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Posts posted by Rosie34

  1. Ok so i got a fill on December 28th and I've had an EXTREMELY rough few weeks. It was like learning how to eat all over again! (I have 5.4 cc in 10 cc band)

    A few different things have been happening to me. I've lost almost 10 lbs since then.... YAY!

    I could hardly eat at all for 2 weeks! Hence... the 10 lbs. I was very close to going for a little unfill.

    Now I can tolerate food. I'm being very careful and paying closer attention to what I'm doing.

    What I'm having a problem with is Fluid. EVERY time I drink coffee, carnation instant Breakfast, sometimes even Water. I have these weird noises coming out of my throat! Which is seriously embarrassing when other people are around me, or I'm on the phone AT WORK. Gurgle, Burbbal, Sweek, various types of mini belching.

    I've tried holding fluid in my mouth and just letting it seep down my throat and it STILL HAPPENS!

    What to do what to do... :thumbup::blushing:

  2. John337 -105

    SpideyMom -70

    hdmdavid -75

    less-of-me -58

    Oliviasmommy -25

    tulsarealtorGB -38

    ruguay -35

    Sarahbellzz -34

    Jennifer75 -55

    Sbush70 -48

    bkmom -34

    naynayto2 -40

    Mamadot -54

    Mamabully -41

    On the Way to Thin -44

    DON14 - 102

    carriemc78- 61


    Epresco303 - 53

    cheri634 - 46


    bevanfranks -51

    sailorChristy - 65

    Hallelujah.girl - 40

    justpeachytexas - 56


    VLOslund -42

    sapphire12305 -62

    Erin Marie - 51

    Rosie34 - 50

    Total- 153:thumbup:6

  3. Rosie,

    Dr. Chua told me to come in next month for a fill so I go in on July 13th for the next one. I'm sure glad I am because I can't believe how hungry I am and while I'm trying to diet, the weight isn't really coming off right now.

    Odd.... I wonder why he told me 3 - 4 months. I guess if I start getting too hungry I'll call him. It may be because I can't drink the Protein shakes. I told him that I've been eating my Protein, since I'm allergic to the whey Protein. One of my friends that had surgery a week after me has her first fill tomorrow with him, I'll ask her what he is having her do.

  4. I dunno about you guys but when I woke up this morning I felt so tight in my chest area. I am still able to drink and eat w/out getting sick, but my stomach hurt SO bad after lunch today. I had less than 1/2 cup of blended vegetable Soup for lunch. I was still hungry but it hurt too much. I stopped eating and had some applesauce at the end of the work day. I finally felt full after a few ounces of that but man I felt like my stomach was in knots all day. :cursing:

  5. I had my first fill today. MacLynn, we must have just missed each other. (o; AGAIN!

    The PA tried first to do my fill and she wasn't able to find the port so the doctor came in and in less than a minute he found it. I thought for sure I could feel my port but he said it is way down in there so I must be feeling the stiches or something.

    They said that I had 2cc's put in at surgery and I had 2cc's put in today. I had some broth for dinner and I'm STARVING! I'm gonna go look for some yogurt or something.

    I'm glad that I don't have any problems so far, my biggest fear is sliming, etc. :grouphug:

  6. HI.

    I stopped drinking the Whey Powder on the 21st to see if it would help and after I stopped drinking it and continued with the Rx Benedryl it finally stopped spreading. Not like it had any where else to show up. The only place it wasn't was on my "privates" (at lease down below my boobs are another story, SCARY story) :lol::rolleyes2: and my neck and face.

    It isn't red anymore and not as itchy. My arms still look swollen but the bumps and redness have subsided. I still have bumps all over my legs and back but it looks like it is clearing up. I also have tiny bumps all over my lips. You can't even see them but I can feel them it feels like I got sand in my lip gloss.

    I'm not sure what my next step would be? Should I try the Protein powder again and see if that is what it was? I have been chopping up roast beef and cheese and eating that between meals for the extra Protein and I bought that Over the Moon milk with extra protein in it. I have heard of soy protein working in place of whey, but even the smell of soy milk makes me gag.

    I may have to just wait til I see the doc again in a week or so.

  7. I'm 2 weeks postop. Over the last two days I have developed hives just about ALL over my body. My arms started yesterday and when I woke up today they are everywhere! I went to my PCP and he has put me on a Rx Benedryll.

    He said maybe I'm allergic to something I've been eating. WHAT is it? With so many changes to my diet it could seriously be anything!!! I had greek yogurt this week, which I've never had before. Then I accidentally bought Creatine powder instead of Protein. I had that for two days before I relized it. Then I have the whey Protein shakes that I've been drinking every day.

    It hasn't itched until about 10 mins ago... I'm dying, somebody help me!!!

  8. Hi All,

    My appointment is on Monday.

    I had a rough few days after surgery but things seem to be getting better now.

    I went back to work yesterday and MAN WAS I DRAGGING!! :thumbup::blink:

    Today was not as bad and I've been able to increase my activity every day. I'm at 5300 steps today. When I started last week i could barely make 1000.

    Last night was my first night of real sleep. I had to get up twice to run to the bathroom..... Just in case... :rolleyes:

    I can't put my CPAP on though my chest just gets SO tight with air and I feel like I'm going to explode. I am going to talk to my dr. about that on Monday.

    One thing I'm worried about right now is that I think I'm getting a UTI. :w00t: I haven't had one in years but I drank 2 liters of Water today and I really am not peeing that much. Any thoughts? I called the dr. office today and didn't get a call back.

    And if my scale is right, I'm 17 lbs down. I'm not going to officially get happy about that until I see the dr. on Monday though.

  9. Hi all,

    I'm finally feeling well enough to post something. For the past few days people have been calling and emailing and I haven't been able to talk to anyone because I felt so nauseous.

    If you haven't gone out yet and bought your Gas X strips GO GET THEM!! My husband thought they were stupid, His words exactly... fart IF YOU HAVE TO, what do you need those things for? After my first restless night walking up and down the hall of my house I finally insisted at 5 AM that he go get them. My gas pain was SO bad my whole body was stiff.

    Also, I didn't have a preop diet prior to surgery and my last meal was supposed to have been Japanese food but ended up being a Hawaiian pizza w/Extra cheese.... another bad choice for the bowels.... :eek:

    Now that I'm just about over that... I feel good. Actually hungry today. My port incision kills when I sit or stand but other than that no pain right now. From the explanation my doctor gave they strap that baby right onto an abdominal muscle so if it is flabby and not used to being used, it is going to feel like crap afterwards until it realizes it really does have a job to do, then it takes it on and starts healing.

    Protein is my worst enemy right now as well, it was so easy to do before surgery... now it is like a chore.

    Does anyone else feel like they are constantly swallowing air now? every time I take a sip of anything I can feel the air going down with it and I dread that it has to come out the other side!!!:glare::blushing:

    Well that's my story.... for now.


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