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Everything posted by Desperate1

  1. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Ok, so it's about 4:30 and Coco is in the car on the way to Richmond - yeah! She said she's got no chonies on hahahaha. I've been up since 3:15 - ate M&M's - there IS something seriously wrong with me!! Gotta get dressed & ready to meet Coco - will txt ya'll soon
  2. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Maria - Listen to Heather! Mo - guess I owe you a big fat THANK YOU!! ;>) I love my band but I need to figure out how to get my mouth on board. I'm gonna go over to Kaiser psychiatric dept personally on Friday when I know I have the day completely free and open to do so! Addiction of any kind sucks Tina - I haven't heard much from Liz - I gave her a website like for a lap band support system in Sacramento and I hope that she followed thru with it. There is too much "hurt" still between her & coco so I believe that is why she has decided to stay away from here. We can catch her on FB. Liz - if you're reading keep us updated on your journey
  3. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Rambo is upsetting my mouth. My mouth wants to eat, eat, eat... but rambo won't let it
  4. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tamra - I don't even want to see my scale today - I'm scared! I went with JES to her people's house for a super bowl party and boy can those ladies cook - Like Reggie! - anyway, it's amazing how much you can eat with the band if you're washing everything down with a little drinky-drink! I had such a great time! Reggie - have I thanked you yet for the wonderful party you had for us?? I always enjoy your company and cooking LOL Pat - PM me your address girlfriend and I will pitch in for that ticket! Just how fast were you going ... enquiring minds want to know hahahaha Heather - love the tude! why put off till tomorrow what you can do right now! Back on track this instant LOL Pammie - good luck to your son! Hi karen!!!!
  5. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    for bridezilla's wedding
  6. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    It's official - I'm in trouble - I need to call to reschedule ASAP and get this taken care of cuz we ONLY have 5 months left hahahahahahahaha
  7. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Reggie - you are the bomb diggidy girl! I really need to come for some cooking lessons LOL. Thank you so much for having us over again. I love that your son sings Black Eyed Peas - imma be, Imma be, Imma Imma Imma be... hahaha Luv you!~ Pat - thank you so much for driving. and all the beautiful clothes - I LOVE my new sweater :woot: OMG, John - Nikki is so sweet and SAUCY & lucky she found you. LOL. Glad you guys came!! Coco - Less than 48 hours girl but don't ever make that nasty cheesecake again!!!! LMAO Ash - it was so nice to meet you! you are adorable NY - You look so good! I'm proud of you and your new jeans !!! Jes - see you this afternoon - wow 3 days in a row - are you tired of me yet??? Mo - you are too cute but don't ever throw my food away again LOL Heather - don't scuff my shoes girl! so glad you came last night Left boob - you missed out! But I get it
  8. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    ok, All - getting ready to leave out. Lee - 3 inches in a month is awsome! Laurel - I love the cilli recipe - I got it many years ago in WW. Even my hubby loves it - I always add extra onions and instead of corn I use green Beans - not suppose to have corn with the band. And no olives - don't like the olives in it but other than that girl it is da bomb! Pat - I havent worn red in YEARS!! So excited!!!! PS: Tamra's a bum!! Told her to bring her daughter cuz the other girls there would take care of her but NO... she won't
  9. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Found my Hoochie-Ho top!!!
  10. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Oh - and I can't wait to see you all today!! Nicole - I am calling in sick on bridezilla and I am truly fearful of the consequenses so can you promise that you will at least try to make a cameo - Sure would love to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Morning everybody Pammie - I am so with you! I cry at the drop of a dime - I can't watch the animal commercials at all - and if somebody else is crying, i cry too - horrible being such an emotional person. I have many-a-fat days but I tell you what - last night I was at Jes' house with her & her family (fantastic & funny bunch of girls) and we all measured ourselves - Im bringing my tape measure!! It sure helps to compare old measurements to new measurements - It also was very eye opening to see someone you think has a perfect body and to compare your measurements with theirs - I found that I wasn't so far off and I don't weight a TON more than her. So, I decided to get brave this morning and step on the scale and I'm gonna put all my business out there for everybody to see and to hold me/myself accountable!! Weight:183.4 Breast: 40 In Thorax: 33 in waist: 32 In Hips 44 in - ugh! I believe the average/perfect size is suppose to be 36/24/36 I got a long way to go and I seriously doubt I will ever get there LOL But I'm not worried about that - I just want to get to MY perfect size - not real sure what that is yet but I am certain I will find it along the way. Oh, Heather - stick with the eliptical - jes lost 1.5 inches in her calves!! gotta get me one of those LOL She's actually lost a lot of inches all over - Sorry Jes for puttin your business out there too LOL
  12. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Dang Laurel, That was harsh!!
  13. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I WILL be there tomorrow! Pat - I'd love to ride with you - I will PM you my phone number - You're coming from Petaluma?? I Can meet you at applebees at 2:30 or whatever time you think you'll be there Jes -you riding?? Reggie - Tiramisu is my absolute favorite - I saw at safeway they have a new tiramisu flavored mascarpone cheese - I was so so so very tempted ! Coco - will see you tomorrow
  14. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina - I just don't know how you deal with all the stress! My back & shoulders always hurt. When I was working full time and sitting up all day I'd have to come home and immediately lay down to take the weight off my back & shoulders to get some relief. I've been complaining to my PCP about it for a long time now but he never offered any solution other than lose the weight. Well, now that I'm doing that and he sees that my boobies aren't getting any smaller on their own he said that he will put me on the list but I have to be below a BMI of 30 in order for Kiaser to cover it. Talk to your PCP and tell him that you had hoped that when you lost the weight the pain would go away but it's not. Tamra - don't trip! I think we all gained back some weight when we started prgressing in the stages - when you drastically cut your calories, your metabolism slows down so when you do start to eat again it holds on to every bite. It will turn around - the beginning with the band is an up & down struggle but once you get to the fill that you need to start to feel it you will be so happy with it the rest of your life! Total opposite of RNY. Anybody heard from Sheena - would love to know how she's doing! Morning Coco - hey, can you pack up any of your 20's that you dont want anymore. I have a friend that has suddenly packed on quite a few pounds and Has zero clothes. she can't afford to buy any right now. You will be in 18's my mid March! I haven't been weighing myself because it's been frustrating but i have noticed that a couple pairs of my jeans have gotten a bit loser - I have a favorite pair of american rag jeans that have gotten real lose - they are like 50% spandex LOL - anyway - I just bought a pair off ebay in a size smaller (11 cuz again they are hella stretchy) so we shall see! JES - see you tonight - I'm looking forward to it!! will Kim be there? I'd love to meet her - I promise not to mention the band if you tell her who i am and how I know her LOL Oh - no midnight snacking last night. I had left over Tofu ala Jane for dinner with a little spinach dip so I think that fooled my brain into thinking that was a "snack" lol
  15. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Oh, Heather - just had a brilliant Idea. You need to join Coco, April & myself - actually all of you do! - when we hit goal we are gonna go buy hoochi ho fits and hit a club where nobody knows us - you can come in a short beyonce dress with ski boots on! I'm gonna get some bebe skinny jeans, knee high boots (not the stretchy kind!) and some type of backless shirt that I don't have to wear a bra with cuz by then I will have gotten my breast reduction - woo hoo! Ok ladies & John - what's your club fit gonna be??
  16. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tamra - I've been there! Try to stick to the thicker proteins - steak & burgers - no buns or fries! but it helps. Good thing I got this band when I did cuz it makes being broke a whole lot easier - tongiht I got a McDouble, no Ketsup for $1.00. Tossed the bun & ate the patty and was DONE! I don't know if any of you have had them but don't let the "double" fool you - they are paper thin but filling for us who have alot of restriction. Have I mentioned how much i love my band??? My wish is for everybody here to get to a place where they love their band/sleeve too!!!!
  17. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Oh, Heather - I'm so sorry! but think of it this way - 50lbs ago you may not have even gotten the boots on! and YOU GOT OUT THERE AND DID IT! More than I'm willing to do! I have a friend that wears a size 12 jeans and she can't fit the boots either - They just arent made for larger calves. Wish I knew of an exercise for that too cuz mine are huge. Smooches!!
  18. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina - that was just such a great compliment! I think you are brilliant so If we think alike then I must be brilliant too :sifone:
  19. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Lee - I agree with Jes - That was one of the things in my post that got lost - these topics are good! Tina - I see Doc Who 1 every 3 months & that's that. Also, I think its because this forum is read by some kaiser employees and some of our negativity towards some kaiser people is known so now, we are just a rotton support group LOL. I would have quit/given up a long time ago if it wasn't for this forum and all of you so they can kiss my entire family's asses! Just watched Carnie and I love her so much! The rotating of two meals really works - that's pretty much what i was doing pre op - chicken salad & egg salad or tuna salad. Tam - I was only down 12lbs & got my fill and dr. baggs is more lenient than Doc Who Coco - dont' worry bout Robbie & me. I can take him - if he seems a little outta sorts whe you guys get home just know it's cuz he got a good old fashion spanking!
  20. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Ok, I had my 20 page post going on and it just disappeared! Dr. Oz is on again at 8 on channel 6. cant rewrite all that crap again but... Luv you all
  21. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Imma do my best Reggie Cindy - you want US in bathingsuits - have you lost your mind LOL Seriously, I WILL be in my monokini by summer - I'm so down for that!
  22. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Too funny Reggie - my husband has already warned me about how much I can lose. In that aspect, he may be like your husband. LOL - girl i'm not thick yet - I'd be satisfied with Thick - I'm still fat - 5'3" & still in 14/16! Just in case i can't make it Saturday, I gave Coco the jeans for you. In a minute I just might pass over my favoirite INC sexy shirt - still fits but for some reason since I've lost some weight, it's gotten kinda long on me - weird! Oh, but no long enough to wear with leggings
  23. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Bravo Reggie~ cindy - how long ago was that "final" orientation - I only had 1 so I'm not sure what I missed LOL last September she was like - "alot of those girls don't know what they're doing. oh, but some do" hahahaha
  24. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    PSS: Exercise is not my friend right now either - my right knee is just killing me and so is my left foot - is it possible to be too fat & outta shape to exercise? cuz I think I am
  25. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Lee - Thanks for sharing last nights topic. Sorry I missed the meeting - forgot just like Tamra did. So, about the lady with the sleeve issues - maybe you could just PM John about it to put his mind at ease. I know if somebody told me that had complictions with a procedure I was going to have but wouldn't tell me what it was Id be a nervous wreck. Tina - I agree with you - we don't need to be babysat, I mean - we all KNOW what we are suppose to be doing and I look to this group as my "higher power" I tried OA years back but just couldn't get into the whole 12 step thing. I have tried to get couseling at my Kaiser but I just keep leaving messages never to get a call back. My PCP said to keep trying. I think the Kaiser program is excellent (a little one size fits all though) but when you hear a Professional Employee that you are suppose to have a relationship with and trust, bad mouthing other clients it makes me feel "unsafe" in her care. I wish that wasn't my 1st encounter with her - I would have loved to have met with someone like her for initial guidance and occasional help when needed. I don't like that they tell everybody to stay away from us either but it is what it is. Pam - very well said - I would not be this far along without you ladies & John - so I thank each and every one of you for getting me here - which is farther than I've been on my own! Tamra - keep up the good work lady - you are doing well! John, Plateaus are like rules - meant to be broken! It is only natural that it will happen. Coco - Hey batter batter - Hey batter batter - you're up - 4 days & a wake up - See you Tuesday Morning but you better leave Robbie at home cuz I think he & I might battle Love him hahahahaha JES - How goes it - Maria - where are you? New York - I love it when you get all tough on us! That's my spicy Italian Sister! Work it out!!!!!! Nicole - You are a strong woman! Thru all the crap you've been thru these last 6 months you're still working your program - I admire you for that! I can't wiat to get home to see Carnie! The only time I watched celebrity fit club was when she was on it -she keeps it real! She said she was so embarassed to have to be there after she had WLS. Big or Small - she's a doll!! PS: Today I've learned that steamed veggies are not my friend! Rambo is a typical man - loves junk food (chocolate) but, veggies, not so much!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
