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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Desperate1

  1. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Sorry Pat!!! But congrats on the 17lbs!! Ali - congrats to you too! I might not slow down Just yet so keep your fingers crossed. Lee - good to hear about your day - energy is a great thing - i don't have it often but sure do enjoy it when I got it! JES - Wish your baby girl a happy birthday for me. Have fun and enjoy your weekend. we'll hook up eventually. So - Just wanted to share; I'm watching Gok and he said that the fastest way to lower your BMI is to put on some high heels - 3 inches of heels = 3 more bites of cake LOL LOL LOL - I love him!!! too bad he's gay...
  2. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey all - Donna, I am planning on being there Saturday! JES - Maybe we can hook up Tomorrow evening when you get off work - I can meet you right off the freeway or something - wish you were coming Saturday! April & Coco - I'm ready to hit Soma again LOL
  3. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Oh - JES - ground meat sticks with me the best. I can eat alot of things in abundance but not ground beef or ground turkey/chicken - I know my pouch is cool cuz when I do eat alot I can actually FEEL it just passin thru the band - not easily but it goes. But ground meats will keep me full for many a hours
  4. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    WAAAYYYYY TOO MANY PAGES TO READ TO CATCH UP! I skimmed - Bea - glad you posted! John & Lee - Don't worry, you can stop looking - I FOUND YOUR WEIGHT THAT YOU GUYS LOST hahaha. Too afraid to hit the scale after my carb fest these last few days. My headache has moved to the back of my head - whew! I never went to kaiser but as long as it's not in my eyeballs I'm good! I think the meds have an affect on Rambo - like he was just too high to function. I haven't taken any today and he's back in action. Coco - I just finished Eclipse. Hope the movie stays tru to the story a little bit - can't wait to see Bella makin out with Jacob LOL. BTW - for those of you with migraines - audio books work well. Not alot of pitch changes and it takes your mind off the pain in your brain. Saving the last book for the next big one :wink: Oh, and all of those that have asked - I've done it all - scans, shrinks, headache specialists - bottom line is I'm depressed & fat. Hmmm? Shrink doesn't think I'm depressed but headache specialist says that is the cause and won't budge on that LOL. Mo - sorry bout your aunt Ash - you can do this 9lb thinggy - no prob JES - How ya doin - you need to get that fill! TamTam - you're doing well - I lived off canned chicken. Coco & Tam - I wanna walk with ya'll Donna - how are you? You've been MIA too So much I wanted to say but having a brain fart
  5. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey all - I haven't read to catch up but I'm having a melt down - Today is day 4 of the headache from hell! This morning I woke up with horrible tummy cramps and had to double time it to the bathroom and thougth WTF is going on ... Then It hit me - My headaches are the worst emotional eating trigger - for some reason it hurts more to lay down and when i'm just sitting still it hurts more cuz I'm concentrating on the pain - can't turn on the tv cuz the noise & flickering light would be the death of me so I put on my sunglasses and pace around the house - everybody know when it get's like this they are NOT alloud to even talk to me! So what do I do to distract myself from the pain - EAT - yesterday my niece made her mothers authentic spanish rice & tortillas so I ate that - not problem - raisin bread - no problem - brownies and my husbands rhubarb pie - WHERE WAS/IS RAMBO. I forgot I even had the band! Seriously forgot! Can't even remember what I've been eatig the last three days but I know it's not good! I have had my maximum permitted maxalt for the MONTH - excederine and last night I cracked open the vicodin from surgery - does nothing for pain but sure helps me sleep - If it's not gone by tomorrow morning I'm going to kaiser for an injection. You can't see me right now but I'm crying - literally balling LOL If I were brave enough, at this point, I'd cut off my head! I need to learn how to work thru these headaches without the eating - don't even know how to begin to do that!
  6. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    OMG - Lee - I can't believe you weighed yourself - they tell you to wait a week before you do that LOL John - what's your update? Ash - I feel so sad for that little baby However I hope yours is doing well and sorry bout the tubes!!
  7. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Lee - glad it's going well and you're so right that you won't remember this part when the scale starts movin on down. You didn't see us Wednesday night because Bonnie said that you didn't want us to come by - she reitterated that you did NOT want visitors. Sorry if that was incorrect as we would have loved to stop by and check on you. GO TAMTAM - IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY - GO TAMTAM. I am so jealous - I didn't lose that much weight and I didn't cheat - no fries or anything! Ah, the price you pay for getting old :sad: Happy for you!!
  8. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    TT - hang in there - try not to stress about the "what if's" because it is what it is and there is nothing that can be done about it! I had the same job since 1992! so now it's time to look around for a new one - scarry stuff but....! Liz was talking about the "support groups" and she mentioned the Yahoo lapband group - said that there is 1 person on there who posts like she had a medical dagree and she doesn't and that annoys her. so maybe it's not us that she keeps referring too - Hmmm? JOHN SO GLAD YOU'RE HOME SAFE & SLEEVED. Your mom sure is a nice lady - Where is your accent hahaha. Ok, so you didn't bare A** it to the Wednesday group so maybe you will make it to the point west - Nikki is welcome to come too - She's rare, not many women are beautiful AND nice... well, accept us girls... hahahaha - TamTam - hang in there girlfriend. If you stick to it and lose at least 10lbs you should get a fill and things will be so so so much better - try to skip the Robin appt cuz she will stop you from getting your fill when she finds out what you've been up to LOL LOL LOL Hey Lee - why the liver biopsy??? It is a sleeve thing? I had the hernia thing too - and just like you, I had no clue LOL. keep us posted on how your recovery is going! Please thank Bonnie for us too!! Speaking of hernia - COCO, how's your heart burn?? Hi Heather - sure wish I enjoyed being sore too! Reggie - i went to call you tonight and realized that i only have your address in my phone - not your number so PM it to me PLZ - I will PM you mine too! I'm all lonely on here right now - I am the only one online :confused: Nicole L. where the hell have you been young lady - If you can get on FB, you can get on here to say hi to us too!!! Riley Jane - Chris just might get lynched if he keeps you away from us much longer!!!!
  9. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Lee - so good to hear from you! Bonnie was so great at the group - she "reported" to all of us. we all got to see John & Nikki - I got to meet his mom as I was the first one on scene She's great! John was in some pain so i can imagine how you felt/feel. John - Where are you homie? Hope all is getting better for you - good to know you're home - Thanks LEE for reporting on John! Ali - you may be next girlfriend - It's hard to explain where the group is because I just walk in same door every time LOL Just ask where the bariatrics group is and they will direct you. Be sure to look for us since I'm so for certain you don't look anything like your avatar so I won't spot you LOL. Ali - we go to lunch after so we'd love for you to join us - don't worry about how you have to order - they are use to us there and we are all "picky" so to speak. Reggie - are you coming the point west???? PLEASE COME!! JES - how's that meal automation going? So my husband got into this car accident and didn't tell me and I tried not to say anything but I just had to let him know that he didn't outsmart me! hahahaha Today I come home and he's gotten me the ol' "I'm sorry" 2 dozen roses and A CHOCOLATE BAR! WTF?? He did so well for valentines day - At least it's 85% Extra Dark cocoa so it only has 5 sugars per serving (5 carbs) But I just kicked the habbit!! GRRRRR - I will put it in the freezer - out of site, out of mind!
  10. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina - liz did mention tonight that the sleeve has a little honeymoon period like RNY! I didn't know that!!
  11. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    TamTam - lean burgers are perfect - NO BUN! melt a little cheese on it!! All protein Mo - gotta get new t-shirts "Eat, Drink & Sh** Protein - that's our motto"
  12. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Night Tina! Hey Liz - it was great to meet you tonight! Nothing really to know - I didn't eat before my first fill cuz I didn't know the rules - still don't LOL. but after your fill you are on clear liquids the rest of the day, full liquids the next and you just go thru the stages for 1 day each. You dont feel it at all - they give you a little numbing shot first. I LOVE the costco/kirkland brand canned chicken. I am always sure to have it in the house as regular chicken is too dry Except Reggie's chicken!!! Reggie - got two more pairs of pants for you - 16's & 14's courtesy of MO. I think the 14's are a "big" 14 cuz they were big on me and i'm truly in a 14 right now.
  13. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    JES - we must have been posting at the same time LOL. You can lose the 5lbs easy - I like the whole automating your meals thing!
  14. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Coco - hows my little vampire girl doing ?? You really need to move closer!! Eclipse is coming out June 10th?? 12:01am showing????
  15. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hey All - just got home from Richmond - got to see John and he's doing well but said the pain is more severe than when he had the band attempts. He should be able to go home tomorrow evening. Woopie!!! Didn't get to see Lee but Bonnie said she's doing well and John got to see her - she was walking the halls so it's lookin good for her too!! Yee Haa! Mo - Love the jeans but they are both too big :thumbdown: The Tommy's I can probably get away with, just a little baggy, but the but is real droopy so my husband veto'd them. Why couldn't I have kept my butt and lost the boobs?? Why did it have to go in the reverse order?? Ok, so I just got home and saw a letter from my ins. company letting me know that I was found to be NOT at fault in the accident last November ----- WHAT ACCIDENT??? apparently my husband has neglected to mention this to me!!! Since it appears that it's not "MY" fault I will let it slide and won't say anything to him bout it but I would have been nice to have known that HE was in a car accident! funny how he didn't know how the little dent got in the Montero??????? Why do you suppose he was afraid to tell me - HMMM??? MEN!!!! (sorry John - LOL) TamTam - glad you're up & walking but I think you really need to come hang and get the support you need!! I think it would help you get past the rough patches. NEXT TIME!! Bee - It was good to see so little of you!!!! You need to post - even if it's just to say hi and rub it in that you've already lost 40lbs since October and have had 2 fills aready and have 6cc's while the rest of us are over here suffering! I see Doc Who has his favorites. JES - time to do a total carb detox - zero carbs and after 3 days you'll be over it with the chocolate - if you must have some get a little bag of sugar free dark chocolate and just kinda suck on one when the craving hits. The sugar free ones are made with alcohol sugars so you won't have the spikes that regular sugar gives you BUT... still alot of carbs so don't overdo it.
  16. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Just talked to Nikki - JOHN IS SLEEVED! He's doing well and in recovery! Yes, MO - I'm a 14! I wish they were too big LOL. I need to go back and finish reading to catch up and then I'll post
  17. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Ok, well off to snuggle & watch MSMBC with the hubby. Sweet dreams tonight JES!! hahaha John - see you tomorrow! Just think - no port pain for you!! Lee - break a leg sister!! Riley - it was so good to hear from you. Awsome update!!
  18. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I remember Bonnie - I'll be sure to get the update and post if that's ok.
  19. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    So full tonight - my next door neighbor is always cooking and trying to feed me - thinks I've lost "too much weight" hahaha - I had an authentic taco on a small wheat tortilla just shredded meat & grilled peppers. no extra fillings - oh, but a little of her homemade salsa on it - Yummy~~
  20. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Ok, John & Lee - just a few more hours! FYI John, the nurses don't get there till 6:30 so you'll be in the waiting room till then. Also, they will only let 1 person sit with you till surgery - it's Bull S**t! I told them that but they didn't seem to care!!! Make sure who ever will be in the waiting room alone for an hour has a book or ipod or something. Lee - you didn't tell us who will be responsible for your updates??? Maybe you two will be up to joining the group - just a few doors down!!
  21. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Lee & John - Almost time for that M.O.M. Lee are you getting nervous at all? If so, don't bother with that - It is a waste of time! Dr. Oz 100th show is on and it's about weight loss -people who lost 100 + pounds - Maybe we will see Riley Jane on there. Tina - Novato is so close to me! Should you decide to go I'll go with you if you want. I believe you'll get a fill if you lose the 12! Tamra - they don't want you to go "backwards" Once a stage is done, it's done! But you have to do what is best for you. Ricotta cheese is one of my favs - hard to give up after the mushy stage LOL JES - I can't wait till spring either - I plan on gettin my workout on!!
  22. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina - so good to know there are alternatives to Kaiser should the need arise! How did you find them and is it one private doctor or is it like a big chain like there may be one close to me?? Do you have to "earn" a fill with them?
  23. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    TamTam - I had some "dieters Tea" that did that to me - not a good feeling - better of with the MOM. Robin will NOT care that you are not full - their stock response is "so" You won't be full for a while till you get the right fill. Again, it is a struggle in the beginning with the band but once you get to your "sweet spot" it will pay off for the rest of your life. I know you're thinking you should have gotten RNY but if you can't get your eating habbits under control now then 18 months from now you'd start gaining your weight back and then there is nothing they can do to help you. The mal absorbtion doesn't last forever! Once that ends you're on your own so don't fret - you did the right thing! You will see - I promise you!!!!! Ash - so sorry to hear about the baby! Hope it's not too late to improve his development! I have a friend who has 4 kids, 3 in diapers at the same time and I tell ya - don't know how you do it - she gained 60lbs in a year!! She has no "me" time. I'm sure you don't have any of that either! John - we will stop in on Wednesday since we will be in the building! JES - can you make jello shots?? Lee - if you feel up to it we'll pop in to see you too - If not we TOTALLY UNDERSTAND!! Heather - have fun in your training session - let me know how it goes!! Um and, while Grant (that's his name right) may be a keeper, He's actually the lucky one! So, Kids - when I got to the "mushy" stage I lived on ricotta cheese. You can mix it with anything and it's like a cream pudding - BUT NOT ALOT OF CARBS. You can mix it with some diced tomatos & mozzarella cheese, warm it up and it's like lasagna or splenda & your favorite extract flavoring - I discovered it with instant expresso powder & cocoa with splenda - Faux Tiramisu. gotta get the full fat one cuz it has less carbs and you won't be able to eat alot to have to worry about the calories.
  24. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    TamTam - I don't wear tennis shoes often but when I do I wear those and I wear them all day/all over the place and don't have any problems with em - They are really comfy Heather - I checked out the MBT's but couldn't afford em hence, the sketchers LOL Your fella's a keeper! Pat - your son is way too adorable!! Tina - for that one reason I would have considered the sleeve but they never told me about it - my options were RNY or band and that's was it. But I'm so happy I got my band - It will be interesting to see if the sleeve keeps you from overeating like the band does. So Wednesday we could pop up & see John & Lee - maybe have the meeting in their room hahaha - Actually, John, if Nikki wants she can sit with us in the group - might be fun for her. Donna - having a good Monday - hope you are too!
  25. Desperate1

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Pammie - sounds like you got a lot done - that, in itself, is good exercise! can you save me a twice baked potato please - love those

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