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Everything posted by NancyRN

  1. NancyRN

    Online live lapband surgery TODAY

    Oops! I was so excited, I must not have noticed it was July 27, 2005! Thanks for the refs, both of you - I'll check them out.
  2. I read somewhere that we can see a lapband operation at www.onlinelive.com today at !:30 (not sure if EST or PST). Does anyone know anything about how to find this? I went to the site but it has multiple listings, none of which seemed to fit. NancyRN
  3. Diva, I was so touched by your post. I too have felt this way -- a lot of regret about what I've missed out on in life. Here are some ways to counter that feeling of being fat and stupid that helped me. I hope they might comfort you, too.:confused: 1. We've been brainwashed to believe that all we have to do to lose weight is to control our eating behavior. But, 95% of people who lose weight gain it all back. Why? Because obesity actually results from 3 things: genetics (which predispose us to gain weight), environment (all the junk food around us, etc.), and behavior (eating and exercise). When we gain weight, our hormone balance really gets out of whack. Many of us are always hungry. Why? Because fat people have an excess of the hormone that tells us we're hungry and a deficiency of the hormone that tells us we're full. And, the more a person loses weight, the more the body hangs on to every calorie that comes in. This information helped me understand that there were valid reasons why I'm obese. I can control only some of the factors that contribute to my obesity. That helped me feel less guilty about "doing it to myself". 2. I've always being hard on myself. A wise friend taught me this saying: "If I could have done better, I would have done better. Now that I know better, I'll do better." When I start beating myself up, I say this to myself and it really helps. It reminds me to treat myself with compassion. So much of our healing from obesity is more than just physical. We need to heal our spirits and souls, too.
  4. Amandap, Your first post asked for info about lapband and Roux-en-Y bypass (I think) -- I have some that may help you. A couple of weeks ago, Dr. C posted a link to an excellent article published just 6 months ago on complications of the two surgeries. I learned a lot of new information that would be valuable to consider when choosing between the two surgeries. Among the conclusions were that for both procedures, excess weight loss is almost identical 3 years out from surgery and 6 years out from surgery (so, at least in this group of patients, the statement that we often hear that gastric bypass results in more weight loss is not true.) I posted about this article in another thread and would like to share the info in it with you and others. I'm pretty new here. What's the proper Netiquette here? Put a copy of that post here, so people can read it easily? Or post just how to find on the site what I wrote ?
  5. NancyRN

    Do Not Feed The TROLLS

    Hey guys, what's a bump? This brings up a frustration for someone new to posting: terms and acronyms that more experienced posters use, that aren't defined anywhere that I know of. IMHO, it makes a newbie feel like an outsider. I haven't searched everywhere on this site. Do we have a thread that translates these terms and acronyms?
  6. warmmorningsun -- what a great name!
  7. You crack me up! :confused: I feel like my kids suck my brain daily, too (also DH sometimes!:rolleyes )
  8. Yes, I did -- thanks for catching that. Sometimes I think I have CRS (Can't Remember Sh*t!)
  9. Hi, I'm new to these forums. Recently I participated in a discussion on colon cleansing in the LapBand Support Forum (July 21 -- I think -- 2:07 PM). Some members were posting incorrect information made by colon-cleansing sellers to get people to buy their products. I wanted to counter those claims with scientific facts. I did not mean to flame anyone. Did I? (See posts 15, 18-21, 24-30) My posts engendered some heated responses, in which people posted I had jumped into the middle of a discussion (isn't that OK?), had an ax to grind, was an alarmist, etc. One post implied I was insisting I was correct, which is true -- our colons aren't lined with tar, Elvis didn't die with 60 pounds of tar inside him, etc.) I feel hurt about the thinly-veiled attacks. Was I flamed? (See posts 31-39.) What should I do about this? Drop out of the discussion? Ask not to be attacked personally? Apologize? NancyRN
  10. There's a great source of patient evaluations on www.lapbandtalk.com. There are evaluations of both surgeons and facilities. Since patients provide these, not all docs and places are there. If they are, however, you've hit a jackpot. I found out that my bariatric surgery center was excellent. Although all the surgeons were evaluated as excellent, I actually changed my first choice of surgeon based on that feedback. One patient wrote "On a scale of 1-10, he gets a 15." Very reassuring. NancyRN
  11. OK,so far we have votes for: Aerosoles Birkenstocks Born (Bjorn?) Clark's Crocs Dansko Naturalizer Propet Rockport SAS And I'll add: Lands End Mephisto Quarks I'm glad Poodles started this thread. I've been wearing Lands End clogs for years but need to find something cuter to go along with my body-to-be.
  12. NancyRN

    Fat Ladies Singing?

    I love to sing for fun. This mortifies my 11-year-old daughter. I have never liked the phrase "It ain't over til the fat lady sings." It's as offensive as saying "It ain't over til the maestro f*arts!"
  13. NancyRN

    What is your pirate name?

    I'm "Black Erin" too. Sounds like an Irish woman running around killing people. Especially funny in view of my screen name: NancyRN
  14. Isn't it funny? Not even the models look at good as the models! (Those in magazines vs. those in reality) I used to wonder how the models on magazine covers looked so impossibly gorgeous. Now, I know -- they don't. I remember a couple of years ago Jamie Lee Curtis did a magazine photo spread showing how she looked when she started out on a shoot (bags under eyes, flabby waist, etc.) and what she looked like after all the experts got done with her (gorgeous and trim). She did the spread because she didn't want people hoodwinked into thinking she looks in reality the way she looks in photos. NancyRN
  15. NancyRN

    Body Image After Lap Banding...

    Hi Rachel, I'm waiting to be accepted as a band candidate. My main motivation for the surgery is to live longer with a better quality of life, to "be there" for my 11-year-old daughter. I haven't thought too much about what I'll look like, probably because when I've lost weight before, my abdominal skin hung down like an apron -- yuk. I'm looking forward to the benefits of the surgery, because I'm like you -- short of breath climbing stairs, have withdrawn from things I used to do, etc. When I find myself thinking "OMG I'm so fat! I look awful!" etc. I now say to myself "Not for much longer!" Then I feel this sense of relief--I don't have to feel bad forever and am taking control of this problem. It makes sense to me that you might feel intimidated. This is a big life change, with a lot of specific postop unknowns. Are you by chance concerned that losing the weight will "uncover" problems you used to stuff down by overeating? I sure am. It's really great that we have a site of loving people to help us. We can post feelings like this anytime and know we'll find compassion and support. Nancy
  16. NancyRN

    colon cleanse?

    Hi Bettina, You posted "For the record Nancy...your website you posted for all to see is not scientific...somebody made a website based on articles written by other people..not scholarly at all. What were the doctor's credentials?? I know this sounds extremely rude on my part and I do apologize, but I feel I need to defend myself...no reason to slam me. I have no medical background, I was just relaying what I saw on the news." The article "Gastrointestinal Quackery: Colonics, Laxatives, and More", which appears on the Quackwatch site, is a scholarly article on a very professional site. Re "somebody made a website based on articles written by other people...not scholarly at all", it is common for scholarly health professionals to write articles listing others' articles as references, because they are building on the body of knowledge developed by those others. Doing so is a legitimate and respectful practice, expected by medical journals and universities. The references listed at the end of the article are from highly respected medical journals and the food and Drug Administration (FDA). Medical journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), and the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology do not publish articles from just anyone saying just anything. They use a peer-review system, in which experts in the field being written about check the article for accuracy and completeness before publication. The FDA warning letters are official publications from the national agency. Regarding "what are the doctor's credentials?", they are readily available on the website. Stephen Barrett, MD is the Vice President of the Board of Directors of The National Council Against Health Fraud. He has a long and distinguished career, having written over 50 books and won over 70 awards. He is a widely known and respected expert on health care fraud and has appeared on such shows as Today, Good Morning America, ABC PrimeTime, and CNN. The magazine "Time" published an article about him, in its January 12, 2006 issue. Bettina, I don't think you need to apologize for posting about the claims on the TV show you saw. I intended to counter the misinformation in the TV show by using scientific facts. I wasn't slamming you personally. And you're right that there is no reason to slam you. I don't think I did and I regret it if you took it that way. Nancy RN __________________
  17. Yeah, I hate the grocery store checkout, too. Have you noticed that every single magazine cover features a thin young white woman? (Maybe this is just in my area?) I feel so sad, knowing that young girls are being exposed to the message that being thin, young, and white is the most desirable way to be.:cry NancyRN
  18. This topic is showing up frequently enough that I suggest it become a forum: Over 50 (either age and/or BMI). Ideas for stickies or FAQs: preop checklist (I've integrated 3 of these lists myself and seen at least 2 more since then); complications -- In the complications section, could we post the following sticky? Or maybe put it in the FAQs? We get many, many questions in the forums about complications. (By the way, what's the distinction between a sticky and an FAQ?) Also, there's a fair amount of confusion in the forums about what's a complication and what isn't. Published complication rates vary depending on the institution and on how the surgeon defines complications. Inamed, for example, lists complications that add up to an 88% complication rate!! Enough to scare anyone away from getting a Lapband. There is an excellent article that I think needs to be posted on our site, at least in excerpt form. It was posted recently by Dr. C and compares complication rates for Lapband, Rous-en-Y (RYGB) and biliopancreatic diversion with or without duodenal switch (BPD +- DS). The citation is: Parikh, Manish and others: "Objective Comparison of Complications Resulting From Laparoscopic Bariatric Procedures," J Am Coll Surg [Journal of the American College of Surgeons], 2006, 202:252-261. Here's my summary: Parikh et al. have come up with a useful distinction between real complications (events that require diagnostic tests and/or therapeutic procedures to treat) and common postop occurrences that are annoying and troublesome, but are not as severe as complications. "Complications were distinguished from sequelae. Diarrhea, bloating, and gallstone formation were considered sequelae of the primary operations." They also use a standardized system of classifying complications, thus eliminating the common problem of different surgeons defining complications in different ways. Conclusions: "Total complication rates were 9% for LAGB, 23% for RYGB, and 25% for BPD +- DS...The LAGB group had a significantly lower incidence of organ resection/longterm disability and death (0.2% LAGB, 2.1% RYBG, and 4.6% BPD +-DS)...Bariatric operation complication rates range from 9% to 25%; very few complications are serious. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is the safest operation in terms of complication rate and severity when compared with laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or laparoscopic malabsorptive operations." People sometimes ask which surgery is more effective at excess-weight loss. "Recent data would suggest that at least at 3 years, outcomes are very similar for LAGB and the RYGB...Given that weight loss is very similar between LAGB and RYGB, and that there is a significant difference in complication rates, patient preference for the safest operation seems reasonable." This is very important information that doesn't really fit in the format of a discussion group post. Where could we put it? NancyRN P.S. Sounds like you've already figured out what should go in a sticky or FAQ in general, but I'm not sure whether you've decided regarding specific topics. I disagree that just letting some topics come to the top of the forums will be enough, because often earlier posts have more information or additional tips that could be included in a sticky or FAQ. If you need a volunteer to help you sort out the topics, I'd be happy to help.
  19. What the heck are FUPA and FLPA?
  20. NancyRN

    colon cleanse?

    A blog on colon cleansing, which is typical of these products, can be found at http://www.coloncleansingblog.com/. Be forewarned: the pictures on this site are disgusting. I've seen a lot of revolting things in my 32 years as a nurse, but these made me want to gag. They're supposed to be pictures of poop, but they don't resemble real poop. And, because they're so nauseating, no one is likely to look at these pictures closely. (Remember, just because a site claims something doesn't mean it's true.) They're meant to convince you that stuff like that actually is inside you, so you'll be sure to buy their product. In fact, they're probably feces mixed with the very Fiber in the colon cleansing product the person swallowed! To get a scientific view of colon cleansing, go to this site: http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/gastro.html. NancyRN
  21. I think part of the pleasure of oral sex is it allows you to play areound with domination/submission fantasies. For the giver, there's a feeling of "I've got you in my power! Lay back and enjoy it!" And for the receiver, "I can make you do anything!" Definitely adds to the fun. By the way, has anyone ever tried out a fantasy? How did it turn out? I tried being tied down (hands only) once. Although the fantasy can be a turnon, the reality wasn't. It was darned uncomfortable and I hated not being able to use my hands. NancyRN
  22. Re finding out his fantasies, how about snuggling up to him sometime and whispering in his ear, "Have you ever thought about trying ___?"
  23. NancyRN

    colon cleanse?

    Quote: "They showed the "tar" in your colon on the program..pretty yucky! Your colon is only about 2 1/2 inches in diameter, but with the yucky stuff some get to 9 inches in diameter. They said that when John Wayne died, he had 40 lbs of tar in his colon and Elvis had 60. They said the pressure from the ballooned colon can cause back pain, puts pressure on our internal organs and is really bad for us... So they say cleansing gets rid of the tar on the walls of our colon and cleans out blockages too." What garbage!! Just because "they" say it doesn't mean it's true! And who are "they" anyway? These ads typically contain testimonials (anyone can say anything, remember) and claims by bogus MDs who've done "clinical studies" -- but these studies never have been published in reputable medical journals. There is no tar in the bowel. The claims about John Wayne and Elvis are ridiculous. And a "ballooned colon as much as 9 inches"?! Colons don't "balloon" just because they've got fecal matter in them. It's true that you can develop blockages in your bowel, in very precise situations. One, called a bowel obstruction, is extremely serious and requires prompt surgery to save the bowel. Another occurs in the rectum, typically in an elderly patient who is weak and dehydrated and hasn't had a bowel movement in days. It's called a "fecal impaction". The only way to get it out is for a nurse to put a gloved finger up into the patient's rectum and break it up and force it out manually.:omg: Sounds gross? I've done it, more than once, and it is. If a "colon cleanse" could prevent bowel obstruction or fecal impaction, believe me, hospitals would be using it. But it doesn't. These claims are bogus. Wonder if what I'm saying is true? Ask your doctor. After he/she picks him/herself up from the floor and stops laughing, he/she will confirm what I've said. NancyRN
  24. NancyRN

    colon cleanse?

    Friends, I'm an RN and I have to tell you...you're being snookered. The stuff about tar in your colon, oxygen to clean out toxins, etc. is cr*p -- no scientific basis whatsoever. It sounds plausible, doesn't it? Especially the part about "tar" being stuck to your insides like crud that builds up in pipes and needs to be removed with Drano. But it is not true!! -- Just clever advertising using vivid images. Nothing gets "stuck to" the inside walls of your bowel or narrows the space for passage of fecal matter. You do not need to cleanse your colon unless you're going to have a diagnostic bowel test, such as a colonoscopy, or bowel surgery, and in those cases, the doctor would prescribe a reliable product for you to use. Colon hydrotherapy is nothing more than "enemas til clear", a medical term meaning using so much enema solution that all that returns from the rectum is clear Fluid. The only situations in which this is advisable are again bowel diagnostic tests or surgery, for patients who are hospitalized and so ill they can't wait the time necessary for oral pills or liquid to work. The various pills, powders, etc. are basically strong laxatives. They will cause you to empty the feces in your colon -- but you could accomplish the same thing much cheaper by taking mineral oil. The weight loss that results is only temporary. It occurs because fecal matter has a weight, so of course if you expel it, you will weigh less and feel lighter. Just because many stores sell a "colon cleanse" or a celebrity endorses it doesn't mean it's worthwhile. Testimonials and celebrity claims often are used to market dubious products. Save your money. NancyRN

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