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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by thisendisabeginning

  1. 12lbs isn't bad considering you're probably not getting all that much exercise in the first month while you're healing. I get a lot of exercise at work. I'm an environmental worker and some days I'm on my feet all day carrying equipment. I also am a fan of yoga which, if you've never done it, is a lot harder than it looks. I have to figure out how to get more non-employment related exercise too. Take up dog walking? Make money and get exercise?

    Never tried yoga before. hehehe. I've been exercising alot, the wounds doesn't really prevent me from "exercising hard". I sweat and speed walking on the spot really help me to exercise. Just no swimming and no hula hoops though for now heehee. I work out basically everyday for more than 30 minutes, average time 50 minutes per day.

    Just yesterday when I post my progress, these 2 days i'm stuck at 188. HAHA. o well. I always comfort myself that I've gotten this far on my own, cause i haven't got my first fill yet, but I will get it 2 weeks later. Hopefully I won't gain anything during these 2 weeks. :biggrin:

    I'm sitting basically all day at work, sometimes need to make a short walk to deliver this or fax that, but overall it's all computer. Lucky you, during working hours you can exercise, I bet you'll be very successful at sticking with "atleast 30 minutes a day" with your band !!

  2. hello all !

    How've you guys been doing?

    I'm 3 ish week post op. so far so good.

    Not losing alot, but not gaining. Since surgery on the 12th I've lost 12 pounds, but that is based on my continuous effort in low carbing. Haven't gotten my first fill yet. Scheduled to have one 2 weeks later.

    I'm having like issues to think what is the best way to exercise. I LOVE swimming but can't swim for another 3ish weeks. I wii fit, but I "speed walk" instead of "running on the spot" cause i absolutely hate running. Just wondering how do you guys exercise?

  3. So almost one week later... how's it going?

    Doing great ! :sneaky:

    Not much gas pain anymore, drinking Water / thicker liquids is good. I was even craving for some congee + dimsum !!! ( couldn't have any yet, i'm heading toward the puree stage )

    Looking forward to completely heal so I can actually exercise and keep fit !~~

    Booked early July for my first post-op check up ( supposedly 2 weeks, but i won't be free til first week July, so july it is). If I need a fill then I'll probably get a fill then. See how it goes...

    How are you??

    Why there are so limited Toronto ppl getting banded?!!

    Or they are just unaware there's a forum, or aware there's such procedure?? Hmm :wink:

  4. I'm in Toronto too! More specifically, North York I'm not schedulled to be banded until October through... I have a physical job and it's field season so I need those (cough cough flabby) stomach muscles without any holes.

    I'm going with CIBO as they're close to my house. I've been trying to find somebody who is not on CIBO's payroll to tell me what they liked and didn't like about their program. I considered SWLC in Mississauga but then I figured that with the travel time and time off work for appointments, I was better off at CIBO even if they are more expensive. One day we'll have to sit down and compare notes on the two places.

    Alex R & Onikenbai, today is the 3rd day I've been banded. Stillll adjusting to "drinking" or "sipping" liquids. Been walking everyday hoping to get those "shoulder pain" out of me. Nothing has come back up from the stomach, but it's still adjusting to swallow and wounds are trying to heal. :bored: I can only look forward that day by day it can get better.

    Onikenbai, I'm in markham. CIBO / SWLC is pretty much same distance for me, so I just went for the one that is a lil less. ( Whatever i can save i want to save :eek: ) haha

    Other than that, I've basically quoted from all places in Toronto that has lapband before I went with SWLC, I think what made me "didn't" consider CIBO was (1) no interactive forum (2) they took a couple days to reply my inquiry

    Other than this forum, I needed a place where I can talk to other patients that has real reviews from Dr's Nurse's that I'll be dealing with, so I can get more of a realistic expectation. It's like patients and patients from the same clinic can talk to each other if they want to ( instead of like, keeping them away from each other so even if there are complaints no one will know :wink2: ) Basically I think it takes certain amount of reputation before the clinic is "not worried" to have patients talking about everything they're doing out in public that could possibly affect "potential banders".

    And I mentioned they took several days to reply my inquiry, how quick and precise they can deliver info from here to there matters to me, what if i reallly needed help? :thumbup:

    I'm not on anyone's payroll, I'm still new to SWLC, but I've been very involved in our own forum and some-what involved here. So far I would say the Nursea and the Dr's has been extremely efficient and detailed, being carefully taken care of was the one thing I really really didn't have to worry about.

    I will be more involved eventually on this forum, afterall I'm officially a bandster. :blush: Just wanted to share why I "didn't" choose other clinics. Other than why I chose what I chose, remember to choose one that can follow up closely with your banded life because successful weight loss is 90% related to good care after the surgery. :smile2:

  5. Dear dear all !

    I was banded on the 12th. No puking or anything yet.

    Just feel realllly bad pain around my shoulders/neck.

    Today is the 2nd "official" day after my friday surgery, and whenever i drink ( Water or anything ) i feel really "full" or "bloated" or... "puffed up" stomach.

    I shower carefully with a towel and not actually "pour water" on top of my wounds. No crazy pain on the actual wounded area, but I am so worried how long this is going to take to heal before I can actually start EXERCISING and keep fit !

    Bad bad shoulder pain, haven't even have anything real to eat yet. 24 hours post op i only had Water, today I had some fat free sugar free yogurt and some soy beverage and my stomach feels and looks "puffed up" and whenever it feels like i want to burp it just gives me this "stuck" feeling around the chest area!

    WHATS WRONG WITH ME? :tongue_smilie:

  6. Hi all !!!

    Banded on Friday, since then I haven't puked or anything.

    But bad shoulder pain, and my stomach feels really.. "bloated".

    Too bad no monthly meeting in July / August when I'm new to this.

    I know it sucks not too much Torontonians around, but, at least there's this support group on yahoo groups ( Thanks to a couple previous posted people to let us aware there's such lap band yahoo group )

    And since Friday, I've not gained, but I haven't even dropped 0.1 pounds when I haven't had anything to eat or anything i could properly drink -___-" not even 0.1 pounds !!!

  7. oh, meant to add - I have lost 85 lbs. It would be nice to lose another 15, but honestly, if I never lose another pound, I am still happy. I still drop the occasional pound, but I feel that my weightloss is sustainable at this point.

    Hello hello ~~

    I bet it must have been a great great transformation and a decision worth EXCITELY SHOUTING for.:eek:

    But *shhh* , tell you something. Other than my parents no one I knew knew. Part of it is because I wanted to "surprise" them a year later, another part of it is, it's hard to go "drink crazy ( as in alcohol )" "eat crazy" and "spend so much time going to parties or karaoke" when I have to be VERY FOCUSED to exercise after work (9-5). And "other" reasons too. Sigh. :thumbup:

    You're like the only "close" person that "knows" i'm "going" to have a band. Haha, isn't it ironic? :thumbup: Don't want anyone close to me know I'm going to this LIFECHANGING surgery, yet posted this thread to see whether there's someone in Toronto that's "close" to me.

    I'm with SWLC, in mississauga. I reallllllllly want to lose 100 pounds, I should say I can't really imagine "going back to what I was" (or lighter). Haven't really "bonded" with anyone in SWLC yet, though I would consider myself moderately active in the forum. Great resource from other patients, I also look forward my banding experience to be a positive one.

    Actually, "hoping" to lose 100 pounds - I am even slightly "afraid" of it, cause... over the years I gained so much, so much stretch marks across my stomach ( not even red ones, they are all plain color now, even worst ). It bothers me to think to SPEND :eek: extra more on plastic surgery after this surgery. Sigh. Well one step at a time i guess.

    Ay, can you be my Mentor/buddy? :ihih:

    I tried to look at the "support" section for buddy/mentor, but sigh, none "near" me. I'll cheer you on for the rest of 15 pounds, and you'll cheer me on for my 100 pounds? :lol:HAHAHAHA sounds like a deal? hahahah

  8. I understand this is a scary time for you-- trust me, in that your first week you HAVE to follow the rules, take it easy, and keep those portions small. It'll be a lot easier than you think... I lost 12 lbs. my first week alone and it just starting falling from then. I was VERY doubtful that I was going to lose any weight at all, and then they said "Oh, think 100 lbs. lost, Rachel! You're not just going to lose weight, you're going to be a brand new person!" And I doubted. Then I lost. And my confidence skyrocketed, and I felt like I was released from this prison that I didn't even know I was in.

    It's a lot more dramatic of a change for people that are younger--- we put a lot more into our looks I think. Please keep up with the forum, and go to the support groups-- they will help immensely. Even though a lot more people getting the surgery are older (most of the people in my support groups were 40-50 years old), we're all human, and this is a lot easier conquered en masse than alone. Also, look to the support of your family to help you through it-- mine did a lot to help with my Portion Control and push me through the tough times.

    *Nodd nodd*

    Thankyou for your encouragement !

    Now I gotta think "100 pounds louise, I can do it!!" :thumbup:

    I'll try to keep up with the forum, just that there's not much ppl in my area, sigh. But I'll try to keep active on the forum!!

  9. If I were not totally sure the band is what I want, I would not be having surgery. To me, it is too drastic to do as anything but a last resort. For me (and I am much heavier than you) it is an issue of being a healthier person, not being a better looking one (not that I will mind that though).:)

    With that being said, if you excercise while you lose weight, that should help with the loose skin. However, the problem is still a possibility. As for the calves, I too have very muscular calves as I am short, therefore on my toes quite often. Also, I was a cheerleader for many years and built up lots of muscle in my calves and thighs both. Five years ago, I lost 100 pounds and the only part that suffered was my top inner thighs. No matter how solid you think (as I thought) your legs are, they will lose inches of fat, too.

    Good luck on your journey! I hope it will be all you want/expect/need.

    I am extremely certain the band is what I want. Thankyou for responding, I just wanted SOMEONE to just help me thinking more "positive" for a bit. You know, being fat really really made me go easily "negative" for all these years. ( But I just know there's this healthy optimistic person inside too :thumbup: )

    I am conscious how I look. I think meeting someone, or having someone to "consider" dating me needs to be able to atleast have the "impulse" of knowing me further and not just went away frightened of my looks. ( I warned you i'm negative ) I want to get healthier, and I want to look better. It's just as important, they both make me feel better. Knowing I "could" possibly lose "some" fat on my calves are a relief !!! :lol:

  10. Good luck to you on Friday!!! Do you have to do the liquid diet prior to surgery?? This is my 2nd. day and it has been a bit trying! I went into work at 1am this morning to cook breakfast for the night shift at 3am then did it for the day shift at 6:30am. AND I didn't take a bite of one thing!!!!! Yea, for me!!

    My plan for today is to make myself stay up as late as I can so maybe I will sleep in a little later tomorrow. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight is going to be the hardest part for me. So I figure if I can sleep until 8am, shower, dress and head to the hospital it will be better for me. Have to be at the hospital by 11:30am banding scheduled for 1:30pm!! I'll post again as soon as I am able!!

    Thanks to all once again!

    Yup, I have to be on a pre-op diet 2 weeks before surgery.

    For me it has been very difficult very very very difficult, 3 Protein Shakes per day plus veggies. I got sick of the shakes, so I only have about 1 or 2 shakes then lots of veggies ( bad bad, suppose to have 3 but I feel full and really got sick of the taste ). Very drawn to salty foods during the diet, correction, very drawn to ANY food. Pasta rice crackers anything. But each day cravings gets bigger, but also gets a bit easier seeing pounds come off and counting days (a couple more days to surgery). So cheers to you for hanging on !! Watch a movie or something so you don't have to find "staying up late" difficult ! :thumbup:

  11. On pre-op currently. Today is my 10th day. Surgery on Friday the 12th :) Only lost about 10ish pounds on my 10th day of pre-op diet ( and I've been exercising everyday ). So I was expecting to lose more :wink2:

    Oh well.

    I just have something I have to say just to LET IT OUT. :mad2:

    Despite how excited I am for the surgery, I feel very concerned and discouraged KNOWING of the very-likely-to-happen "side affects".

    Right now, yes. I'm fat. But with bra my breast are still "full" ( still a bit droopy thought since it got heavy/fat along with the weight i've been gaining the past few years ). But my thighs and everything, they're normal, and my arms - normal.

    But I have ALOT of stretch marks over my stomach and 18" THICK MUSCLE CALF ( I was very athletic before gaining weight, my calves are muscles, hard to lose muscle on calf! )!

    I just "know" after I lose 100 lbs ( if, i lost 100 lbs ) I'll have bad bad apron + bad bad boobies + no nice legs. :crying:

    It bothers me, to think of all the money and surgery ( and scars ) to go for plastic surgery to "shape" myself up and the "unchangable think calf" fact.

    So I can say, I'm excited to use lapband to lose weight, I'm excited to have this surgery. But I'm so discouraged knowing there's so many things to take care of after the surgery. And whether I can still afford anything after the surgery.

    I'm a bit of a split right now, excited, but, super super worried about what's "going to happen" afterwards.

    Yes one goal at a time, but, my mind always thinks further than it needs to be :thumbup:. Sigh, what should i do? Avoid thinking???!

  12. Sorry you are having such a hard time. I know everyone is different. I'll keep ya posted!! So the gas is from the surgery...I was thinking the other gas!! How funny is that?? I know many years ago when I had a Tubaligation I had a gas bubble that settled between my shoulder blades. At that time the doc suggested drinking a carbonated drink fast that would cause you to belch and believe it or not that helped. But I don't believe carbonated drinks right after surgery is OK. Thanks for the tip on the Gas X Strips, I would have never thought about that!

    Hey, I just saw your post.

    Knowing your surgery is tomorrow, wanted to cheer you on!! I feel like I'm just as excited as you !! Mine's on Friday.

    Good luck !! :thumbup:

  13. Hey all ~

    Here's another Newbie !!

    Current at 203.4lbs. At consultation ( with clothes and shoes on ) I weight 215lbs. The day before pre-op diet I weight 212lbs ( Just with undergarments - no shoes, in other words, i gained before pre-op ) Today is the 10 th into pre-op ( lost only about 10 pounds ).

    Goal weight is 100 - 105lbs.

    100 pounds to lose, OMG, that sounds crazy.

    So glad to find this 100lb club, good luck to everyone too !!! :thumbup:

  14. Hello! I'm also 24, and had the surgery almost 4 years ago now. I'm 120 lbs. down, and feel fabulous. They assured me that my skin would heal itself a lot faster because I'm young, and thus far it's been doing pretty well. I've got a bit of loose skin around my belly that I'd like to take care of, and that's how I wandered into this forum.

    Please please get this surgery if you are young. I got it done at 20 and it was the best decision of my life! I am a new person because of it, and probably added another 10 years onto my life. Feel free to e-mail me: rschmeling@discoveryworld.org

    hope this helps!


    I hope I will be as lucky as you.

    I have alot of stretch marks, and I have a really really think calf ( muscle calf ). Originally a compeititve swimmer, gained from 110ish to 215 (today).

    Will be having my surgery this Friday. I doubt my skin can heal on it's own. I'm 23, going to be 24 this year. Seeing so many stretch marks around my stomach area, I am so :thumbup: that it won't heal itself. And my breasts.. got so heavy over the years my breast are hanging down... Sigh. So depressing.

  15. During first consultation with clothes and shoes I weighted 215lbs. 5'2, so BMI around 40.

    Since the consultation I ate more knowing I will have a 2 week pre-op diet got me into the "last supper mode".

    So Before the pre-op diet, I was probably 212lbs ( with just basic undergarments bare feet )

    Started pre-op diet, up til now been 10 days, 4 more days to go to the big day. This morning I weight 203.4 ( again with just under garments )

    10 days, only lost 10 pounds, is that bad? Sigh.

    Hoping to reach 100lbs in 12 months.

    Sounds scary and impossible, but wow I'm amazed many ppl weight about 200lbs or less.

  16. I am getting bad headaches yesterday.

    I think I've screwed up the pre-op diet !

    I am suppose to have 3 Protein shakes per day plus max.250 calories of veggies.

    started pre-op on friday the 29th,

    On the first day, I had 2 Protein shake, i was too full, so I only had 2 Protein Shake.< /span>

    Sat, I also only had 2 Protein shake, too full, couldn't fit in the 3rd one.

    Sunday, I only had 1 protein shake, and some steam vegetables like Cabbage asparagus and mushrooms ( veggies total together less than 250calories combine ).

    Yesterday, 1 protein shake plus veggies.

    omg omg omg, what should I do?

    I just can't pour 3 protein shake per day. What should I do?

    I feel like I'm about to cheat to get some rice to chew on !

  17. Because I use food for more than nutrition.

    I have daily pain and food boosts something that gets rid of pain. So...

    When I hurt, I eat.:thumbup:

    When I get depressed, I eat.:smile2:

    When I Celebrate, I eat.:mad2:

    When I have anxiety, I eat.:smile2:

    When I can't sleep, I eat.:smile2:

    When I'm angry, I eat. :D

    when I'm anxious, I eat. :(

    When I'm bored, I eat. :)

    When I watch TV or go to the movies, I eat. :)

    Get the picture?

    :thumbup: TOTALLY !

    Used to be not overweight in school, never was "skinny", but used to be "healthy" and a competitive swimmer. But since I started working fulltime, eat out more often, alcohol nights and got heartbroken.. :smile2:

    I lost balance in exercising & eating.

    When I feel hurt, the more I don't like to look at myself...

    I eat to find comfort. :thumbup:

    Until I realize it, I've lost myself.

    In a span of 5 years, gained from 130ish to 220lbs...

  18. With clothes jackets shoes on I weight about 216. Without I am about 209-211 pounds. Height 5'1/5'2

    Goal: 110 pounds

    Need to lose 100 - 110 pounds

    Scheduled to get banded on June 12th :mad2:

    And I am so scared, because I always believe I have an ultimate strong "fat gene" and I don't know if I can ever get skinny. 110pounds is scary, my lowest was 130ish.

    Whoever else on the journey or about to start their weight loss surgery, let's cheer each other on !!! :D

  19. Scheduled to have surgery on June 12th.

    Meditrim (pre-op diet) on the 29th of this month.

    And God Damn it I cheated :mad2:

    Supposedly I should stop smoking from today the 12th. I knew this was coming, so I purposely had more yesterday, but today I feel like it's on the 12th I can cheat a lil bit. But sigh, I feel so bad, I had craving and in the end i had 2 full "120 Capri" cigarettes :(

    I am an occasional smoker. I smoke none a day, or if i feel stressful i'll have up to 3 a day. ( unless i'm drinking i have alot more ) But I know I can handle the alcohol issue though i loveee drinking ( I don't drink beer, but i love cocktails shooters bicardi pineapple :D ), but I overestimated myself for smoking.

    Hope to meet people that had gone through "quitting smoking phase" and looking for a companion to "not smoke" together.

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