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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by HappyMe2009

  1. I'M UP TO BAT TOMORROW MORNING.... I'm nervous but amazingly the only thing I am really fearing is getting the IV needle (:woot:). I'm on all clear liquids today, I'm hungry but trying to stay busy. I will be up at 5am, leaving home by 6am, at the hosptial by 730am and surgery at 9am. I will stay overnight at the hospital and be home Tuesday afternoon/evening. I will let you all know how it went as soon as I am feeling up to it. Please say a prayer for me that everything goes smoothly.

    Thanks for all the support! :thumbup:

  2. Hi everyone!... I'm back and I'm BANDED! My appt. was at noon (pst) yesterday and I was back home by around 5 pm. Everything went fine and everyone at the srgi-center was great. It felt like I was surrounded by family. I woke-up from surgery feeling pressure in the soloplex area and I didn't feel like I could inhale deeply (which is normal, I guess). This morning, I'm a little sore at the incision sites, but that's about it. The doctor said today might be a little rougher cause all the good medicine will be out of my system.

    Anyway, I just wanted to check-in with you and let you know that it went well. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers.

    CONGRATULATIONS on your successful surgery! Glad to hear you're doing well! :w00t:

  3. As most of yall may already know, Slimfast has recalled all of their canned products. You may want to talk to your doctor for an alternate if what you are using isn't in powder form.

    I am coming to a close on my 3 week pre-op diet and have done quite well. As of today, I lost 19 pounds. I gained a pound from a lil snacking I did. I told my nurse and he said with a 19 pound loss, I should feel bad about a lil snacking. :lol: My surgery is on Monday and my mother flys in tomorrow morning. I am so excited about the support. I am ready to be on the bandwagon. This journey will be a journey but it is my journey and that is what makes it wonderful for me. See you on the band side real soon.:biggrin:

    Slim Fast recalled their canned products.. WTH? Why? :wink2: I hadn't heard... I went for final pre-op blood work today for surgery on Monday @ 9am and went shopping for all my liquids post-op. I have to admit I felt some type of way going past all of the "goodies" I would normally pick up and rationalize that I "needed" for one reason/occasion or another. I had a whole grocery cart full of liquid nutrition in on form or another.

    We're in the countdown and we are taking our power back! :wink2:

  4. Surgery went great yesterday! I was so nervous before I left, but then after they hooked me up to an IV, I realized it was no turning back! I arrived at 11:30 and left at 6:30. They found that I had a hiatal hernia and a hole in my esophogus, which Dr. Hollis fixed during surgery. Incisions are sore, and the gas is awful, but over all feeling pretty good! Thanks to all!

    GREAT to hear! Congrats and get some rest! :sad:

  5. no Jello, how come i never heard that before, if you know please tell me ok thanks Larry good luck with surgery i am going on 7th

    Larry, I think everyone's pre-op and post-op varies a little, depending on the doctor. I suggest you check with your doctor's office and ask about the jell-o, if they say you can have it, then enjoy! My doctor's office says I CAN have jell-o and I plan to! You and I are having surgery on the same day! What time is your procedure? I have to be there at 7:30 for surgery at 9:00.

  6. I'm in such a good mood today! I'm feeling like HappyMe's avatar (but I settled for this one)! I'm sure the nerves will come back when I leave for the surgi-center (Friday am), but for now, I'm good.

    God bless.

    Sooo.. I had my last pre-op appointment a few hours ago. Everything's great - all lights are green! I even have blue pen marks on my stomach from where my doctor made little lines to show me where and how big the incisions will be. I chose the Allergan LAP-BAND® (over Realize) - for no good reason. I'm sure they're equally as good and work equally as well. They told me many things I was expecting to hear - wear comfy clothes... no underwire... don't eat or drink anything after midnight (12/3). And two things I wasn't - no showering/bathing for 7 - 10 days (eww!... I can spongebath though) and absolutely no Jello after surgery. I hadn't heard that before. I meant to ask why but forgot...

    My overall feeling was that they have done SO many of these and are SO good at this, that it would be nearly impossible for theings not to go well. Being there just really put my nerves at ease, kind of like hearing back from the newly banded. Speaking of...

    terriamn!... so glad to hear that you're home and that it went well! Way to go! :)

    Hmm... Is it time for an updated list?!

    Hahahahahahaaa! That was funny and says a lot b/c that is one HAPPY little red dancing machine!:sad:

  7. I am home from surgery, stayed one night in the hospital, have 6 incision spots, 5 are about an inch long and the 6th where the port is is about 3 to 4 inches long. No stitches they used super glue. Really feeling pretty darn good in fact much better then anticipated. Pain medication is a combo of Tylenol and Oxic.. something or another. Will remain on clear liquid till next Tuesday when I go in for check up. Terri

    CONGRATS on your sucessful surgery and minimal pain! Get some rest.... I am counting down to Monday... :tongue2:

  8. CONGRATS!:thumbup:... There is a thread for November Bandsters and I would say YEP, you are officially one! My date is December 7th (biting nails..:frown:), so I will be checking to follow your recovery! Again, congratulations on being on the flip side... take it easy and keep us posted!

  9. My Last Supper is tomorrow night with Thanksgiving. Even though my surgery is not until Dec. 22nd I plan on being "real good" after tomorrow. I even bought two bottles of wine :P! I am not serving gravy or rolls though. And I will share the wine...maybe...:frown:. But I did buy pumpkin pie, which is my favorite food. After tomorrow maybe I should throw the rest away :thumbup:. If I leave it for the rest of the family I know I'll eat it :). Anyway, everyone have a lovely day tomorrow! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    My last supper is Thanksgiving as well and my last fresh turkey sandwich (since I hear bread isn't tolerated by the band) will be on Friday. I pretty much plan on partying like a rock star this weekend (:wink:) and start my liquid diet on Monday! WhooHooo

  10. :frown: My surgery date is Tuesday and have been so excited. Tonight there was a letter from the clinic and I flunked my mamo. So concerned about this I don't know if I can face LAP-BAND®® surgery without taking care of this first.


    14 pounds down 95 to go

    OH NO! So sorry! Big HUGS :thumbup:... I think the mamo issue should take priority. Please keep us posted.

  11. I think my 'last supper' will be chinese! lol! I'm so gonna miss that But don't fret ... I have a plan! I figure (at some point) I should be able to enjoy chinese! Maybe not rice! But... I should be able to do the Soup and then the chicken and brocoli since it's not fried or breaded. OK ok ok so I may have to really really assault the chicken and broc pieces to minimize them... Wait! Can I put them in the blender? Ya think? hahaha I'm determined! I figure one typical chinese meal should last days once I can eat real food again!

    We're soooo on the same page! If I find out that I am one of the ones that can't tolerate lobster after the band, I surely plan on trying a "lobster shake"... :thumbup:

  12. Has anyone tried muscle milk light? I bought some at costco but I have not tried it yet.

    My Dr. sells an unflavored brand that you can mix with crystal light so I'm going to buy some of it. The brand is Unjury? ?

    At my final pre-op yesterday they gave me samples of unflavored Unjury and suggested mixing it in Crystal Light. I haven't done it yet, but will try it this weekend. I will let you know the results of my taste test, if you haven't tried it first.

  13. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for your responses. I am taking a bit of advice from all of you. As my surgery date approaches (Dec. 7) and I prepare to start my 7 day liquid diet on Nov. 30, I find myself constantly thinking "will I be able to ever eat this again", "what about this, will Thanksgiving be last time time ever tasting this food again". At my pre-op yesterday, my surgeon told me bread is a no-no... well what about turkey sandwiches? How can I go on w/o ever eating a turkey sandwich for lunch as I have done for years past until today??? (:P...:frown:). Seafood is my absolute favorite food in the world so I am so happy, I mean HAPPY HAPPY to hear so many of you have been able to tolerate it after the band. I know this will be trial and error and everyone's experience will be different, but if I have said it once, I will say it a HUNDRED times, there is nothing I HATE more than vomit (mine or anyone else's :thumbup:) and there is no worse fear for me than choking (:)). I had medical issues (esophogial spasms) that caused food to constantly get stuck in my throat and I literally thought I would choke to death on several occassions, so the thought of going thru that again has me terrified. Again, I appreciate your insight and I will continue to ask questions, so please continue to respond! :wink:

  14. I'm having mine on the 7th too! Can't wait! I'm going in for the pre-op on Friday...BLACK FRIDAY...lol

    Take care and let me know how you are!

    Same date for me too! Have you started your liquid diet yet? If so, what are you drinking daily? I don't start mine until the 30th, but I want to prepare mentally and taste-budilly. lol

  15. Question for you all...

    I am being banded on December 4th (next Friday.) I have an 8 year old daughter...DH and I are trying to figure out what to tell her (why mom will be away overnight). I am not sure if I want to tell her the truth, as I don't want her to worry or think that I am doing this to "get skinny" or that I need to look a certain way. Anyone else out there try to explain this to their children...especially younger DAUGHTERS?? I worry that she will misinterpret my efforts to get healthier as a need to be "thin" and beautiful.

    I haven't told my children either and my daughter is 13. Very critical age for developing self image. I am still trying to decide how to approach the subject with them. I don't have any serious medical problems, so this one is kinda tough for me. Do you have health problems related to your weight that your daughter knows about? If so, you could use that approach and tell her that "mommy is having surgery to help cure ____" or "mommy is having surgery so she won't have to take a lot of medications to help with ____", something along those lines. If not, I would tell her something short and sweet about you being gone overnight to ease any fear she might have about you being "in the hospital" which most children would worry about.

  16. Hi all! Please add me to the group. I am scheduled for Dec. 7. I found out yesterday. What is a good Protein drink I can use for pre-op?

    Welcome! I am December 7th too! Went for final pre-op yesterday. Funny you should mention Protein drinks... I am trying to get this Muscle Milk down as I type. It's not bad while I'm drinking it and holding my breath (:confused:). The after taste is what's got me (:ohmy:). Anybody have something that they've tried and like better than Muscle Milk?

  17. i guess i should have given some more info, i'm 8 days post op and doing great. i knew not to chew that gum, i new it. if y'all would have seen me trying to hack it up before it got all the way down you would have peed your pants. please tell me i'm going to live and that its not going to stay in my stomach for 7 years like my 8 year old just told me.

    I have no clue about the gum b/c I am not banded yet, BUT this was hilarious to me! Sorry for laughing... :ohmy:

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