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Everything posted by Desperate1

  1. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Go Mo - it's your birthday - !!! Your 1st or one-derland b-day. Great way to begin 2010!!
  2. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Coco - sorry for telling on you! That is your follow up appt with Doc Who. Tam - get ur butt up & walk - I should follow my own advice - I have been slacking so much - it's so cold that I just don't want to do anything - and my knee really hurts - too bad I had to cancel my gym membership. Nicole - good to see ya hangin in tough. Still can't believe how crazy this whole thing is! I'm so glad they caught them! Jes - let's get the carpool rolling cuz it is a haul! I'm thinkin of just callin in sick on Saturday with Bridezilla LOL. Today I told her I didn't want to go to dinner and she said too bad - she was at my house 10 min later - grrrr! Pammie - good decision - I wouldn't go to that party either. Hope to see you Saturday!
  3. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I was reading this ladies post about her 1 week gym experience - I thought it was funny: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f263/one-womans-week-gym-d-109468/
  4. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Maria - glad to hear you do the seeds too. I haven't used my card yet at all - I usually order Al La Carte (sp?). Be sure your friend is chewing well and stopping by the time she reaches 1/2 cup. Also, I find if I eat on the go or too fast is when I'm not happy with Rambo! Ash - 11lbs to go - that will be gone in no time. Just tell your husban you'll get him back next year LOL.. Thanks for the 3 day diet - gonna check it out. Lee - I would love it if you & John would bare butt it to the meeting - what a wonderful site to see and I wouldn't miss that meeting for the world! John - You ARE at home here! Pat - nice job girlfriend! The scale can be such a motivator when it wants to be! It can also be a sabatour though LOL. Trying to get to Reggies Saturday so if you are going we can hook up in Vallejo & ride - Jes too - Riley if she can come too.... Heather - you are way too young for hip problems - My knee has been killing me - can't wait to see skiing pics - I'm too afraid to do it myself - no brakes on those things. Have a great time. Cindy - I think it's real typical to gain some weight back when you start to eat real food again. I portion size seems to be under control thanks to Rambo but my frequency is something I truly need to work on! I get the midnight munchies - imagine if I smoked weed - I'd be like the munching energizer bunny LOL. Adoption is such a wonderful thing to do! Tam - how were those Taters woman?? Coco - 5 days and a wake up - don't eat too much at Chili's (oops, did I just tell on you?) Pammie - don't think I could get 2 dogs down either but I sure will try. chew, chew & chew till it gets to mush - joking! Riley - I had "tofu ala Jane" last night - so scrumptius when you need a doritos fix. Jes - where are you girlfriend - I'm coming Friday - going to RSVP right now! Are you going to Reggies on Saturday? I am trying to rearrange my schedule so I can be there - Really don't want to miss it - we can carpool!! Reggie - really want to come Saturday! hope I can get the hair appointment changed!!!! Miss you :thumbup: Tina - I had a dream about you last night - weirdest thing - but let me tell you, you were in a ba-kini lounging by a pool and you looked smoking hot! That was pretty much all it was - I walked up to you and asked "where is everybody at" and that was the end of it hahahaha. BTW: When you're tan, hot pink is your color! Oh, Donna, Oh Donna, where for art thou Donna? Hope to be able to see you this weekend - really miss you my love!!
  5. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Jes - I'm here. Today is not a good day for Rambo - I've noticed that some days he more lenient then others and today is a lienient day - I ate the entire patty and still had room for 2 bites of green beans. Like you & Riley - it's the snacking that gets me. But really - it's so cold out what else is there to do after the sun goes down - LOL Summer will be it - we will be skinny then! COCO - 1 WEEK AND COUNTING. Lee, I'm sure Johns wife wouldn't mind you beeing roomies - you both will be too messed up to even realize you're in a room with the opposite sex LOL John - I will PM you my number and you can have your wife call me if she needs anything while she's here - I'm close by!
  6. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Riley - welcome to my world - Move Popcorn is made by the devil! So, I don't know if you read my other post about sunflower seeds ... In the shell they take a long time to eat, they have only 4g carbs and you get tired of eating them before you eat to many to matter - ideas??
  7. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Morning all, Coco - One more week - woo hoo - so r u preggo?? Tam - when do you start school??? Don't worry bout the weight - it can't possibly be fat wt - gotta be water wt! Riley - The hamberger patties are what stick with me the longest and keep me real full. I love it!! John & Lee - sleeve twins - It's really cool to have somebody in the same stages with you - helps to have something to compare too.
  8. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina - I agree, that is too funny - WLS in a Grocery store LOL Heather - That Body Fat testing thing sounds perfect! I'm sure you'll be at your goal soon. I feel like this weather has us all slowed down - all but Ms. Riley, Jane! Any more info than the 3 arrested? Why? Did they know them?? CRAZY SCARY JES - sorry you don't have any restriction. It makes all the difference in the world. Just cancel the appt with Robin - you don't need it and go straight in to see Park. Try eating hamberger patties and see if you feel restriction then. That is when I feel it the most! Ok, My Pro's, what is the census on sunflower seeds? I thought that when we hit the movies from now on I could bring those to help with the popcorn issue - the ones IN the shells - they take a while to eat and you just can't eat enough to really make a difference on the calorie scale. Opinions??
  9. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey Pammie - I heard about this group on the radio this morning and thought of you: https://singles.eventsandadventures.com/website/calendar.aspx Lemme know what you think
  10. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Welcome Laurel! We all could use a buddy LOL We are all from the area - quite a few of these gals live in Sacramento. I'm in the East Bay. Congrats on your surgery date - we have a few on here having surgery next week. Stick around and keep us up to date on your progress - who is your surgeon? Riley - yes - the band has been good to me. Now if I could just get the scale to jump on board I'll be good. I ran out of the house this morning kinda hungry so I stopped off at Burger King - got a sausage sandwich - removed the bread & at the sausage patty - even that was waaayyyy to much. I felt it stuck in my throat for about 2hrs LOL. My eyes are still huge so It's just such a learning process for me. But I'll get it down!! Yeah Pat.... Run free LOL Tam - did you find out about the citrus ? Good luck on your test. Gonna keep this one short cuz I feel like I'm talking to myself these days - just rambling about nothing for no reason LOL
  11. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey Monique - this is My Capt. Mo... Monique Lisa - My brother (her dad) calls her Mona Lisa....
  12. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Reggie you better take care of yourself my lady! I will pass on what my PCP ALWAYS tells me when I call him every time I get a new brain tumor - He says "Not to worry - if it was a tumor, it wouldn't go away - You would still feel the way until the tumor was removed or treated." Always gives me a little piece of mind when I'm stressed out about my migraines. Get the CT scan, it will make you feel better - at least it put me at ease! Diabetes is a different story - don't know what to say about that as I have zero experience with it thus far - knock on wood! Please keep me updated as to what your doctor says and let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Tina - I completely agree with you - stress & personal issues must stall weight loss because I haven't been hardly eating at all and my scale isn't moving - I have been under alot of financial stress lately - Can't wait for my husband to get back to work - he's an electrician in the san fran union and work is so slow - there are 150 guys on the books ahead of him waiting to be called out to a job! - sorry if I'm repeating my self cuz I think I already told ya'll this before. Pammie - i so wish I could say something to make you feel better!!! Heck wish I could say something to make myself feel better. I will say this.... At least you know when you're feeling your lowest there is no place else to go but up! Call me if you ever want to; to cry or whatever! Patsy - I'm so jealous! I didn't get ANY warm air tube! so glad you're feeling so well. Can't wait till you get where I'm at - Can't wait till everybody who isn't already happy with where they are with the band gets here - I know it can't be possible that I'm already at my permanent sweet spot but boy do I feel like I am - so in love with Rambo HOWEVER - Rambo failed me a bit today - or I guess I failed Rambo - apparenlty he enjoys Hershey's chocolate syrup as much as I - Just when I thought I had gotten rid of all chocolate my nephew asked for some hot chocolate - we don't have any chocolate I say - and he says - yes we do - dad got some GRRRRRRRR. got the nieces & nephew this weekend. I hate when I get to ramblin cuz then I forget what I wanted to say to everybody! Tamra - how are you doing? Still starving?? Coco - still waitin for my doorbell to ring - need my house cleaned & organized from top to bottom - where are you? Went out with my bestest friends that I had to cut off to lose weight LOL - of course we went to chevy's I got a Chilli Relleno - yummy! they got margaritas, pitchers of beer, rice beans taco's & all kinds of junk food - i held strong for as long as I could but I ate 4 chips with some salsa! Of course it couldn't stop there - then we had to hit the bar so they could have a few more pitchers! I had zero alcohol. For the first time I actually felt guilty that i lost weight - one of my girls came by here before we went to the restaurant to borrow something to wear cuz she can't fit into any of her clothes anymore - she just had her 4th child! Anyway - I use to always have jeans she could fit into but suddenly - i had nothing for her - She wound up staying in her sweat pants & t-shirt. It's a bittersweet feeling. I know she's not one of the ones that doesn't want me to succeed and I know she's happy for me that I lost weight but I also could feel her sadness at how big she's gotten - I'm sure that I only made her feel even bigger. Heather - did I mention that I don't take the citrate one? I don't know what the difference is but in the class Robin pointed out that it was ok for me to take the ones Im taking because I was getting the band & not RNY - RNY'ers have to get the citrate ones because of the malabsorbtion thing... Ok, I'm sure I'll be back up again when I remember everything else i wanted to say
  13. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi All, Just checking in - nothing new to report. Tina - I'm so glad you stood your ground. As band experienced adult you don't need a babysitter LOL John - so so happy for you - mini goal, surgery date - 3's a charm! woop woop Lee - Monday's the big day? I'm confused - I thought it was the following Monday??? Coco - what's up my shopping buddy? Donna - what's going on?? Miss you lady!!!!!!!! Pat - so glad the hard part is over for you - wasn't too bad though, right?? Mo, if I could share with you I totally would - funny thing is I'm not eating hardly anything but my scale won't budge - Stupid WW scale - I know it's rigged! Or silly me for not exercising - something bout this weather that makes it even harder for me to get motivated! Ash - I am so glad you're sticking with us even though you've decided to put your surgery on hold! Jes - what up?? How's your band working for you - I've decided to call mine Rambo - tough but lovable! April - where are you sweet lady? Tamra - you in bandster heaven or hell LOL
  14. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Just finished my Decaf Americano that I got at 8:30 this morning!
  15. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Thanks Lee & Donna for the Piatti's ideas... Yes Donna - I am so lovin my restriction - I wouldn't change this band for the world - I know this was the best surgery choice for ME. I don't really want to tell Bridezilla about the band because EVERYBODY has an opinion. People who are getting RNY because it is best for THEM seem to think it's best for EVERYBODY same goes with the Sleeve, the put the fork down method, the diet pill method and so on... What works best for some doesn't work best for others and I really don't want to deal with somebody else's idea of what I should have or should be doing. If I wanted their opinion I would've asked for it! My point is that I'm thinking a small cup of soup so as to not let on to her about the band - Boy, what a round about way of getting to my point LOL - she knows I'm dieting so it is what it is! Really you guys never told me it would be this good! Actually, I think Riley did, but you just don't believe it till you experience it. Still have my night time chocolate thing going on but it's not because I'm hungry - this is my head/eyes talking so I just can't have it in the house anymore - my husband is ok with that! Coco - it's funny that you mentioned raisins on the phone - my husband is a finatic - loves cinnamon rolls but won't get cinnabon because they don't put raisins in their rolls - Once I pointed out the sugar content he freaked out LOL. He's trying to cut back - funny how he freaked about the raisins but not the actual rolls - MEN!
  16. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Lee - Welcome to my insomniac world! Hope you all are having fun in the class - did either of you bring ur cameras Yes, Tam - it is real! Like Donna said, though, don't get discouraged when you stop losing so fast - as soon as you get to the real food stage it will slow down - if you hit the fries, it will STOP. So listen to JES!! Jes, how goes it? are you feeling any restriction yet? Could I possibly be at my sweet spot already? Not hungry at all and it's taken me 2hrs to drink 1/4 of my venti coffee - not because I can't get it down but because I'm just not thinking about it - HMmmm?? Need help my peeps! I gotta go to Piatti's tonight with Bridezilla - who is use to seing me eat my whole plate. Now I'm done in two (2) or three (3) bites. Do I just order soup/slider or just tell her I'm not hungry or.... I just don't want it to come back up in front of her, her fiance and the other bridesmaids LOL.. I'm still learning how to use this thing - I haven't gotten the "warning" signs yet - AFTER I'm full my right ear hurts but....
  17. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Yeah, Donna - lemme tell you how much I'm enjoying this restriction.... Today has been a crazy day - my niece's boyfriends birthday (16th) is tomorrow - Hers was last Sunday and he bought her a whole outfit - ladies he got her matching shoes too! So, since she's living with me and my brother who is anti dating/boyfriend, it is my responsibility to be sure she takes care of him. Did i mention he even brought her a cake to school?? He's a keeper. Anyway running around at the mall all day getting "gifts" and then back home to make a cake - she wanted to make him the giant cup cake thing so I let her use my pan - she couldn't get it out of the pan and crumpled it all up OMG! Now she's a crying mess cuz It's too late to start all over and she has to finish her homework, blah blah blah - Long story, i know - so the only thing I know how to do wtih crubled cake is make cake balls - so she's doing homework and I'm melting CHOCOLATE & things. I tried to eat a cake ball and could only get in a small nibble or two. I said it before and I'll say it again - I LOVE THIS FRIGGIN THING! Ash - isn't it the greatest when you find a group that fits you?? Not all groups are so welcoming so I'm happy for you. It makes all the difference in the world!! Nicole I've been thinking about you and your sister all day. Wondering what could have gone so wrong! If there is anything I can do for you I'm here!! My love to my Auds. Lee, coco & john - have fun tomorrow and if you want to stay on the good side of Liz & Robin don't mention this site LOL I have to wonder if Liz is talking about the site in it's entirety or this specifically this thread. Hmmmm? either way, don't mention it cuz she says we're idiots LOL LOL. Tina - glad you were able to cut the cord! This crap & life in general is hard enough without the added negativity! Candi - where are you? Thought you were back with us girlfriend~! Tam - lemme know when you open up that Restaurant girl - I need a job hahahaha so tired - gotta go to Santa clara with Hitler aka Bridezilla tomorrow to have a meeting with the coordinator of the venue where the wedding is taking place - BORING! Oh, then to Piatti's to see how the food is for the rehersal dinner.
  18. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Jes, you'll get it soon enough - I think I will need to lose about 20lbs before i need a fill. 5cc's seems to be pretty good! So now all I need to do is lay off the midnight chocolate LOL Funny how that never seems to come back up! I shoulda ordered a band that doesn't like chocolate!!
  19. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Ali - point west group is always the 4th Saturday of the month from 11 - 1 Hey Karen - how's it rollin??
  20. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Jes - I'm there! Heather - you are just a wealth of info today - I love that pic - it's the coolest thing yet! John - I hear ya on how frustrating all this can be and I'm happy to say that I really don't know how you feel but i do know that it will be greater later! At some point, you'll be jogging down the street with your headphones on thinking about all this hassle you've been put thru and just have to laugh! Lee - glad you got into the thursday class but just a warning ya'll they tried to separate me & jes cuz we were having too much fun - pee BEFORE you go in cuz if you walk out during the class they will talk about you behind your back like a dog! At least, that's what they did to jes. So.... I am a complete COMPLETE restriction rookie. I just don't know what I'm doing here yesterday was cool but today IS NOT. I had a scrambled egg for Bfst & that was fine. bout 2hrs later I had a cup of decaf - that was fine BUT.... I was running my niece around all afternoon and didn't prepare so when she wanted Wendy's i said cool - I ordered a cheeseburger & threw away the bun - I ate about 1/2 the burger and it started to come back up - I spit some out into the bag and was like ok - that was one bite too many - then bout 15 min later walking thru the mall talking to Coco on the phone, here comes the rest - I had to hightail it to the bathroom - my poor niece has no idea what's going on so I had to tell her I had something stuck in my throat - UGH! Did I mention I LOVE THIS THING! I will get the hang of it and learn when to stop but till then, my band won't let me fail YEEEEE HAAAAA Tamra - what's wrong with you girlie?? Are you picking up your daughter & things? NOthing over 10lbs!!!! Pat - Just keep an eye on those incitions - if it gets puffy or turns green - go to the hospital LOL One of my little ones, right beneath my boob kept bleeding cuz my bra was right on top of it - sitting up for me was a no-no
  21. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Oh, Nicole - I read about that shooting in the news today - He wasn't alone right? Were the other two men hit at all - any ideas why?? You & Your sister are in my thoughts and prayers! Pat - good to see you're making the most of things LEE - ROCK ON GIRL! You & Coco will be like me & Jes. Congratulations - since you don't have a pic up be sure to introduce yourself to Coco. She looks just like her pic and I'm sure John will be sittin next to her. He'll be the handsome man getting the sleeve like you. Annalyn - so glad to see you back here - keep at it girlfriend and just think about all the weight you just lost by filing that divorce! April - how are you girl? Donna - I see you ! what's up? Tamra - if you're gonna do fries make em Wendy's for me LOL. Also mashed potatos were my savior.
  22. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tamra - back away from the fries! This is the time period when you will lose a large chunk of weight if you play the game right. Plenty of time for fries once you hit banster hell LOL
  23. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    wooooo hooooo - congrats Bella!!!
  24. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey Pat - where are you ? I know the hubby said you were home & resting but it's not the same as seing you up & posting! Gotta see that thumbs up girlie.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
