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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by HappyMe2009

  1. I was banded in July of 2008 and had my first fill in late August (2ccs of 10cc band). I had some restriction and lost about 18 pounds. I had my second fill in October of 2008 (4cc of a 10cc band) and didn't notice much of a difference. I had my third fill in December of 2008 (5cc of a 10cc band) and then lost a total of 60 pounds in the following year. I had my most recent fill in October of 2009 (up to 7ccs of a 10cc band) and NOW I am dropping weight like crazy.

    My advice is to work with your doctor and continue to eat appropriate meals and get as much activity as you're able to do. Everyone has a different level of restriction. You WILL get there, just be patient and be good to your body.

    THANK YOU! I have never been a patient person, but I have no choice this time, so this is new to me. I will just hold on to the knowledge that my band WILL work! (eventually)

  2. Hang in there. It will work eventually. I have read on this forum people saying it took up to 5 fills. I had my second fill yesterday. I will know if it is causing restriction when I get to solid food again. I have to admit I didn't realize so much hunger would be occuring once banded. However I am following the nutitionist guidelines and am pleased with the rate of weight reduction.

    BINGO!! That's EXACTLY how I have been feeling/thinking. I know the band is a tool but I don't even feel like it's in there at all! I haven't had one "episode" that reminded me that I can't eat as I could before. :smile2:

  3. And you may not feel that much after your second fill either. Be patient grasshopper... it will come.

    I have just started this week to get some restriction and I had my surgery in mid-October. Yeah, the slow start is a bit of a let down after the inital weight loss from the pre-op diet, but that's just the way it is. Pretty much everybody says the same thing: rush the fills and all you end up with is a complete unfill after puking your guts out.

    Thank you and you're right, I know it will come. I guess I need to stop comparing others progress with mine and if I could manage to stay OFF the scale every freakin' day, that might help too! :smile2:

  4. Thank you for your reply... I will continue to be patient. It seems like my surgeon is more liberal with fills since I got my first one 4 weeks post op and he put 4cc's in at that time. I go back February 2nd for another fill and depending on how much he puts in at that time, I guess I should start to see my band working soon there after. I was thinking fiil=restriction (automatically)... NOT!

  5. I had my surgery on December 7th and had my first fill on January 5th. 4cc's in an 11cc band. The first day I was on liquids and mushie food and I felt some restriction, even if it was only in my mind, but since then... NOTHING. I have read about people getting food "stuck" and not being able to take another bite and on and on, but I have never had that feeling. Once I am full, I do notice that I stay fuller longer than I did pre-band, but I don't have a problem eating ANYTHING. bread, shrimp, beef, whatever I want. Is it too early for me to be in search of my "sweet spot" and what exactly IS IT?:blush::cursing::blink:

  6. I went for my first fill yesterday afternoon and I was a nervous wreck! I don't like needles, but I try to wear my big girl panties and suck them up. Needless to say when I saw the "fill needle" I was ready to FAINT!:( Then my doctor came in a assured me that I wouldn't feel it b/c he was going to give me a tiny needle to numb my belly first. ;)

    He numbed me, put 4 cc's in my band and it was all over in less that 3 minutes and I was a happy bandster. :smile:

    Appetite has been greatly reduced today, as a matter of fact I am still full from some chicken salad I had for lunch and it's now 7:45pm. I hope this lasts and the scale will finally begin to move in the right direction!

  7. Hi Delights! I have been reading and it seems that all of us that were banded early in December are all going thru "hell" together. I remember when a small cup of hot cocoa would fill me up, now I could eat a whole chocolate cow! :thumbdown:

    I am going for my first fill this afternoon and I am excited about finally being able to work with my band but I am nervous about the procedure. Does it hurt? Will I be able to eat foods afterwards? Is this when the dreaded "PB'ing" and "sliming" will start? :smile2:

    Maybe if I read the November thread I can get some insight from their experience. Have any of my fellow Delights been filled yet? If so, please share details... Thanks!!

  8. 2-week post op visit went well! Surgi-strips are off my incisions and everything is healed, on the outside at least. Surgeon said there is still minimal swelling around the port incision and that's to be expected. He told me I could advance my diet to include soft foods and moist meats, and I had to confess that I had already advanced myself about a week ago! (:)).

    After surgery I had NO appetite at all for a few days, so if I managed to eat a cup of broth, it was a good day. I found that sleeping with ice packs wrapped in thin towels on my belly helped A LOT with discomfort and the swelling. Once the swelling went down, I moved on to Soups and Protein Drinks, but they have been hard for me to get used to. I am not a milk drinker and they all had such bad aftertastes to me. I finally settled on Boost high Protein, Special K Protein Shake, and Isopure from GNC. The Boost has 15g, Special K has 10g and the Isopure drinks have 40g per bottle.

    I basically have NO restriction now that the swelling has mostly gone down, so I have been eating basically what I want, just in moderation. My doctor said that is fine as long as I don't gain weight. He isn't really expecting that I will start to lose any "real" weight until I get my fills. I go for my first one in 2 weeks, Jan 5th and I am looking forward to that. I am glad that I have made it over the "hump" but it's kinda scary not having any restriction.

    To those with chest pains, PLEASE use your spirometer.. it will help relieve the pains that could be caused by phlegm and congestion. I used mine daily and I can't describe the "yuckiness" that came out of my lungs. Just a suggestion.

    I am finally able to sleep on my stomach again (Thank you Lord) and only have mild discomfort when I bend or turn my body in certain angles.

    Also, I bought pure Vitamin E oil and have been putting it on my incisions since the steri-strips came off and it really helps with the healing and bringing the color back evenly.

  9. OK, long time ago and long story, but I got alcohol poisoning in college, called the poison control hotline and they said to sip on the juice from a can of peaches or pears (packed in 100% juice, not syrup). After three days of vomiting non-stop it's the only thing that helped the nausea subside. It's not carbonated either, might be worth a try...

    Sounds like a story worth telling if you ask me! :blush:

    To the OP - I have heard others say that as long as the soda is flat, it's not a problem. Also, the ginerale (not sure why they suggested 7-up) should be room temperature, not cold. Feel better soon!:thumbup:

  10. Yes sara I was schedule for 7:15 it my fault you went in late I didn't want to come out of it:lol:I'm sorry. How are you feeling?

    We had similar experiences, I woke up in ICU too! My BFF said, "Leave it up to you (me) to go in for a simple procedure and have to be admitted to ICU"... hey, I'm "special"... what can I say... :willy_nilly:

  11. I had my surgery Monday (12/7) and I am going back to work Tuesday (12/15). I work a desk job, but I'm not sure I will have the energy for a full day, even then. My 'honey' took off 3 days to help me w/ sitting up and laying down and fixing me liquids to "eat", etc. To those of you who were back on your feet and back at work in a day or two KUDOS to you b/c I simply would NOT have been able to physically do it.

    DOLLLADY - as I mentioned, I work a desk job and my surgeon's instructions were for me not to lift anything over 10 lbs for a month. With the heavy lifting your job entails, you should definitely get advice from your doctor before assuming your normal work duties.

  12. If I haven't already said this; Only 6 more sleeps and I'll be a Baby Bandster!!! From what I've read it's important to keep up with the nausea meds and pain meds the first couple of days. Tell me if I'm wrong but I am gathering that just about everyone is nauseated and chasing the pain. I don't like either. I know to walk, walk, walk and sip, sip, sip but now that I've read all about you guys and your nausea, I've learned. Let me know, but I think I have a plan.

    Best wishes to those being banded tomorrow!!!

    I haven't suffered with any nausea and that's a good thing b/c I hate nothing more than vomit (mine or anyone else's) :eek:.... but the pain is another story. You will leave the procedure feeling pretty good and not feeling like you really "need" anything for pain, I would suggest that you take your pain meds as scheduled anyway to stay ahead of the pain. You don't want to feel the need to have to take something b/c by then, you are hurting. The object of the game is to stay ahead of the pain, so get your meds and take them as scheduled and as you get a few days post-op you will be able to better gauge when you need them. I am almost to the point where I only need them at night. Almost...

  13. HappyMe---so glad you are doing better! how scary that must have been, waking up in the freaking icu! ack! but at least you are home now, safe and sound. hopefully, the rest of your recovery will be a lot less uneventful!

    Thank you AbbyLamb! I hope all goes smoothly for you! It will be here before you know it! *hugs*

  14. Ohmygosh! Do they know why that happened? And you're okay now? You seem alright. Wow... that's frightening (on the one hand, and on the other... I guess you slept through most of the crisis. :thumbdown:). I'm really glad you're okay. Hang in there, kiddo!

    Late for a meeting...

    Nope, not sure why, but yep, I'm OK now. Heck, I thought I was OK when I went in! :eek:

    Thanks for checking on me and my progress. How are you feeling these days? I wish I could get some energy from somewhere...

  15. Oh dear! At least you were in the right place and are back on the road to recovery. Hope you are feeling ok, look forward to hearing from you :thumbdown:

    You're exactly right about me being in right place, I was in and out of "la la land" so I didn't really understand where they were wheeling me off to, but my mother and my honey who were in the waiting area hoping to get a thumbs up, were quite upset to hear, "we're moving her to ICU". But, that's all behind me now, and I am looking forward to life in band-land! :eek:

  16. I was looking everywhere for our HappyMe to see how things went. Finally figured out how to find all your posts.

    I'm sorry your experience was uneventful but glad you're home and getting better!

    Hey SkinnyChick - you can always PM me... how has your progress been? What is your best advice to a baby banster a few days behind you?

    I am amazed that I haven't lost any weight since I came home. I guess swelling has "weight" to it huh? :eek:

  17. Hey Delights!... I just wanted to check in and say "THANK YOU" for all the concern and kind words. I am doing much better today. I am sorry to hear about all the trouble some of you are having with your liquids. I have been able to get down and keep down (thank GOD) all my liquids but I am NOT getting enough Protein. I haven't had one shake, just broth, creamy Soup, gatorade, V8 splash, creme of wheat, hot chocolate and hot tea and Water. I still have pain around my incisions and some gas but it's getting easier to move around and stay awake. I have been pooped (yawning)! I will try to get more protein in as I feel better, right now I am just trying to take in enough Fluid to stay hydrated. Are you all using your sippy cups and toddler utensils to drink and eat with? I find that really helps me control the amount that goes down smoothly. Was anyone else told not to drive for a week?

    Everyone that was banded thus far, hang in there. We CAN do this.. it's an adjustment but once we set our minds to overcoming the obstacles, we WILL overcome them. Keep your chins up, it will get better.:eek:

    To those being banded tomorrow and next week, GOOD LUCK and don't forget your chapstick!:thumbdown:

  18. HELLO FELLOW DECEMBER DELIGHTS! I had my surgery on Monday (12/7) and I wish I could say it was uneventful, but I woke up in ICU! (B))... Apparently my BP was all over the board during surgery from sky high 160's/110's to too low 80/70, so instead of my nice private room, I wake up in Intensive Care! The doctor's were all wonderful and took really good care of me. I came home yesterday evening. SORE as all he**, but getting better. Been tolerating my liquids well, but I don't have an appetite. I will post my story in the "surgery day stories" sticky in a day or two. I just wanted to touch base with you all and let you know that me and my band are home safe and getting to know each other.

    Feel free to ask questions. We're all here for each other. Thank you for the prayers, well wishes, and support! :)

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