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Posts posted by mcassoccpa

  1. Donna - the lady who started this thread, Funnydiddles, lost 13 lbs the first week, went on to lose 10 the second week. I wrap up my 7 days tomorrow and while I'm hoping for more, I am very happy with my seven pounds so far. You are ahead of me - I was down 2 at your point so maybe your metabolism is better and you will have better overall results. I'll check in with my final tomorrow. This was a very painless diet, I was never hungry and at times, I was gorging, so I'll be back to it in a few days. Given the calorie counts on this diet, I really feel (and a co-worker's Doctor told her that) that it's best to take a couple of days break so the metabolism dosen't go into survival mode - but, I still plan to eat the Soup before lunch and dinner each day - it's a real appetite suppressant.

  2. Well Brother, I'm in (I'm a Union gal myself) - just coming off Funny's Soup diet tomorrow and need to keep up the momenteum - this should keep me on a healthy eating track - I'm sure reporting on on the soup forum is the only thing that kept me on the straight and narrow all week - this accountability really helps! I'm at 199 today. Mini Goal - 188!

  3. ALL RIGHT! 7 lbs! I'm officially under 200! I'll take that!

    This diet must put you in ketosis because I still have NO appetite, and you can tell by my first 3 days food logs that's VERY unusual for me - I'm a volume eater. I know its terrible but I only had 2 cups of Soup, 4 shrimp, maybe a cup of lettuce, 1/2 cup green Beans all day while I had a darn nice piece of tenderloin sitting in the fridge waiting for me, along with an artichoke, canned spinach, a spaghetti squash, which I went so far as to even cook, all food I love, but I just didn't WANT it, I was not hungry. Finally, around 10:30 pm, my daugher came in with a plain quarter pounder for me and I ate half the meat. I know this was not a healthy day, calories were way too low, 519, but I just didn't want to eat and luckily I have lots of reserves. And, I did do 15 minutes on the elliptical, burned 160 calories. So, that's how its going. One more day - should I hope for one more pound? I'll let you know tomorrow. Today, I'm going to a great big flea market at Canton, TX so I'll be walking my little legs off. Good luck to us all!

  4. Meow-How sweet of your husband to do the liquid pre-op diet with you! I intend to do my daughter's with her, to help her through it, but I'm sure it won't be as easy as this diet. The Soup really is an appetite killer - eat it before anything else and sometimes I don't even want my "meal/banana/meat/various treat-of-the-day". And, I'm hardly ever hungry at night, which used to be my danger zone-as you can see, twice this week I've pretty much skipped dinner (or rather, eaten a minimal amount when I did not want to only because I felt like I should) - that's not like me at all! Best of Luck to you!

    To anyone else doing the diet and feeling kind of deprived on day 4 (bananas, milk and soup) and 5 (meat, tomatoes, soup), I read on the other forum (and it makes sense, we just did not think of it...) it is fine to have any of the veggies that are in the soup RAW that day as well - I think a crudite tray with our balsamic vinegar/italian seasoning dip would have added a welcome variety to what was otherwise kind of a limited food choice day.

  5. Yesterday: Soup and maybe 1/2 chicken breast for Breakfast, Soup and beef (fajita meat-maybe 5 strips) for lunch, never really had dinner because I was hoping my daughter was going to go out with me but we never got around to it so just had another strip of chicken and two bites of fajita. I always enjoy eating it once I start (sometimes, it is hard to start...) but that soup is a real appetite suppressant - it must take a long time to digest all those vegetables. Fitday results: 814 Calories, 19 grams of fat (the highest it's been on this diet by a long shot - all week long that has been hovering right above zero) 104 grams carbs (the lowest this week) and 74 grams of Protein. Still down - a solid 6 lbs this morning, still no exercise, grrr me. I really wanted to snack around, have a wine spritzer, break the rules last night out of laziness and/or because it was Friday but posting to this Forum has really helped keep me accountable to the diet guidelines. So thanks for that. I don't know why I am not getting as big a results as some, I see no way to be down 10 by Monday but I'll let you know, Yes, I'm happy with 6 pounds, this is a very painless eating plan and in 1 more pound, I'll be under 200! So I'm going to EXERCISE TODAY and hope for that. See, now I have to, cause I told ya'll I was gonna!

  6. I listened to the Soup Nazi, I mean, Conductor! I have my boiled chicken and fajitas for today. Still down only 4 lbs - disappointed, but I am having the same Word of Caution #2 Diedre had in post #129 so maybe that's part of it - I hope. Now, I know I lost those 4 lbs HONESTLY, even though calorie count for yesterday was up to 894 with the bananas & milk, but Protein went up to a respectable 68 grams, carbs 200 grams, fat 2 grams - very healthy still. And, no hunger whatsoever. But, despite your encouagement, Funny, I still wanted MAGIC! Yes, I have not exercised, so that is my bad. And, I'll keep going - maybe I'll have more to report tomorrow...

  7. Lisanjason-they are by EAS, they are the Advant Edge Low Carb, that I buy, my favorite protien drink at only 100 calories - they have alot of flavors but it's hard to find most of them! My Kroger store carries the coffee and carmel ones....myTom Thumb used to carry a Cookies and cream one that's very good. Ask your local grocer if they can order this flavor for you. Good luck!

  8. I keep the light grapefruit juice (40 cals) to 1 or 2 small cups a day - it's part of my longtime Vitamin regime - along with a Centrum, a baby aspirin and extra Vitamin C. My Fitness magazine said grapefruit (juice) helps stabilize blood suger, thus keeping appetite down and I swear it seems to - maybe I'm suggestible! Sometimes I use pomegrate juice instead for the antioxidants and heart benefits but I've not found a low calorie one so not using on this diet. and And, you're right of course - I need to freeze that juicy little strip steak I got on sale and pull out some chicken to boil. I also have some fajita meat - I think skirt steak is low fat. Thanks for the reinforcement on making smart choices. I'll enjoy them just as much and feel better knowing I'm doing the best I can for myself.

  9. I should clarify, when I say butter, I mean butter spray, and my grapefruit juice is "light". The banana smoothies were fabulous - 1 banana, 2 cups milk, (I use fat free Carb Countdown at 45 cals per cup) a little vanilla and a little cinnamon and a cup of ice in the blender made 2 - 14 ounce DELICIOUS shakes for each us - how can this be a diet?? I'm just leery of the 4 lb loss because I'm afraid it will go away over the next 4 days, with the meats, etc bigger food days, ...my weight fluctuates pretty badly. I was at 2 lbs down yesterday, Joe, just like you.

  10. We are on day 4. This is the day we were kind of dreading - we've lost our huge selection of fruits and veggies we've been gorging on. Something about this diet kills my appetite - yesterday, after a Breakfast of 3 cups of Soup, a few mid morning veggle fruit tray Snacks of fresh pinapple, anaheim peppers, honey dew melon, cauliflower, & zucchini w/balsamic vinegar & italian seasoning, I had a huge lunch of 2 cups of soup, some canned spinach & a couple cups of spaghetti squash (both w/butter & garlic), topped off with 1/8 of a watermelon and a prune, 2 cups of grapefruit juice and lots of Water, it was 9:30 before I could even think about eating dinner and I just finished off my spaghetti squash (maybe 3 cups) and had 3 strawberries out of my whole container that I'm afraid will spoil before I can eat fruit again. This is less soup than I've been eating, I was at 8 cups on Monday, 7 cups on Tues, down to 5 cups on Weds but I skipped soup for dinner yesterday and prob should not have. Fitday says this whole days has 663 calories (soup is supposed to be anywhere from 40-58 calories a cup so I used 50), 4 grams fat (practically NONE), 19 grams Protein (light, I know!) and 171 grams carb, of which 33 is Fiber. Anyway you count it, this has got to tranlate to real weight loss without hunger, and all three days are about the same, between 600-700 calories even with our huge eating volumes. One lady was HURTING yesterday from eating so much. Now, I meant to exercise more but only did a little (10 mins elliptical=115 calories burned) on Monday (I'm not in very good shape right now). I guess I'm a little disappointed at a 4lb loss this am - when the diet says 5 - 7 lbs as of yesterday but I've recently lost 9 lbs by slower means so maybe I don't get the extra kick of water loss like some would. Also, I have not experienced the "bathroom" trips (sorry for too much info there) that some have described, quite the opposite. Fiber affects me weirdly - I can't do Metamucil either. Still, I'm going to finish it out tho I feel the last 4 days are "heavier" eating days. If I get below 200 this week, I'll be elated, and even if I don't, I think I've learned some good lessons about healthy eating. This morning, I had my cup of bran with my banana, milk and splenda and felt a little GUILTY about the "processed" carbs! And, co-worker is doing banana smoothies with milk, vanilla and splenda for afternoon snack - I even brought my imitation rum flavoring and joked that she should make us some banana "daquiris". LOL. Still sending out good luck vibes to everyone doing this! Thanks!


  11. In the interest of best possible results, I’m sticking strictly to the diet and recipe for this first week - These are my first two days fitday logs – hope they paste ok:

    Food Name


    Serving Size





    cup Quantity not specified





    cup, diced oz yields cubic inch fruit slice (3-1/2" dia x 3/4" thick) thin slice (3-1/2" dia x 1/2" thick) Quantity not specified










    cup, NFS cup, balls cup, diced (approx 20 pieces per cup) oz yields cubic inch melon (5-1/4" dia) melon (6" - 7" dia) wedge (1/8 of 5-1/4" dia melon) wedge (1/8 of 6" to 7" dia melon) honeydew balls Quantity not specified





    cup, NFS cup, balls cup, diced oz yields cubic inch large melon (about 6 1/2" dia) large wedge (1/8 of large melon) medium melon (about 5" dia) medium wedge (1/8 of medium melon) small melon (about 4 1/4" dia) small wedge (1/8 of small melon) cantaloupe balls Quantity not specified





    cup fl oz Quantity not specified





    cup fl oz Quantity not specified










    Food Name


    Serving Size





    cup Quantity not specified





    large pepper (3-3/4" long, 3" dia) strips





    cup, sliced oz, raw, yields large medium slice small Quantity not specified





    cup oz, raw, yields floweret large head (6-7" dia) medium head (5-6" dia) small head (4" dia) Quantity not specified





    cup fl oz Quantity not specified





    cup, cubes





    potato skin















    I have never felt hungry a single second - as a matter of fact, I could not even finish my potato last night. Now, I am making free use of zero calorie seasonings – we love the soup made with taco seasoning, and add fresh squeezed lime and cilantro to it. We have a fabulous dip for our raw veggies made from lemon juice, balsamic vinegar and ALOT of Italian seasoning. I used spray butter and garlic powder on both my spinach and my spaghetti squash. I’m not a Water drinker but I’m doing it – like dianechef, I just don’t see how unlimited juice can “not count” so I keep it to a couple of cups of light grapefruit juice, since it helps regulate blood sugar and appetite. I miss Creamer in my coffee so I drink one cup of it iced/black to make it different enough to keep me happy (gotta have some caffeine each day or I’ll get a headache) The prunes are a no no according to some versions I’ve read BUT it makes my sweet tooth feel like it’s had dessert if I have just one or two on fruit days. They say splenda is alright but I haven’t used/needed it-some of the girls are doing those crystal lights/on the go things in their water but I’m not. If this works like it’s supposed to, I may try experimenting around some other week, but I’m trying it “straight” for this first time. I started at 5”1, 206 lbs, I’ll let you guys know how it’s going as to results in a few days. And, if you have any meal/ food ideas, gee, I’ll take them because I’d like to stay on this long term – despite some differences of opinion, I believe this may very well be close to “normal eating” the way our hunter-gatherer bodies were bio-engineered to be: probably a big pot of soup simmering most of the time from whatever could be grown or gathered, and then, on an occasional lucky hunting day, meat for a day or two. Good luck to us all – even if I don’t lose weight, I sure feel like I’m eating a lot healthier.

  12. I have been following this thread from day one and have to say, I have a group of five people at work who started it this week based on you guys results. This is our second day and we love it! We are so full, have so many choices, we had all kinds of fresh fruit out yesterday and fresh veggies today and more to eat than we possibly can! Our Soups are all a little different, but all are wonderful. Some seasoning ideas I picked up from a different forum: Add a few different herbs and spices to each batch to give it an international twist. For example, add chopped cilantro, a little chili powder, and cumin to give it a Southwestern flavor; some oregano, basil, and fresh garlic for an Italian taste; a little curry powder mixed into the cooking Soup and chopped fresh mint leaves for garnish on top when serving to give it a unique Moroccan flavor; shrimp or fish boullion, a little soy sauce, and some fresh bean sprouts, minus the tomatoes for an exotic Oriental sensation; chanterelle mushrooms and a pinch of thyme and rosemary minus the tomatoes for a wonderful French taste.

    By the way, one of the ladies doing this diet has cancer and had to get the diet approved by her Doctor and he said, if he was going to prescribe a diet this would be it, although he told her to eat bran 3 times during the week and take three days off each time before starting again. There are lots of good tips for dealing with bananas (smoothies with the milk, cinnamon, unsweetened cocoa, baked) on the other forum too. Good luck everyone and wish us luck - many thanks for the idea, Funny. By the way, I am not banded, my insurance does not cover, but I read this forum because my daughter is undergoing the approval process and should be getting surgery sometime this summer. By the way, here is the other soup forum I've been browsing for ideas and tips. http://www.cabbage-soup-diet.com/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi?action=intro&Bypass We LOVE this diet! Hope hope hope it works!!

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