are not cream based and thinned oatmeal. I've been using instant oatmeal made with Water and then adding vanilla Protein powder and cinnamon it's good! No real cooking there either.

    When you get past the mushie stage will be harder. Make sure you concentrate on healthy choices and get your Protein in first and from high quality sources look toward baked or grilled lean poultry or fish.

    Also look in the nutrition section for lots of easy recipes.

    Good luck, feel free to message me if you need a friend.


  10. I was banded on Wednesday, I've actually had a really easy time of it. Except for a few spells. I feel like I did two thousand sit ups and then just to torture myself more I did another two thousand.... stomach is very sore.

    I think it's normal to have the thoughts of OMG what have I done. It really changes things when you CAN"T eat uncontrollably. We have to redefine the role food plays in our life...NOT EASY that's for sure.

    I haven't slept much since Wednesday either I've been having to sleep in a recliner because I couldn't lie down in bed. You might try that with a heating pad. I used a heating pad on my back and neck to help with the gas pains.

    I think you're doing fine just remember to walk walk walk and walk some more and get all of your Protein.

    As far as the pain I would call the surgeon and ask just to be on the safe side.

    Good luck!


  11. Surgery day... Wednesday... 7/22/09

    Got to the hospital at 6:45am checked in they gave me a pager like you see in restaurants and told me when it went off to give it to my friends and come up to the desk by myself. They would page my friends when I was ready. Of course the first stop was at the scale...officially 8 pounds down from the week before.

    Then it was time for the ol pregnancy test. Of course I told the nurse if I was pregnant I was going to kick her...YUP she was scared of me for the rest of the day!

    They were quick taking care of things such as the shot of lovanox (blood thinner) in the belly and then having me take my contacts out and then the anesthesiologist came in...PS..He was HOT!! :biggrin: We talked a bit and then Dr. Pitt came in and said hi and told my family it would be about 30 minutes and I'd be out. Then the nurses told me to say bye to my family and friends ..of course they were making fun of me because I was "drunk" (oxycotton) taking tons of terrible pictures. So I said goodbye to them and laid back for the ride. I don't even remember going through the doors that were just around the corner.

    Next thing I know I wake up in recovery with terrible indigestion pressure and I told them I was going to get sick. They hit me with a med and I laid back and went to sleep. I don't remember much of recovery. They took me back to my room and I woke up feeling on top of the world. I had a terrible dry mouth and the nurse gave me a medicine cup of ice chips. It took an hour to get those down...then another hour to get a medicine cup of Water and then another hour to get two medicine cups down. I had to sip very slowly and of course had to have a nap. I woke up from the nap ready to walk. I walked down the hall and back a total of about six times and felt really good. I even posed for pictures with my nurses so I could have them in my journey scrapbook.

    The car ride home was a little tough, I cried when I sat down in the seat because it was pretty low and it hurt. I went to my friends house to recoup and really felt pretty good. I walked a lot that night just to keep the gas pains away since everyone had told me that was the best thing to do.

    Over all I would say it wasn't bad at all. Dr. Pitt and his staff were amazing and I plan to write them a note and let them know how much I appreciate them.

    Good luck to everyone making this journey...it's a good thing...we can do this! Remember it is a tool and we must put in our work behind that tool to make it work right. Be patient...that's what they keep telling me.

  12. I was just banded Wednesday and had many of the same fears. I will give you the same advice that was given to me by a couple of people... WALK, WALK, WALK AND WALK SOME MORE!!! I haven't had hardly any pain except for the feeling like I've done two thousand situps soreness. It's worth it and once it's done and over you're on your way to onederland!! You can do this!

    Feel free to message if you need support.

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