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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by anitahug

  1. Radley 59 ... what a bad and stressful start, TOTALLY agree with MMM book direct, I went on my own and had a lot of apprehension but it was FAB having taxis arranged everything went perfect (I was also able to share taxis with others I met, which was handy. As I don't like being in a taxi alone) I originally went to Tullia but found her very abrupt and pressurising me to confirm dates.

    Defo recommend going direct... u can email Frederick and phone with any questions. GO DIRECT !!!

  2. Well done to all those on the loosing side !!!!

    A catheter can be another name for drain (more so used by americans) not to be mixed up with urinary catheterization.

    That said.... lol...... I had to be catheterized night of op as I couldn't pass urine (17hrs) this was due I think to gynae surgery yr before and lack of fluids NO one else had to have this done while I was there and nurse's said it was NOT usual practice. If anyone does need it done it's not a big deal.

  3. Hi Sher, I couldn't have lost it without the band, it's still a very surreal feeling, I can't believe that I actually did it. BUT am so proud of myself, after years of yoyo dieting... I'm well chuffed with results.

    I left Belfast Sunday for Dublin, arrived in Brussels Mon, op Tues out of hosp Wed flew home early Thurs morning - hope this helps those that were querying dates.

  4. woohoo !!! what a feeling...just got into a size 12, the 14 fitted beautifully but I thought no go for the 12 can zip it up, but would need to loose another 1/2st to look gd. Just had to share that with u.

    Haven't been on here in several months a big welcome to all the new bandsters... b patient...really patient that was my problem, I wanted an instant fix and thought the band was the answer but lost only 3 to 4 lbs in the first few months then the fills kicked in have now lost 3st (it's taken a year to get this far, but definitely worth the wait) want another 14-21 lb's off. When I meet people I haven't seen in months the look on their face is sheer shock - I got called a skinny tart last week and I loved it, my confidence is growing rapidly which reflects on my appearance, personality and everything. I hated being overweight I was so miserable inwardly.

    Lovely to see Gary and Freckles looking brill :-)

    It was a difficult and scary decision to make and go through and the journey hasn't always been an easy one..... but I am SOOOOOO glad I did it !!!

    Best wishes to u all xxx

  5. Hi everyone

    A very happy , healthy New Year to u all !!!

    I haven't been on here for ages as I was peeved I wasn't loosing any weight, BUT it is gradually starting to shift in the last 2 months. I have had a fill every month for the last 5 months and now have 6.25ml in band the weight has started to come of last couple of months and it feels good, just thought I would post to let others who may be in the same position I was a few months ago know it will happen eventually, others that went for op at same time as me were having brillliant weight losses 2-3st in first few months I only lost a few Lb people kept saying be patient it will happen but I was really beginning to despair thinking of the money I had spent and what I had put myself through. I am very confident that I will continue to lose weight in 2010 and hopefully reach my target.

    Take care


  6. Hi Debs I was exactly like u I got really hungry day 4/5 post op, I had to wait 7 weeks after op as when I phoned WLS they said after 3wks I wouldn't be healed adequately. Be chuffed with urself for loosing the 12lbs.

    Oliverdog I also had reaction to plasters (which I have never had before) I started to blister night of op, didn't really pay much attention to out it until nurse took dressing of next day and said 'oh,oh' I had several blisters by the time I got home so took them all off about day 3. With no further probs.

    Carriejess ur new pic is lovely !!

  7. Hi

    TIN u have done brilliant can you imagine how I'm feelin I got banded 11 days after u, and I have lost about 7 lbs I can see very little change, I've had 2 fills 4.5mls and am seeing Wendy on Wed' for my 3rd. Getting this band was a last resort, and I really need it to work as I don't have great willpower (which I hope it will soon) but at times I can't help but think what if it doesn't ? Others who got banded same time as me have lost 2-3 stone. Has it been this slow for anyone else ?

    Bobo congratulations on setting a date what a success story !! (& I won't say anything about the other disclosure :scared2: lol)

  8. I shouldn't b here my bed is calling me !!!!

    Dizzy Debs hope ur feelin better soon, I felt cr*p first couple of days and I'm not goin to lie journey home alone was very uncomfortable. After flight and 100 mile coach journey I was cream crackered. But as I think bobo said once home I felt much better. I saw good improvement everyday (by day 5 I was brushing garden although I don't recommend this)

    Freckles best wishes for ur procedure, Great to hear ur Mum got home. Have a fab holiday it sounds brill.

  9. Thanks for ur support !

    I went out last night with girlies for meal and to see "fame". We went to an American diner the food looked and smelt lovely, I asked for a kiddies meal the waitress said "sorry they are only for children and the elderly" u can imagine the laugh we all had. As I only had 2nd fill on Tues I had hoped to get bowl of Soup but ended up sucking on a couple of shoestring fries (I know, I know). My friends had dime bar and sticky toffee pudding, they said they felt bad and kept asking me if I wanted share, I some how found it in me to say No, no thank u. I honestly did not want any which I was amazed at.

    ps. preferred the original 'FAME' I didn't eat any sweets during flick. Well impressed !!

  10. Hi all

    Well were do I begin about how mad I am with dozy registrar, following the probs I had 6-7wks ago, I got my URGENT app just last Thur ( I am now much better, but went anyway for advice if symptoms should return) big,big mistake!!

    From Reg' entered the room her attitude towards me was appalling before she asked how I was she said they see people all the time that have gastric bands privately and then return to nhs with complications, she said it was most likely my band had slipped which is BULL**** whats it done slipped back now I'm better. Tried to tell her 3 GP's had said it was oesophagitis she was having none of it - and advised me to return to Chris and let him deal with me. I had app' today with Wendy who agreed totally with GP's and said she would be very happy to speak to reg' concerned and explained band slippage (to supply her name and ph no. in letter)

    I have wrote letter of formal complaint to nhs. I should have been treated with respect and not pre-judged.

    I had steam coming out my ears last Thurs :bored:

    Sorry for rant!!

  11. Hi every1,

    I have been reading all ur updates but I've nothin to report - I have been feeling slightly disheartened, no weightloss as yet. :mad2:

    Well done !! to all of you who are gettin closer, or r at ur goal luv the pics very inspiring. I hope to b hot on ur heels in the not to distant future.

    Thanks ! homecare for the clarification re. wls I go for 2nd fill next Tues. The few people who knew about op I'm sure r wondering when the weightloss is going to start, I really had hoped to have loss by now. (Yeah! I know I have NO willpower)

    mmm - I asked Wendy for diet advice and she give me diet sheet and info, and as I know they come every 4 wks I just phoned to arrange app'.

  12. Freckles,

    Gabrielle looks beautiful !!

    And ur lookin good urself (not a hair out of place) for all u have been through last couple of days. I'm sure ur fed up with all the hoaking and poking. Hope they get things sorted for u. Ur a real whizz with graphics, and so organized it takes me forever to download pics.

    Chapamar if u suffer from Constipation, I would recommend u consult ur Dr before leaving for Belgium. I have IBS and have taken senna granules for 7+ yrs I stopped them day before op and didn't take any for about 5 days I had to go to Gp on return home as due to not eating and slightly reduced liquid intake things weren't moving. He give me lactulose which isn't much good after not going for 5 days, then senna tabs which still didn't work I had to go back on granules.(Lactulose would be much more effective if taken day or so after op).

    As far as Vitamins go I originally got bassetts jelly one's, but went back on to RDA tabs after about a week as they have higher spec'.

  13. YEAH !

    I've just been for my 1st fill with Wendy this morning, I was really worried she wouldn't do it due to swallowing saga. She said to try Proteins drinks, alot of you have mentioned these so I'll get some today. I got 3ml put in, Wendy is very confident at what she does, which is what I needed, as I wasn't sure what to expect. The scales she uses are awesome they breakdown ur weight - Fat, muscle,blood etc.

  14. Thanks mmm, bigsister I really appreciate ur comments. Others that went same time as me seem to have had great losses I understand it's according to starting bmi. It's just I am depending so much on this working for me after going through op and spending that amount of money. I'm sure others will understand that money could have paid for family holiday etc.....

    Freckles - what a lucky little girl the room is lovely !!

    Can't remember who mentioned - Psychological effect of rapid weightloss is we still see ourselves as being heavier still buying baggy clothes etc, gradually u will be able to accept compliments - When I had weightloss 2yrs ago the girls in work were forever telling me how good I looked and admiring clothes etc I didn't realise but I always replied putting myself down until a good friend took me aside and said what I was doing. I then started saying "thank u I really appreciate that" and eventually I did start to believe them . Unfortunately it's the old story I piled it all back on.

  15. Hi

    Clara ur weightloss is fantastic I'm really jealous, I have only lost a few pounds (bit concerned) was it like this for anyone else ?

    That day we spent crawled by, in sleepy Vilvoorde... well we can laugh about it now. I've been out several nights walking which I love I think it clears ur head.

    SJS I was banded on a Tues and was out brushing up garden on Sun' ( I would NOT recommend this !!) but as others have said u know ur bodies capabilities best, take it easy and you should be fine.

    mmm omeprazole (prilosec) is ppi medicine it is very effective for acid reflux and it should take effect fairly quickly - if it doesn't, go back to Dr you don't have to live with this discomfort, it's not good to let severe reflux go on.

  16. Carriejess what a difference u must b feelin 77lbs lighter (I keep goin back to make sure I've read it right) thats an awesome loss. u look fantastic. ur entitled to a little blip in diet after break up, but u obviously have things under control and know what ur doin.

    Lischa I'm impressed with these gym workouts !!

    About fill - did fill hurt?

    Welcome oliverdog, my gp assessed my bmi at 35 Fred said it was 37 even if u go online and check different searches do bring up slight differences. Obviously any co-morbidities (I hate that word) u have will add to ur case. Fingers crossed u'll b suitable.

    Freckles u mentioned the other day u take a multi vit' does it have Iron in it as this can be enough to cause Constipation in some people (the skites in others). I'm sure ur already aware of this just thought I'd mention it.

    Sorry to re quote this but can anyone tell me if 1st fill is uncomfortable ?

  17. Carriejess what a difference u must b feelin 77lbs lighter (I keep goin back to make sure I've read it right) thats an awesome loss. u look fantastic. ur entitled to a little blip in diet after break up, but u obviously have things under control and know what ur doin.

    Lischa I'm impressed with these gym workouts !!

    About fill - did fill hurt?

    Welcome oliverdog, my gp assessed my bmi at 35 Fred said it was 37 even if u go online and check different searches do bring up slight differences. Obviously any co-morbidities (I hate that word) u have will add to ur case. Fingers crossed u'll b suitable.

    Freckles u mentioned the other day u take a multi vit' does it have Iron in it as this can be enough to cause Constipation in some people (the skites in others). I'm sure ur already aware of this just thought I'd mention it.

  18. Hi

    Best wishes to those banded this week for speedy recovery. I made a boob today we went to see tall ships and they were given out lucozade, It was so hot (sun does shine very occasionally in Belfast) I took a big slug of drink before remembering it was fizzy, I have avoided fizz for the last 5 wks it was lovely but,and so far no adverse effects but will continue to avoid fizz as burping comes very naturally without it.

    The ships were great walked for miles took 6+hrs feel 2ft shorter.Had a look around a huge royal marine ship 150+ steps to be climbed, the sights were great especially the guys in uniform whether it's combats, or the captain in his whites (like an officer and a gentleman) it certainly worked for me !! One of the marines asked if I would like to try his fireman's hose :biggrin: I pushed my daughter forward. I found the energy to struggle round ship, the heat would have melted u and of course i had to keep coat on to cover jelly belly I really need to get back into excercising daily !!!

    For those with gas pains I find gaviscon dual action very effective for wind. Gentle excercise is also recommended as it disperses trapped gas.Thankfully I didn't have gas pains but general aches did improve each day.

  19. Hiya

    just been on femail site voted accordingly, according to votes I think alot of people have voted negatively for the people that made nasty comments.

    I went into search and there are lots more gb stories on same site. One about a woman who was hypnotised to believe she had band fitted. I haven't read any of them I'm knackered goin to bed, I'll have a look at them tommorow.

    Sent email to slendertone re. belt v's gb 10 days ago and never got reply, I've also looked it up on this site last week others have asked question but no clear answer, googled it to. It's just I used it faithfully and it did make a difference.

    Good night sleep tight !! :thumbup:

  20. i wish i had not read thos comments fu**in cheeky b**tards they have made my blood boil.:drool::cursing::blink::cursing:


    Hi Gary,

    good to hear things went well, hope you continue to make good recovery. It was good they put 7ml back in at the same time I thought u may have to go through a small fill at a time and wait a few weeks.

    Hope those comments about news article didn't raise ur BP too much!!

    It makes me cross when people spout on about gb surg' when they know very little about it. I tried to post a comment but it couldn't validate my email. Personally I think they censored my comment :tt2:

  21. Hi

    In the Daily Mail today there's a report of a woman who had gb surgery, (she had major complications but has no regrets about getting band op) I really enjoy these real life experiences & before/after pics spotted it in work and couldn't wait to get out to buy paper forgetting u can of course get this online. It's pg 41/42 of the femail supplement

    ps.I've just re-read this online there is a pic that wasn't in paper (sorry), some of the comments people have posted below article just show the ignorance re gb surg'.

  22. Hi

    Shellangel sorry to hear u have shingles and so soon after op, u could do without that...take it easy !

    Lischa good to hear from u, poor u with flu, has John quarintined u? hope ur feelin better soon.

    Good on u gettin tattoo. Good luck for first fill mine is booked for 25th really hope dr says it's ok to go ahead - I have my doubts. Lischa I haven't got the hang of Facebook.< /p>

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