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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Desperate1

  1. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Thanks Christine!! I will see a head doctor about that head hunger LOL I will see you ladies Saturday, the 23rd! I will try to get a t-shirt with my name on it so I don't have to wait until the END of the meeting this time to meet you all. I am a little on the reserved side till I get to know you so I don't approach people well :smile2:
  2. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I'll be there!! What time??
  3. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    No, I'm in Vallejo - but Sac is close enough!!
  4. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Thanks Candy... Sounds like it really does help with the feeling of satisfaction!! I've been reading along and following your progress - you are doing awsome!! Congratulations on another pound lost!! Can't wait till that's me!!
  5. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi All, I had orientation yesterday and now feel like I'm officially on my way to being one of you! I don't feel so out of the loop and know more about what you are talking about. My surgeon apt is 6.3.09. I need to schedule a mamogram ASAP as I just turned 40 10 days ago and need to have it done before they will band me :smile2: Dr. Fisher confused me a bit - he didn't seem to believe that the band did too much to help. He said the adds were misleading and not true - that it doesn't help take away the hunger nor does it really make you feel full faster. So I ask the question to all you experts - is it helping with the hunger & satisfaction of smaller portions??? Liz was great - she's my type of girl - straight to the point. It was very clear that she doesn't like to repeat herself LOL. I started the 1200 cal diet this morning and I was really full! I never really eat Breakfast so the getting up earlier thing is gonna take a bit to get use to. I believe it was Reggie that said it was a piece of cake and you are correct! I don't usually eat this much in one sitting but I don't usually space my meals 6 hours apart either. Not eating in front of the TV and not snacking will take me a minute to perfect but It is definately do-able! Think my biggest problem is boredom & lazyness!! I don't cook much - my husband is a snacker and won't sit for a full meal - and, when I have nothing to occupy my time - I eat. ANY SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO GET PAST THAT BOREDOM EATING WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!! If I'm not snacking on almonds in front of the TV I am lost - hahahaha Sounds like mimi's was a lot of fun and hope to be able to join you all one day. I did get to meet Heather yesterday - she is adorable! Unfortunately, it was at the very end and we didn't really get a chance to talk - so next time!! Smallerj - just wanted to say welcome - I read these girls posts for quite some time too before I got up the nerve to join in - I always have an inferiority complex! Anyway, glad to see you in here. Have a great day ladies!!
  6. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Thanks, Nicole!! Be sure to post another photo of your lunch date tomorrow!!
  7. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi Ladies.. Thank Goodness for Heather!! Heather, I can't wait to meet you - I was getting a little nervous about tomorrow. I even tried to get my husband to come with me but ... ! So, Heather, please come up to me if you can - I am about 5'3", 230lbs (ooh, did I just publicize that??) I have dark brown hair - died to cover the gray! It's about to the middle of my back and I have grey eyes - usually puffy LOL! It will be so nice to have somebody to go thru this with!! Reggie - I LOVE THE PHOTO GIRL! You are very beautiful!! Tina, with that face you should have been use to male attention a long time ago :thumbup: In fact, you all are so cute I don't know why you got the band to start with. I wouldn't if I looked as good as all of you!!! I'm afraid to put a picture up now :frown: Wish I could join you all at mimi's and finally meet my muses but I will be with Heather at orientation! I am officially on my way to being one of you!! Will write tomorrow when I get home to let you know how it goes!
  8. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi Nicole, Thanks for the information – I love that you guys are so informative on here! I’ve given up Diet Coke before and I’ll do it again – anything is worth feeling better! Down 20 is very impressive – I can lose weight – never had a problem doing so – my problem is KEEPING IT OFF! The sleep guy told me that my apnea is mild so..? It’s more or less the waking up so much that he said is the problem. The psychologist I saw wasn’t for the bariatric program. They sent me to him because of my complaint of chronic fatigue & migraines. Since there didn’t seem to be any better answer at the time they chalked it up to depression. That was my diagnosis for years! Finally I demanded a sleep study and here we are. I hear you about flying thru this… I will try to go from desperate to patient. I’m just so tired of being tired LOL. Hey Christine, Thanks for the 411 on the carbonated drinks – I get it now. It’s well worth it to give it up! Caffeine will be a little more difficult but I’m positive I can do it without much difficulty. Donna, I will stop indulging; I will stop indulging, I will stop indulging (this is me convincing myself – LOL) – I would hate to go in to all this and come out with no band J. It is very inspirational to hear that your apnea & energy level is improving and I agree that all you Richmond ladies are incredible. Just reading the things you all say and the positive reinforcements that are given is wonderful. A refreshing break from the negativity that floats around on a daily basis!!! Hi Reggie – thinking of you too J EVERY DAY! Can’t wait to see you on the band side LOL Tina, You seem to have all this down to a science – smart lady! I love reading your posts Candy, hope all is well and I'm looking forward to your next post!! I will get on that signature, ticker & photo – I believe it is nice to have a face with the name – I enjoy all of your faces – and that picture of you guys – it doesn’t look like anybody is overweight!!! Not any real size to speak of!! I hope to join you all in the thin category soon –
  9. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Oh, yeah.... RNY, Is that the bypass surgery? I have a friend that did that a couple years ago - she's 5'2 & was 312lbs. She got down to 130 but is now back up to 215lbs. They just gave her the surgery but no rules or eating guidelines - she didn't get it done thru Kaiser.
  10. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi Reggie, I don't have a date yet - my orientation isn't until a week from today - so the 12th. My BMI is just barely 40 so I hope that I don't have to lose too much weight before I get surgery. I had a sleep study done on 4/15/09 and I have sleep apnea - This all started due to chronic fatigue & migraines! So I did the sleep test and the night I did it they said I stopped breathing and average of 5.5 times per hour and I woke up 12 times & didn't even know it!! My fabulous doctor said that I would be cured with weight loss. It's when I get overly tired that the headaches come on. They wouldn't be so bad but the nausea makes me vomit till there's nothing left! And when I'm so tired all the time I just grab something easy to eat like fast food or cookies. Something I don't have to cook. Tina, I hear what you are saying about being tired all the time but I hope It can't be as bad as how I feel now - by two I need a nap! I don't know how to do a siggy but i"ll try to figure it out - I also want to try to do one of the weight loss tickers everybody has. I'm a rookie - I'll get a pic up too as soon as i can figure it out LOL What's this you say, Tina, about having all your hair still?? Do most people lose their hair after getting banded - AND NO DIET COKE??? I'm a two liter a day type a gal - I did give it up once for about 6 months but found that I absolutely need the caffeine to stay awake. Hopefully, my doctor is correct and this fatigue will all go away with weight loss & I won't need it anymore!! Anybody else feel like this.... As soon as i found out I would be put on a 1200 calorie diet at orientation I got a slice of cake - I feel like I'm eating out of control now - like the last supper - grrr! I had a psych eval done too already (march 12th) because they kept telling me that my headaches and fatigue were caused by depression - psych said I'm not depressed - I'm "fatigued". Since I've done this already will I need to do it again? I was hopiing that I was already half way there and this would get me banded faster - Any thoughts? Hope all is well Candy!!! Every time I see your name on here I think they are talking to me for a split second. All my old friends call me that :thumbdown:. Ok, Ladies - have a great day Candra
  11. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Wow Candy, today was the day!! I am jealous - never thought I'd feel jealous of sombody having surgery. Hope you're feeling like your old self soon!! Thanks for the inf Christine! The word "radiology" had me a little spooked - LOL. Liquid chalk sounds painless enough :thumbup: Reggie, I think you are correct. I am Candra &(desperate1) and meandmywieghtloss is Candy. She's the lucky one that got banded today - I can't wait!! I look forward to hearing about your journey, Candy!!
  12. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi Everyone, Reggie, great pep talk, I appreciate it Tina, Thanks for posting your o.r. experience. It takes the nerves away when you know what to expect!! Possible dumb question... why do you go to radiology after surgery?? by the way, my name is Candra
  13. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I can only assume Liz is the orientator - LOL As soon as I get my hands on the support meeting schedule I'll be there. Thanks so much and I'll get my big boots out & ready to go :thumbup:
  14. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Just want to say Hi all & thank you for this site. I just inquired about the band last week with my Doctor and today I am told that I have an orientation on May 12, 2009. I was a little panicked but after finding this and reading all your posts I'm a little more calm. I think I can do this :thumbup: Any advice is great as I'm finding out there is a special "diet" that needs to be followed - UGH!

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