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Everything posted by Alicia521

  1. Alicia521

    I need to vent

    I second that Julie - your goal is whatever you feel comfortable at. If you want a TT at 200 then you go girl and you enjoy every minute of it! And your hubby is right...your sis sounds jealous.
  2. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~December Chat!

    Merry Christmas Bandsters - I hope you all had a great one. We had an awesome day yesterday. My son was so much fun this year (he's 19 months old). I also had a really cool NSV - hubby bought me some size 12 jeans and I can wear them already! If I could do cartwheels I would have been doing them!:banana
  3. Alicia521

    Goal Weight

    My goal is 140. I want to have a healthy BMI and wear a single size digit in clothes. I am 5'6 and my ideal weight range is within 117-154.
  4. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~December Chat!

    Drews - you look fantastic and good luck with the testing. I will keep you in my prayers. My son was such a blessing. I can't wait to have another child. OU - that is great about the 36 pants! I will update my ticker tomorrow, but had a great week last week...3.6 loss and it brings me down to 181. I can't wait to be in the 170s again. May Bandsters ROCK! Everyone keep up the good work!
  5. Alicia521

    Tell me about "living the Dave Ramsey way"

    My DH and I took Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class at church and it was awesome. He teaches you to not use credit cards, pay off bills using the debt snowball system and live off of the envelope system. We have started doing this again and it works great. One of his first rules is to build a $1000 emergency fund in your savings account so you don’t have to use credit cards for emergency. His debt snowball teaches you to pay off existing debts by paying off the smallest debt first and when you pay it off, then use that monthly payment for the next bill. Eventually you will have them all paid off. The envelope system is an old school system for using cash. Do your monthly budget and figure out how much money can go to what. We use the envelope for things like groceries, eating out, etc. If you walk in the grocery store with $100 cash and don’t allow yourself to use your debit card or credit card you will not overspend and you’d be surprised how you can make your money stretch. It is an awesome system and has saved us so much money! I highly recommend it to anyone who is struggling to get out of debt or who just wants to live practically.
  6. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~December Chat!

    Missy, do you have any pics from your trip? I would love to see pics of Cambodia!
  7. Alicia521

    The Biggest Loser Anyone?

    Does anyone watch the Biggest Loser on NBC? I am an avid fan and I tivo it when I am not able to watch it. I have watched it religiously for the past 3 seasons. Anyway, just curious if anyone else watches it? If so, who do you want to win? Who do you think will win? Who gets on your nerves? Kai and Erik are my faves. They have both come a really long way. I wouldn't mind seeing either one of them win. I don't really care for Heather. Your thoughts?
  8. Alicia521

    The Biggest Loser Anyone?

    I cannot believe the results. Erik looked great...he didn't even look the same. Kai was a little hottie! I thought Brian looked hot too! I was very pleased with who won! I cannot get over how much weight they all lost.
  9. Alicia521

    The Biggest Loser Anyone?

    hey guys, I looked on the interent today and it said Suzi and Matt are expecting...there is also speculation that Heather is pregnant. I am counting down the hours until 8pm!!
  10. Alicia521

    The Biggest Loser Anyone?

    Is everyone ready for the finale tonight?
  11. Alicia521

    Toddler Moms?

    Kat - that is too cute!
  12. Alicia521

    Toddler Moms?

    I thought I’d try to start a thread for those of us who are mommies to toddlers. I know I probably have a funny story to share about every day. I also find it hard to maintain my diet/exercise regime being a working mom and need all the support I can. If I don’t exercise while I am at work, I usually don’t find enough time to do it in the evening after dinner, bath time and bed time. :notagree My son, Harrison, is 19 months old today. He is such a blessing to my husband and me. He is a very active little guy and smart as a whip. One of his latest phases is watching “It’s a Big World” on PBS. His favorite character is Snook the sloth. As soon as we get home in the evening he asks me if he can “Watch Snook?” because we Tivo it. At the end, Snook sings a good bye song and then puts his paw up to the screen for the kids to give him five. Harrison can be in a different room and he will come flying to the TV to give Snook five. It is so cute. He also is on a football kick. His daddy loves to watch the Atlanta Falcons on Sunday. Harrison has a pint sized football and on Sundays he will run around the living room yelling “Watch Football” and tossing his football around. He will also throw his arms up in the air when he yells too. He makes his daddy hold his football and pass it around with him. Anyway, all you other toddler mommies out there, share your stories and let’s offer support to each other!
  13. Alicia521

    Huge NSV

    I am no longer obese. I am officially overweight. My starting BMI was 41.2 and I am now 29.7 with a 70 lb weightloss! This was a major goal for me to reach!
  14. Alicia521

    Huge NSV

    thank you all for the support!
  15. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~December Chat!

    I didn't take it as a hijack so no worries! It's pretty cool! I know exactly what you mean. I still see the fat girl and pick out my flaws.
  16. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~December Chat!

    Awesome Neal! It feels great!!
  17. Alicia521

    Hair Loss

    I am 7 months out and my hair is still shedding like crazy. I have a very thick head of hair anyway, but I am seriously considering having my whacked off. Just not sure if my face is skinny enough to do it yet.
  18. Before 11/2005 approximately 250ish halfway progress 11/06- down about 70 lbs, 185
  19. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~December Chat!

    Glad to hear your trip went well Missy! Huge NSV for me to report - I am officially overweight. My BMI changed and I am no longer considered obese. Wahoo!
  20. Alicia521

    What's in a Name

    Well mine is totally not creative. Usually I am AliCat521 but I think it was taken. So obviously my name is Alicia and my b-day is 5/21.
  21. Alicia521

    Hello, All

    Good luck Wendy. This is a great site for info. Keep us posted on your progress.
  22. Alicia521

    Post-Op Questions

    Ditto to Susan. If you lose any weight at all prior to your first fill, it is just a bonus. Right now you need to focus on your stomach healing. I was fortunate that I lost weight during the recovery period but there are a lot of people that don't and it's completely normal. Hang in there and you'll get the sweet spot soon enough!
  23. Alicia521

    Toddler Moms?

    I have considered potty training with Harrison. He seems to show signs of readiness. He will tell me when he poops now. He's been sick and we had a recent death in the family so timing has not been good. Maybe we will start this weekend. Any tips?
  24. Alicia521

    The Biggest Loser Anyone?

    I totally agree that Matt has gained some weight. Suzi still looked great though. I hated the Minnesota chick. She was so whiny and non compliant! I was so glad when they voted her off. Heather is a B and she isn't big enough to win. I can't imagine she will even come close at the finals. I thought it was crappy what she did to Bobby from TN. I was cheering for Bobby because TN is where I live, plus I liked him. There is definitely something annoying about Wylie - I can't put my finger on it but I don't really like him. From the previews for the finals, Kai is looking tiny! I also liked the blonde girl, Amy, she looks great now too!
  25. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~December Chat!

    Thanks for the compliments to all. I still feel like a fat girl. I get discouraged because I carry most of my weight in my butt, hips, lower gut, and thighs and still feel huge in that area. Marci - you are rockin! You are going to be in 14 pants before you know it!!!

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