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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momamia

  1. momamia

    What can you have with bypass

    Thank you for your input. I feel better when I talk to people with real experience. Dr tend to not tell you everything
  2. I had lapband 6 yrs ago and had it removed because of severe reflux. I'm in that 10% that medication does not work. Been doing esophageal Manometry test and barium swallow because my flap is weakened. Dr saying possible gastric bypass to relieve syptoms. I don't know enough about if this is the right choice. Please tell me what uou can and can't have to eat. Also, I'm reading about this dumping. How bad is this and is this going to consume my life.
  3. momamia

    What can you have with bypass

    Thanks! I'm just trying to find out as much as I can before I have to make a decision
  4. momamia

    Worst thing that isn't discussed much...

    Your story sound like my situation. I had a band but had it removed to fix the gerd. That did not help and medication does nothing for me. I'm currently undergoing two test to determine how bad my hietial hernia is and was told my sphincter has weakened because of hernia and band. I will have two options to fix have acid reflux surgery which is bad or have a gastric bypass but not for weight loss to fix gerd. I'm not sure what's best. I don't want to go into having to suffer again with trying to being able to eat and being sick from eating. Lap band was not easy eating like getting stuck. I'm worried about the dumping and yet the acid reflux has complications of not being able to swallow or vomiting if your ill. So confused
  5. momamia

    Gerd or gastritis before RNY surgery

    I had lapband 6 yrs ago and in October 2015 had it removed because of GERD. I'm in that 10% that reflux medicine doesn't work. I an now being told that I have to possible consider having RYN for relief or the Reflux Surgery which both scare me. Waiting now to do manometry test to determine which procedure is best I had lapband 6 yrs ago and in October 2015 had it removed because of GERD. I'm in that 10% that reflux medicine doesn't work. I an now being told that I have to possible consider having RYN for relief or the Reflux Surgery which both scare me. Waiting now to do manometry test to determine which procedure is best
  6. I had the lapband 6 years ago and I thought everything was okay. I did yearly an EDG for any complications and all was clear. June of 2015 I started having lots of indigestion and had several barium swallows and no slippage or any seen problems. They removed the filling and I went 5 months with no reflief. It was determined then that I needed to have my band removed for relief. This was done in October 2015 months after this all started. Still no reflied and I have been on every kind of acid reflux medication and I stay with 24/7 heartburn. I recently underwent and EDG and found that the flap is weakended, thanks to the band and that I have a hernia. The GI doctor said that I am one of those that medication does not work and referrred me to have the Reflux Surgery. My question is I have looked at reviews and they are not good having this procedure done and not assure that it will fix the problem. It only last about 10 years and people are saying that it doesn't fix the problem. Seems that I am exchanging one problem with other complications that I will not be able to reverse. Has anyone had this surgery and any pros or cons would be appreciated. I see my Surgeon who did my lapband on Monday. Im not sure what to do if I take the risk or not.
  7. I had my band 6 years and have had off and on good and bad experiences. I lost 70 lbs but have put 25 back on since I had my gallbladder removed. Since June I have had severe heartburn that does not go away. I have had numerous swallow test and was on liquid diet for three week along with the fill completely removed. Nothing has helped and I was told to get it removed is my only hope. I'm scared to go back through this again and pray no complications happen. I trust my doctor but it's that fear again what if I go through this and this isn't the problem. I'm also a little sad for having to remove it and my husband thinks I'm silky because I've been so sick and I should want it out. I do bit also scared I will gain weight back. Wish me luck as I become unban dedicated tomorrow.
  8. momamia

    Lap Band Removal

    You are so true. I don't regret my band but Im going to not have to worry when I ho somewhere what I can get down and not get stuck. I also plan to exercise and try to stay fit. My dr told me you've had it for 6 yrs and you know what uou need to do. Good luck
  9. I've had my band surgery two years ago and have been doing great, but the last two nights I've had acid reflux so bad that it has awaken me in the middle of the night. I know I'm not too tight because it's been 6 months since my last fill. Any advise !!
  10. Does anyone know what signs you would have if your band has slipped?
  11. I think I'm having signs of Acid Reflux and I'm not sure what's causing this. I think that I am still a little too tight cause I still have trouble just trying to drink coffee or sometimes water. I still can't figure out how they can get stuck. Any suggestions or help I would appreciate.
  12. I can't believe it's almost been a year on September 24th that I started this journey. Time has gone by fast and though it's been a sometimes rocky road for this adventure I can say that I have succeeded in my goal that I started and actually losing more than I set off to lose. I have had some bad experiences but nothing that wasn't taken care of and I'm still learning what I can do and not. I'm sure this will be an ongoing learning. For all the newbies, just hang in there and don't be afraid to ask questions if you need and this site will give you lots of information for people who have been through what your going through.
  13. My Dr recently told me that I was taking in air when I drank or sometimes eat. I hear this noise when I drink especially. He told me that people with bands have this problem and to try tilting my head back when drinking. This doesn't seem to work and was wondering if you have any suggestions or anybody else seem to have this problem. I've never had this problem before but I've just had a slight unfill and am right at my sweet spot. This feeling is a little uncomfortable and doesn't seem to go away for quite a while.
  14. momamia

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    Walking is a must for the gas pains and two other things helped were a heating pad with a towel under it that helps the gas pains and also my Dr told me to lay back in a recliner with my arms over my head. I think it helps the gas move around because it can be quite painful. You really need to take a week off after surgery and it usually takes you around 10 days to get completely back to normal. Good luck !
  15. Just went through similar problems of Pbing a lot after my fill two months ago. I put off calling my Dr because I figured I was doing something wrong, but even drinking caused discomfort. Eating was even worse and after two months and 13 pounds later I made that call. He released only .25 out of my band and it has made a big difference. I finally able to eat again without having to get it stuck. The only thing I'm having problems with is air and he says people banded can take in a lot of air. Your not alone and maybe you need to make sure your not too tight.
  16. Finally called my Doctor and he has me on liquids for 1 1/2 and I will go see him Monday. I really didn't want to have to get unfill but I've been battling with this for two months. Like you sometimes I can eat things and other times the same food gets stuck. It seems that thing cold go down easier. I thought also like it's done before as you loose weight it would loosen up but I've lost 10 pounds which is great but nothing has changed. I sure they will say it's me not handling it good but when you drink coffe or try to eat yogut it gets stuck.
  17. Called my doctor today and am going in two weeks to have it checked out. They told me to stay on liquid diet till I come in hope that helps. I thought that in time it would loosen up like it has before and it's been two months and I'm still feeling the same tightness. All, I know is that I can't stay this way. I'm hungry but don't want to eat because I know the outcome. My doctor said you have to eat small bites, and I am but when you can't even eat yogurt or anything without getting that stuck feeling.
  18. I am now 10 months since I was banded and had my 4th fill 2 months ago. Experienced tightness even trying to drink Water, I hear it girgling down and it even gets stuck. I can hardly eat anything without it coming back up and when I do get to eat I seem to fill up really fast. I'm lucky if I get 2oz of meat down. Is this what they mean by the sweet spot? I'm really concerned and when I talked to my Dr. after the 1st week she said it was time to get aggressive . I understand, but I feel very discouraged about not being able to eat anything. I even dread going out to dinner with family or friends, because I don't know how and if I can eat without it coming back up. Any suggestion, and is this what I should be experiencing if it's the sweet spot?
  19. I am so there with you about not being able to eat anything. I got my 4th fill 2 months ago and I'm pretty sure I've hit my sweet spot, but can't eat anything hardly. Everything I try just keeps coming back up. Very discouraged
  20. momamia

    Washroom problems

    If your drinking Protein drinks, that's where your constipation problem is coming from. You will have to take Milk of Magnisium. Once you can get off the Protein Drinks, that problem will go away. That is a terrible feeling, and you feel helpless.
  21. I was banded on September 22, 2009. I just got my 4th fill on the 18th and I've lost 3 more pounds. I was told they are getting more aggressive with the fills, since I'm getting close to my sweet spot. I hope the remainder of my pounds will come off. Good Luck
  22. I know what you're going through. These last 15 pounds just don't want to come off. I spoke with my nutrionist yesterday and she told me the same thing to change up my exercise pattern. Your body gets use to the routine and it's not doing anything for you. Also, she told me that because we didn't have as much to loose the weight comes off slower. Hang in there, I know I am.
  23. Just had my fourth fill yesterday and it seemed a little tight when drinking.I could see it just sitting at the opening but she told me just to take an extra swallow and it would go down. I was able to eat some Soup and drink some warm tea last night with no problem. This morning it's a different story I was trying to sip some coffee and only it eventually came back up. I could feel it just sitting there. I know that the area is probably swollen from the procedure yesterday, but should I be concerned that I might be too tight? I really don't want to have to go through it again to release, but yet I'm worried about getting something down. Any suggestions or am I just being a worried wart?:w00t:
  24. I seem to have hit a wall on losing weight. The first 30 came off okay but now I'm not losing anymore. I went for a fill last week but he said that I only need 1/2 cc and that I'm close to my limit for me. I've been exercising on the treadmill actually a little more than normal. I usually only get to do it on the weekends but I've done it every other day plus the weekend. Any suggestions? I'm feeling very down and I don't feel I will reach my goal.
  25. I need some advise or guidance on how to handle my situation. I was banded recently and have had two fills. My problem is with the procedure of having my fills. Both of my experiences have been horrible. The second fill was Thursday and I have been so upset and am considering not going back. My Dr did my first fill and he seemed to have a little difficulty finding the center of port. My second fill, the PA was in there and I guess he is training her and she stuck me 3 times and was unsucessful. Needless to say this was extremely painful and I got a little emotional. My Dr saw me being upset and he was able to find center after my 4th stuck. There must be a problem with finding the center I guess, but I don't know what to do about my experience. I really don't want to go have another fill if I have to endure this kind of pain. They don't do numbing so that's not an option. Any advise because I don't know what I should be expecting from a fill. I see people post and they don't seem to be having problems. His PA is not very friendly and and all she told me was next time take some Tylenol before I come. How would she fell to be stuck 4 times? I'm afraid if I call and request to speak to him about this, I will have to go through her.

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