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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Alicia521

  1. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Drews funny you mention about not sleeping. At 5 am this morning I was still awake. I guess I have a bunch on my mind lately and a lot of things on my mind lately. I couldn't bear to go work today. I do NOT function well with no sleep. Fortunately it is the beginning of the year and I have over 30 days of time off to use. I hate to waste them on crap like this though. I am SO ready for a fill!
  2. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Kelli - I have the same problems with being tight one day and wide open the next. I asked my surgeon's nurse about it and she said stress will cause you to tighten. She said if you feel that way to drink something hot and take deep breaths. Drews - CONGRATS on the Roller Derby! I want to see pics! You are gonna have a hot bod after all that training. Myra - hang in there w/ the elliptical. It gets easier after time. Linda - WOW - almost 100! You rock. I can totally relate about being a scale whore and the pee/weigh thing! Janey - Your weightloss is awesome even if you missed your 1/15 goal. You are so close to goal! You guys are cracking me up about the elliptical. I actually LOVE that machine. I first tried it back in August and only could manage a few minutes but I can do 30ish now. I think I love it because it burns so MANY calories. It goes by much faster now that I have my I-pod! I'm training (along w/ Neal and Drews) for a 5K so I hit the treadmill more than the ellipitcal now. I have more energy than ever here lately. I'm afraid I won't make my V-Day challenge either. The weight has been clinging for many weeks now. I am dropping inches though so maybe I am gaining muscle. I still would like to see 175!
  3. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Kim that website is hilarious!
  4. Alicia521

    How did you determine your "goal weight"?

    My goal weight was initially 130 and then I changed it to 140 because 130 just felt unattainable. I would love to have a healthy BMI which means the lowest I can weigh is 154. When I weighed in the 150s I felt chubby but I did not exercise and didn't have good muscle tone. I saw my surgeon yesterday and they feel 160 would be a good weight for me based on my build, etc. I have changed my goal to whenever I feel hot enough to stop! I didn't get this band to settle for anything less than what I deserve. I don't want my life to be a constant diet but I don't want to feel fat either. So, I am focusing on 10 lbs at a time and I will stop when I get there.
  5. Alicia521

    I Know this is a BIG NO! But...????

    I still drink soda every now and then. I am able to drink beer as well.
  6. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    The next time I come to Colorado to visit my sis, you will be on my list Drews! I may be going in March. My sister and her hubby are going on a trip with his work and she needs someone to watch her girls. If her in-laws don't watch the girls she is going to fly me and Harrison out there to watch them.
  7. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    I wondered if we would meet Kim! I can't wait to finally meet you! Do you work down town as well? I love Gina too. She is very easy to talk to. I am glad I got to ask her about the diet and not Dr. Rose. I think he is hard to talk to sometimes. I didn't know she had 2 college age kids. She doesn't look like she is old enough to have grown kids.
  8. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Kim - good news. I talked to Gina about the afterfill diet. I went for my follow up appt today and I asked why our post adjustment diet was so conservative compared to other bandsters. Here is the answer I received....The diet we are on is evidently one of the first post fill diets invented and that is just what my doctor stuck with. The nurse told me that they basically give us that diet because they know if we have that type of diet, we will at least take it easy for a few days. She says that they know most people do not follow the diet. She said they feel if they told us to only take it easy for 48 hours, then we might not take it easy at all and some people don't swell until the 2nd day or having longer swelling issues. It makes sense but I still think it is silly they give that diet. She basically told me that today that I have been banded long enough to know my limitations and use my best judgment. She said if I am hungry and ready to move on before the next phase should officially begin, to go for it but just use common sense and caution. Makes perfect sense to me! That being said, I am getting adjusted on 2/13 at 2:30! :mad:
  9. Alicia521

    Did you count surgery day as 1st post op day?

    I considered it day 1. I really don't think the one day will hurt you...LOL!
  10. Alicia521

    how do u know how many cc's

    Just call your surgeon and ask. I actually think a 4cc band will hold up to 5...but don't quote me on that.
  11. Alicia521

    My Brother please think of him

    Nana - your brother is in my prayers!
  12. Alicia521

    any regrets?

    Lucy – first off, good luck with the approval, etc. I can honestly say there is nothing I regret about having the surgery. It has changed my life in so many ways and has helped me to discover the person I used to be. I think it is normal to have 2nd thoughts. I think most of us think, “well if I try a little harder on my own, I can lose the weight this time”. Don’t view the band as the easy way out. It is a tool and you will use it as just that. It helps you eat less but you have to make healthy choices and it helps if you exercise as well. If you make a bad choice you still have the band to help control some aspects of it. You get used to most of the rules. I don’t miss bread that much. I am able to eat corn on the cobb. I’m not sure about the pills because I don’t have to take that many. If you have a sedentary job you could probably get by with 1-2 weeks off work.
  13. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Missy - I understand about the carbonation. I still cheat occasionally, although I cannot drink Dr. Pepper at all anymore. It's just way too fizzy. Myra - I am so sorry to hear about your port. I am glad your insurance covers it. That is a blessing. Linda - Prayers for you and your family. I know you have a great support system and friends in ID so I can understand not wanting to move. Kim - I am going to see Dr. Rose tomorrow for a follow-up. I haven't lost any weight in a month so I am thinking it is time for a fill. I am also going to ask him about the post fill diet because ours is very conservative compared to most bandsters. I find it really hard to follow it and try to delay fills because I hate the diet we have to follow so badly! I just dread the length of time I have to spend there - they are so slow!
  14. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Marz - I am so sorry to hear about this. I will pray for your family as you all go through this tragic time.
  15. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Cool boots girls! I also need to have my wedding rings re-sized. They spin around all day and drive me crazy. I even go without sometimes.
  16. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Marz - that is awesome about the new clothes. You'll have to post some pics! Myra - when I got proper restriction I felt fuller faster and just felt kinda tight in there. I can't explain it well, but I could just tell.
  17. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Kim - wow 100 oz of water. I am impressed. I am trying to get back up to 64 oz. I am close but usually fall short a bit. Maybe that is my problem. I use spark people to track my calories and generally average the same 1200-1300. Occasionally I may only have 1000 or up to 1500 but usually pretty consistent. I am trying to be more aware of carbs and fat. I have been making sure to buy reduced fat things now. Carbs is something I have recently been thinking about. I may even try to limit them (not Atkins style though). I know Neal watches his carbs...anyone else a low carber?
  18. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Yay Marz and Kim! I am so proud of you both. Kim - it's funny you mention GAP. I had forgotten how much I loved their clothes. I bought some boyfriend jeans last weekend and LOVE them! I can relate about being stuck at weight. I've been bouncing between 178-179 for about 3 weeks now. GRR! I am ready to get the scale moving again and see 175. I have been working out a lot this week too. It's also my TOM. I started last Thursday and still having it. My TOM has been really whacky since losing weight. I hope that is part of the weightloss stall.
  19. Alicia521

    May seem like a silly question?

    I went to an amusement park about 2 months after banding and had no problems whatsoever. What I did notice...I fit in the rides better and I could walk around the park without getting exhausted!
  20. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Very pretty Drews - makes me want another one. Mine is just a tiny blue flower and due to the location on my body, I will not be posting a pic of it
  21. Alicia521

    Plastic Surgery Poll

    I think I will need some. I want to have another baby so TT is not an option anytime soon. I need the girls lifted from breastfeeding and weightloss combined. May need some work on my thighs too.
  22. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    I want one on the small of my back. I am thinking the Japenese symbol for mother. I've heard the small of the back hurts as bad as the foot!
  23. Alicia521

    May Bandsters~January Chat!

    Ok, I missed my "I have a dream" goal by about 5 lbs. I am officially setting my V-day goal for 170. My scales didn't budge last week but I started TOM so maybe that is why. UGH! On the subject of tattooes...when I got mine 10 years ago, I was about the weight I am now...probably 5 lbs less. I got in on my tummy because I wanted it to be private and hidden should I decide I didn't want a visible one in the future. I also got it there because I thought it would inspire me to lose weight. The following year I got my belly button pierced for the same reason. Hmm.... Janey - I have decided the close you get to goal, the harder it is to lose the weight. But you are so close!!! Missy - was the tat on the foot painful? I have heard that is a painful location? I hope you hit your sweet spot with your most recent fill! Linda - WOW! I am so proud of you for hitting your goal. Your weightloss is amazing! Kelli - Welcome to our May group. I can't wait to get to know you better! Drews - Congrats on running. I am going to do my daily jog in about 2 hours. I think I would be hurt with the thing that happened with your friend. I think I would speak up about it to her if you haven't already. Get it out in the open and deal with it so you can move on and forgive her. Kim - I go see Dr. Rose next week for a follow-up. I really don't want another fill but I think it is time for one. I have noticed I can eat A LOT lately.
  24. Alicia521

    Gall Bladder

    I had mine done with the band but rapid weightloss as well as pregnancy can cause gallstones. Mine was due to pregnancy. I went ahead and got it out since I would be losing weight.
  25. Alicia521

    Have anyone of filled yourself.

    Totally a bad idea. You could damage your port. I understand it is frustrating to wait to get to your sweet spot but that is part of what you signed up for when you decided to get banded.

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