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Cynthia J.

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cynthia J.

  1. Cynthia J.

    Down 2 feet!!

    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Cate you rock keep up the good work. I am so proud of you.</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  2. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi guys just wanted to tell you that I talked to Bille again this afternoon and she told me not to give up. We will file an appeal like you suggested Angela. She thinks that once they explain about my UGI that insurance will feel different about it. One of my friends at work said I should just go to the ER say I'm having terrible abdominal pain tell them I have a band. Then they'd do another UGI and maybe it'd get done as emergency surgery. I told her I'm not the desparate yet but I'd keep it mind. Billie and you guys are great I'll try to perk up a little bit more.
  3. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    hi guys! my computer dumped me last night sorry I just disappeared. I called Billie today to see if she had heard from insurance company yet. She hadn't so I called. Billie just hadn't gotten the letter yet. They won't cover my surgery. Right now I am totally depressed and bummed. I started crying when I told Billie. So I don't know when if whatever I can have anything done. Forgive me while I feel sorry for myself for a day or two. Then I will bounce back and deal with it all again. Thanks for being out there and caring.
  4. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hey guys it's me. What is the JQ's 11 pound challenge? Also since I'm looking stupid how do I put the ticker tape on my stuff? I can't type much tonight I managed to slam my finger with a hammer earlier once it quit bleeding I've been dealing with the lovely throbbing.
  5. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi Katt. My name is Cynthia I had LBS with Dr H last April. I wouldn't change my mind about him even though I have had an issue with my band. If anything I don't think I pushed very hard to find out if there was a problem with my band. I automatically wanted to blame myself. I personally haven't had issues post op with office staff. Whenever I let Dr H or Billie know I need to talk to them they give me their time and attention. I totally think he is a good choice. There are always complications one way or another and I don't think it's true if people say everything always goes smooth in other offices either. I have been back on my program high protein very few carbs the last couple of days I know I shouldn't have but I weighed this am and I've lost 3lbs. So I'll keep on going. I have an appointment tonight after work but I am planning on the treadmill when I get home. Maybe I'll check in later if my son lets me on the computer.
  6. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    It's me checking in for the day. I weighed myself this morning I have gained 8lbs. I weigh 229lbs. I check back in later my patient just got here.
  7. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hey girls it's me again. I am writing right now to let you guys know I have eaten like a pig the last 4 days. I am going to weigh in tomorrow and do one of those ticker tapes starting with what I weigh now. I can't let myself do this. Nothing is agreeing with me. I have found everything is running straight through me. As well as I am sooooooo mad at myself. I didn't eat over my step mom dying. But know I am sulking like a big baby over this issue with my band. I am going to check in with you guys daily to own up to what I am doing . I'm also asking you guys to call me on my excuses if I start in on them. I have got to exercise and eat right. Now and after surgery. I hope Holli and Robyn are doing ok. I'm going over to my sisters to drop Wes off because I have to work on Monday. And when I get back I am going to walk on my treadmill for 30 minutes. Please help me guys I don't want to be fat.
  8. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi Guys! Just wanted to check in. I hope you are doing ok Robyn and Holli. I have been thinking of both of you all day. I talked to Bille today and nothing has come back from my insurance company yet. But I'll keep hanging in there. I'll check in with you guys later.
  9. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hey guys! I didn't get a chance to really look on the site today and OMG. Robyn I feel so bad for all you have been through in the last 24 hours. This needs to be addressed. It is not right. I am livid for you. Good luck tomorrow and I will keep you in my thoughts. I'm so blown away right now I don't know what to say about anything. But again grateful you all are out there. Holli good luck to you tomorrow too. What is this sale on clothes you guys are talking about? Cate I may have to do the ticker tape thing you guys have suggested and I'll look for some pictures. Let me know if anyone needs anything this weekend. Robyn I'll check in with you this weekend.
  10. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi guys just checking for the day. Work wasn't that bad in some ways I got to leave at 4:00 instead of 5pm so that was a plus. My boss ask when I thought Dr H might do surgery and said she isn't sure if she can give me time off before September. So I lied like any good employee would and told her it's most likely have to to be in the next 4-6 wks. He was afraid that it may cause problems if it wasn't. I should be ashamed of myself but I'm not. She doesn't have to know the whole truth. I can't wait for Billie and him to get back so I can find out if she has heard anything from my insurance company. Wes (my son) and I ate steak tonight. I wasn't going to eat corn on the cob with him but to be honest I did and I ate a piece of garlic toast. Go ahead and yell at me. I know it's bad but it did taste good. I guess I'll be on the treadmill later. I am having a lot of trouble being good now that I know my band isn't where it should be. Any suggestions? I also drank Diet Pepsi and it didn't hurt like I thought it would. I'd like to say it didn't taste good but it did. I can' t wait to get this band issue fixed I'm starting to get thoughts of crazy thinking going on. I guess I'll have to use my A.A. thinking to help me again. Just for tonight I won't eat anything else bad. By the way I am a recovering alcoholic. It's been 19 years since I drank. But my eating is beginning to have the same behavior and feelings as I had when I drank.. Sorry I'm so wierd guys I'll stop for now.
  11. Cynthia J.

    Lapband Complications Summary

    What is erosion and how does this happen? How does the band slip also. He told me it was sutured in some I'm confused.
  12. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi to all. It's Wednesday am and I'm getting ready to leave for work. For some strange reason I feel good today. I hope all of you have a great day! Maybe I'll get lucky and we won't have a lot of cases and I can leave work early. I'd like to spend some time with my Dad. I can't imagine losing my spouse. He isn't the healthiest man either so I have to keep my eye on him. Anyway I know I say it alot but I do mean it you guys are really helping me stay focused and not give up. I feel better just having a connection to other people. I'll check in tonight to see what great meals you are all fixing.
  13. Cynthia J.

    I Reached My Goal !!!!!

    Congratulations!!!! I bet you are stoked. You will be another inspiration to me.
  14. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    If we are going to talk about getting things done at home. A friend of mine at has a Dad that does all kinds of repairs and after waiting for about 2 months he finally made it over to my house tonight and I think finally I might be getting my kitchen floor fixed and some electrical outlets and wiring done. I am so excited. I feel like I'm getting really old that the new washer and dryer I got last week and home repairs are the things I get excited about anymore. At least it gives me something besides my band or lack there of to think about.
  15. :omg: :heh: :help: :Cry: :blah: Ok enough of the faces I realy just wanted to try them out. Here is my problem. I had surgery 4/26/05. I have lost 50 some pounds. I lost 40lbs by the end of August. Then it has been very slow and never felt restriction. I go to support meetings and get down because everyone else is losing and looking great. I keep exercising and doing the best I can to eat right go in for fills.....Still no restriction. Finally my Dr. took most of the saline out and put it back in to make sure I didn't have a leak. He kept telling me to hang in there. Finally in May when I went in for another fill and after alot of support from members of my support group. I told him it had been a year and I was really upset. I know the band is a tool but my tool isn't working. So I was scheduled for and UGI series. Well I finally got it this week. Well it appears my band has moved. I'm glad that it's not my fault and I haven't messed things up but feel sad, mad you name it . I will have to have surgery so he can see whats going on and where my band really is. We are hoping insurance will cover this if not I don't know what I'll do. Has this happened to anyone else? How long did it take to find out? What did you feel like? I don't want my band removed I want it fixed and want to lose weight. Today I just feel overwhelmed and defeated. I know I can't let myself get down so I'm going to keep exercising and do my best to hold on. Let me know if anyone else is like me out there. This is one time I don't want to be unique.
  16. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    I'm loving looking at everyones pictures I don't have any because I have always hated having my picture taken. I think maybe I'll have to look for one and see if I can figure out to post them. Well my son wants back on the computer so my turn is over. Happy sleeping and Monday to all
  17. Cynthia J.

    Slip and a tough decision

    Angela I guess I really won't know til he gets in there if he can reposition, revise it somehow or if he'll have to take it out. I don't want to lose my band. But I won't risk my health. I did cut the grass tonight and walked on my treadmill instead of just eating. I don't mean to sound ungrateful for the weight I have lost. Sorry I'm being so wierd.
  18. Cynthia J.

    A Dr C question

    Dr C. Thanks for the input my Surgeon and I are talking I'm just curious and anxious . I appreciate your time.
  19. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Thanks you guys that helps me out a lot. You guys are my life savers right now.
  20. Cynthia J.

    A Dr C question

    Dr C. Not sure if you can answer my question or not. But you seem to be very helpful to others so I'll try. I had my band placed 4/26/05. I have had many fills approximately have had 14.5cc placed in my VG band. I have never been restricted. I can eat anything I want. I had ugi this week and it looks as though my band has slipped. I don't know that I have ever had any symptoms of a problem. I know I have a pretty high tolerance to pain maybe I have ignored problems. I was getting frustrated because I have really been working on it. Exercising and eating good. Not to say that I have never made a bad food choice. Did I miss something I should have noticed. Will it hurt me if my insurance will not cover for a revision to just leave the band wherever it is? I am just confused and frustrated. I would appreciate any info you can give me.
  21. Cynthia J.

    Slip and a tough decision

    Thanks to everyone's input I recently found out my band has slipped. I never really have had symptoms though. I have never had restriction either my surgery was 4/26/05 I have only lost 50 some pounds. I wondered what to do. I am waiting to see if my insurance will cover a revison. But as much as I don't want others to have complications I'm grateful I'm not alone and I haven't suffered as some of you have.
  22. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi girls! Hope everyone has had a good weekend. I have worked some but haven't gotten called in as much as usual. Cate your doing great I am really proud of you. You all are fantastic. Robyn no one could whine more than me this weekend. I wasn't going to exercise today either but seeing that you are I'll have to make myself get on my treadmill in a little bit. I have mad some bad food choices this weekend. Maybe I shouldn't know my band slipped because now I'm fighting the urge to eat bad cause I know it would go down. I do have a question though. Everyone uses all this abbreviations for things and I don't know what they are I finally figured out PB but what is LOL ?
  23. Cynthia J.

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I too ave been a slow loser. I finally got a little pushy with my Dr. and said I really feel like I had been doing things right but I have never had restriction (my surgery was 4/26/05). This week I had and Upper GI and found my band is not where it is suppose to be. So I'll need to have surgery to see what is going on. If you feel like you really are doing what you need to for the most part start checking to make sure your band doesn't have a leak or maybe it has slipped. I have lost 50 some pounds over the last year and know I can't give up. We just have to remember this is our tool. We have to work on all of our mind games we play. If we mess up just forgive yourself and move on. I just found this website and Im glad I have. Everyone hang in there we will make it.
  24. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi guys it's me again. I talked to Billie today and she said he looked at my films and isn't quite sure where my band is. He said it might have moved up but not sure the only way to tell is to do surgery. So Billie is sending a letter to my insurance to see if they will cover a revision or not. So hopefully they'll have an answer from the insurance company by the time they get back from California. Then if that goes ok I have to try and get some time off work. Right now my boss says I can't take any time til August or September. I may go crazy if I have to wait that long. I need to keep up with you guys to stay motivated. Sorry I missed out on whatever you girls did last night after group. It sounds like you guys had a great time. Thinking of lots of things to ask and write about. But after reading some earlier things tonight I'm a little scared to right now. Maybe I'll check back in tomorrow. I already know I have to go into work in the morning and do a couple of cases. Have a great weekend. Hopefully we will all have some fun.
  25. Cynthia J.

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Hi guys it's Cynthia from support group. I just want you all to know you are a great inspiration to me. I'm so jealous of all of you and I'm learning a lot what to hopefully expect someday if my band ever gets placed right. Hopefully my insurance will cooperate or I don't know what will happen. Robyn I hope all goes well with your surgery. I plan on checking in with you guys more often. Thanks for being out there. It helps a lot.

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