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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Scribby

  1. Scribby

    lap band

    I saw Dr. Robert Pinnar (the father, Eric is his son) and I love him. I am going for my first fill today! I would reccomend him anytime!
  2. My doc charges about 17k I think for self payers...I had insurance pay for it, but thats the price I hear. From what I have been reading the most important thing is to make sure that if you choose to save some money and go to Mexico, make sure you have a doc local to do fills..my doc wont do any fills for patients he didnt do the surgery on.. Good luck!
  3. I think its just fine to be christian, just not being one, I dont like it being tossed into our government. I understand the whole "what our country was based on" theory, its just our country was also based on religous persecution, slavery, genocide and a million other things that people would like to forget. I am one of the ones that does not want a statue of the ten comandments in a court building or school. I dont think it belongs there. Our country was founded because people were escaping religous persacution and seperation of church and state...so what happend? Why is it ok for Christians rule the roost when it comes to moral high ground? It gets pretty old for those of us with different morals to hear a president like Bush preach about morals when I see him as nothing but a hippocrite. If he and his daddy would get their greedy hands out of the Saudis pockets then maybe I would have about an ounce of respect for him. Sorry to rant!! Not meaning to offend! I work with some born agains who think their opinion is the only one to have. These are poeple who in my opinion didnt turn to God until they had liven a life that needed forgivness..full of lying and cheating. It gets to be a bit much at work. One of them wanted to start a ministry orphanage over seas and while I was praising him for reaching out, asked who was over there teaching about birth control and self esteem to the young teenage mothers who abanonded their children...you would have thought I threw pigs blood on him!!
  4. Scribby

    What, if anything, do you collect?

    Handbags for me...I also have a shoe fetish even though I dont wear most. I prob have 25 to 30 pair that have never been worn. I just like having them. I love Kate Spade, so most of the bags are the cutest things ever.
  5. Scribby

    ABC September Chat

    I am so wowed by all of you that have restriction with no fill...I go for my first one tomorrow and thank god, cause I can eat as much as before surgery. I havent gained or lost, just stuck at 18 pounds. Not that I am complaining mind you, just excited to get the scale moving. I have a 9cc band so he said with the larger one, I have lots of room with no fill...umm great So, the good news is that if I dont feel restriciton after the first one, I can call two weeks later and have one. I guess with the larger band it will take a few..
  6. How about this one...I live outside of DC, so there is no escaping politics. I was raised mormon, my dad is a lifelong NRA member, pro lifer die hard republican. My mother voted for Bush because he was "cute" (thre up in my mouth a little even typing that) and I am about as liberable as they come being a pro-choice, agnostic democrat. We just dont discuss politics with the family....
  7. they think that the combo of meds he was taking could have shut down his central nervous system..thats one theroy of course..
  8. Scribby

    LA Weight Loss and Insurance

    my insurance wouldnt accept WW,medifast or any diet other with a Pcp. I had to do it for 6 months
  9. Im into it too...well, Howard was the third person in the room and I cant possibly see him harming her child, sooo really anxiuos to see what the cause of death was!
  10. I dont have anything to add either because I am still laughing my ass off thinking of why in the world somone would need to "cut half thier dick off"....
  11. Scribby

    The Break up....

    I broke up with a bf of 5 years once. I can say that I dont know how much of it was mourning the loss of my partner or mourning the loss of a life I thought I would have. I thought my future was already laid out for me and then it was gone. Take the time to mourn. Dont feel like a boob for being upset, confused, disoriented and sad. The grieving process needs to happen in order for you to move on properly, If you just swallow it down and try to quickly it will come out sooner or later. I knew he was not the man for me, but it hurt jsut the same. I felk like I failed and was frightend on being on my own. Of course it was the best thing that happend to me in the long run. I learned so much about myself..how strong I am, how to live for myself and not always another person and what I really wanted in a man. The independance I learned helped me in my current relationship by ensuring that I wasnt going to be this co-dependant emotional wreck I was in my first relationship. Because I was confidant, I found a man that embraces that. It sucks for you right now. Its ok to take it all in and and wonder if it will all be ok. Everyone telling you that you will be fine dosent cut it. You need to figure it out on your own. That process is priceless. I remeber the first time, a few months later that the lightbulb went off and I said outloud "Im going to be ok". A deep sigh, some tears and a margarita or two, or four later and I felt liuke a new person. Excited at the person I was becoming. That new person was a stranger..someone who wasnt going to take abuse from another man ever again. I liked her! Good luck..I really hope you figure it out and they are the right choices for you!!
  12. Scribby

    Pre-surgery Testing

    I did a barium swallow, psych eval, 6 month pcp diet before insurance approval, then after approval I had to do all my pre-op blood tests and ekg.
  13. Scribby

    ABC September Chat

    my very first mushie meal was refried beans..I was dying for a burritto for weeks, so I was thrilled to eat them. I added a dollop of sour cream and guac and a tad of taco sauce...dear god was it good
  14. Scribby

    Movie Recommendations?

    see Little Miss Sunshine..funny and laid back, perfect for a date
  15. Scribby

    ABC September Chat

    I went 6 days after post op. I was just eating liquids so figured things would progress naturally...
  16. Scribby

    Co-worker oddballs? Nightmares? Dreams come true?

    the owner of my company is whack. He is the genius but cant tie his shoes type. He is worth 47 mill yet wears the same dirty clothes everyday. On more then one occasion I have seen his balls. The last time was when he was wearing a pair of sweatpants that looked like he had squirrles living in the crotch since 1978. He looks at porn on his computer and doesnt care if you walk in, walks around farting without even acknowloging that anything happend, owns an internet dating site where he is the ONLY guy on it (gee, wonder if he gets any dates), has an aprtment in our building that he brings ugly chics too, we have had compalints about him pissing in the parking lot as well as being naked from changing his clothes, eats like a total pig but only has 4% body fat, if your eating something he wats he just takes it from you in mid bite, smells awful, went to Harvard yet has no cclue how to use the postage machine, throws tantrums and kicks and hit things like the copier...hmmm will have to think of a couple more....
  17. Scribby

    ABC September Chat

    There are def different sizes of bands. I have the bigger one (11 I think) and I know there is like a size 9. I dont understand it all.
  18. Scribby

    ABC September Chat

    Well, got my first fill scheduled for the 26th! So happy since I am in a serious lull with losing!
  19. Scribby

    Newly Banded

    For about a week afterwards my breathing was a little tight when taking in a deep breath. Almost like a long day swimming at the beach. Is this what yours feels like??
  20. Scribby

    ABC September Chat

    Well, its been since the 9th and I am happy to say the painful gas in my should left me finally about a week ago. It was a good two weeks of some of the worst pain ever. I also have stalled on the weight loss, but I am pretty much ok with it cause I am just happy to be eating food! My Doc does first fills 6 weeks afterwards so I guess I have about 2 1/2 -3 weeks. Looking forward to it actually. I am burp queen. I have NEVER had this much gas in my chest after eating or drinking in my life..I wonder if this will be a new thing or go away eventually. I hope to drop 10 pounds this month but without getting a fill until mid September, that may be pushing it.
  21. Scribby

    I need party ideas Please!

    ROFL...I was queen of the slumber party when I was a young girl. It always involved horror movies (children of the corn! Yikes!!), prank calling boys houses (before caller ID obviously!) and giggling until the wee hours. *Sigh* What memories! I think the ideas you have are great. I never went to any that actually had an activity to do. Just junk food and hair braiding. I dont have any ideas but man did rememebring those times make me feel good! Thanks!
  22. Scribby

    What do you drive?

    I drive a 1985 Jeep Grand Wagoneer with wood panels...yep a woody, even have Got wood on the license plate. Got her off Ebay a couple years ago..were a Jeep family..dear boyfriend has a 1979 cj7 he is restoring that we go 4 wheeling in..its HUGE. His daily driver is a benz, but his passion is that Jeep!
  23. Scribby

    God hates shrimp

    These people are the most rediculous things I have ever seen. Maybe they should spend some time paying attention to thier own lives and not whether or not I'm going to Long John Silvers!
  24. Scribby

    What kind of pets?

    We have a bulldog named Tyson. He farts, snores, drools and is the cutest thing I have ever seen. He turned 4 on Monday. I hope to get him a bulldog sister maybe next year.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
