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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by emjay

  1. emjay

    Anyone watching....

    I don't plan on watching her show. Saw the previews and I thought she made and utter fool of herself. And she seems to be doing it for the money/fame. I used to really like her, but classy is not what comes to mind when I see her.
  2. emjay


    Thoughts before surgery. I admitted to myself that I couldn't do it alone after failing time and time again on various diets, losing hundreds of lbs over the years and gaining them all back. I realized how silly it was to do the same thing over and over again and not beat the demons. Frankly, I didn't want to end up with the same health issues that plague both sides of my family. If I could get 10 more QUALITY years of life by getting a lap band and have my weight no longer be an issue in my life, then I could focus on other things that are important to me. I no longer wanted to have an excuse not to do something because of my weight. I am at a point right now that I don't care what people think about lap-band surgery. It worked for me. If they don't think it's a good idea, they can keep their opinions to themselves. Let them walk in my shoes the last 25 years and see if they would feel any different. I saw the responses to the article about the coach Rex Ryan about him having surgery recently and the ignorance of people continues to amaze me. They don't get it. If losing weight and being able to keep it off on your own were easy, there would be more than a 5% success rate. Knowing what I know now, I would have done it 20 years ago if it were available and common.
  3. No flouroscopies for fills with me either...only to check band placement. The nurse and doc are great about hitting the port the first time, every time. No pain, no problem. Both make you drink a small cup of Water to make sure you are able to get fluids down and suggest staying in the area for a few hours if possible to make sure all is okay in case of swelling. I have had 2 - .1 cc unfills, but only after about 4-6 weeks after a fill. My fills tend not to kick in until about 3 weeks later, then I find I may be a titch too tight. Right now, perfect! Some docs seem to require them, but depending on the experience of the practitioner and you individual history with fills and their expertise, it seems like each time may be a little overkill. Just my opinion. I guess it depends if you have to shell out $$ everytime you get a flouro or not.
  4. I am pretty close also - 9 lbs. I plan on eating another snack during the day like yogurt or cheese, but pretty much eating the same way I am right now. If you (and I, I guess) still continue to lose weight, then I would personally go and get a titch bit of an unfill. The key will be to find the happy medium where you are comfortable and able to eat enough to sustain your weight but not too much. Best of luck reaching your goal! The hard part might be trying to stay there, but what an accomplishment to reach the goal!
  5. After only 2 weeks you are most likely of mushy or soft foods. As long as you are able to get your protein in, at least 1000 calories and drink the recommended amounts of water, I really don't think you need to worry. Just enjoy it! It will slow down soon enough.
  6. My "a-ha" moment was when I had once again went on a diet and lost 70 lbs, then proceeded to gain back 30, lose 30, gain 30, lost 30 then gained 20 back again. All this after I had lost (and gained) over 350 lbs in the past 25 years. It was just "enough" when I realized that I needed more help than just willpower. I thought "this is just nuts, you need help or your going to end up with the same health issues as your parents". Sick of dieting, sick of no-carb, low-carb, low-fat and counting calories...I really thought this was my last chance as getting my life back. For all the issues the band can cause, I still think it was the best decision I ever made besides marrying my hubby!
  7. Last time I weighed my current weight was in high school. Only 13 lbs away from my goal, but every lb from now on is a bonus! Surpassed my mini-goal this morning; rounding third and heading for home. Hasn't been easy, but well worth the effort.
  8. Go to www.5daypouchtest.com. You don't have to buy anything, the principles of it on on their website. I basically cut and pasted a cheat sheet to stick in my purse. It has helped me alot break the cycle of snacking.
  9. It helped me that my husband and I both motivate each other. I used to have alot of pain in my knee, but ever since I routinely workout on the elliptical, the pain is gone (except going up steps). I could only do about 2 minutes starting out, but now I'm up to 30 and only because my legs start to feel like noodles. I can't say I like exercise, but I like feeling like I'm taking care of myself and that I'm worth it. I see the results and I like what I see. My arms will never look tight and muscular, but they do have some tone now and that helps. I think it changes the way I carry myself and how I feel about myself. And I definitely don't get tired anymore working out. So, I view it as a necessary evil. But an exercise buddy really helps on those days where you feel like a sloth.
  10. I'm not sure how long you've been banded, but the first 3-4 months were the hardest part for me. It took some time to get my head in the game and I still waiver occasionally, but I try to keep focused on the goal. Try to harness your self-indulgence by allowing yourself only 1 treat a day, or completely take yourself out of the equation by not even going into a breakroom and an area where there are treats. Don't keep things you can't have in the house. Hard to do when you have a family, but perhaps put foods you can't have in a specific area. Take it day by day, minute by minute if you have to. I am currently doing a self-imposed 5-day pouch test to try and break my snacking behavior of late. And it's working. My focus is back and I feel better. Sometimes just a different approach can get you to change your mindset. The best thing I can tell you to do is take yourself out of the environment when something tempts you. Whether it's in the house, at work, or running errands. Try and remember why you did this and what your goals are, whether it's being feeling better, getting stronger, losing weight, resolving medical issues. Try and put down exactly all the reasons you did this and why it's important to you. It's hard, I'm not going to lie to you. But it does seem to get better. Please remember that you have a bunch of people on here willing to help you however they can. This forum is a great source of support. But if you also have a support group in the area, please check it out. It does help to talk to people face to face who "get it".
  11. emjay

    Powerade Zero

    I just found this last week. I like the fact that when we go somewhere and pack a cooler, I can drink something from a can instead of always having to pack Water. LOVE IT! :thumbdown:
  12. MrsBerggren - you may need to have your thyroid levels checked again. Mine would fluctuate quite a bit every 3 months when I was having trouble getting mine regulated. It could very well be out of whack, especially after a year or 2.
  13. emjay

    Protein Shots

    I'm going to try it. Be great to stick in your purse when you're on the go.
  14. My theory as to why people who have had other types of WLS are unsupportive is that they probably don't want to feel like their decision to have the type of surgery they did was perhaps the wrong choice. After all the information people sift through to make a decision on the type of surgery to have, they don't want to be made to feel like their choice may have been incorrect. I know it sounds odd, but when they have had success with 1 type - that seems to be the one that they will say works the best. Not necessarily true, it just worked for them. Let's face it, there are different types of WLS for different types of situations. If I had been honest, gastric bypass would have been probably the most logical choice for me given the type of eater I was, BUT, that being said, one thing that the Lap Band has done for me is CHANGE the way I eat and what I eat...something that gastric bypass may not have done. With gastric bypass, I don't think I would have changed my eating habits after the "honeymoon" period of being able to lose weight effortlessly and would have piled it right back on. I feel with the Lap Band, it has changed the way I eat, what I eat, and how I eat in a positive way. Will I stray from time to time, oh yes, I'm sure. That's my nature. And when I have, I've been able to reign it in, I don't gain as much as I would have without it, and I'm able to jump right back following the band rules immediately. I'm only 10 months out, still a relative newbie, but the Lap Band has taught me many things that the physicians and the literature don't tell you. They don't tell you that the band will change your mindset, but in my case, it was the tool that has allowed me to eat anything in moderation and be satisfied, and by being able to do that, has helped me overcome many of my food issues. All types of WLS have their purpose. It's just figuring out which one is right for you.
  15. You sound like your a little too tight...although you didn't say what is giving you the problem other than oatmeal. White meat chicken, dry meat, some fibrous vegetables tend to give bandsters problems. If you are eating slowly, small bites, waiting a little bit in between bites and still have problems, then it sounds like you need a bit of an unfill. Just a little can make a world of difference. Make sure you are able to drink enough fluids...SO important!
  16. emjay


    My doc was okay with taking the Motrin children's chewables and washing them down with water. Tylenol does nothing for a headache for me, it is either the Motrin or migraine meds that will resolve the problem. It sounds like physicians just don't want it sitting in your stomach for any length of time.
  17. emjay

    Size What to Size What?

    Size 28 at my highest to currently a size 12-14. Still a work in progress. I'd be thrilled to get to a 10...in a plateau right now!
  18. emjay

    Frozen Meals

    I have them in the freezer for quick & easy lunches, but many times it is a chore to eat them since many consist of some sort of Pasta. It can take me 45 minutes and try and eat about 3/4 of one, so I don't bother much. I try to limit too much "processed" food from my diet, but sometimes you just don't feel like preparing anything! Any they are handy! You may want to eat a smaller portion and load up on a small serving of cottage cheese or pudding fortified with an unflavored Protein to increase your protein intake. Just a thought!
  19. My "regular" workout is about 30-35 minutes on the elliptical and 20-25 minutes on the strength machines at the local Y about 3-4 days/week. On other days or when the weather is too crappy to go out, I pop in my Zumba CD, Leslie Sansone CD, or the Wii Fit, or the mini-elliptical we have at home to do that. The main thing is just get busy for 30-45 minutes moving! Dance, bundle up and get out walking, rollerskate, bowl...heck sweat to the oldies of you want, just move! I'm not an exercise nut, and I can be a bit of a sloth on some days, but I've tried to incorporate more activity in my lifestyle. Every little bit helps!
  20. You go girl! Take those pictures! It helps to validate your success!
  21. emjay

    FYI on Medic Alert Jewelry

    I got mine from: Free (ICE) In Case of Emergency Medical Alert Wallet Card. You just input the information and you can print it out and laminate it if you want. Or just leave it as is if your info changes frequently.
  22. emjay

    FYI on Medic Alert Jewelry

    I'm not sure you could get all that info on a small tag. This pretty much just sounds like an advertisement. I have a couple of bracelets with a tag, but I don't wear them that often. From what I understand, trained medical professionals are more apt to look at your drivers license and any information directly behind it, which is where I carry a free medical ID card I printed out from online that shows all my current meds, lap band, physician's name, etc. Much more information and....FREE!
  23. I have to take a picture of myself from time to time if I want to know what I actually look like, the mirror does nothing for me. It's amazing how your perception can be so distorted. When I "see" a picture, then I know what I look like, otherwise, I still feel like I'm heavier than I am. It helps.
  24. emjay

    Hit Goal....Now What!

    You should be really proud of yourself....a big pat on the back from me anyway! Just wanted to congratulate you...as long as you keep up your new habits you should do great! As far as maintaining, I'm not so sure I am in any position to give you advice, as every time I've lost weight and was never able to maintain it for any length of time. But you already got some good advice in previous posts like adding a snack or getting a slight unfill. Enjoy your success for again, congratulations!!!
  25. emjay

    I'm finally there

    Congratulations...you should be so proud of yourself!

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