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Posts posted by LoneStarRedHd56

  1. If you will notice he is just pointing out the MATHMATICS behind these "other" program "claims"...

    "Now that is just an average statement. Your own particular weight loss rate varies from this, depending on many factors including your age, gender, muscle composition, health problems, etc...But hopefully understanding the basics will help you further on your journey."

    I believe he is just trying to get people to educate themselves and realize that everyone loses weight at a different rate. Knowledge is power!

    Being a "life long member of Jennie Craig" tells me that JC wasn't working, or else you wouldn't have gotten the band.

    Good luck with your band - I love my new life!!:blush:

  2. :laugh: I agree, you shouldn't drink your calories. I eat solids and chew them way more than I used to, this allows me to savor the food and so it doesn't get stuck, and we all know thats no fun!

    If I have to liquify all my food in a blender what joy would there be in experiencing different foods?? I want to enjoy life, enjoy the food I do eat and not have to "drink" my meals.

    I love my life after the band, and I like reading everyone's experiences and comments, but some never are happy about anything. Too bad. :smile:

    (Looks like the usual suspects are on the attack mode with Dr. Vuong. I don't understand why you even read his post if you are going to be so negative about everything. Oh well, the world is full of nay-sayers and negative people and you have every right to your opinion. Some people are just naturally unhappy and bitter, and the internet is an anonymous way of spewing their venom).

  3. GOOD LORD!!!! I feel so sorry that you had to go thru that! Something is wrong at that clinic, because that just isnt right! I had my first fill Wed. The nurse had me lay down with an ice pack on my tummy, and a pillow behind my lower back.

    The doctor came in, the nurse held a bottle of Water with a bendy straw and he found the port right off, I sipped the water and he added the saline. Withdrew the needle, put a bandaid on the injection site and I sat up and sipped the rest of the water during group. Never felt any uncomfort or pain at all!!!

  4. I am 52 (will be 53 in July) and was banded on 4.13.09. I considered the bypass but when I found Dr. Vuong I knew the band was for me. With a great support group and seeing other folks success with the band, I am so glad I had it done!! Gastric by-pass is way too intrusive for me, and the recovery time for banding is very short! I feel absolutely wonderful..good luck Karen, I wish you much success!

  5. I am not going to get into a snippet exchange with someone like you. Bully for you that you are a "triathlete training for the half-ironman distance." That still doesnt make you a DOCTOR or an EXPERT. Maybe you shouldn't ASSume so much about others. So let's just say we agree to disagree and end it at that. Go eat some salad and run a few miles.

  6. I wonder how successful and healthy you will be with justifying eating anything you want. You pick out things YOU disagree with but the final reality is "Dr. V isn't telling you not to eat vegetables, but use common sense about what is good for you and what isn't." Go buy all the books in the world on nutrients but I bet if you were open-minded enough to read Dr. Vuong's book you would get the whole picture. Just because you can eat it, doesn't mean you should or it's good for you. I can find better, tastier, healthier things to fill my pouch with than salad.

    As far as eating sweets, that’s fine too but it's still high calorie & low nutrition no matter how you justify eating it. I can find a better alternative like fruit to eat than candy.< /span>

    Like I said before, it's changing your lifestyle and eating habits. If you want to continue eating things that made you fat, why even get the band? So we agree to disagree about salad and Protein - but all of Dr. Vuong's patients are very happy and highly successful and healthy with their weight loss and will be successful in keeping the weight off - I know because I am his patient - hope your eating habits work for you.

  7. I totally agree with Dr. Vuong! :crying: Why would you eat a "salad" (regular lettuce salad) FIRST? I think you all have totally taken his article out of context!! There is no value in eating lettuce. Your body needs Protein more than rabbit food.< /p>

    I agree eating colorful vegetables is a must, but only after you have gotten your protein. Apparently there's a lot of people that have been given the wrong advice about eating with a lap band.

    Perhaps you SHOULD get Dr. Vuong's book and read for yourself about what you should be putting in your mouth.

    Sure, eat that salad first. But your body needs protein. I eat chicken and fish and then eat a variety of fresh vegetables. Why eat a salad when there are other veggies with better Vitamins and minerals. Three bean "salad", spinach "salad" its all good for you.

    Why are you all getting so upset about this?? It's called eating sensibly and healthy not eating something just to fill your pouch. Eat to live...don't live to eat!

    BTW - one malted milk ball will lead to another and then every night..why would you spend all that money & time to get a lap-band and then go back to the habits that put all that weight on in the first place????

    Lap-band is a TOOL to safe & life long weight loss - it's giving up bad habits, giving up things that make you FAT and changing your lifestyles!

    I will NEVER go back to the way I was ever again! Get real people, Dr. V isn't telling you not to eat vegetables, but use common sense about what is good for you and what isn't.

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