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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vlynnfogg

  1. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Well, HELLO, to all of you... I see all of you are doing wonderful at your weight losses...I also see there are lots of new people since I last posted...WELCOME... I am doing good...almost to the point of getting to change my ticker, but not quite yet...Billy is doing good too...Went to the Kidney doctor the other day, and is KStone free (for now)...going to run some tests to see what he can do to prevent anymore...but, YOOOO, HOOO, no stones!!! Went to OKC with several colleagues to a Teacher Workshop for the week...very difficult when they want to go out to eat every night...but was good, because they all let me eat off their plates, so I didn't have to order anything, (didn't need much anyway, and kept me from eating too much)...We are a close-knit family, so they were willing to help make it easier for me...Went shopping and spent way too much money...but it was fun because they all wanted to help me shop for new clothes and things and really encouraged me to rethink how I dress and what would look good on me...(like jewelry)...It was fun!!! I recommend that for everyone...to find a group of friends to go hang out with for the day and help you shop and just have a good time enjoying being with great company... Learned a LOT about being a better teacher, too!!! Notice all of your tickers and seeing the HUGE gain you guys have made as far as weight loss from the last time I posted...WAY TO GO!!! I always drink lots of cranberry juice when I get a Kidney infection...it will help a lot...coffee helps too...that's what it sounds like to me too...Thinking of you and hoping that you are better soon...the burping and all is normal...so don't worry too much about that...just concentrate on the fever and stuff...let us know how you are doing... Lo2us...very proud of you and your success...hang in there girl...
  2. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hello and welcome to you TX and Sunlight... I am assuming from one of your posts that you are a man????...my husband had the band surgery April 18th...he began working in December on losing weight when I had my surgery done...since then he has lost about 55 lbs...he really only has about 20 more lbs to go...but he has done great...It has been the best thing he has ever done for himself...(he has been overweight ALL of his life)...Research, ask questions, get information...that is one thing you can do at first...get as much information as you can about what you are going to have done...so that you are comfortable about the procedure...and, us women on here like to talk and answer questions and share experiences, so feel free to ask away...LOL Sunlight...glad to see you on the road to a NEW YOU!!!!...Don't let anyone discourage you into NOT going through with this...It will be worth every bit... Lo2us...I am very proud to see you doing so well...Hooray for the weight loss too...don't worry too much about the mushies...they will go down fine and you will learn really quickly what your limits are going to be...just remember to eat SLOWLY and small bites....I DID eat cottage cheese during my mushies stage, 1% Milkfat, small curd...I made sure I mushed it up really good, though... Lisa and Sugarbear...I see you guys have added more loss to your tickers...HOORAY!!! SOOOO proud of you guys...I am sorta on a stand still and starting to get a little discouraged...actually I am eating less than I ever have, walking, and all, but just not moving on the scales...maybe it will hit all of a sudden and I will just disappear...LOL Anyway, no worries, I can be patient...:cry
  3. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hello ladies...just checking in with all of you... Sounds like all of you are doing so well...very proud of each one of you and your successes... Still having quite a bit of restriction...but, I seem to stay hungry all the time...I am wondering if it is because I really can't eat much when I do eat...Do you guys try to stay with the three meals a day or do you eat several small meals?...Right now, I can only eat about 3-4 bites at a meal and that is all...I just about can't get that down either...I also don't think I am drinking enough, so that may be why I feel hungry more often...Also, I don't think I am doing as well being at home over the summer break...at least at school, I didn't have access to the refrigerator or the cabinets, so I didn't have the munchies as much...sure has been hard to stay away from them being at home all day... Anyway...finished with Softball...Beth played ball till 3:30 A.M Sunday Morning...Talk about some tired girls (ages 10-12)...Our team made it to the finals, but lost by 1 run...then, because we had not lost yet (double elimination), we had to turn around a play the team again...they beat us 16-2 then...Our girls just couldn't go anymore...plus the pitcher hurt her foot really bad, so that didn't help either... I will be out all week next week...have a Great Expectations conference to go to in OKC all week, so it will be a while before I can get back on...I will take my laptop and maybe I can get on in the motel... Billy is doing good, kind of on a plateau right now with HIS losing...but still doing good... We all ought to think about setting a group goal (either a weekly goal or monthly goal) that we can all work toward...what do you guys think? Just a suggestion...I seem to work harder if I know I am being held accountable to my peers for it...Think about it and let me know>>>
  4. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hey girls (and guys if there are any)... Just got in from a ballgame...We are in tournament play right now...we play tomorrow morning @ 11, and then if we win, we will play again @ 5, and probably one more after that...then if we win all the way through, the final game is scheduled for 2:00 AM Sunday morning...NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT!!!! Billy is doing better for now...got him an apppointment for a week from this Tuesday at 8:00 am with a Dr. Roundtree in TXRKNA...He has really tried to stay hydrated well so perhaps it doesn't lodge again...They also gave him some stronger pain meds (vicodin w/ motrin)...also said he has some infection due to urine being backed up in his kidneys, so he is on some antibiotics, too...He is still doing good with the band, too... has lost a total of 55 lbs and has 1 fill...I keep telling him I don't think he is going to need another fill...but who knows... I am doing okay, I guess...definitely feeling the restriction...I don't seem to be able to eat very much with out getting that tight feeling in my chest...don't know if I am eating too fast, swallowing too hard, too big of a bite or what, but it's not been as easy as it was...I have lost a bit but I am not going to change my ticker again until I have reached my goal of 75 lbs lost...Hoping I can do this by the end of the summer...Tune in to see what happens I guess...LOL The best thing about getting to come to this site is getting the encouragement that you ladies give when a person is feeling discouraged and burned out about not losing...I enjoy that positiveness in all of you and the cheering you do for each one of us...It sure helps when you are feeling down and out about your loss or anything else that may be on our minds...THANKS!!! Check back in with you guys again soon...
  5. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hello everyone...still staying pretty busy these days...just haven't had time to stop and chat lately...still playing softball, still remodeling on the house, and still battling the K-stones...Spent yesterday in the ER in TXRKNA...hopefully will get to see a uroligist SOOOOONNNN, PLEASE!!!! Anyway...glad to see you on our side of the fence, Lo2us...I have had problems before like you had coming out from under anesthesia...I had ear surgery about 1 1/2 years ago and I sort of did the same thing...couldn't breath, woke up crying and gasping, vomiting and stomach upset, and uncontrollable diahrea...I think they may have given me too much or something...it was scary...and embarrasing... Proud of you doing so well...gas pains will hit about day 4 or so...be ready...sounds like you are doing wonderful though...hang in there... Lisa...I hate to hear you being discouraged...you have come a long way and I know it gets frustrating to stop losing, but you have to keep working on it...It is going to get better, it just may take a little while for it to get there...don't stop what you are doing... Glad to see you are doing good too, Sugarbear and Hippmom... Had my 3rd fill last Monday...definitely have the restriction...feels like my throat has a belt around it sometimes...just gotta learn to slow down more...Talk at you guys again soon...
  6. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I go to the meetings in Idabel...closer drive for me...maybe one time this summer I can come to one of you guys' meetings just so I can meet all of you...when are they again?...and where?...
  7. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Sugarbear...I have this feeling you are going to just start dropping weight like crazy soon...hang in there... Billy is doing fine...still has the Kidney stone, just hasn't had a flareup in a week or so...Since December (when he started working on his weight along side of me) he has lost about 50 lbs...Since surgery (Mid March?) He is down about 23 lbs...I am really proud of him...he is smaller now than he has ever been since I have known him...(We will be married 14 years in July)...Everyone we know just can't believe how well he is doing...I really don't think he even needs his first fill, but I am certain a second one will be questionable...He only likes about 20 lbs to be to his goal...go figure...
  8. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hi, Wish412... You are an inspiration to us all...Thanks... I have bought me a few new clothes lately, and needed a smaller size, but I have trouble with figuring out what size to get...I started at a 24, now I am down to an 18, and may could even go to a 16, but not brave enough to venture that far yet...I don't remember when I could buy clothes in the "teens" section...Its difficult for me to buy myself clothes...1. I don't like shopping for anything, much less try anything on...would rather just buy it, take it home, try it on, if it don't fit, take it back...2. Get discouraged if the size I thought I needed doesn't fit and I needed the bigger size...3. NOT a fashion sensible person...Therefore, I would rather be safe and buy the bigger size, so I am safe...MAKE SENSE?...How do I make myself get out of this habit?
  9. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hello ladies...sorry it has been a while since my last post...just been busy trying to play "catchup" on things around the house since school is out and all... Lisa...we are experiencing the "rain-outs" of ball, too...my daughter's team is suppose to play tomorrow night, but looks like a chance of rain, so who knows...we have had several of our games get rained out, too...We are 11-1...and the loss, we could have won, but they just didn't have their heads in the game...Beth (my daughter) is taking some batting lessons from a guy that I think is from Mt. Pleasant...Coach Allison?...We are suppose to come there Sunday and watch his team practice and then he is going to work with her some afterwards... Hang in there, Sugarbear...Billy and I go Monday for our fills...(definitely NOT skipping this one...)...I have only lost about 5 lbs since my last visit...not hungry, just not losing...what makes it REALLY hard to swallow is Billy losing like crazy...Men just have no mercy on us women...(guess I am kinda envious of him) LOL... Lo2us...be assured, we have all been where you are right now...we definitely understand the "cold feet"...I think you are making the right move...BUT, be prepared, where there are those who will encourage you, there are also those who will try to DIScourage you...Billy is dealing with that now at work...a few of his coworkers are giving him a hard time about how much he eats...they are saying "I sure have heard a lot of people having problems with that procedure you had done...MALNUTRITION... Is that all you can eat?...You can't get enough out of that little amount of food...etc..." He is good about coming back at 'em...but, they are out there...Hang in there...it is a simple procedure and is a small price to pay for a healthier, more enjoyable life...It's worth every dime to feel better physically and mentally...You just can't imagine the difference until you have been there...Do you mind me asking about how much you are needing to lose?...I had to lose 100 lbs...just to reach my personal goal...probably another 25-30 after that...I am already down 62 lbs since Dec 28th...not trying to boast, just wanting to let you know how quickly it has come off without really trying that hard...It would have taken me NEVER to lose that on my own...(I get discouraged easily...no PATIENCE whatsoever...and, I give up quickly when I don't see progress:nervous)...
  10. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Ladies....I understand the doubts...Lord knows I had lots of them before my surgery...Billy and I stayed up many nights discussing, contimplating, weighing the pros and cons, CRYING, nervous about whether this was the right decision or not, etc...I think if you don't have doubts, something is wrong...I have always thought that doubts are what makes us stronger people...we need to question everything that we do and experience so that we know what we are doing and how it is going to effect our lives...YOUR HUMAN>>> it's okay to doubt...BUT< don't let those doubts weigh so heavy that you make a mistake about what is best for you and your future as a healthy woman...This is NO DOUBT a hard journey for the first several weeks (pre-op diet, post-op diet, temptations, self-control)...but, what part of life isn't a hard journey...REMEMBER...God will only put on you what you can handle...You can do this and you will succeed...I had those doubts and what-if's...but 60 pounds later and 5 months...I don't even remember what those doubts were that I was so worried about anymore... Lots of love to you and best wishes...
  11. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hello all...well...ITS OVER....I have been SOOOO ready for school to be out this year...usually not this bad, but I have been so busy for two summers that I don't feel like I have had a break...I spent one summer getting my Master's Degree, then last summer, we went to Maine on vacation right after school was out for two weeks, then in early July for a week, I had to go to a week long Great Expectations conference, then in late July, went to Reno, NV for a Reading First Conference... Anyway...glad to not have much to have to do this summer...ready for the stay-home time... Lisa...I am soooo proud of you and the loss I am seeing on your ticker...good for you girl... Sugarbear...portion control is hard, but it works...you can do it.... Well, Billy is doing great...down from 290 to 240...although he lost quite a bit before his surgery he is doing good...of course, men always do better than us anyway...
  12. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    just a quick reply...getting ready for our Kindergarten graduation tonight, so been busy, busy, busy.... I can't make it if it is June 19th-22nd...Tues-Friday, I think...have a conference to go to for school in OKC...just let me know though when and where, and I will try to be there... Gotta go...talk to you again when things settle down more...
  13. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hello all...Billy is doing fine...Thanks for thinking about him... I am doing fine...haven't lost in a few weeks, which gets discouraging, but I know it's because I haven't worked as hard as I was...seems like life has gotten so busy that I can't keep myself in check like I need to (exercise, drinking the water, etc...)...I find myself forgetting to drink, and then with the rain, I haven't been able to walk like I need to either...I hope during summer break, I can get back into a good routine and do better...I am also needing that fill that I chose not to get last time...I am getting hungry quite often... It has been harder at school this week...It is Teacher Appreciation Week and some of the parents are bringing up all this good food each day for the teachers to snack and eat for lunch...such a weakness of mine is eating buffet style anywhere...I want a little of everything...and, by the time you get a spoon of this and that, there is way too much...so hard to deal with... I WILL SURVIVE!!!!! LOL:nervous
  14. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Well...guess where I spent my evening?...until 2 A.M. this morning?... In the ER...Billy has a Kidney Stone...was really sick and in LOTS of pain...anyone know of a good Urologist in TXRKANA...Let me know if you do... He's doing much better since he got some pain meds and phenegran...
  15. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Turtle is good...we are both in need of some new clothes...everything is getting way too big to even look half-way decent...I know it's a good problem, but not financially for two of us...LOL... Priss, two week post-op is nothing...actually Billy went with me to my last fill (which I didn't take), and they went ahead and checked his incisions (one week out) and made his next appointment for June 4th (same day as mine...) so really all they are looking at is to see if you are healing properly and there are no problems...I am glad you are sounding better...more energy sounds like... Would love to get together with all of you...Guess it's your baby now, Sugarbear...tell us when and where!!! Keep in mind I am driving from Idabel..(hour and 15 minute drive)...
  16. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Sorry to sound harsh...just want you to cherish EVERY success...even if it is water...LOL Don't mean to sound so wired either...school is just about to wear me out...I have two weeks left with my Kindergarten... Still trying to get down to the "ONE-sies"...just isn't getting there...YET!!! I am realizing, I probably should have gotten my 3rd fill, but oh well...will get it June 4th...
  17. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    LISA...QUIT SAYING IT"S JUST WATER!!!! Poundage is poundage!!!LOL You know that is how your body get's rid of the fat, through your urine...so it may actually be fat that you're losing not just water...Gotta give yourself credit, girl...I am proud of your 3 pounds... Sugarbear, sounds like a good idea...would love to get together with all of you and meet the people I have gotten cyberly close too these past few months...let me know!!! SOOOOO ready for school to be out...I think I will be more pumped about doing exercise and general dieting altogether when I am not preoccupied with my classroom and my youngn's... Gotta go...Congrats to you lo2us...can't wait for you to get banded...
  18. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hey girls...just a quick note to say "HI"!!... I am sorta jealous all of you getting the opportunity to meet face-to-face...makes me wanna come too...LOL Starting to wish I had gotten that third fill, now...not really extra hungry, but just teeter-tottering with the weight...Oh well...Life is still Good!!! Priss, glad to hear you are doing well...Billy is doing great...had to Iron 3 pairs of pants this morning for church, because they were all too big...couldn't find a pair he could wear that weren't so baggy on him...I am very proud of him...I told him he is looking like a turtle since he now has a neck...(he doesn't have much hair on his head..keeps it shaved short)... By the way...another lesson learned this week...don't sit in the sun at a softball game without a cap on your head...it will sunburn the top of your noggin...ouch!!!
  19. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Lisa, I didn't think your post sounded bad at all...I took it that you understood what I was talking about because of your own experiences...I appreciate your comments and ideas...it helps me a lot and I hope others, too...All of our experiences are share worthy and we need to be able to feel like we can share them with one another and learn from each other...that's how I work best, is with other people...and don't worry, I don't get offended very easily...LOL REMEMBER...your outside has to have a chance to catch up with your inside ...sounds like with you losing inches, that is what is happening...the scales ARE gonna start moving again...I just know it!!!! Sugarbear...I am glad you are thinking about things you might can try to help your loss...Portion is a BIG must...I know it's hard and it takes a lot of will to walk away with a small portion, but you can do it...Most of my bowls and plates have black lines marked on them where I took a sharpie and made me a portion size ring so that I would know how much to put on my plate or in my bowl for a 1/2 cup or 1 cup...that way when I fixed my plate for a meal, that is all I could have...I know it sounds silly, but the way I look at it, I am gonna do whatever it takes to help me stay accountable...my kids think it's funny!!! Keep in mind, I am a Kindergarten Teacher, so not much bothers me in the way of looking silly or being silly... Priss, hope all is going good with you...It took me about a week to feel like myself again...and even then, I was still a little run down...I still don't have a lot of energy and I am taking the vitamins, but my BP has been running a bit high lately, so I am wondering if that is my problem...AND, I stay stressed alot...I worry about everything, even things that I don't have control over...so THAT probably doesn't help either...LOL Hope to hear you're doing better!!!
  20. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    <p>Thats great Lisa...I am proud of you because you are continuing to work at it...I like the idea of reducing inches....That is what people can actually see rather than just take your word for it...GOOD FOR YOU!!!</p>
  21. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hi, ladies... I try to limit myself to the 1/2 cup per meal...but, I promise you it is NOT because that is all I can eat...I don't have much restriction either...I have to MAKE myself stop at that point...I certainly could eat more...but, when I finish, I make myself get up and go do something so that I don't sit there thinking "I want more than this"...I also don't fix more than I have to for my family and they have learned that is just how it's going to be...that way there are no leftovers for me to wish for...AND, I certainly don't do this everyday, either, I still fudge and I still have days that I eat more than the 1/2 cup and think "that was too much", but I compensate and don't eat much at the next meal...I do make sure, however, that I don't go over a cup of food...I sort of judge it by how hungry I really am whether I do the 1/2 or 1 cup... I don't want you guys to think I am at my "sweet spot", because I don't feel like I am...I am just trying to develop better food-conscious habits as I go that I can tolerate from now on and not feel like I am starving myself just to lose...I want to be healthy, not miserable Does this make sense???
  22. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Girls, please don't think I am trying to boast or brag about mine or Billy's losses and make you guys feel bad about not losing...I would hate that in the worst way if my loss makes YOU guys feel frustrated...I have been on that road before, I know how frustrating it is to think you should be losing and NADA....and since I didn't get a third fill, I will probably be at the road again soon...(Billy had a hand in that decision) What has helped me (besides having a spouse to do this with) is really watching my portions and keeping them to 1/2 cup per meal...I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but you will be surprised at how much you can go on so little...and not feel starved...I had decided a few weeks ago that I was really going to stick with it for a week and see what happened and that is when I lost 6 lbs in a week...you might try that for a week and see if it helps...oh, and I also really watched closely the number of carbs I was actually taking in...I tried to limit it to about 40 a day...I have also learned that walking is a big factor... So here is what I try to do... 1. 1/2 cup per meal 2. Don't eat after 5:00 pm 3. WALK (at least 1 mile) everyday!!! (this helps get rid of frustration, too) 4. Limit carbs to 40 g. a day Notice my list is small...I can't put on too many restrictions, cause I can't remember them all, therefore I try to keep it simple... This is what is working for me...hope it helps any of you BUT...above all, please don't get discouraged...you can do this...it takes time...I pray for each of you everyday, that God will give you the strength and the patience to follow through with this journey and that HE will guide you past any temptations to give-up or mess-up...Don't let temptation make you regret your decisions later!!! (My philosophy on everything!)
  23. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    HAPPY< HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUSAN!!!! I don't do well on Mondays, either, so it's not an age thing, I think it may be more of a "girl" thing... Well, went to Dr. H's today...didn't get a fill...opted out for now...I am losing okay with this one, so I decided I didn't want to get another fill because I want the motivation to keep working hard instead of thinking, well, I can just get another fill and lose more...I want my weight loss to be something I continue to work for, not take for granted...one day I hope to be on a maintenance program, so I need to learn now how to control everything on my own and not become too dependent on the band doing it for me...hope I haven't messed up... Billy doing great...actually has lost 40 lbs since mid-December... I can't let him get one up on me, so I have to keep working...
  24. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hello all...Billy is doing better, able to eat better (liquids, of course), but they don't seem to be getting hung anymore...Gas pain is getting the best of him, though...I laugh because when I had it, he was DR> "you need to walk more, if you will stir around it will feel better, etc..." NOW>>>it's "I can't walk it makes it hurt more, if I could just get some relief..." GO FIGURE!!! Lisa, HOORAY for your son...My daughter is playing Summer Softball...I really get into the game...I have to keep books for the team and so unfortunately, I get stuck with that and sometimes miss a play or something...she plays 2nd base and sometimes 1st...We are 5-0 right now, but we have played the easier teams so far, we play the top teams more toward the end of the season, so we haven't met our match yet...Good luck on another HOMERUN!!! Priss, glad to see you up and around...gas will hit about the third day...Billy has his in his lower stomach...mine was in my chest...Wish I had a cure for it, but all I know is to wait, it will get better!! Good luck on the road to a new you!!! Sugarbear, please don't get discouraged about your loss, it will pick up again, I promise...I had about 5 weeks or longer that I wasn't losing, even though I was doing everything the same as before, nothing seemed to be coming off, and then after my 2nd fill, it started back...I am thinking I am fixing to start again with the no-losing streak...but, I am more accepting of it if I can see it as a "body catching up with my loss" phase... HARD LESSON I'VE LEARNED: when I don't lose, and even if I gain a bit, I can always think back about the week of something that I haven't done, or haven't done enough of that could be causing me to not do as well as I had hoped (like not drinking enough water everyday, walking, fudged a little with the snacking, ate too much at a meal one time, etc..)...reality> I am really NOT doing EVERYTHING I can, so I can't make an excuse for my setback...I say this because when I went about a month and half w/out losing, I was quick to say, "I don't understand why I am not losing, I'm hardly eating at all"...I had to realize that my eating habits aren't the only thing that can change for me to lose the weight... Sorry to over-explain, teachers tend to do that sometimes...:nervous
  25. vlynnfogg

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hi Sugarbear, don't worry about your band, I don't think you have done anything to it...after the first fill, I began to NOT feel anything either, and I was to a point that I thought I had messed up too...I was about 2 weeks also, so I am really confident everything is fine...I was SOOOO ready for the 2nd fill because I was discouraged at not losing (went about 5-6 weeks w/out losing) and not feeling anything that would say I felt restriction...BUT, ...don't be surprised that the 2nd one won't end up the same way...you may get a good 3-4 weeks in before you feel NOTHING...it takes time... Haven't changed my ticker...I go back Monday for my 3rd fill so I am going to wait til then and see how I have done... Billy is doing fine, the gas pains have begun...Such a big Wus!! LOL Problem...he is having a hard time getting anything down...says it hangs in his chest and hurts...any suggestions...I keep telling him that all of the insides are probably still swollen and that it may take several days for things to relax enough that it won't hurt...but, it is starting to concern me...

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