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Posts posted by CantB2noty

  1. Speaking of ports hurting.. As I've said I am only today a week outta surgery, but this was funny....

    Last night we were at our friends' house. Their kitchen table is a little thing with booth type bench seating around it, like at a restuarant. I was sliding around the table to make room for someone else to sit down and visit, when I accidentially all but buried the table corner to my spine on the port incision.. :crying: I turned every color of the rainbow, cursed enough to make a sailor blush, took 5 minutes for the birdies to quite circling my head in pain and agony.. Everyone stopped and held their breath to see if I was gonna need an ambulance or LOTS of pain pills.... Finally one of our male friends pipes up .... "Thank god there is a woman in this world that can experience being racked!!!" :frown: My port is right side, about 3 inch slightly off center of my belly button.

    I laughed so darn hard after that!! Seriously, I am pretty sure that I have never had an incision as uncomfortable as this one...

  2. ggggrrrrrrr.....really? Belittling, degrading intelligence of others, etc etc isnt an in your face attitude.. Its mean and it hurts... And I struggle to think that ANYONE would think that this arguement on this post was close to appropriate...

    My original point was taken by a precious few...The underlying point here isnt if HH is an a** or a sweetheart, right or wrong.... Its about arguing on a post where a person was looking for opinions, thoughts and fact to help her make a decision.. I am very sure she got that info from this post, if the poor thing ever signs back onto LBT as this was her first post!!!!!!!

  3. I was just wondering if ANYONE has considered the fact that the OP, Saber, came her looking for peoples OPINIONS and experiences with either banding or bypass to help her make a decision. Instead she got people arguing the finer points of weight loss surgery, mudslinging and subtle name calling and whatever else you want to throw into the mix. Instead of being adults and agreeing to disagree, it just continued!!! If people have a misconceived notion about one type of surgery or another, speaking down to them,making them feel ignorant, etc etc isnt the way to get them to listen. Neither is calling names. Really, I feel sorry for Saber. She just wanted help, and she found some acting like 2 years not sharing their toys. If this is a place for help and support, so stop being aggressive, talking down, name calling and actually offer support. Funnily enough, I have seen this before in other threads and it was the same ones entangled. I would love to know what support and information Saber was able to take from your arguements.

    Now, you can all blast me if you want, thats fine. I came to this site for support, help and information, becuz i know no one that has a band. You do not have to agree with everyone, you can disagree and argue your point with respect and kindness. If you cant do that, then prehaps there is another avenue where you can disspell your own personal negative feelings: such as a PM to the person you are arguing with......

    Just my opinion......:)

  4. I'm 6 days out and my port is killing me, though no pulling sensation. However, the pain isnt bad enough to be taking my lortab, I am only taking tylenol. I did a bad today, I soaked that incision in my bath today and then iced it down. After my bath, I cleaned the incision really well with peroxide and then replaced the steri-strips. My incision looks really good and is closed and I had my friend who is a corpsman look at it before I did this. I know it was wrong, but it hurt and was so irritated, something had to change. It feels so much better....

    I am not saying to do this. Definately call your doc if you feel something is major wrong, otherwise I would say try icing. When I had my hysterectomy 2 years ago, I woke up in recovery with my tummy covered in icepacks and I healed so well and was so much more comfortable...

  5. K, so I was only banded on Friday, but you are right, that darn port incision is miserable. None of my others hurt except for the one by my bra strap and that only hurts when my bra rubs it. However, I did a big no-no today. Soaked in the hot tub and iced it, feels sssssoooooo much better. Yes, I replaced the steri-strips, but it hurt so darn much!!!

    Love my ice pack and have since surgery day. Helps with the pain, but also the swelling and inflamation thats making the pain. I am now only takign Tylenol for pain...

    Hope this helps...

  6. Hey Army, I am a fellow military wife, but my dh is Navy. I just had my surgery on Friday and couldnt resist answering you since I am newly banded. First, I chose the band becuz I didnt want the complications associated with bypass. For some reason, to me, the complications with banding just seem less scary. And I suppose thats mostly becuz my stomache and intestines arent being cut and rerouted. While I know I need to make good, healthy choices in my food with the band, I worried that making bad choices with food would really effect my health moreso with a malabsorbtive procedure. I am sure that there are those that would argue this point, but the question asked was my opinion, not fact. At this point after surgery, I am not completely pain free, but I am only pretty darn sore and tender at the port incision...

    Having experienced military doctors myself for my hysterectomy at Tripler in Hawaii, I was impressed with my doctors. Really knew their stuff, did a good job and even had a bedside manner, which can be rare in military docs.. My doc, a civilian as there isnt enough room at the militaqry treatment facility for dependants, is good, he doesnt have a good bedside manner. I would have to ask how much is the co-pay? It shouldnt be much as there is currently no doc available for surgery. And the thing with waiting until he comes back from deployment, is he will want to take leave, be booked and busy beyond belief. Can you afford the co-pays, which really shouldnt be all that much.

    After surgery I had no complications other than a nice temporary bout of being nauseous. A shot of phenagren and a nap took care of that. I was in alot of pain also when I woke up but some lortab took the pain from 7ish to 2-3. After that when it was time for meds again, my pain was only 4-5, really just sore as crude. My last "complication" of sorts is right now, coming into bandster hell. i am hungry and starving, sick of Jello and broth and popsicles, but i am stuck here until next week when I can start mushies.. This is worse that anything else, lol!

    I am happy with my surgery and with my choice. The only moments regret I had is when I woke up in recovery and I was urpy and in pain.. But I have now lost 20 lbs since almost 3 weeks ago when i started the pre-op SF/FF clear liquid diet plus 3 Protein shakes a day. Now thats something to make me smile!!!

  7. I was just googling things yesterday as I get to start mushies next week. I have a horrid sweet tooth but am more than happy to subsitute my calorie ladden desserts for a simpler sugar free version. I found tons of recipes, but I found a few at bariatriceating.com.. A recipe for pumpkin custard, crustless, sugar free sounde supper yummy. They even had a recipe for watergate salad on there.. The best thing is many of the recipes are called to be made in individual ramakins, which would really help on the portion size..

    Hope it helps, pm me if you would just like me to give the recipes I found...... I completely understand the need to make a dessert....:thumbup:

  8. Restless, no, I am not a saint..I thought I was being tricky in asking for something allowed thinking I would get that...darn evil people, Water through a STRAW only day of surgery.. But I got my jabs in...

    Hubby came back to see me in recovery and to tell me he was taking the kids home while they got me up to my room and I got a little nap.. He also asked me what I wanted him to bring me from home..as he was leaving I also asked him to bring me a big mac, large fries, xlarge soda.. The poor little nurse's eyes bugged out "OMG, you cant eat that you will bust your band!!!!!!!!!!!!" she shreeked at me.. I laughed so darn hard.... :thumbup: Then she comes up to me and tells me my Big Mac eating days are over. Which I nicely replied that no, I shouldnt eat the bread and probably not the lettuce, but the meat was fine and the sauce on the side would.. she rolled her eyes and walked away, lol!!!:biggrin:

  9. I'm there with you, I woke up from surgery looking for some broth of all things, cuz I was so hungry. I am getting my Protein also, about 75 mg daily, and drinking and drinking and drinking.. still hungry...:smile2:

    As I sip my lemonade, I am not tricking my brain into believing this is my food for now....

    August 6th I start mushies, and let me tell you, its gonna be a mushie banquet! lol

  10. I have had several tummy area surgeries and suffered gas pains each time, along with intense incision pain. This worked GREAT for me...

    1. sitting in a rocking chair and rocking gently..helps move the gas along and out one way or another....

    2. ice pack on incisions.. they did this to me after my hysterectomy, more relief from the ice pack than the pain meds...

    I was just banded in Friday and am feeling pretty good, tommorrow is day 3, so we will see I guess...

    Time for me to go ice my port incision...:thumbup:

  11. Hey Y'all!! I was banded on Friday the 24th. Wow, what a difference I feel! I had to stay the night in the hospital for reasons unknown to anyone, except maybe my doctor, he just said people with medical problems have to stay, but didnt elaborate on said medical problems. My doc, while VERY GOOD, happens to have the bedside manner of a lamp post. Oh well, a night to rest away from the kids wasnt such a bad thing.

    I have been feeling so tired since surgery. If you quit talking to me i go to sleep! I think its the combination of lack of nutrients and the pain meds. The pain isnt horrible, but the port sight is pretty sore. I am still taking the lortab, however, its getting further and further apart. I love putting an ice pack on the incision, it really helps the soreness and swelling. I have no regrets and am amazed how little I eat right now, I know its becuz of the swelling and all but seriously, the last time I ate that little and was happy was when I was a baby!!!

    So anyways, best of luck to all still waiting!!! Be strong and have faith that you have made the right choice!!!

  12. When the she-devil tried to get this draw she missed and then started to twist and dig the needle around trying to find it!!! She hit my nerve, which made me jump and bounced the needle right outta my arm and then started bellering at me for jumping!!!!! :lol: I told her she isnt getting another chance, she needed to go find someone else. She decided I was a hard stick and just put the pulse/ox monitor on my fingertip. Oxygen level was fine! When I suggested in the future they should use the monitor and then if the levels seem bad, trying taking blood then, that irritated her even more.. :)

    For whatever its worth, I only had to have this done because I have asthma...

  13. I posted this in pre-op section and then thought, jee I'm stupid, I posted that in the wrong area... Must be the brain fog from the clear liquid diet.. :)

    So I was wondering if getting the hiatal hernia repaired while getting banded cause additional discomfort after surgery? I have a small impacted one, whatever that means...

    Secondly, I also was diagnosed with under active thyroid but my surgeon doesnt want me on meds to see if weight loss will kick it back in gear. My number was 16.48, so its really not functioning at all. I was wondering how this affected weight loss even with the band?


  14. I got my approval in less than 48 hours, I knew before the doctor did that I was approved... I didnt have classes to attend other than meeting with the dietician, so I guess that was paid as a bill didnt show up here, lol!

    Tricare, in my opinion, when you are overweight and meet their quals, is a no brainer for approval. When I first started this process and told them I had Tricare, I was told approval was pretty much a guarentee..

  15. So I was wondering if getting the hiatal hernia repaired while getting banded cause additional discomfort after surgery? I have a small impacted one, whatever that means...

    Secondly, I also was diagnosed with under active thyroid but my surgeon doesnt want me on meds to see if weight loss will kick it back in gear. My number was 16.48, so its really not functioning at all. I was wondering how this affected weight loss even with the band?


  16. I really love my Twin Labs 100% Whey Protein Fuel. It has 50 grams of Protein in it in a 12 oz shake when mixed with Water. I mix mine with fat free skim milk. The chocolate tastes like cold hot chocolate and the vanilla like a milkshake. I dont think its gritty at all and there is none of the horrid aspiriny after taste... I've tried the Walmart one and also Muscle Milk light pre-made: hated the after taste big time...

    My neighbor tried it tonight as she needs to gain weight :) and she even liked it... and she hates them all also

    My fave way to make it is with 1 1/2 cups of milk, full scoop of powder and 4-5 frozen strawberries.

  17. Hey! I havent been banded yet, but am scheduled for the 24th. First, dang you got the rotten end of the stick, huh? I have had 3 abdominal surgeries and thought maybe I could help.

    1)walk walk walk and eat Gas X. The combo really helped me with my hysterectomy. Also, rubbing my tummy gently in a circle with slight pressure really helped chase those darn air bubbles around and out. I was a great source of amusement to DH for all the wriggling and squirimin around to pass such a little amount but get such HUGE relief.. MEN!:smile2:

    2) I used cocoa butter creme on my tummy during my pregnancy and every surgery since. While my scars are not invisable, they healed with no scar tissue bumps on the incision, they just look like a light red line. Plus my skin is nice and soft. I lost 70 lbs bout 3 years ago and had no hanging skin and am apple shaped.

    3) I eat big huge bites of food and gulp not only liquids but food. I got myself some toddler silverware and a cute little salad plate to eat off of. Might look crazy when I start eating off of it, but darn it, I will learn to eat smaller bites.. And I am positive I will look crazier running to the bathroom gagging :biggrin:

    I hope something, anything I said helps you. Tis a miserable time right now, but it will get better.... :thumbup:

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