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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Desperate1

  1. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I made my hubby & I brunch today Shrimp & spinach omelets with fresh mozzarella & tomato slices with a basil & olive oil drizzle. Decaf Iced Green tea. he got a warm croissant - but I did not try that - afraid of the bread stories I've heard with good restriction LOL. So, Omelets are not really my friend - too soft, it went right thru the band so I ate almost the whole thing. But that & my tiramisu ricotta cheese was all I had today. I got back to see Doc Who in April and I gotta be down at least another 4lbs so I don't get into trouble. That would make it 10lbs total.
  2. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Lee & john boy - 3 days & a wake up!!!! Ya hoooo!
  3. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Ewww, JES, not cottage cheese - ricotta cheese! I gotta got help my old boss tomorrow or I'd try to get my trunk up and walk with you - I sure could use the exercise & fresh air - I'll be at the meeting Wednesday but can ya'll txt me to remind me around noon that day - I can not be responsible for my sometimers when I'm under the weather! TamTam - You'll get it down - It's a learning process - you might get an ear full from Robin if she or liz is reading this forum LOL - Just worried about you hurting yourself or rupturing some stitches in there!!!!! Mo - We are all here to support each other - I am so in love with my theraflu right now - gonna drink some more tonight - so glad they have it in sf. Im not one of the kind of peeps that loses weight for anything, not illness, not stress or sadness - nor a broken hear! We have our beauty so i guess we can't have it all! Hey Grumpys-wife - LOVE THE NAME - HAHAHAHA
  4. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I had a special treat today since I'm not having chocolate - Tiramisu flavored ricotta cheese - just add splenda, unsweetended cocoa powder & instant expresso powder - Yummy and very low carb!
  5. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Mo - you CAN do it - you WILL do it!
  6. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Heather - sorry you're sick - it all starts with the sore throat, then the never ending cough! TamTam - just don't want you to hurt yourself - have to heal inside!! The restriction WILL come but you gotta be patient. With the band you struggle in the beginning - you need to stick wih the 1200 cal diet if you have to eat something, stick to the SOFTER food that won't hurt you!! Coco - have a fun snuggly day
  7. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tamra - don't make me come kick you in your trunk!
  8. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYBODY!! JES - how'd that outfit work out? hehehehe So I couldn't take it anymore last night and heated up some water for my theraflu, drank it right down and was out for the night! Thank God for small favors! Now I got my hot tea & albuterol and hoping to make it thru b-fast with the hubby - he wants to take me out but I don't have the strength. I haven't done anything else - not hoochie fit, no cooking - NADA! I did get hiim a card & a big fat hersheys kiss :smile: Oh, well - there's always next year....
  9. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hahaha - Pammie - I have had blue tape in my hallway for 6 months now - I've painted the living room, diningroom, my bedroom, the bathroom & the loft but I can't seem to figure out what color to do the kitchen & hallway! Hall way is real small & closed in so I was thinking to just do it a bright white - right now it's a dull flatt off white - that's how the whole house was when we bought it. I really want to do the kitchen yellow but the hubby isn't going for it. Tina and/or Pammie can you tell me if sugar free theraflu is legal?? I can't take this cough anymore!! My port is so sore from it and my puffer isn't working so well anymore so i just need something. I swear I am the cough-a-cabana now! TamTam - did you have a good time? Coco - I'm sure if you make a fuss mommy will be right back to rescue you :smile:
  10. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Heather - I am so proud of you - I probably woulda given up, got in my car and drove to taco bell! Ashley - proud of you too my sista! Takin in that baby is a very selfless act and he will probably stand a chance at a decent life with you by his side. It will all work out! Let us know what kaiser says!! Congrats on the weight loss !!!! Pat - you are rockin this thing! congrats to you too on the weight loss JES - I am right there with you - I will dress like I'm thin in a heartbeat - scary thing is, as long as I don't look in a mirror I feel/think I'm cute! Tamra - yes girlie - you are doing much better than your past but I know you can do better than this - heck, I know I can do better than this too LOL Coco - you enjoying your road trip?? You look JUST like your mother!
  11. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Morning all - the sun is out over here - cancelled all my plans though cuz I'm sick - gonna get outside though & try to catch some Vitamin D. Lee - no, you don't take your binder to surgery. I'm only down 1lb in the last week :smile: I feel like I should be fading away cuz I'm not eating hardly anything - But I haven't been exercising either!! My fault!!
  12. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Got that part covered hahaha
  13. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    IDK Tam - the first time I thought I was trippin cuz it's not the hurt like an ear infection it's more like something is inside pulling on my ear drum or something... Figures it would be me that has to have something crazy happen
  14. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    And - V-day is here - My husband would NOT appreciate flowers and I will not buy stuffed animals (he wouldn't like that either) but cookies & candy are OUT this year! don't want to do dinner or anything revolving around food - want to change that part of my life. Any suggestions? what are all of you doing in a non food type of way??
  15. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    To avoid snacking tonight I spent a couple hours updating my computer, cell phone & ipod. I forget sometimes how uplifting music is when you catch the right song for your mood - just want to get up & dance, move & shake my A** My husband thinks I'm nutts! Oh, and I'm sick - sore throat, congested & slightly warm with a messed up caugh. So just wondering if it's normal that my chest & port muscle hurt now. No vomiting or anything like that just caughing, caughing & more caughing! Oh, then a cold ALWAYS makes my asthma act up so that could be why my chest hurts too. Any thoughts??? I made some homemade chilli tonight but I made it real thick so it wouldn't just slide thru - I used soy beans instead of regular beans & added ground turkey & green beans, chilli's, diced tomatos & onions. I had about 1/2 cup and it was plenty. I think I have figure out the difference between almost stuck & just full. When I'm not chewing good enough, my left shoulder/neck hurts. when I'm chewing and just full - my right ear hurts. I LOVE THIS FRIGGIN THING!
  16. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    OK, TAMTAM - IGNORE ME... IT'S ALL GOOD :thumbdown: Terminator - I LOVE it - 4 days & a wake up. For those of you who've never been to prison or had a Father & Aunt & Cousins that seem to live there - that "wake up" thing is prison lingo LMAO You too Lee - 4 days & a wake up!! Pat - I wanna come to your house for dinner too!! I love sun dried tomatos - I use to get them all the time and have those with my cheese & crackers while everybody else had salami. YUMMO~! One of my favs in Polenta but i'm afraid to even look at it to see what the calorie & carb count is!! I already know that it's BAD!! Coco - stuck already hahaha - it's such a learning process. Lucky Donna was there to guide you!!!
  17. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tamra - you NEED to be careful! There is a reason we have to go thru these steps - YOU ARE STILL SWOLLEN INSIDE where you don't have nerve endings to feel it!!! Sorry to be yellin at you but I don't want you to hurt yourself so stgraighten up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv u :thumbdown: Pat - I thought I said 3/20 works for me too but if not here it is again - works for me :thumbup: I wore my pretty sweater the other day to see coco off. Love it - it is so snuggly - Oh, i gotta get some new sweats for the walk - All mine are like 2x and raggedy anyway. I got the 1 pair I wore last time that still fit ok. Coco - where you at girlfried - I txt you and it is not like you to not respond - I'm the only airhead that forgets my phone or lets it die - You must be at the Twilight convention!!! VICTORY LADIES & GENT - went to the movies to see that silly wolfman movie my husband wanted to see and yes, he got popcorn but I didn't have any! After the first 5 min or so the smell wears off - didn't even have any seeds - i had a small cup of green beans before we went and snuck in a coffee and was good to go. Fear has something to do with it too - afraid that one of those little kernal things would get stuck since I have good restriction. Went to Ross today to get a pair of jeans since it appears that I have too much junk in my trunk for the the ones I ordered to fit (JOHN- HAHA) So for the first time I had a full length mirror in front of me - OUCH - so here I am, naked in front of this full length mirror and guess what - I didn't vomit. did I like what I saw... NOPE but did it make me cry - NOPE. This is also the first time I actually saw the weight loss since orientation. I even lost a little cellulite from my thighs - so now they are only 75% cellulite and not 80%. I just may be able to go to the comando beach this summer after all - gotta hit those toning exercises though hahahahaha Hope everybody gets a long weekend!!!
  18. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    yes u can when i find another pair! BUT they will be too big 4 u! 3/20 works
  19. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Ok, so I have a pair of american rag jeans - did I tell you all this story already?? anyway, they are stretch jeans size 13 - this particular style must run big becuase after I have them on for 15 min I get diaper booty - anyway, I love them so I got a used pair off ebay in a size 11 thinking they will be a little snug but I will stretch them out - NOT! Totally different cut - they didn't mention that these were low rise and I can barely get them to cover my A** and if I take the slightest breath in I will pop the button - My point being is that if this had happened before I would have been devistated but I just laughed and put them in my trunk at the foot of the bed for a later date because one day they WILL fit.
  20. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    go Mo !!! Nice to see you in One-derland - and may I say that I notice the difference!! And - you can take my plate today! Nothing is agreeing with me - I've also got a sore throat - thanks to my brother - he's sick and passing it on... UGH! Pat - I know how hard it is to take a stand and how scary it must be being the provider of your house but this is the time for you to shine and take care of you! I'm gonna get you T-shirts, Bumper stickers and whatever else has "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME" on it! Oh, Riley Jane - where for art thou? Hope all is well with you - I love this band thing and I have to say - you were 100% correct about all of it :scared2: TamTam - You and ta-toes are like me & chocolate. I haven't had any in a couple days now. Maybe my scale will move - I was up at 3:40 last night and layed here tossing & turning for what seemed like hours and all I wanted was - get this - chocolate frosting - WTF?? but i don't have any so it was all good. Yeah - John finally has some TMI to share with us LOL. Atta way to keep it real. Tina - it was a piece of steak - Doc Who told me to try NOT to chew to mush so that it doesn't just slide thru the band - I'm working on a happy medium hahaha I don't think soup is totally out of the question for the rest of your life - I chose the band so that I could live a relatively normal life and so if I want some soup next winter - after I'm at my goal weight - i will have a little once in a while. Just gotta be careful with the slider and watch the calorie content. Coco - what's the word tooter??
  21. Ok, no response to my PM and it looks lik I'm not the only one who has missed you!! Wish I knew how to find you now!! Hope all is well

  22. Desperate1

    3 weeks post op, approx 10 lbs dwn since surgery

    Hey - can u feel the difference??
  23. Desperate1

    3 weeks post op, approx 10 lbs dwn since surgery

    What a huge difference since the first day I met you - you look amazingly beautiful. I am so happy you stuck with it! "Sexy Bitch" - that is your new theme song!
  24. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Lee - Feel better soon cuz you can't be sick for surgery - I was home all day the day before suregery and the MOM didn't seem to do a whole lot - I did go shopping and had no problems. I didn't really hit the potty till later afternoon but nothing so bad that you can't go to work as long as you have access to the bathroom. Reggie - any news from your PCP? Pat - you need to slow down my sista! All work and no play leaves a gal fluffy! Not to mention we are suppose to work to live not live to work! Tina - Two days down and the rest of our lives to go hahaha. Gotta has you my veteran - do you ever feel the food pass thru your band? That happened to me today and it hurt like heck. I felt it go ALL the way down and hit the bottom. Tamra - you got this! puree, puree & puree - I didn't do a whole lot of that though. Only soups & chilli. Coco - so glad ur tootin. Rambo has been rough on me today - I'm thinkin you got Rocky. Rambo won't really let me eat nothin - oh but my string cheese this morning wasn't too bad
  25. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Pammie - good on the exercise - it's more than I've done LOL Maria - good things come to those who wait! A better opportunity will present itself!!!! Analynn - lovin the positive attitude girly - you can do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coco - how was the worst day ?? Glad to see you're not hungry - 5cc's we have the same now - Rambo has a twin hahahahaha Cindy - your day will come. I didn't get a fill until my 12th week - I have Doc Who. I have 5cc's now and can finally feel the restriction - it will come, I promise you! Mo - how's that baby?? congrats on the 5lbs. I think I found it at Jes' super bowl party - that girl can cook LMAO. Reggie - where are you? Donna - will you be at the meeting for real this time?? John & Lee - ONE WEEK TO GO!! Jes - I won't be around this weekend to walk but if something changes, I'll let you know Oh, Bridezilla was "very disappointed" - we only have 5 months to go so I need to reschedule ASAP LOL. I got this motivational CD that is suppose to help me reprogram my mind towards eating right & exercising - problem is, 15 minutes into it I always fall asleep!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
