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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Grandma26

  1. I agree Humming Bird that no one should change their eating habits because I did, However I did asked my family to be a little bit considerate when at home during my liquid and mushie stage. After 2 weeks when I was back on regular food, and still today nothing anyone eats in front of me bothers me. The first few weeks I felt was critical in the success of my journey.
  2. I think DH needs a good kick in the pants!! lol..... Tell him once you lose the weight and get to goal you may become a Hooters Mama, that may keep him out of there!! Seriously now....I can relate to this, if you can be stong now you will be able to get through anything. You will be on real food soon enough and maybe a little stronger because you were able to make it through the toughest phase of being banded. Once you are on SOLID food again if you have a Buffalo Wild Wings near you they have a dish called Bare Naked Wings. They are boneless strips of chicken, served with the same buffalo hot sauce, blue cheese and celery just like regular wings. They are delicious and cure my cravings for wings. Just watch your portion size and you will be fine!! Stay strong!!
  3. Grandma26

    Throwing up Normal?

    Throwing up is not normal at all! Please call your Dr. and let them know.
  4. Grandma26

    Communion Wafer?

    I was banded on a Friday and had communion on Sunday without any problem.
  5. I went back the day after my surgery. I felt fine, I was tired when I got home but no pain or discomfort.
  6. Grandma26

    What about spicy foods?

    I can still eat spicy food after being banded with no problems. I haven't had problems with any foods except beef, ground beef is ok but not steak or roast beef, I can't get it down even with gravy.
  7. Grandma26


    I didn't have a pre surgery liquid diet but I put myself on one anyway. I wanted to be prepared for post surgery when it really counted. I knew if I couldn't do it before I had to re-think my decision. I found that sipping on warm/hot liquids kept me satisifed longer than cold ones. I drank herbal teas and warm broths. It wasn't that bad. Now post surgery I sometimes put myself on liquids for a day now and then and it's a breeze! The key to making it through this period is to keep yourself busy so you don't sit around thinking how hungry you are. Most times I wasn't hungry I just thought I should be eating!! lol Good luck to you!!
  8. I wish someone had told me about the drastic changes in my bowel habits! Since we are eating much less it takes longer for the food to travel down and out, sometimes causing constipation. I would have started on a stool softener right after I finished my liquid post surgery phase. I guess it's a subject people don't like to talk about. Check with your surgeon and ask what you should be prepared for and what they advise their patients to do! I take Colace every day now and things are working much better. For me being banded was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I feel so much better, I am learning how to eat "normally" I can now eat 1 cookie instead of 1 BOX of Cookies. lol. It's a struggle every day but it's been great. Do you remember when you were a kid...and wanted a "do over" well I really feel I was given a second chance on June 25, 2009. My life has been improved a thousand times over. Good luck to you with whatever your choice may be.
  9. Grandma26

    Full or Stuck?

    I have never had that really full like you can't take another bite feeling! I just try to measure my portions and stick to it. I have had a few really bad stuck events and they were all my own fault. I have to remember not to get overly hungry because then I don't chew well enough, and I take larger bites then I should. The biggest thing for me is not chewing enough. I am trying!!
  10. Grandma26

    Wanting to get back on track

    Wow thanks for this post! I did very well over the holidays, controlled my portions, made carefull choices, cheated a little, didn't gain any weight. Well now its January and I am at a stand still. I haven't lost anything, which is ok for right now but I am feeling a bit sad at times and don't want it to turn into my own little pity party!! lol I had more sugar over the holidays and thought maybe that's the reason. I heard that lots of people go through this at some point. Any ideas how to jump start me again?
  11. Grandma26

    Help - Very Discouraged!

    I was banded about 2 weeks before you were and I still don't get that "full I've had enough feeling" but I know when too stop. My portion size is 1/2 cup with (2) 2 oz Snacks a day. I do go a little over my 1/2 cup but I am making better choices now. My weight loss is slow and steady which is ok with me. Do you have a nutirtionist you can meet with? Maybe yoou need to add a few foods to your diet that will kick start you weight loss? Sometimes we get in a rut eating the same food becausse its easier. I find that if I vary my food and occasionally add a treat food I stay on course. Hang in there!!
  12. Grandma26

    Holidays Success

    I am so happy, and proud of myself for getting throught the holidays still losing weight! In the past I would be shopping for the next size clothes the day after Christmas, but not this year. For the first time in 20 years I didn't feel like I was going to explode after a holiday dinner! I made a couple of food choices that were not the best, but I was able to take a bite or two and be very satisfied, I didn't have to stuff myself. Today is a new day and I am back on track, back to only healthy choices.
  13. Grandma26


    I know it's hard but try not to be discouraged. When I have trouble after eating certain foods it is usually because I ate to fast and didn't chew well enough. Be patient and you may find you can eat some of your old favorites again just in much smaller portions.
  14. Grandma26

    Just a Thank you :)

    Count down starts!! Good luck to you. It was the best decision I ever made for myself and I hope it is for you too.
  15. You will eat normal foods again, just not "normal" portions. I would never have believed I could live on 1/2 cup meal. I am doing ok, sometimes I want to eat more, and do go over my 1/2 cup portion size but my choices are now healthier then before and the food I try to avoid I don't even miss. My "new normal" has become a way of life and a surprisingly easy one.
  16. When the waitress takes my order I also ask them to bring a "to go" box. I split my portion and pack up when I am not going to eeat. This way while others are still eating I don't pick at my plate while waiting. Seems to work for me!
  17. Grandma26

    Question about Quantity

    When I am home I try to always measure. I am on 1/2 cup portion each meal. When we are eating out I find it very hard to eye ball that size but I do my best. Sometimes I worry about over eating and think I should start to carry a measuring cup with me!
  18. Grandma26

    Benefiber anyone?

    Constipation was the side effect I didn't know about prior to surgery and wow did I suffer! I thought a trip to the Er was the next step. I took Miralax and nothing happened. I finally took Milk of Magnesia (good 'ole MOM) and success! Now I take 100mg of Colace every day and things are almost normal. I also stay aware of how long in between to see if I need to do anything else, but nothing is as easy as it was before surgery. Good Luck!
  19. I really did great with the qty. I ate and my food choices....however when I got on the scale this AM I am 2 lbs up !!! My dinner consisted of 2 tbsp of turnips, 1 tbsp of stuffing, about 2 oz of turkey with a little gravy. For appetizers I had 3 shrimp with cocktail sauce and my dessert was about 1/4 cup of the inside of apple pie, No CRUST!! I was within my serving size on everything. Yesterday I spent the day at the mall, more walking than shopping. I walked the 4 floor mall almost all day from 5:00 AM until 8:00 PM with short breaks in between. I thought walking would help burn off any extra calories I had. I was very discouraged this morning. The only thing I can think of is I didn't have the amount of Water I ususally have. Oh well I will get over it, normally Thanksgiving would put on a lot more than 2 lbs! Today's a new day and I will get through it. I hope everyone had a great day with family and friends!
  20. Grandma26

    Blessings bandsters

    Happy thanksgiving to all ! Last year at this time I hadn't even thought about Lap Band Surgery....all I was worried about was how much stuffing I could fit in my mouth.....now I am 6 mos. out and feeling great! Food no longer is that exciting. Enjoy!
  21. Grandma26

    turkey day is here

    Happy Thanksgiving to all ! I was worried about today but my meal is on, my appetizers are out, guests on their way.....and best of all I am not hungry !! I have worked too hard up to this point, I am not going to ruin it now. I will have a taste of my favorite things and that should fill my 1/2 cup portion. :thumbup: Good Luck to all, and I know we are all thankful for how far we have come.
  22. Hi and Happy Thanksgiving!! I don't know why Drs. vary so much, it must be their different views on weight loss and the healing process after any surgery. I was on a diet similar to yours. I was on clear liquids for 1 week but he added milk on the allowed list. I had heavier liquids for 2 weeks, mushies for 10 days then anything I could tolerate. I wasn't hungry on the liquid or mushie stages because of the internal swelling, but boy one that went down......you could hear my stomach rumbles from across the room. I think this route was good for me. It allowed me to heal while adjusting to not eating much. Now I am 6 mos. out and sometimes I go on liquids or mushies just to keep myself on track if I feel I am starting to want larger portions. Common sense plays a big part, I keep telling myself "YOU HAD SURGERY TO LOSE WEIGHT"....why would you want to eat that. That usually snaps me back to reality!! lol Today isn't as hard so far as I thought it would be. I was able to start preparing our meal and feel I am truly thankful this year for my "renewed" life. Good Luck to all
  23. The only one that knew I had the surgery was my husband! I told my children and sister after surgery. I felt it was also very personal and people wouldn't understand this was not the easy way out. I decided to tell my immediate family a few weeks after surgery because I wanted their support and to be my cheering section so to speak. Now when people ask what I am doing to lose weight, I tell them I eat very small meals several times a day and try to make all my choices healthy ones. My family doesn't even mention the surgery anymore, my eating habits have just become a way of life to me and them.
  24. Grandma26


    Steak is one of the foods I can't eat yet. I tried a small bite, chewed well and felt pain for a while after that!! I knew before surgery from my nutritionist that steak may be the one thing I can no longer eat. Some people tolerate it and some don't I was warned not to try it for a least a year after surgery. I didn't listen and paid for it!! I am able to eat salad, but I have to take very small bites and chew until it is mush before I swallow it, but so far no problems with it.
  25. I am sorry to hear that 10 days after surgery you are still in pain. Was anything rubbing against your incision or pressing on it when you were sitting? I was fortunate and had no pain. I went back to work the day after my surgery. I brought a small pillow and put behind me so I wasn't sitting completely upright but still very comfortable. It kept my bra from rubbing the top of my largest incision. I also had my feet on a small box under my desk which took the pressure off my back. I hope it gets better for you soon!

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