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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Scribby

  1. Scribby

    Quit smoking for before WLS?

    I admit I have been reluctant to post anything about smoking for fear of the bombardment of "you should quit" comments..sometimes I want to say "no shit"..haha. This thread gratefully has made me think its ok to talk about. I know I wont be smoking day of surgery and hopefully for days after, but the thought of them testing me for smoking has me a little wigged out. How do you know if they will? My doc hasnt said anything about it, in fact I have had to ask anything I want to know about my upcoming surgery. To be frank, I am in day 2 of all liquids and smoking is keeping me from ripping someones head off ! HAHA..I will get the patch and tomorrow I am having a phone interview from a nurse at the hospital that I am getting banded at. I will ask her if thats ok and when I should remove it before surgery. I admit I am even scared to mention smoking, but I can quit for as long as they need me to to make sure the surgery goes through... so again, how did you guys know if you were going to be tested? Did they just spring it on you like a suprise or were you warned? Also, is it your surgeon testing or people at the hospital? Thanks!!
  2. Scribby

    Observations on Castro and Cuban-Americans

    I dont think they see it as "dishonorable" to be a citizen of the US, but being unable to go to the country that thier family is from probably fuels the desire to go back even more. I am unable to understand this being an American, but little do they realize that Castros brother is a tyrant as well. How can someone possibly appreciate what this country has to offer if they havent seen the poverty where they came from with thier own eyes? I also do not believe that as soon as he dies, it will magicaly open the gate for people to come and go as they please in Cuba. But, let them rejoice at the possibility of the dictator that they have known to have a stronghold on what family they do have there as well as the lives of the current citizens, dying. I respect any immigrant who wanted to leave the suppression of a dictatorship and LEAGALLY came here to contribute to our society. We as Americans usually take these liberties for granted as most of us have no concept of what its like to have no rights. Thats until Bush was elected..umm..whoops, did I say that outloud? My bad..
  3. Scribby

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    God, I am freaking out for all you first week bandsters!! I know I will be a mess next week! Today is my first day of liquids and it blows..I am starving! Well, off to eat my broth Good luck ladies!!!
  4. Scribby

    where is everyone???

    Hey Paul...nice knowing your local! I have heard great things about Eric. How do you like the office? I have had some issues with the admin part of it, but so far the doc's been nice.
  5. Scribby

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Well, tonight is my last meal before the all liquid diet for a week!! Starting to really wigg out now!! I cant beleive how close it is!!! WOW
  6. Scribby

    My first fill

    Haha, Im a tattoo'd girl myself (4) but pass out giving blood for the red cross! I do it anyway because I figured the people who need it are in much worse shape then me!!
  7. Scribby

    My first fill

    Thanks so much for the pics and the details!! It really helps when I think I know what to expect. Awesome, so glad to hear it didnt hurt!!
  8. Scribby

    What will you do with your underwear??

    Wow, I have always been the leader of the itty bitty titty comitee...I am a B cup! Try finding a B cup for someone who is 288 pounds! Its tough! They think if your a big girl that you have big cans, well, not I. I was a C cup in high school! WTF?? As I got fatter my boobs got smaller!!! So lame..Big boobs are much cuter then a big gut..boo hiss!
  9. Scribby

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    wow, I am extremly jelous of all of you that can eat ANYTHING on your pre op!! I have one week of only liquids starting on wednesday..man, I started to flip out at the grocery store today buying broths and all! ACK! Im hope the excitment will help with the hell that is not eating!! I am really getting antsy which I think is the combo of nervous and excited at the same time..Im also still in a bit of disbelief that its really happening after taking a year to get approved! You guys have been great, its so nice to wigg out with someone!!
  10. Scribby

    Dog-how long alone during day?

    I have a bulldog that snoozes on the couch all day long..he actually looks irratated to be woken up sometimes. Totally choose a chilled out breed if he/she will be home alone all day..otherwise they will find something to do on thier own!!
  11. Scribby

    My surgery how it went!!!!

    Thanks so much for telling us how it went! I am exactly 2 weeks from being banded and I appreciate all the details!!! Great story!! Angie
  12. Scribby

    Weird thing happened

    I am being banded on the 9th and pretty much only plan on being in the hospital for 3-4 hours. Doc said an hour for surgery, couple hour recovery, if I can drink and am not in a lot of pain, I can go home. I live 10 min from the hospital, so my own bed is more comfy. My insurance actually only would approve it for outpatient which is 23 hours there or less. So, I could spend the night if I have issues, but obviously were not planning on any..
  13. Scribby

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    August is just around the corner ladies! I start my liquid pre-op in a week, so this is my last weekend of eating as I have known it for 30 years..thank God, cause thats how I got to be big as a house! I do have to admit, I am hoping to eat a couple of my favorite foods this weekend that may give me problems..I havent been 'last suppering' too bad, so I am excitred about having some treats!! Anyone else starting to freak out a little??
  14. Scribby

    Aug. 8th is the big day

    Day before mine! Good luck!! Im scared too!! Angie
  15. Scribby

    Turning thirty.....

    Whatever..turning 30 sucked...I did it in December..I also vowed not to be fat when I hit 30, but because it took me a year to get approved from insurance, I am not getting banded until the 9th. I know exactly how you feel. I felt like I had wasted my 20's being fat and miserable and there was no way I was going to spend my 30's that way..well, now I have changed my goal to I wont be 31 and fat..hahahaha... Its ok to think it sucked, the only people who tell you not worry about it are people older then you! Thirty is ok if you are where/doing /looking like you had thought you would. Well, as unrealistic as it is, I am not, so I got very down with it. Trust me on this though...after like 4 months, you stop thinking about it so much. At least your doing something now..better late then never!!
  16. Night in jail, thats freakin' hilarious!!! ROFL! :roll:
  17. I dont think Lizziegrace is totally out there with the checking. Although I would really hope my man would never cheat, he is a man and isnt able to think with an erection. Sorry if offended any of the men out there! I am not paranoid with my man, but I do check up occasionally. I refuse to be a person blindsided by cheating. Both of my parents cheated on each other. My man and I got together before his marriage was officially over (even though it was sooo over way before meeting me) so I do not think it would never happen to me. Nieve (sp?) is never going to be a word uttered under someones breath about me. We were both in dead end, awful, abusive (for me) relationships and were friends for the longest time. It blossemd into more and he is the love of my life. The good thing now is that the former wife and I are on great terms, and with the kids at our house 1/2 the time (joint custody) its a team in raising two boys. But, I would never be suprised if any man ( I say any, not pointing fingers at my man!) said they cheated. Even thinking you know where they are all the time, they get very creative. Unfortunatly the internet makes people a little too tempted sometimes. I had a freidn who saw her hubby's provile on match.com!!! Can you imagine?? I told my man, if I ever caught his ass cheating I would burn all his shit in the parking lot! there would be no working it out, just get what stuff you dont want torched and get out! Umm...not trying to sound psycho!
  18. Scribby

    miserable and need support

    Hey Kimmason! I am being banded on the 9th! You need to join the August band crew!! Were all venting about the preo op diets, eating everything in site and how excited/scared we are!! At least you get yougurt! I get only low carb Clear liquids..boo! Its normal to mourn the loss of not only a bad relationship with a man, but also with food. You have used food for support when the man in your life wasnt there for you. Its scary for all of us who have either used food for comfort, to Celebrate, to reconnect with friends or just because we like to eat. Its big changes and I can see where adding another would be extra scary! Its ok to be afraid, but its not ok for someone to neglect you. Put on the big britches and tell yourself that you are ridding yourself off everything that has weighed you down, including that sack on the couch. Its your year and anyone who is not ok with the choices you have made can learn to deal with it. Come on girl! We have all been there done that. I left an abusive relationship after 5 years without a dollar in my pocket and that day I learned what independence felt like for the first time. Now I have one more abusive realtionship to get rid of and thats food. Well, August 9th, I'm putting on the big britches (with elastic of course..hehe) and saying goodbye to something thats killing me from the inside out, just like that man I walked out on. Angie
  19. Scribby

    where is everyone???

    I am not sure..never asked..but heres his info, give the office a call! I know his fills are 150 though. I havent been banded yet (the 9th) so I dont know how much my insurance will pay of that. Pinnar Surgical Dr. Robert Pinnar Dr. Eric Pinnar 1850 A- Town Center Parkway Suite 301 Reston, VA 20191 703-709-9701 Its a father son practice..the father (Robert) is my doc..the office is actually connected to Reston Hospital so its very conveinent! Let me know what they say!
  20. Scribby

    Scar Treatments

    I would def like to hear more about it Miper...I am being banded on the 9th and would like to start scar treatment asap. My dermo also has given me cortisone injestions in my scars to flatten them out before..it works really well but wouldnt mind trying something new. Is this a product I can get somewhere other then a Dr? Thanks guys for doing this thread...
  21. Scribby

    where is everyone???

    I live in Sterling and am getting banded at Reston Hospital. Good luck Aloha!
  22. Scribby


    Oh and btw, I was more scared of being denied then the actual surgery! I was like "sugery will be a breeze compare with the bs I have gone through with the insurance company!!"
  23. Scribby


    Trust me, I was denied three times and just got approved after a year..you have to be patient and fiesty. Dont give up if you are denied..its just a run around most of the time. I got denied for some stupid reasons more then once. Dont be afraid!
  24. Scribby


    Hi, Im Angie..I live in Northern Virginia about 20 min outside of DC. I live with my bf and 1/2 the time with his 2 boys. I have a porky bulldog named Tyson who takes care of the need for my own children. I am an assistant property manager for 7 commercial office buildings in Reston, VA. My surgery is August 9th. I weigh 288, am 5'8 and will be 31 in December. My fantasy goal is 164 but would be ok with 185..so somewhere in between. Been fat since birth, so have a lot to look forward to. I have a degree in Pastry and cooking so that didnt help! "Never trust a skinny chef" was always my motto..not anymore dammit! Its taken a year to get approved through insurance..bastards..but at least that parts done!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
