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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Alicia521

  1. Alicia521

    Can I still eat Sushi?

    I can eat the rice but not the seawood. I dunk mine in the low sodium soy sauce to help moisten it a bit as well.
  2. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~October Chat

    Thanks for the encouraging words! Quick question - on average, how much Protein are you each getting per day and what are you doing to get it?
  3. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~October Chat

    It's been a really long time. About the only time I have time to post is at work and it's been crazy lately. Anyway, I am glad to get updated on everyone. Linda and Ousooner - the pics are awesome. I am sorry to hear about the health problems/band problems some of you are having. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. On a different note, I am finally below 200 lbs. I hit that weight in September but it has been slow going since then. In fact, I have been gaining and losing the same 2 lbs for about 2 weeks. I need to call the doctor to see if they think it is time for an adjustment but I really don't want one yet because it took me at least a month before I was able eat somewhat normally after my 8/1/06 adjustment. I am thinking, I have just reached that point and my body will be going much slower now. I am officially in the just plain "obese" category as well. I need to drop to 185 to be classified as "overweight". I'd like to be 190 by Halloween but I am not so sure that will happen. I have been doing my Couch to 5K program, but got a later start than I had planned. I can finally feel my legs firming. We went to an outdoor music festival on Saturday with a lot of uphill walking and it didn't even phase me. Normally I would have sat down to rest on several occasions so that was nice. I am trying hard not to get discouraged, but honestly, I am pretty discouraged lately. My weightloss has not been consistent so I am trying to up my Water intake/protein intake and my exercise. I have the hardest time getting the water down because I just don't like to drink much anymore. I keep reminding myself that I have lost nearly 60lbs and that I have gone from 20/22 & 2x from L/XL and 14/16 tops and 16/18 bottoms. Any motivational words to get me over my hump?
  4. Alicia521

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ September Chat

    Is there an October thread for May 2006 bandsters? I haven't been on the site and I can't find the Oct thread. Thanks!
  5. Alicia521

    Anybody heard of Dr. Ponce from Georgia?

    yes - he used to be in w/ the Memorial Group in Chattanooga and used to speak at Hamilton Place Mall for the lap-band seminars. He is one of the best in the TN/GA area and you would be in excellent hands. My coworkers mom used him and he is great.
  6. Alicia521

    5K Run/Walk Challenge

    I was banded 5/8/06. I lost around close to 40 lbs to date. Anyway, I have been doing a lot of thinking about exercising and getting to a more active lifestyle in general. Especially since I have a 15 month old son and I want him to grow up healthy and active. I have joined my gym at work and I’ve been going 4-5 days a week. I do different combos of aerobic classes, cardio machines and strength training. I realize how important exercise is and how I have GOT to incorporate into my daily lifestyle. It has finally clicked in my brain after all of these years. So anyway, I picked up a flier in the gym yesterday for a 5K run/walk. My hubby and another friend have decided to sign up for it. It’s on 9/23/06. There is another one the following day for the Race for the Cure, which I am considering as well. There is usually at least one type of 5K walk/run in my area every month and I am considering participating in 1 every month. Right now, I just want to be able to walk in them, but eventually I’d like to run in them. To build my endurance I have devised a plan I will begin this weekend. I have a nice mountain bike I have rarely used over the past 6 years. I am going to alternate days jogging and riding my bike in the evenings. I am starting out small…like 3 minutes for each activity (or the most I can comfortably tolerate). Each week I am going to add 1-2 minutes per activity. My goal is to be able to bike or jog for at least 30 minutes by New Years without feeling like I am going to pass out. I may post this part in other areas of the message board as well. Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone was up to a 5K run/walk challenge? Here is what I propose – for anyone interested, find one in your area to participate in by 11/30/06. Decide how long you want to complete it in and if you are going to run/walk/job or a combo. For example, my goal is to walk my first 5K in 1 hour and 15 minutes (that’s 15 minutes per mile) and to walk it. Anyone up for the challenge?
  7. Alicia521

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ August Chat

    Everyone seems to be doing very well. May bandsters are awesome! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Violet – hang in there – you’ll be out of your 18’s before you know it<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Ousooner – that’s incredible weight loss for 3 months. I amazed. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Sleepyjean – your weight loss is great. You’ll be in ONEderland soon!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Kim2bhealthy – I may try a Wednesday support group next week. I know they will help me! The first fill for me was virtually painless and the fill itself takes less than 5 minutes. You just have to wait forever to get it. Be prepared to be there for 2 hours. The diet after the fill is rough, especially the clear/full liquids. I didn’t get very good restriction with my first fill so I was pretty hungry. I lost about 10 lbs with it in 6 weeks. My 2<SUP>nd</SUP> fill has been much more restrictive. I think they put 1 cc the first time and may 1 or 1.5 this time. I think my band holds 4 cc. I should probably know more of the stats! <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Julie T – Don’t get bummed. Hopefully your 3<SUP>rd</SUP> fill will be the charm. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> LindaV – Great job. You are going to be at your September goal before you know it. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Everyone – I have been doing a lot of thinking about exercising and getting to a more active lifestyle in general. Especially since I have a 15 month old son and I want him to grow up healthy and active. I have joined my gym at work and I’ve been going 4-5 days a week. I do different combos of aerobic classes, cardio machines and strength training. I realize how important exercise is and how I have GOT to incorporate into my daily lifestyle. It has finally clicked in my brain after all of these years. So anyway, I picked up a flier in the gym yesterday for a 5K run/walk. My hubby and another friend have decided to sign up for it. It’s on 9/23/06. There is another one the following day for the Race for the Cure, which I am considering as well. There is usually at least one type of 5K walk/run in my area every month and I am considering participating in 1 every month. Right now, I just want to be able to walk in them, but eventually I’d like to run in them. To build my endurance I have devised a plan I will begin this weekend. I have a nice mountain bike I have rarely used over the past 6 years. I am going to alternate days jogging and riding my bike in the evenings. I am starting out small…like 3 minutes for each activity (or the most I can comfortably tolerate). Each week I am going to add 1-2 minutes per activity. My goal is to be able to bike or jog for at least 30 minutes by New Years without feeling like I am going to pass out. I may post this part in other areas of the message board as well. Anyway, is anyone up for a exercise/5K run/walk challenge?<o:p></o:p>
  8. Alicia521

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ August Chat

    Linda - that is awesome about the clothes. I sifted through some recently but I think I need to get rid of everything that is too big. I have one bag of things that were already loose when I had the surgery. I held on to a lot of size 18's and some 14-16 but anything smaller than a 14 that I saved is probably not in style anymore! I am hoping to go on a fall shopping spree in the middle to end of September and I hope to be in a 16 by then! I think if I purchase 16's with drawstring/elastic waists I can get by until Christmas. The weightloss is great but the in-between stages will be the hardest part. Several ladies that I know that have had the surgery are visiting Goodwill and consignment shops to buy clothes.
  9. Alicia521

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ August Chat

    Kim - that weight loss is not slow. You are doing without having an adjustment. I haven't actually attended any of the support groups yet. I might try to go to the lunch one next week. I don't think my schedule will allow the Monday evening one due to have a 15 month old son in daycare. I work out at the Chattanooga Heart Institute at Memorial North Park...although I haven't been there in 2 weeks because I joined the gym at work. Are you downtown or at Northpark? We've probably seen each other at the office before and didn't even know it. It's a small world!
  10. Alicia521

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ August Chat

    That's interesting to know Linda. I don't think we have the option of seeing a nutritionist at my weight management center, but I am definitely going to ask about it at my next appointment. I have often wondered if I should up my calories to something above 1200. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I am still trucking through my diet of full liquids. I get to start soft foods on Wednesday!!! This fill has been much tighter than my first. In fact, when I drank my first slim-fast this weekend, I wasn't sure I could get it down. I have to drink hot liquids every morning to open my band and loosen the mucus and I have found it is really tight in the morning. I am able to get slim-fast down in the morning now after I have been up for a few hours. I will be back to solid foods by this weekend, so I am anxious to see how much I am able to eat. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p>
  11. Alicia521

    The Million Dollar Question

    I have been reading a lot lately and didn't make the connection until reading these posts. I guess that has been my replacement. I have also noticed I do more at home (cleaning, laundry, organizing projects). I am working out but not really using it as a replacement. I guess I will be smarter and have a cleaner house - which isn't a bad thing!
  12. Alicia521

    My fill surgeon just told me....

    My doctor says drinking hot liquids about 20 minutes before a meal helps a lot. Especially if you add lemon. I was explained that a lot of mucus builds up in your pouch and you need the hot liquid to flush it out in order to eat a good, full meal. You may want to add more exercise to your routine. That made a big difference for my weightloss. Also, try sparkpeople.com to track your calories. I love that website and it helped me realize I was making some bad choices even when I thought I was being good.
  13. Alicia521

    need help menu planning

    Pampered chef has some easy meals as well. You may want to check into that. I am busy as well. get home between 5:30-7:00 depending on what day it is and I have a 15 month old son and a hungry husband. We eat out some and I just try to eat the light/low-fat choices. Some things we do as well - bake a casserole on the weekend and freeze it until ready to eat. Steamed veggies - they don't take much time to cook. Soups that you can refrigerate and reheat when ready to eat. Good luck to you!
  14. Alicia521

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ August Chat

    Hi May Bandsters, I just had my 2<SUP>nd</SUP> fill on 8/1 and I think my restriction is better this time. It’s hard to tell right now because I am on clear liquids. I can tell when I eat jell-o though. I am adding some more to my workout routine this month so hopefully this fill in combination with me exercising 5 days a week will pay off and help me be 199 by 9/4/06! Good luck to all of you this month!
  15. Alicia521

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    Hi everyone. Well I had my 2nd adjustment yesterday and I can already tell a difference when drinking liquids and eating jello. I actually feel it stopping and then passing through my band. I am hoping this 2nd adjustment will be my magical one. J My surgeon has a post adjustment diet that is 3 days clear liquids, 5 days full liquids, 2-3 soft foods and then between days 10-14, begin eating regular food as tolerated. So the first 8 days of being on liquids is always tough for me. I think I am up to 2.5 CC now. I am still determined to be 199 by September 4th!
  16. Alicia521

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    Ladies, sign me up for the September Challenge. I am new to this site and this thread. I was banded 5/8/06. I also had my gallbladder removed at the same time. I had a lot of vomitting issues the first 3.5 weeks after surgery but now things are fine. I had my first adjustment on 6/20/06 and have lost about 6lbs but my restriction is not tight enough yet. I get my second adjustment on 8/1/06. I am hoping for better restriction this time. My goal for September is to be 199. I know that is a high goal but I am doing the soup diet this week and I also hope to have a big drop the week of my next adjustment. I may throw in the soup diet again in August if my weightloss is not up to par. I am going to see my sister in Colorado on 9/3/06 so I would like to be below 200 when I see her. She hasn't seen me since I was 6 weeks post pardum with my son last summer. I may shoot myself in the foot after setting my goal for 199 but that gives me almost 7 weeks to lose the weight. I am also upping my exercise regime this week with more cardio.
  17. Alicia521

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    How do I join the May 2006 band crew? I was banded 5/8/06. Thanks!

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