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Cynthia J.

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Cynthia J.

  1. Hey guys. I guess I've been on the new band high and not really posting much lately. Everything is going ok. I got my staples taken out last Friday and he even gave me a 1cc fill. I was totally shocked. I don't feel any different since the fill. It's all tubing to port anyway I guess. I am getting in my 60 gms Protein a day. Today I wasn't hungry at all when I got up so just had coffee and then Water until lunch. Still wasn't hungry but had a Protein Drink and more water. I'm getting ready to walk on my treadmill and even if I'm not hungry I am going to make myself eat something. I have found I'm not really hungry during the day I tend to get hungry at night. But all in all I am doing good and feeling happy. I found out my new band was donated by the company. I'm grateful for that or I would have ended up bandless. There was no way to make the first one work. I am so glad he worked so hard and fixed me up.

    Angela I hope your allergic reaction clears up soon.

    It sounds like all of you guys are doing good too. I'll try to be better about posting. I have been exercising and playing with Wes in the evening and not be very loyal to all of you. I apologize.

  2. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Hi! Good luck on your surgery. I think how everyone feels is individual. I was originally banded 4/05. We found my band had slipped and I had surgery this week 8/23/06. My surgery took a little over 2 1/2hr this time. I had a lot of scar tissue and work for him. He ended up taking out my first band and putting in a new band. I stayed in the hospital that night because I'm a single Mom and I was pretty wiped out. I came home Thursday morning and have done fine. They gave me some pain med while I was in the hospital but I didn't even fill my script when I came home. I have rested some but I have cleaned house, done laundry, grocery shopped and walked on my treadmill since I have been home. I go back to work tomorrow. I'm not doing any heavy lifting and won't for a few weeks but I'm not really having much pain. In fact since I didn't have to have a new port put in my pain is much less than before. I just try to keep my attiude positive rest if I need to and keep on going. Best of luck to you! Don't overdue anything but don't stay to idle either. </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


  3. Hi guys it's me again. I just got done with 40minutes on the treadmill I've been dojng about 15 minutes twice a day for the last couple of days. I plan to do another 30 tonight. I forgot what that initial not hungry feeling was like when I first got my band. I have to make myself eat because I'm not hungry. Wes is watching me and making sure I do what I am suppose to. He helped me clean the house bathe the dog and get groceries yesterday. He takes on a lot of responsibility for an 11yr old. I am lucky to have him. I go back to work tomorrow and I think I'm ready I haven't taken any pain meds since I left the hospital on Thursday. I don't think I'm as sore as last time I think the incision from the port must have been the most uncomfortable. And my port was fine so I feel great. Well it's 12:40 and I'll I have had is Water today so I'm going to drink and Protein Drink and probably then go check in on my Dad. He got his ICD on Thursday. That's an internal difibrillator. I"ll check back later. I love you guys.

  4. ok the computer dumped me so I'm starting again. When Dr H called me this afternoon he said my band had slipped and tilted up on my esphogus. He couldn't get it torque back so he took it and gave me a smaller 10cc band. I thought the VG was but he said it is like cc. He said my fat pad had gotten so much smaller that I needed a smaller band. He said it was the most difficult case he had done. He did KUB and scopes during the procedure to make sure all was well. He said it took a little over 1/2 hours. I stayed at hssh Wed night and came home yesterday. I walked on my treamill for about 15 minutes last night and again today too. I'm sore and tired but I'm not taking any pain meds it doesn't hurt that much. They made me take it in the hospital though. I am so excited to get going again. I won't get a fill for weeks though.

    Cate I hope things are getting better for you..

    Thanks again to all of you. You guys are great.

  5. Hi guys it's me. I had surgery on Wednesday. It took him 2 1/2 hours. said I had a lot of scar tissure and he couldn't get my band fixed right so he took at the VG and put in the 10cc band. he did KUB's durging surgery and scoped my esphogus too. I'm so excited I am officially banded again. I'm kind of tired so I think for tonight.

  6. Cathy sorry to hear you lost your band but your outlook seems fantastic. I am having surgery to revise, fix or if they have to remove my band. I hope if it has to be removed and my dr can't fix it I get your attitude. I need to check on this forum more often because I keep wondering where to we go if we are unbanded. Part of me felt like I should not post anymore but the support and info on this site is fantastic. I wish you all the best. Hang in there.

  7. Sorry I ended suddenly heartland was calling to pre reg me for the 23rd.

    I am interested in other support groups too. I just feel loyal to Billie since she is sticking by me so much and helping me. I also feel that we are being made to feel like we don't belong and that isn't right. We have paid our money or insurance has and we have every right to be there. I just out of stubborness refuse to be chased away. We have done nothing wrong and if we leave it's like they win and we lose. But that is my personal opinion for whatever it is worth. I'll try to post more later tonight or this weekend and get caught up. I miss you guys I feel pretty out of the loop right now......

  8. Hey everyone! I've missed you lately I was busy with Wes's Bday last weekiend and then got sick this week. I worked Monday and most of Tuesday but with home with temp of 102 and was home til today. I had some gross flu couldn't seem to break the fever.

    Robyn congrats on your weight loss and your bandiversary! You are more of an inspiration to me than you'll ever know. I talked to a friend of mine that works at op reg she went to Mexico in June to have lap band because hca wouldn't cover her even though they say they do. She had every co-morbidity but CAD. She wants to sue her insurance since they wouldn't cover.

    Sounds like you are all doing good. I found out there is also a support group at the Johnson County Library The 2nd Tues of the Month at Shawnee Mission Parkway and Antioch. If we are still looking around some. I think I'll still go to SMMC though because I love Billie so much.

  9. HI guys! I talked to Roby last night and told her my appeal was denied again so I am going ahead and having surgery for fix or take out my band Aug 23rd. My Dad said he was going to give me the money and it was part of the money I would have gotten when he died but he wanted to give it to me now cause he'd know what I used it on and thought this was important. The lady from HR called me today and said that if he takes it out they will reimburse me for removal but to revise, fix or replace they will not.

    Robyn Thanks for listening to me last night for some reason I just wanted to talk to one of us. I hope you got some rest. After we got off the phone I starting to play with my dog a little since Wes wasn't home and my pager went off and I had to go back to work for a few hours. Then I couldn't get to sleep when I got home. It was hard to get up and come to work today. Hopefully we won't get called back tonight since I am on call again.

    Hope you guys have fun on Sunday but I think I need to spend some special time with Wes since Friday is his birthday. He spends a lot of weekends at my family's so I want him to have fun.

    Angela I hope your dog is continuing to get better. You and Diane are kind of cracking me up with the IL///OL stories.

  10. Hi guys! Just got home from work so I'm checking in. I had fun last night with you guys thanks for letting me bring Wes too. I had to let him play his game on the computer til 10:30 since he gave up his evening for me. I figured it was a fair trade. When I got home tonight I had another letter from my insurance company.. They denied everything again. It seems kind of wierd to me though because yesterday they said they hadn't recieved anything yet and the lady in H.R. said that she gets all those appeals too. So I'm not sure he is not giving me the whole story. I'll be checking into it on Monday though. My good news today was my boss that I don't like very much at all told us she is retiring in December. No one in the room said oh that's too bad or anything. Think she figured out we don't like her and are glad she is leaving? Well it looks like maybe I am being caddy so maybe I better stop.

    Angela I hope your dog gets to come home tomorrow.

  11. Hi guys I havent been on much lately I worked all weekend and have been so mad at insurance I hadn't posted. I found out Friday that my insurance isn't even covering my UGI series. I've got to appeal that now and my last fill 6/2/06 and my unfill weren't covered either. So I have that to appeal also. I still haven't heard anything about the surgery. Billie is trying but we haven't gotten very far yet. The thing that is the drag is I've started having more pain that worries Billie. But I'm about ready to forget the whole thing and just see what happens and leave the band alone. If I cant get insurance to pay for the UGI and those last 2 visits that's $1,000.00 there let alone surgery and then fills at 150.00 a pop to my band works. I just don't have $5,000 to $6,000 right now for all of this. I be at support Thursday night but doubt I'll go out any you guys have to much good happy stuff to Celebrate and selfishly I don't feel up to it right now. But looking forward to seeing all you skinny girls Thursday night. Well I think I'll take my cheery self off for now. I worked another 12 hour day today so I'm kind of grumpy tonight.

  12. Hi guys! I sure was glad to here from Cate and know that she is doing ok. I guess that's the Mom in me. My son isn't here tonight so I have all night to be on the computer and play. I emailed Billie today and told her I still keep getting that lump in my throat and like something is stuck in my esphogus and now I'm getting paranoid about everything. She said she thought I should just get some over the counter Prevacid and see if that helps. She thinks I'm just healing from the irritation that the band was probably causing. Did I tell you I told her the other day I needed to find out how much I'd have to pay if we can't get the insurance to cover and she gave me a figure that I could deal with. I don't know if that is something I should post so I can talk to you all privately about that.

    I could probably go out after support next week but before might be hard. I don't get off til 5pm and work and NKCH. But that doesn't mean you guys can't go. Maybe I can leave early if cases are done so I'll keep watching here to see where you are going and I'll show up if I can.

  13. Hi guys!!! Aug 6th would probably work for me depending on how early we get together. Wesley's birthday is the 4th and I'm having a sleepover for him and his friends Sat night. But I'd really like to get together. When are you leaving on vacation Robyn? Hope you have fun.

    doinit4me: Hi I am Cynthia. I think you would really like Angela a lot. She as well as the rest of them has been very supportive to me lately with all my complications with my band, my insurance, and my mental health. If it wasn't for the support I get from my support group I would be really wierd. I think we all enjoy meeting new people and sharing our experiences.

    Got to stop for now Wes wants the computer for awhile. Oh yea I am exercising again and have eaten healthy the last 2 days.

  14. I don't know you but I totally agree with you. You are working with her teaching her good eating habits and exercise to be healthy. They have no right to mess with a 5yr old mind. That is so unfair. Keep doing what your doing and tell her to ignore what other people tell her. Tell her she can always come to you and talk and she'll figure things out on her in time.

  15. Holli sorry your daughter had to have surgery but I'm glad she is doing ok. I have worked in hospitals for 28 yrs now and when I am visiting and not working I think they all smell funny and I get nauseated and feel really gross. Sometimes I get queasy when I go to support group. I don't know what it is. I ate bad this weekend but I am back on track today. I told one of the guys I work with I have to go back on my Atkins induction and he said he would help me. I'll check in again later.

  16. Hi guys! I haven't been on much lately. I have read some posts but hadn't written much. Robyn I think it'd be fun to do day of beauty for your one year celebration. Sorry eating didn't go so well on your trip Angela. I have done so so on my eating lately. Wes and I went to eat with my Dad this morning but I ate pretty good. Then I came home and cut the grass so I think I sweat off a few pounds. I am planning on making some bracelets and earrings this afternoon and that keeps my mind busy and I won't eat til I'm really hungry again. It's time I make jewelry again because that helps me a lot and people at work are asking for bracelets and ear rings again. Robyn when are you leaving on vacation? Holli are you leaving the end of July? Hopefully we will here something from insurance again soon. I won't be able to take any time off til after August 24th unless I just call in sick a couple of days. I sure am hoping we can get insurance to cover this revision or whatever. Well I'm off to the bead store I'll check in later.

  17. Hi guys! Got word from insurance they wouldn't cover and we couldn't appeal. Well we will show them. Billie called someone and got a name and phone # to call. She said she is going to keep after them. Billie said if they have a peer review Dr H. could talk to them. Hopefully we will hear something soon. Although I can't take any time off until after 8/21/06 because of vacations and another girl is off for plastic surgery until then. Angela I will take any recipes you have to offer. I am going to try and keep myself losing with or without the band. Robyn I'm glad your back I missed you and hope you are feeling better. I had a unfill on Monday I was feeling uncomfortable thought it would help but it hasn't helped much yet. Angela hope your business trip goes ok. I have been talking to my son and mines therapist lately and he is helping me mentally.

    Cate all the best to you and keep in touch. You are so cute and sweet I can't wait to see more pictures with less of you.

    Well I better go check if my next patient is ready for his cath. I'll check in tonight.

  18. Hi ladies! Well I am a liar I can't leave you guys alone. But I am not going to be a downer anymore. I went to see Dr H today and got unfilled. I was feeling some discomfort and felt like something stuck in my throat so we took everything out until we can get the surgery done. I am going to keep doing my part and when I get my band fixed it will do it's part. I will be watching my carbs as well and making myself exercise. I hope all of you are doing good. Is Robyn ok I haven't seen her on here lately?

  19. How can it be determined if your band slipped or placed in the wrong place to begin with? Also how do you file appeals with insurance that no longer covers the LBS. I had an UGI that shows band isn't where it should be but we aren't sure where it is. Dr states I need surgery to find out. But insurance company states they won't cover a revision.

  20. Angela, Holli, Cate, and Robyn I am so proud of all of you. 100lbs Angela in 6months WOW!!!! Cate is buying strapless bras now. Holli is getting smaller and smaller and Robyn is so great too with all she has been through. I have to admit I am jealous of you all but truly happy for you too. Ialso have to admit that today I emailed Billie and told her I don't really feel like I belong anywhere right now. I have a band that doesn't work so I don't feel like I belong to you banded guys and I don't feel like I got unbanded cause I know it's still there. Holli I definitely will carb detox with you if you'd like. I ate soooo bad last night and today. Tobe honest I have spent a lot of time crying the last 2 days. I know I'm kind of hard to relate too right now and if you guys want I'll back off of this website and leave you alone. Hopefully I'll still see all of you at the Support Meetings. I would truly understand and would appreciate your honesty on

    this subject. I will always think highly of all of you no matter what and I brag about the women I have met and how good you all have done. Have a great weekend.

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