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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MustLooseIt

  1. MustLooseIt

    July 2009

    From the album: Lifes New Journey

  2. Hi Lauren how are you doing? My surgery went well. I am a little sore today I walked a little to far last night. So today I am resting. I am on soft foods now. An egg never tasted so good.

  3. Ok My surgery Day June 26 at 1030am. I was not too nervous when I went in. I have been waiting for this for awhile now. They gave me a nice shot to make me feel good and then moved me to the or..they had me on some kind of matress that filled with air and they just slide you over on the table, thought that was cool. Woke up to a nurse asking me to take a deep breath..you kidding me..ouch! She finally moved me to my own private room where my family was there waiting for me. I was very sleepy. Later I went for a walk, and when I got up I thought my stomach was going to rip open where my port was placed. That feeling did not go away for about a week..(use a pillow to get up it takes that pain away) So I had a hernia that the doctor fixed that ment I had to stay two days in the hosptial. The first night was really bad. She woke me every hour to check my vitals..Oh man was I tired. The next day she let me sleep more which was nice. But the pain in my left shoulder felt as if someone was going to rip my arm off.( AND GASX DID NOT HELP) I used a heating pad and it helped to take the pain away fast. My shoulder pain was worse than my stomach pain. I did walk offten. It helped some but I was very tired and would get dizzy. Almost passed out in the hospital shower too. Had to pull the nurse cord..oh how embarssing..lol She gave me a shot that made that feeling go away. I finally got to go home on Sunday afternoon. I was really scared to get into my bed because I didn't want it to hurt. So I just layed in my lazyboy for the day. My sister brought me lots of pillows for my bed to use. There is nothing like being at home when your hurtting. Walking is very important just remember to use a pillow on your stomach when you get up. Now I am on soft foods thank god. I will never eat jello again in my life. I was not hungry at all until now. I am starting to feel hungry. I will go in on the 23rd to get my first fill. I am down 40 pounds. I almost had a heart attack when I got on that scale. Would I do this again? Heck yes I would its all going to be worth it! Make sure to take your pain meds on time, dont wait for the pain to set in. I set my alarm at night so I would not miss it. I think having a hernia made it a little harder on me. But so glad for this lifestyle change! Good Luck Everyone!
  4. Well they took my blood did an ekg and said everything looks good. I also got on the scale for the first time in a month and am down 20 pounds..WOW It felt good. I go in on Friday June 26th at 9:00am. I talked to all the people I will be seeing in the Or that day. Nice to meet them before hand. The excitment I feel takes away the nervous feelings I have. I am so ready to get this done. Have a great weekend everyone.:sad:
  5. MustLooseIt

    Liquid diet, how do you do it?

    :biggrin:Today I went in for my preop stuff at the hospital. I can tell you that I have not been on a scale since the doctors office last month. I am down 20 pounds :sad: I am so happy. I feel good. I am going in to get my band on June 26th..they said you must really want this because most people gain weight before this surgery. I was so happy. The Liquid diet does not even bother me anymore I have to force myself to eat now. Have a good weekend everyone.
  6. Thank you for your comment on my picture. It was very hard to post that picture. But its something for everyone to see where I was when I started this journey. I will be posting more the day of my surgery and every few months after my surgery.

  7. MustLooseIt

    Liquid diet, how do you do it?

    I am on day 6 of my preop liquid diet. The first few days I thought for sure I was going to DIE..But now its not so bad. I know that I HAVE to do this for my life. My kids are my life and I must change my ways. I am on two slimfasts a day and a small meal at night. My surgery is June 26th.
  8. This picture makes me want to cry, No one ever said gosh Kim you are pretty big why dont you do something about it..I guess thats what being married to an abusive man for 9years does to a woman. I am divorced now and looking forward to a wonderful new life.
  9. MustLooseIt


    From the album: Lifes New Journey

  10. MustLooseIt


    From the album: Lifes New Journey

  11. MustLooseIt


    From the album: Lifes New Journey

  12. Baby Food? What kind is good?
  13. Today is day 3 of my pre-op liquid diet. Its is not so bad for me. I quit drinking pop before easter it was really really hard I WONT lie. But I did it . I am also going to say my doctor did tell me I could have Caffeine. I just drink unsweetend tea. I have a glass with my dinner. And do water and two slimfasts a day. I also have sugerfree Popsicles that really hit the spot for me later in the evening. I feel better than I have in years. My Surgery is June 26th. I am so excited for this lifestyle change I am going to live longer for my family and kids :tongue_smilie:
  14. MustLooseIt

    Liquid diet :(

    Today is day one of my pre-op liquid diet. I get one small meal so I am saving that for dinner time. I am going to do this because I have to. I dont want to die young. I need to be here for my girls. You can do it :confused: we all can. I go in for surgery on June 26th. I am very excited for my lifestyle change.
  15. Today is my frist day on this preop diet..I am a little freaked out but doing fine so far. I can have two slimfast drinks and one very small meal a day. I don't plan to cheat or even feel like I have to cheat. This surgery means to much to me to throw it away to eat something that don't help me get to my goals. This is a lifestyle change not a magic band..lol:lol:
  16. MustLooseIt

    Banding day is here....

    You will be in my thoughts today. From the posts that I have read here I think staying in the hospital over night is a good thing..Well that depends on how good your hospital staff is. Here in my town they are great. I want to stay in the hospital overnight. Last time I had surgery I was so sick and didn't even know what day it was. They were pushing me out the door to go home. I never want to feel that way again. My surgery is on June 26th. I can't wait.
  17. I am going in on June 26 for my band. :confused: I also have to go do some lab work for the hospital on the 19th. I have really been getting ready for this. But now that I have a date, I feel a little nervous :mad2: I will keep everyone up to date. I am just counting down the days. How offten do you take pictures of yourself? I plan on taking lots of pictures.
  18. MustLooseIt

    Surgery Date

    You are right about every doctor being diffrent. I was reading the surgery day posts and am still not done reading them yet. I have my shakes:rolleyes: special K has a new drink they just came out with. I am going to take this one step at a time and not let myself freak out..lol. I got the gas-x. I also got the chapstick and bottles of water. I love reading posts on here. It sure helps me to get ready for this life change I am about to make :tongue2:
  19. MustLooseIt

    Surgery Date

    I am getting real nervous as the surgery date gets closer. I have already made so many lifestyle changes to prepair myself mentally for this. I stopped drinking diet pop and that was very hard to do. I drink water and tea. I am looking for some info on the things I must have after I get home from the hospital..Please if anyone could help me out. I need to know about what brands of food are best. Other stuff too. Please..I will be waiting for your help.
  20. MustLooseIt

    From the beginning...

    Thats a great motivation for me. Thanks for that. Great job :wink:
  21. Hello, I am not going to mexico. I have family and friends that live in mexico. The main thing is to not be out walking around the streets and visting stores. Take some handsanitizer with you also. Use that everytime u touch doors and stuff. I wish you all the best. You might want to check into the flights also. I have heard they are thinking of not letting anyone fly into the US from Mexico. I am not sure if its true.
  22. MustLooseIt

    Hello Everyone

    Thank you for the welcome. I find it such a great motivation to read and look at all of the before and after pictures. I am going to take my before pictures the day before my surgery. I had a real hard time not drinking my pop and it was even diet Dp. I am just on tea,water,skim milk. I am really reading everthing on this site, trying to soak it all in. I wanted to ask what goes on at a support group. I was thinking of going to one. But I already know so much about this lapband system and the way it works. Anyone have any Ideas? I am just waiting on my date. I know its going to be soon. Some of your pictures make me want to cry:crying:..Im so happy for you all.:thumbup:

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