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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by emjay

  1. Thanks Band Groupie. Got a .1 cc unfill today. Feeling much better. We'll see if that took care of the reflux. Had a barium swallow and he said there was a mild dilation due to me being too tight. I was amazed at how instantly I felt better!
  2. Bella - I just took a look at your Avatar and realized we have the same picture with old Hef! Mine was on my blog until just a few weeks ago. He's still looking the same!
  3. How I'm doing...19 lbs away from goal, 5 lbs from my mini-goal of being where I was when I met my DH, so that makes it 6 lbs from being the lowest weight since high school. It is so close I can almost taste it! But tomorrow I'm getting a slight unfill due to acid reflux at night. I know it's more important keep healthy than get to goal, so I will sacrifice some of the rapid weight loss for being able to sleep all night. Keep on truckin' everyone! :biggrin:
  4. emjay

    I'm still at a loss...

    Cat - Just make sure if you choose to add a fiber supplement to your Protein shake to increase your fluids throughout the day. Otherwise, you could make yourself more constipated by not getting enough fluids/water in your diet. I don't think it's a great idea to live on Protein shakes, I have 1 daily in the morning just because I don't particularly like to eat Breakfast and it gets about 1/2 my protein out of the way for the day. You should try and get your protein and nutrients from the foods that you eat and not necessarily all supplements. I know your anxious to lose weight - it never comes off fast enough! But be firm with your doctor's office and don't allow them to make you feel like you aren't doing your part. I didn't like to hear that your missed your appointment because of how they made you feel. That is not a good relationship with your physician's office and I would certainly let them know that. Maybe that approach works for some of the patients, but I guarantee it doesn't for everyone. If I felt like I was being put down and not trying I would be hesitant to go back too. Good luck and keep trying. It is a slow process, but hopefully one you will only have to go through once!
  5. Honestly for some unethical doc's - that may be the reason. I like to think it has more to do with the fact that some people are very sensitive to fills, myself included. It seems like I have a bit of swelling every time I get a fill, or it may take 3 weeks out to get my restriction. Either way, my doc is 75 miles away, so I don't like to be traveling down there for an unfill if I don't have to. Better to be safe than sorry when getting fills. There are too many problems that can surface when you are overfilled.
  6. I would be very leery about going for the sheer fact the medical care right now down there is nil. If you get sick, physically sick and irritate your band to the point that you can't drink or eat, you will be in a world of hurt with no one to help you. Forget about finding a lap band doc - much less any doc that will be able to come to your aid. IF you decide to chance it and go, please make sure that any Water you drink is sanitary (bottled if you can) and any food you eat is also. Talk to your band doc about going and see if there are any shots he recommends before you go and ask him/her for tips. Hate to be dramatic but it could be a matter of life and death for you. I know it sounds like I'm discouraging you from going, but you do have to be aware that you are special concerns that may not be able to be addressed if you get down there and have problems. Your compassion is commendable.
  7. emjay

    please help with blockage

    You also didn't mention if you have been constipated. You really need to make sure you are able to take in fluids - so important to keeping your bowels moving. If you are, try some stool softeners, or even suppositories if you are in that much pain and think that is the problem. Believe me, it "ain't much fun"!
  8. emjay

    please help with blockage

    I'm not sure when you were banded, or if you have lost a lot of weight since then, but sometimes when your gall bladder is acting up you can get what is called "referred pain" - which basically means that your pain can be in a different location than where you actual gall bladder is. I've heard of people saying their pain was in the middle of their back, or their shoulder or chest area. Just a thought. But I would definitely call my doc and tell him about the pain.
  9. emjay

    I'm still at a loss...

    Cat - It does sound like you need more of a fill. If all I ate was 3 oz at a time I would normally be hungry too. I measure my food occasionally and I would say I can eat around 6-7 oz of food at a meal - but that also depends on what it is. Every sweet spot is different. Even though many of their patients are at their sweet spot at your level doesn't mean you are. You should not be hungry for at least 3-4 hours after a meal. Remember to eat the recommended level of Protein for you and that should help with your hunger. Also you may want to up your Fiber intake which also helps you feel full longer. I actually put in 2 Tbsp of Benefiber in my Protein shake every morning. Takes me about 2 - 2 1/2 hours to drink it, but I'm usually not hungry until around 2pm in the afternoon. In my opinion, everyone's band experience is somewhat unique. You will know when you begin to feel restriction. Keep getting your fills until you get to your sweet spot and don't let your doctor talk you out of it. You should not have to feel like your dieting your way through this experience to lose weight. Just try to eat healthier, get enough protein, up your fiber intake and drink enough fluids to keep everything "going". Best of luck to you!
  10. I'm around 9 months out and my port is now very close to my skin. It doesn't stick out, but it is really hard. It doesn't bother me except right now I have some port pain (I know why) and so it's a little tender in that area. Otherwise, be lucky your doc's office doesn't have to root around and try to find it for a fill.
  11. Okay JayTee - break it down. 30 lbs in 6 months = 5 lbs per month - a little over 1 lb per week average. You can do it! Now you have a time limit on your goal it should help to motivate you to get moving. Good luck and keep checking in.
  12. I have told my family, a few close friends and some co-workers. I really don't tell casual acquaintances who ask direct questions about it if I feel that they are only asking to make conversation or gossip. Being from a small town - you pretty much have an idea of who they are. It's amazing to me how direct some people who you aren't particularly close to can be - like how much have you lost? What size are you in now? How much do you weigh now? How much more do you want to lose? Really! I would never dream of asking those questions! My parents are already judgemental when it comes to my weight and always have been. But now, it's "you really don't need to lose any more weight" instead of "you really should try and lose some weight". I can't win for losing (no pun intended) when it comes to their satisfaction. But that's another chapter. Looking back would I have done anything different? Probably not. My dearest friends don't really mention it that often and when they do are always complimentary and respect my boundaries. My family is my family and I don't wish to keep secrets from them. I don't like feeling like I'm lying by omission when I don't tell people who ask about my weight loss about my surgery, but sometimes you just don't want to open yourself up to all the other questions that come along with it. The people that I want to know - know, and the people that I feel I could help if they asked I would tell, but for those who are just curious and would find it a nice tidbit of gossip to spread around - no thanks. I don't want or need the snide remarks and judgements of those who don't "get it". Am I ashamed? No. In fact, I would stand up at any weight loss support group and gladly tell those who are having the same struggles about the success I have had and the wonderful journey it has been. But my struggles with weight have been a huge part of my life and have made me feel like a failure, even though I've achieved alot in my life. So I guess part of it is that I don't really want to talk about my weight so much since it does remind me of how it made me feel when I didn't have control over my weight. (If that makes sense). It is a personal decision for everyone...so to each his or her own. Sorry for the rant...
  13. Sounds like too much too fast. I wouldn't worry about it. Just slow it down. I can't take any more than 3 sips at a time without sliming. It's like the band has a built-in mechanism to tell you when you shouldn't be doing something.
  14. I'm sure you will do okay. The first couple of months are hard if you have no restriction. You're pretty much on your own in trying to lose the weight during that period. Keep getting your fills until you feel restriction, follow the band rules, and really try to eat healthier and get active. Your band will help you, but you also have to work with it to get the best results. Sounds like dieting I know, but in the beginning it is really the best way to get a head start in the process until your doc gets you at the correct restriction.
  15. Generally, if you're self pay because of a WLS exclusion in your plan, then any complications due to that surgery would also be excluded. Not always, but as a rule I would say more often than not with healthcare costs out of control. Self-funded plans, especially when moving to a new administrator, will be asked if they want to pay for complications related to an excluded procedure, and most say they do not want to pay for them.
  16. It's nice to see you all have a sense of humor about it! It is no fun for sure, but it will make you realize really quick that whatever you did was a big no-no! Good luck to all!
  17. I would be surprised if you could flip a port because of something you ate. Just too big of a bite most likely. Some have said they have instant chest pain if they take too big of a bite. Yours may just settle in that spot. I wouldn't worry about it - especially if you don't have any more pain.
  18. emjay

    Digital scale

    I do use a scale often at home. It reinforces my idea of what a proper portion should be. It also helps me know if I'm able to eat more than I should - so I use it as a gauge more than anything.
  19. emjay

    Just a Thank you :)

    Thanks Just-Ice! What a compliment to us bandsters! You are going to have an amazing experience when you get banded! It's incredible what a little piece of silicone can you to change your life! Best of luck to you!
  20. I prefer to think of it as a change in eating habits. So I guess you can way "way of life". I am more conscious of what I put in my mouth since the volume we eat is so much less. I still enjoy some "treats" like pizza, desserts, occasional snacks, etc. But just not near as much in quantity as before. Does the scale reflect it when I eat poorly? You bet! So I am for eating healthier and allow myself to enjoy other things when we socialize. Do I feel deprived? Not really. I remember reading a definition of insanity that has stuck with me since this journey began - To do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. That has helped me make some adjustments to my life and my mindset.
  21. I have to respectfully disagree that you can't feel full. I think it varies for everyone. Personally, the feeling of full is pretty much the same as it was before surgery. So in that repect I am different from Happy2Lose. Please don't fret about not feeling satisfied. That shouldn't be a factor for anyone who is at the proper restriction. Best of luck on your progress!
  22. emjay

    What should my goald weight be?

    I don't think your goal is unreasonable...your numbers are very similar to mine. I'm 5'7" and my goal is 150, and am currently at 183 lbs. I weighed 164 lbs about 7 years ago and felt like it I would lose another 15 at the time I would be right where I want to be. So I'm shooting for 150 at 45 years old, and that should be both of us in the middle of the normal BMI range. But, that being said, I'm not going to kill myself to get there. This is a journey to me, but not a prison, and I follow the rules quite well, however, I don't deprive myself either...I just don't eat much of the stuff that we shouldn't be eating, or not that often. If you are eating healthier, exercising and trying to follow the band rules, then you should migrate to the weight that is right for you in how your live your life. I guess it depends on if that number is one you can live with.
  23. I handle the medical benefits for our company and went to a seminar in September on Medical Tourism. The speaker said that medical devices do not cost the same for every country. So to confuse the issue, if you got the band in another country, the cost may vary.
  24. emjay

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    I officially made my goal today...Friday the 13th to boot! Doing the happy dance! See you all for the New Year's and Valentine's Day challenges!
  25. I'm really happy for you....congratulations. You will be on your way in no time!

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