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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by anotherteacher

  1. Almost 2 years out and as of today, 120 pounds lighter. A whole person lighter! Can you imagine! I am still amazed at how well this works!

    I am 46 but feel 26, I could not say that when I began my journey. I love my band, I call it Fred. Fred helps me feel full sooner and slaps me if I eat too much or too fast.

  2. I was banded in March of 2010. Would I do it again? Absolutely! Without any hesitation! After almost 2 years I have lost over 100 pounds, have gone from a size 24 to an 18 ( 16's are still a little tight), but those are not all. I can now breathe without huffing and puffing when walking from my car to the front door, I can't see my stomach sticking out further than my boobs, the big bump where my shoulders meet my neck is gone, my necklace actually reaches my chest and not just my neck, my snoring has almost stopped( it has certainly gotten quieter). I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Have I had any problems? medically - none. Operator error - yes. I still have to watch my chewing or I will get stuck. But that is it.

    I have absolutely NO regrets other than I should have done it along before. but I had to be in the right place mentally.

    As Jack said.... Life is good!

  3. Hi all, It is good to hear everyone is doing well. I am a little over 6 weeks out and had my first fill last Tuesday (total of 3 cc). For the first day or 2 I didn't feel any different. But since Friday I am only eating about 2 oz of Protein and sometimes 1/4 c of veggies. So I guess I do have restriction. Please someone please tell me does restriction feel like it did the first 2 weeks after surgery?? What I mean is... do you feel like you swallowed an icecube? I do and that is how I felt after surgery. Could someone describe how you feel with restriction?

    Otherwise I have been doing great! I have so much more energy now!! The weight loss has been great, my clothes are beginning to hang on me. I have started shopping my clothes I had outgrown. Oh yeah, and the hump on the back of my neck is gone!

    Have a great week everyone:thumbup:

  4. Me too!! I am 4 weeks post op and having upper back pain. I have been using a heating pad before bedtime. I too think it has a lot to do with the loss of weight and the reduced pressure on my back muscles. It hurts and is a little troublesome, but nothing compared to the way my back felt before my band!

  5. :) Well, here it is 1 day before my surgery.... I have to report to the hospital at 11:30 tomorrow and I can't wait. It seems like I have been waiting forever!

    I get very teary eyed thinking of this wonderful opportunity I have to finally feel in control of my eating. But more than that I have the opportunity to become healthy!

    Good luck to everyone having surgery tomorrow, I know there are a few of us. :)

  6. I have to say my pre-op will is strong also. Yes, the first 3 days were hard on many levels, but on the forth day things have gotten much easier. I am sooo ready for my surgery (3-10) that I look at this time as being a good prep for discipline and enjoying the 1 meal I get a day (5oz Protein and 2 c nonstarch vegetable). I have learned to savior each bite and enjoy the texture, feel and taste. Before, the satisfaction came from the look of a full plate, and the comfort I received from eating it all.

    I too have not cheated since beginning my preop diet, I have worked too hard for this opportunity!:(

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