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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by travelgirl

  1. travelgirl

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I think if we did that, we might starve to death. Just like our resident "sucess story" who just posted another new thread saying that she's STILL losing too much weight. WAA WAA WAA.
  2. travelgirl

    Uncrushable Pills...What do you do ?

    Yeah, never cut, crush or chew ANY time release medicine, you end up getting all the medication at once instead of a small amount over time. If they're not large, you can probably just swallow them with no problem. I've only had trouble with pills one time, and that is because I took two at once. It was uncomfortable for a few minutes.
  3. That hurts to even think about. Having a cold right after surgery.....I sneezed the day after surgery, and HOLY COW. Good times.
  4. travelgirl


    Thanks, I'll have to try that. I like to have an orange once in a while!
  5. travelgirl

    Creamy Spinach Chicken Salad

    I use a lot of canned chicken now because it goes down easier than fresh chicken. Don't know why, but it does.
  6. Your best bet is to call your surgeon's office and let them know what's going on, and ask THEM your questions. I can't remember who it was, but someone on these boards said that their surgery was postponed due to her having a cold on the day of surgery. So, CALL THEM ASAP!
  7. travelgirl


    I'm going on the assumption that the op was referring to wanting to have that stuff after the post-op diet is finished, of course.
  8. travelgirl


    Hmm. I just had a big spinach salad with chopped up veggies and some canned chicken in it for lunch. No problems, here. In fact, you said you were told that the only fruit you can have is bananas, and ironically, that's one of the ones that gives me the most trouble. And citrus fruit, GOD, I can't chew orange pulp that long. Yuck. Salad and veggies (as long as they're not drowning in dressing) are good for you. As long as you don't have problems with them, I think they should be part of your banded diet, even after a fill, if they can be tolerated.
  9. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    Carly DID say during the results show a couple of weeks ago after she had worn a slinky black dress the night before that she had been wearing Spanx under that, and she could hardly breathe in them. Ryan Seacrest was talking over her, and I THOUGHT that's what I heard her say, so we backed it up (love my DVR) and paid closer attention, and YUP! So she's not as skinny as she looks sometimes. Don't we love shapewear??? LOL!
  10. travelgirl

    Baked Spaghetti Fake Out

    In case anyone is interested, I have a couple of recipes for Spaghetti Squash "hash browns". I gotta tell you, though, while I LIKED one of them and not so much on the other one, they're less like real hash browns than I'd have thought they'd be. If anyone is interested in these at all, pm me and I'll either post them or send them to you.
  11. travelgirl

    Water and Calories Question

    Ok, so now that a few days have gone by, has the scale gone back down yet?
  12. travelgirl

    Creamy Spinach Chicken Salad

    Oh, yum......... I was thinking this would make a great egg salad, too, chop up a little celery into it really fine, make it even crunchier... And just a dab of dijon mustard.. Dang, I'm drooling...
  13. travelgirl

    Creamy Spinach Chicken Salad

    I'm starting to think they need to re-package it and market it as a salad "dressing" like they do with the mayo based stuff. They're missing out on a big market for this!
  14. travelgirl

    American Idol '08

    I think I might be in love with Jason Castro. I mean, he's just so darn adorable! His eyes slay me. Blue eyes with those long long eyelashes, he just seems so sweet. He's probably not even my favorite SINGER this season, but I could just eat him up!
  15. travelgirl

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I set a new mini-goal today: I am going to be at 220 OR LESS by May 1.
  16. travelgirl

    I won the KJO Lifestyle Achievement Award!!!

    That's great! I voted for you, as a fellow Tallgrass girl, myself.
  17. travelgirl

    April 2008 Exercise Challenge

    Whew! 60 minutes down, 1290 to go! So far so good!
  18. travelgirl

    Creamy Spinach Chicken Salad

    Sadly, my DH hates spinach, so he won't eat it. On the upside of that, MORE FOR ME! LOL!
  19. travelgirl

    Packing for the hospital?

    Before you pop a lozenge of any kind after surgery, ASK first, they may not want you to do that, just in case you accidentally swallow it. :thumbup: That would be an awful thing to get stuck. Maybe get some throat spray instead, or the melt away strips.
  20. Oh, now that just trips my trigger. Next time kindly and gently remind them that you are well educated on your band rules, and really can do without the food police. If you need their help or suggestions, you're a big girl (no pun intended) and will ask for it. Otherwise, S.T.E.P. O.F.F.!!! Also, they'd probably mess their pants if they saw how much I could eat before I got good restriction. For crying out loud.
  21. travelgirl

    Packing for the hospital?

    LOL, that's something I think I would have forgotten.....
  22. travelgirl

    WTH???! 4 yr old weighs 10 pounds - mom charged

  23. travelgirl

    Packing for the hospital?

    Mine was outpatient, BUT... My sweet 12 year old niece gave me her favorite dolly of all time, that she was given the day she was born to keep me company when I went for surgery. I held onto that dolly (Sally) until they were ready to wheel me back to the OR, and then DH held onto her until I woke up. It was very sweet, and no one else has ever had even temporary custody of Sally, so that was very special to me, and gave me much comfort.
  24. travelgirl


    Nope, I'm a LONG ways from AZ, but I love to visit there! Welcome to LBT, though!
  25. LMAO! I stop suddenly, too. And I must get a certain look on my face, 'cause dh knows EVERY time what's happening, just by looking. And he can usually tell better than I can just by the look on my face whether I'm going to have to make a mad dash for the bathroom, or find an empty cup or other receptacle... HA! I must say that I *usually* stop in time, though, and I can just sit quietly and it will pass.

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