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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by emjay

  1. emjay

    Can my goals be achieved?

    After I looked up a lbs to kgs converter to see what your expectations are, I will be frank with you and say it seems a little aggressive to me. IMO, don't expect to lose too much the first 4-6 weeks after being banded. You are healing, have swelling and most of your weight loss during that period will be of your own doing and not the band. You can lose weight without restriction, but many people stay and same weight or even gain a few lbs until the first fill. For me, it took until my fourth fill to get proper restriction and that was almost 4 months after my surgery. I lost weight each month, but it was a combination of changing what I ate and more activity. The more you lose, the slower your weight loss will more than likely be. If you increase your activity, strictly eat healthy foods and watch your calories, and increase your activity as your weight loss slows, you will have the greatest chance of success. (Sounds like a diet doesn't it?). It's very hard to have a finite time frame to lose weight with the band, because everyone reacts differently to it. Best of luck to you.
  2. I have lost: - From my highest weight, the equivalent of my good friend Jesse (5'3" - about 104 lbs). - My fear that the seatbelt on the plane won't fit. - That I won't be able to go anywhere (like an amusement park) that I can't fit into the seat. - A lot of "matronly" clothes that I used to think looked good on me (what?) - The uneasiness of seeing someone I haven't seen in awhile and wondering what they think I look like. - A heck of alot of self-loathing. - The pain in my right knee. - A reason why I didn't want to go to the gym (for fear people would wonder what I'm doing there because it wasn't working for me). What a vicious cycle. Not wanting to go for the very reason you should! - Disapproving looks and comments. - The fear of getting older.
  3. Hungry for me is the growling I get every morning before I start drinking my Protein shake. Since it takes me all morning to drink it, I'm rarely hungry once I begin. It's the same as the previous poster...raw, gnawing ache for something, but not really a craving. More like a need. I too am a clock watcher. I know what times of the day I'm likely to get hungry. About 9:30 pm until bedtime is the worst.
  4. Feel the band? No..just the port. But, that being said, when you are tight, you can tell. It does not hurt, it's more of a feeling that you are going to need to eat really slow and maybe eat softer foods to have less trouble. It feels like a tightness in your stomach, but physically feeling the band, no you can't.
  5. emjay

    Screwing Up

    Yes - don't compare yourself to everyone else's journey. This is your experience. Some people lose it very slow and some seem to lose it fast. I know it's hard, my sister was banded 10 days before me and I have to resist asking her how much she's lost so far. As long as the scale is moving in the right direction, be pleased with your progress. You haven't mentioned if you feel you are at your sweet spot yet. If not, keep getting your fills until you get there. If you can't get your head back in the game, then it may be time to speak with a therapist that specializes in eating disorders, or quite possible Overeaters Anonymous. Just because we have a band now doesn't mean our head will allow us to do all the right things. As alot of people have said, the mental part is the hardest to tackle. Good luck to you!
  6. I'm assuming you had surgery on 09/24 and not 10/24. Anyway, it sounds like to me you had an allergic reaction to medication and that the problems you have experienced are not caused by the band but by the meds given to you. It really sucks that you've had such an awful experience so far, but it does and it will get better. After the soreness and any gas pains are over (band issues), healed, and filled, you will be off and running and all this will hopefully be a distant memory. Make sure to keep your doctor informed of what you are going through. They need to be aware of what is going on. Especially if you start getting sick again.
  7. tke100 - This is a tried and true method from my sister...she swears by it and it worked for me. Drink an 8 oz glass of Sunsweet Plumsmart Light for Digestive Health (only 60 calories). It's like Drano for humans. Sure to knock the barnacles of the pipes. My husband gave me a 16 oz glass of it last night when I complained about constipation. About 2 hours later...problem solved. I know, I know...no "liquid" calories. But man if you are constipated, I'd drink a milkshake if it brought relief! Anyway, I like the idea of using something that more like food and not medicine/drugs. The label says to drink an 8 oz glass 4-5 times a week for a "great digestive health routine". I just know it worked for me. I'm going to keep some onhand from now one.
  8. My medical alert charm says "Lap Band, No NG without scope"
  9. emjay

    Lump At Bottom of Throat

    I experience that feeling in the base of my throat also. It seems to go away after awhile. Usually when I'm eating or have been drinking fluids. Especially cold liquids. I stop whatever I'm doing at the time and let it resolve itself with a burp or weird gurgle and then I take another bite or sip. I think in my case it's usually trapped air or my last bite of food.
  10. emjay

    How did you pick your goal weight?

    I chose a goal weight of 150 lbs. About 6 years ago, I was able to get down to 164 lbs and felt like if I lost 10-15 more lbs. I would have been great. It also is right in the middle of what is considered normal BMI for my height of 5'7". That would put me into a comfortable size 10, maybe an 8 with any luck. Honestly though, if I was able to get down to 164 again, I'd be really happy.
  11. Try warm liquids and see if they help. Also, you can try to chew up a couple of Motrin children's chewables (2-3) and see if that helps with the inflammation. For soft foods, cottage cheese, yogurt...things like that. Concentrate on eating very slowly (1 minute or 2 between small bites), and see if that helps. Some people get tighter a few weeks after a fill...not right away. Others are tight during certain times of the month, and for some, it's just fickle with no known reason why they are tight. Try a few of the things above, and remember to not gulp liquids, sip. I can only take about 3 small sips/gulps of liquid at a time, and the best is room temperature. Not that I like it that way, it's just the best way to get liquids down for me. If that doesn't work, you need to get a slight unfill. Sounds like you are very close to your sweet spot and could have just a titch too much. A few drops make a world of difference. Good luck!
  12. emjay

    Help anyone

    Worst part for me too. It took about 6 weeks for mine to completely go away. A moist heating pad was my best friend. And get active...walk, walk, walk!
  13. Calling all bandsters in the northern Miami Valley in Ohio...my physician's office is trying to get started a support group for us "up north" who may be interested in getting together for mutual support. We are looking to meet the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm. More than likely the meeting places will be in Mercer, Auglaize, Darke or Shelby counties. The support group is open to anyone who is banded or contemplating getting banded for information, support and to share their experiences. If you are interested in attending, please send me a private message for more information. Thanks!! emjay
  14. Thanks plain for the advice - I will do!
  15. Calling all bandsters in the northern Miami Valley in Ohio...my physician's office is trying to get started a support group for us "up north" who may be interested in getting together for mutual support. We are looking to meet the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm. More than likely the meeting places will be in Mercer, Auglaize, Darke or Shelby counties. The support group is open to anyone who is banded or contemplating getting banded for information, support and to share their experiences. If you are interested in attending, please send me a private message for more information. Thanks!! Mary Jo
  16. emjay

    Bunny Check-in

    Still here - pretty happy with loss so far, just never seems fast enough. Hormones get in the way. Had the first "stuck" episode last week, don't care to have one again...absolutely horrible! I have tight days a few times a month and gurgle alot when drinking fluids and after eating. But overall, I am so pleased that the weight is coming off. Much better than having to rely on willpower alone! How are all the other bunnies doing? Check in please!
  17. emjay

    Tell me why you love your band.

    Hi Angie - I love my band because it will help me live a better life. My goal is for my weight to be a non-issue anymore. I want to quit obsessing about it, feeling like I'm the fat one, hearing 'oh she has such a pretty face', and feeling like my weight has been the cause of so many reasons why I held back from doing the things I've wanted to do in my life. My band also reminds me to eat like everyone should eat all the time. Consciously! Taking the time to eat, eating slowly, taking smaller bites, chewing well, and listening to your body when it's full. It also has dampened any cravings I have. For the most part, I don't really crave anything, but I try to stay away from sugar-laden, or refined carbohydrates. Not all the time, but as a rule. My band allows me to enjoy the foods I want to eat, just in smaller portions and be satisfied. Some of the my inconveniences I've experienced are the gurgling in my throat, sliming when I don't pay attention to what my body is telling me to take it slow and chew well, and sometimes the feeling that I have a burp that just won't come out because there is food on top of it. But I am willing to put up with the minor stuff if it means I will have a better quality of life and blend in to the rest of the universe. I want to concentrate on other things in my life besides my weight. And I don't want my weight to be my excuse for not doing the things I've always wanted to do.
  18. emjay

    I am finally in Onederland!

    I'm right there with you Greytz! Most days I'm in onederland, pudgy days not so much. The weight loss is definitely slowing down, going to have to boost the workout a bit more. I'm more of a 16/18 right now with XL on the top. But hey, we have something to celebrate! Yeah! Congrats to you!
  19. I've never really share it before, or told anybody about it, but here goes... Jo's lap band weight loss journey
  20. Ahh the dastardly band! It surrounds the stomach with it's evil and insidious lair! Damn near squeezes the weight right off of those who dare! It's amazing how ignorant people even get published. They'll make their buck anyway they can and they just assume that we haven't tried everything under the sun before reaching the decision to have it done. I'd love to tell her - lady, it's not what you see that causes the problem, it's what you don't see. If we were able to control our appetites, emotions, genetics and have great willpower, doesn't she think we would have done that a long time ago?
  21. emjay

    I am doing this for me.

    For every pb, sliming episode or tight day..."I'm doing this for me".
  22. emjay

    How Do You Dress?

    Bambam - you are my mirror image right now in size! I too am picky when it comes to clothes now. I don't mind paying more if it's quality items that are "classic" pieces that mix and match well. My biggest piece of advice is don't go "hog wild" right now...especially if you're still losing weight! Those clothes will be all too big soon enough! And remember to find someone that can do alterations inexpensively - because there is nothing that can make a person look so much better than something that fits them correctly, and that means pants and sleeve length too. It's hard not to want to go overboard - I love to shop! But, this is not the size I want to stay. Luckily, I kept alot of my skinnier jeans and dress pants from 6 years ago (that still have tags on). Pick a few items that will update your wardrobe and will coordinate with what you already have. And yes, I love Stacy and Clinton too!
  23. I tend to gurgle alot...especially when I'm having a tight day or right after eating. I'll even make noises when I'm talking! My nurse calls them the Chewbacca sounds. It seemed to start after my last fill. It is more of a minor nuisance than anything.
  24. I notice that I can make my band feel instantly tight by drinking ice Water or very cold beverage. I've asked this question of my doctor's office but never really got an answer as to why this happens. I know many people have problems with cold liquids or foods. Any of the nurses out there or experienced bandsters have an answer? Is it a stomach or esophageal spasm or something else? I can drink it cold, but have to do so very slowly. So how about it? Or just provide your theory...
  25. Never - as in feeling like you're having a heart attack and incredible pain? Never...:mad2:

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